
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 大家好,我是 (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo。
David: And we are here with series 1, lesson 7 in our Elementary set.
Echo: 第七课。(Dì qī kè.)
David: Yeah. This is perfect for you. You’ve already got some basic Mandarin under your belt and you want to push yourself to the next level.
Echo: 没错!(Méi cuò!)
David: Now we’ve got a dialogue which is great. So we are going to go on to that in a moment. Before we do though, we want to remind you of something. Echo
Echo: Don’t forget to leave us comments if you have any suggestions, questions anything.
David: Right. Just come to the site. We’ve got teachers here in Beijing who are going to answer all of your questions and so come on to the site. Give us a visit and now let’s go on to the dialogue.
Echo: Let’s go.
哎呀,这只小狗好可爱呀!(āiya, zhè zhī xiǎogǒu hǎo kě'ài ya!)
是啊,它的主人一定很骄傲。(shì a, tā de zhǔrén yīdìng hěn jiāoào.)
这不是你的狗吗?(zhè bù shì nǐ de gǒu ma?)
当然不是。它是我借的。(dāngrán bù shì. tā shì wǒ jiè de.)
借的?(jiè de?)
对啊,我用它来和女人搭讪。(duì a, wǒ yòng tā lái hé nǚrén dāshàn. z)
这样有用吗?(hèyàng yǒuyòng ma?)
当然有用了,今天上午你是第六个。(dāngrán yǒuyòng le, jīntiān shàngwǔ nǐ shì dì liù ge.)
A: My God! This little puppy is really cute!
B: That's right. His owner must be very proud.
A: This isn't your dog?
B: Of course it's not mine. I borrowed him.
A: You're borrowing it?
B: Yep, I use the pup to strike up conversations with girls.
A: Is that useful?
B: Of course, it's useful. You're number sixth just this morning.
David: Everyone loves puppies and kittens. Kittens are good too.
Echo: But I prefer 小狗 (Xiǎo gǒu) instead of 小猫。(Xiǎo māo.)
David: And we are going to go into the vocabulary section now. So in case you missed any of these words, we will remind you of them. So Echo, why don’t you take us away with that.
Echo: Okay.
David: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 只 (zhī)
David: Measure word for animals.
Echo: 只,只 。(zhī, zhī.)
Echo: 小狗 (xiǎogǒu)
David: Puppy.
Echo: 小狗,小狗。好(xiǎogǒu, xiǎogǒu. hǎo)
David: Very.
Echo: 好,好。可爱 (hǎo, hǎo. kě ài)
David: Cute.
Echo: 可爱,可爱。主人 (kě ài, kě ài. zhǔrén)
David: Owner.
Echo: 主人,主人。骄傲 (zhǔrén,zhǔrén. jiāoào)
David: Proud.
Echo: 骄傲,骄傲。当然 (jiāoào, jiāoào. dāngrán)
David: Of course.
Echo: 当然,当然。借 (dāngrán, dāngrán. jiè)
David: To borrow or to lend.
Echo: 借,借。搭讪 (jiè, jiè. dāshàn)
David: To chat up.
Echo: 搭讪,搭讪。第 (dāshàn, dāshàn. dì)
David: A number suffix.
Echo: 第,第。(dì, dì.)
David: And we are back with the vocab section where we go into greater detail about all of these exciting words and the first one is one you may not have run into. It’s a measure word for animals.
Echo: 只 (zhī), Actually this is the most common measure word for animals.
David: Yeah. So we might say for instance a cat.
Echo: 一只猫。(Yī zhǐ māo.)
David: Or a dog.
Echo: 一只狗。(Yī zhǐ gǒu.)
David: A hedgehog.
Echo: 一只刺猬。(Yī zhǐ cìwèi.)
David: And we use this for birds too right?
Echo: 一只鸟。(Yī zhǐ niǎo.)
David: Okay. Our next vocab point concerns a new adverb.
Echo: 好 (hǎo)
David: Yeah this should be familiar because it’s the same 好 (hǎo) as in 你好 (Nǐ hǎo) right?
Echo: Exactly.
David: But here it’s not an adjective meaning good. We are using it as an adverb.
Echo: It’s an adverb.
David: Right. What’s the sentence in our dialogue?
Echo: 这只小狗好可爱呀!(zhè zhī xiǎogǒu hǎo kě'ài ya!)
David: So it’s meaning exactly the same thing as
Echo: 这只小狗很可爱。(Zhè zhǐ xiǎo gǒu hěn kě'ài.)
David: Right. So
Echo: 好 (hǎo)
David: Means the same thing as
Echo: 很 (Hěn)
David: Yep. Its usage is from Southern China. I think it started in Taiwan mostly.
Echo: I think so.
David: Yeah.
Echo: And it is a bit – a little bit girly.
David: Yeah it’s a bit feminine. So if you are a woman, you can use it. If you are a guy and you said, depending on what you are saying, it might sound a bit strange. You’ve got some sentences for us Echo right?
Echo: Yes 他好帅呀!(Tā hǎo shuài ya!)
David: Umm he is really cute or handsome.
Echo: Handsome.
David: He is really handsome.
Echo: 我好喜欢学中文呀!(Wǒ hǎo xǐhuān xué zhōngwén ya!)
David: I really like to study Chinese.
Echo: Especially with CC101.
David: So here we are sticking it in front of cute. 可爱 (kě ài)
Echo: 可爱 (kě ài)
David: But we also saw you stuck it in front of a regular verb to like 好喜欢 (Hǎo xǐhuān)
Echo: 喜欢 (Xǐhuān)
David: Yep okay. Let’s move on. The next word we want to call your attention to is a verb.
Echo: 借 (jiè)
David: And in the dialogue we heard this.
Echo: 它是我借的。(tā shì wǒ jiè de.)
David: Umm what’s interesting about this verb is that it has two meanings. And they are exactly the opposite.
Echo: Yes both to borrow and to lend.
David: That doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t make any sense.
Echo: That makes a lot of sense. It means Chinese is so easy.
David: You know, it means Chinese uses the same word for two things that are completely the opposite. It depends on the context. So you got to listen to the context for this one. We’ve got some example sentences. Echo.
Echo: 我可以借你的自行车吗?(Wǒ kěyǐ jiè nǐ de zìxíngchē ma?)
David: Can I borrow your bike?
Echo: 他借我一些钱。(Tā jiè wǒ yīxiē qián.)
David: He lent me some money. Hey that’s actually pretty easy.
Echo: Exactly. Depends on how you use it. Depends on the situation.
David: Yeah and our last vocab item here is a numeral suffix.
Echo: 第 (Dì)
David: Yeah for instance in English, we might want to say the first, the second. We are counting stuff. In Chinese, we just put this in front of numbers.
Echo: Yes. Actually I use it in front of every lesson…
David: Right.
Echo: It’s like…
David: This is the seventh lesson.
Echo: 第七课。今天我们学第七课。(Dì qī kè. Jīntiān wǒmen xué dì qī kè.)
David: Today we are studying the seventh lesson.
Echo: 第二个星期天是母亲节。(Dì èr gè xīngqítiān shì mǔqīn jié.)
David: The second Sunday is Mother’s Day.
Echo: Uhoo don’t forget it.
David: That’s a pretty tough sentence for Elementary students I think.
Echo: I will repeat it once again: 第二个星期天是母亲节。(Dì èr gè xīngqítiān shì mǔqīn jié.)
David: So let’s just do a quick count. First,
Echo: 第一 (Dì yī)
David: Second
Echo: 第二 (Dì èr)
David: Third
Echo: 第三 (Dì sān)
David: Fourth
Echo: 第四 (Dì sì)
David: Fifth
Echo: 第五 (Dì wǔ)
David: Sixth
Echo: 第六 (Dì liù)
David: Seventh
Echo: 第七 (Dì qī)
David: Eighth
Echo: 第八 (Dì bā)
David: Ninth
Echo: 第九 (Dì jiǔ)
David: Tenth
Echo: 第十 (Dì shí)
David: 11th, 12th, 13th…okay.
Echo: Come on, I know you are enthusiastic.
David: Okay. So that’s our vocab section. Today we got four important words and phrases we want you to remember. The first is the measure word for animals.
Echo: 第一:只 (Dì yī: Zhǐ)
David: Right as in a cat.
Echo: 一只猫 (Yī zhǐ māo)
David: Or in the lesson we had a puppy.
Echo: 一只小狗 (Yī zhǐ xiǎo gǒu)
David: Yep. We taught you a relatively feminine way of saying very.
Echo: 第二个词:好 (Dì èr gè cí: Hǎo)
David: As in very cute.
Echo: 好可爱 (Hǎo kě'ài)
David: We taught you a verb that means both borrow and lend.
Echo: 第三:借 (Dì sān: Jiè)
David: And finally we taught you how to add something to your numbers to make them kind of countable.
Echo: 最后我们学了“第” (Zuìhòu wǒmen xuéle “dì”)
David: Right as in #5.
Echo: 第五 (Dì wǔ)
David: Great. Let’s move on to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

David: We’ve got one really simple grammar point for today. Echo, what is it?
Echo: 用...来。(Yòng... Lái.)
David: Right it’s this pattern where we have the verb
Echo: 用 (Yòng)
David: And then we say something the thing, the object we are talking about using and then we follow it up with
Echo: 来 (Lái) In order to.
David: Yeah. Give us an example.
Echo: In the dialogue, we have the sentence 我用它来和女人搭讪。(Wǒ yòng tā lái hé nǚrén dāshàn.)
David: I use it in order to with women kind of chat. How about another sentence?
Echo: 我用这个来做饺子。(Wǒ yòng zhège lái zuò jiǎozi.)
David: I use this to make dumplings. So what’s interesting is the use of 来 (Lái) there because it’s used in the situation where you are using the object in order to achieve some kind of aim or goal right?
Echo: 没错!(Méi cuò!) And you can always omit it.
David: Right. Second point. Sometimes people will drop the 来. (Lái.)
Echo: 大家用CC01学中文。(Dàjiā yòng CC01 xué zhōngwén.)
David: Right. Using ChineseClass101 in order to study Chinese. And in the dialogue, it would then be what? It would be
Echo: 我用它和女人搭讪。(Wǒ yòng tā hé nǚrén dāshàn.)
David: Right. Now before we close the grammar section, we want to point out that this is a general pattern that we will run into with lot of verbs. For instance, we can use it with a verb to borrow.
Echo: We will learn this word today. 借...来 (Jiè... Lái)
David: For instance
Echo: 他借钱来买书。(Tā jiè qián lái mǎishū.)
David: He borrowed money to buy a book.
Echo: 我借了自行车来用。(Wǒ jièle zìxíngchē lái yòng.)
David: And you can drop the 来 there as well right?
Echo: 我借了自行车用。(Wǒ jièle zìxíngchē yòng.)
David: Okay. And then we’ve got one more verb we want to pull up as an example. You are going to run into this a lot especially if you’ve kids.
Echo: Yeah 拿 (Ná)
David: To take.
Echo: 他拿妈妈的钱来花。(Tā ná māmā de qián lái huā.)
David: Umm he took…
Echo: He yes…
David: He took his mother’s money and…
Echo: To spend.
David: In order to spend it.
Echo: And another very Chinese saying is 你拿什么来还钱?(Nǐ ná shénme lái hái qián?)
David: Umm that’s a good one. It’s you are taking what in order to pay you back…
Echo: To pay back my money. Yeah.
David: Yeah.
Echo: And you can always put 什么 (Shénme) after 拿 (Ná)
David: Yeah and you can put 什么 (Shénme) after all of these 用,借, 拿...(Yòng, jiè, ná...)
Echo: Yeah but 拿...来 (Ná... Lái) is kind of set phrase.
David: Okay and that brings us to the end of the grammar section. Now before we close for the day, we want to remind you of something Echo.
Echo: 欢迎大家都用CC101来学中文!(Huānyíng dàjiā dōu yòng CC101 lái xué zhōngwén!)


David: Right. We want to invite you all to use CC101 to learn Chinese and more than that, come to the site. Check out some of the premium content that we’ve got there. We’ve got writing exercises, we’ve got flashcard and tools. Exactly the kind of stuff that’s going to really help this stick in your brain.
Echo: 没错!(Méi cuò!)
David: It makes it a lot more effective than just listening alone.
Echo: 没错!(Méi cuò!)
David: So from Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo。
David: And thank you for listening. We hope to hear from you and we hope you have a great week.
Echo: 下次见!(Xià cì jiàn!)
David: Bye bye.


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