Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi everybody! Yinru here. Welcome to Ask a Teacher, where I’ll answer some of your most common Chinese questions.
The Question
The question for this lesson is: How do I use the adverb 就 jiù?
Today we’re going to show you how to use the word 就 jiù in three ways.
Here’s the first usage. It’s used before a verb to suggest the earliness and quickness of the action. For example, if someone says,
你就来了啊?(Nǐ jiù láile a?),
the implied meaning is “Oh, you are here already? I didn’t expect you to be here so soon.”
我五点就到家了。(Wǒ wǔ diǎn jiù dào jiā le. “I got home at five.”) Here it’s implied that “at five” is considered early.
他一分钟就学会了。(tā yìfēnzhōng jiù xuéhuì le. “He got it within one minute.”)
Second usage: It’s used to connect two actions, indicating that the second action, which is the action following 就, happens as soon as the first action is completed. Let’s see some examples:
我吃完早饭就去上班了。(Wǒ chīwán zǎofàn jiù qù shàngbān le. “As soon as I finished my breakfast, I went to work.”)
我写完报告就把电脑关了。(Wǒ xiě wán bàogào jiù bǎ diànnǎo guānle. “I turned off the computer after I finished writing my report.”)
你一下飞机就打车回家了吗?(Nǐ yí xià fēijī jiù dǎchē huíjiā le ma? “Did you get a cab and go home as soon as you got off the plane?”)
Third and final usage: It’s also used as a conjunction word, indicating that the second action or situation, which follows 就, is the result of the first action or situation.
你喜欢吃,就多吃点。(Nǐ xǐhuān chī, jiù duō chī diǎn. “Since you like it, eat more.”)
要是你不打电话给我,我就打电话给你。(Yàoshi nǐ bù dǎdiànhuà gěi wǒ, wǒ jiù dǎdiànhuà gěi nǐ. “If you don’t call me, then I will call you.”)
既然她不喜欢唱歌,我们就不去卡拉OK。(Jìrán tā bù xǐhuān chànggē , wǒmen jiù bú qù kǎlā OK. “Since she doesn’t like to sing, we are not going to karaoke.”)
Karaoke is a very popular entertainment in China. You will see lots of KTVs, which are karaoke places with private karaoke rooms of different sizes. These places usually serve food and beverages.
Nǐ xǐhuān kǎ la ok ma ? Xǐhuān dehuà , wǒmen xiànzài jiù qù!
(“Do you like karaoke? If you do, let’s go now!”)


How was it? Pretty interesting, right?
Do you have any more questions? Leave them in the comments below, and I’ll try to answer them!
我们今天就到这里。Wǒmen jīntiān jiù dào zhèli.
See you in the next episode! 下期再见!Xiàqī zàijiàn! Bye!

