Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hello, guys! welcome to Top 25 Chinese Phrases. Hi, my name is Bao Yuting. It is the first time to see you here. Nice to meet you!
1. 你好 (nǐ hǎo) Hello
你好 (nǐ hǎo) is the most common way. First time, 你好,你好,请多多关照。(nǐhǎo, nǐhǎo, qǐng duōduō guānzhào.)
The more casual way to say 你好 (nǐ hǎo) is 嘿 (hēi). And just like this, you meet your friends, you can say 嘿,去哪儿啊? (hēi, qù nǎr ā?)
2. 对不起 (duì bù qǐ) Sorry
Oh sorry, could you tell me where is the toilet? 对不起,请问一下厕所在哪里?(Duìbuqǐ, qǐngwèn yīxià cèsuǒ zài nǎlǐ?)
3. 谢谢 (xiè xiè) Thank you. You like my video? 谢谢 (xiè xiè)!
4. 早安 (zǎo ān) Good morning
早安,早上好,早。(zǎo ān, zǎoshang hǎo, zǎo.)
5. 晚安 (wǎn ān) Goodnight
晚安 (wǎn ān), goodnight.
6. 太好了 (tài hǎole) Great
We will be going to Hawaii for this holiday, yay! 耶,太好了。(yē, tài hǎole.) Great
7. 哪有 (nǎ yǒu) That’s not true
Yuting, you are so beautiful, 哪有,哪有。(nǎyǒu, nǎyǒu.) I am flattered, but in my heart, hahaha, You are right, I am beautiful.
8. 加油 (jiā yóu) go for it.
When you friend is racing for competition, you can say 加油!加油! (jiā yóu! jiā yóu!) go for it, go for it, go, go, go!
9. 放心 (fàng xīn) Don’t worry
Yuting, today there is nobody that can cook for our dinner, don’t worry, I will cook it. 放心吧,包在我身上。(fàngxīn ba , bāo zài Wǒ shēn shàng.) Actually, I don’t know how to cook.
10. 干嘛呢 (gàn má ne) What’s up?
嘿,老王,干嘛呢?一会儿去喝茶呀。(hHēi, Lǎo Wáng , gànmá ne? yīhuìr qù hēchá yā.) What’s that? You say you want to drink a tea with me? Okay.
11. 好吃 (hǎo chī) delicious.
My favorite food, Peking duck. Do you like 北京烤鸭 (Běijīng kǎoyā)?
Peking duck. 好吃 (hǎo chī) yummy, delicious!
12. 随便你 (suí biàn nǐ) up to you
今晚我请客。随便你吃什么。 (jīnwǎn wǒ qǐngkè. suíbiàn nǐ chī shénme.) I will treat you dinner. What you eat is up to you, yeah!
13. 放弃 (fàng qì) Give up.
Please don’t give up your dream forever. 请千万不要放弃你的梦想。(qǐng qiānwàn bùyào fàngqì nǐ de mèngxiǎng.) Yeah you can do it
14. 好的 (hǎo de) Okay
Actually in my generation, all the friends will say “okay” instead of 好的 (hǎo de). So you can just use okay, like this. Could you come here please, 好的 (hǎo de), Okay.
Could you please help me pass this water? 好的 (hǎo de), Okay.
15. 没什么 (méi shén me) Not much
And also for this phrase, you can also use 没事的 (méishì de), it’s like, thank you so much for your help 没事的 (méishì de), it doesn’t matter, it’s not that much. And also like this, Ah so sorry, I am late again. 啊,没事的 (ā, méishì de) it’s not that much.
16. 我们走吧 (wǒmen zǒu ba) Let’s go.
When you sit in the restaurant and you just finish it and you can say that to your friends 我们走吧 (wǒmen zǒu ba) let’s go.
17. 怎么样 (zěnme yàng) How about it?
Ah it’s beautiful. 怎么样,你喜欢吗?(zěnmeyàng, nǐ xǐhuān ma?) How about it, do you like it?
18. 我想… (wǒ xiǎng…) I want…
Oh my watch is broken. I want to buy a new one 我想买一块新表。(Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī kuài xīn biǎo.)
19. 没完没了 (méi wán méi liáo) There is no end to this
I’m my mother now… you must study hard and then you can go to the good college. Then you can marry a good man and then you can have a beautiful baby and then your baby can go to the good college and your baby can have a good marriage and your baby can have a good career… 我妈妈说起来没完没了。(Wǒ māma shuō qǐ lái méiwánméiliǎo.)
20. 我的妈呀 (wǒ de mā ya) Oh my god.
For my generation, the most common way is to say “oh my god!”
Is it spicy? I haven’t tried it. 我的妈呀,好辣呀! (Wǒ de mā yā, hǎo là yā!) Oh my god, it’s so spicy!
Ambulance! 救护车! (jiùhùchē)
21. 好有趣 (hǎo yǒuqù) It’s so interesting.
Ah, it’s so interesting, 好有趣。(hǎo yǒuqù.) come here, come here.
22. 肚子饿了 (dù zi è le) I’m hungry.
怎么还不下课呀,肚子饿了。 (zěnme hái bù xiàkè ya, dùzi èle.) I am so hungry.
23. 好撑 (hǎo chēng) I am so stuffed.
Ah, I am so stuffed! 好撑呀,吃太多了。(hǎo chēng yā, chī tài duō le.) Just kidding!
24. 我喜欢 (wǒ xǐ huān) I like it
哦,我喜欢,一醒来,有你在身旁。(ò, sǒ xǐhuān, yī xǐnglái, yǒu nǐ zài shēn páng.) Oh, this song is so romantic.
25. 再见 (zàijiàn) Bye; Goodbye.
But most casual way to say is 回见 (huí jiàn).
回见了,您呐。 (huí jiànle, nín nà.)
Okay that’s all! We did the top 25 Chinese phrases today. What’s your favorite phrase? My favorite phrase is 好吃 (hǎo chī). Trust me, it’s very common and very, very useful. Thanks for watching. Please subscribe. Thank you, see you next time.

