Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi! Welcome to ChineseClass101.com. I’m Rui. Today, I’m happy to be here and share with you 5 sentence patterns for beginners.
1. 我的名字是... (Wǒ de míngzi shì...) "My name is..."
For example - 我的名字是张华。怎么称呼您呢? (Wǒ de míng zi shì Zhāng huá. Zěnme chēnghu nín ne?) "My name is Zhang Hua. How shall I call you?"
Or the simple one - 我的名字是张华。你呢?(Wǒ de míng zi shì Zhāng huá. Nǐ ne?) 你呢?(Nǐ ne?) “How about you?” What about your name? 你呢?(Nǐ ne?). 你呢?(Nǐ ne?) is so useful in Chinese like I ordered coke. 你呢?(Nǐ ne?) “How about you?” What do you want to order? I like Japanese sake. 你呢?(Nǐ ne?) “What do you like?”. I like Japanese sake. 你呢?(Nǐ ne?) “What about you? What do you like?”. I like cats. 你呢?(Nǐ ne?) 我喜欢猫。你呢? (Wǒ xǐhuān māo. Nǐ ne?) So 你呢?(Nǐ ne?) means “How about you?”. My name is Zhang Hua. 呢?(Nǐ ne?) “What about your name?” What is your name?
2. 我来自… (Wǒ láizì…) "I am from..."
我来自… (Wǒ láizì…) "I am from..." usually means I was born in where… 我来自… (Wǒ láizì…) “I’m from…”
For example - 我来自北京。 (Wǒ láizì Běijīng.) "I am from Beijing." I was born in Beijing. It means maybe I was born in Beijing, but I grew up in Shanghai. It could be like that. I’m from Beijing or it’s based on your own definition of your hometown. Maybe, you were born in Beijing, but you define yourself as Shanghainese or you define yourself as a Tokyoite. It also depends on yourself. 我来自哪里(Wǒ láizì nǎli.). You feel like where you’re from. I think it’s more than this. It’s so hard for you to say where you’re from like I have people who are around me spend 10 years in Beijing,10 years in Los Angeles, 10 years in Tokyo so sometimes it could be very confusing to define where you’re from.
The third sentence pattern is...
3. ...在哪里? (...zài nǎli?) "Where is...?"
So this is sentence pattern for you to ask about the location. It could be the location of a place or the location of a person.
For example - 公共汽车站在哪里? (Gōnggòng qìchē zhàn zài nǎ li?) "Where's the bus stop?"
Or if you want to ask one person’s location - Where is Zhang Hua? 张华在哪里? (Zhāng huázài nǎli?) “Where is Zhang Hua?”; “Where is Rui?” Rui在哪里? (Rui huázài nǎli?); Where am I? 我在哪里? “(Wǒ zài nǎli?) “Where am I?”.
4. 我住在… (Wǒ zhù zài…) "I live in..."
我住在海滨城市青岛。 (Wǒ zhù zài hǎibīn chéngshì Qīngdǎo.) "I live in the coastal city of Qingdao."
5. 我喜欢(动词或名词)… (Wǒ xǐhuan (dòngcí huò míngcí)…) "I like (a verb or a noun)..."
So for this sentence pattern, you can describe your preference for an activity or for a person. For example - 我喜欢我的男朋友。 (Wǒ xǐhuān wǒ de nán péngyǒu.) “I like my boyfriend.” “I enjoy playing table tennis.” 我喜欢打乒乓球。(Wǒ xǐhuān dǎ pīngpāng qiú.) 我喜欢听音乐。(Wǒ xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè.) "I like listening to music.” We just passed Valentine’s Day. 我喜欢巧克力。(Wǒ xǐhuan qiǎokèlì.) “I like chocolate."
So you can add verb or noun directly after 喜欢 (xǐhuān). 喜欢 (Xǐhuān) means “enjoy / like”.

