
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: Hi! 大家好,我是Echo. (Hi! Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And here we are with absolute beginner season 2, lesson 22, Chinese colors. Echo is like it’s all about red, Chinese color.
ECHO: Very red.
David: Actually we are doing more than red though. We’ve got a lot of colors to teach you and we are going to get to that in a sec but first we’ve got a dialogue and Echo where does this dialogue take place?
ECHO: It takes place in a clothing store.
David: Right and it’s between two girls who are trying on dresses right and since they are friends, they are going to speak casual mandarin as always.
ECHO: Yes.
David: Now we are going to take you to the dialogue in a sec. Before we do, we want to remind you, we’ve got this great voice recording tool on chineseclass101.com.
ECHO: Right it’s very easy to use.
David: Yeah it lets you record your voice and play it back to compare it with native speakers. This is going to let you figure out when you are actually saying something wrong.
ECHO: Yes.
David: So go try that out. With that though, let’s get to the dialogue.
M: 这件蓝色的怎么样?(Zhè jiàn lánsè de zěnmeyàng?)
F: 有点儿大。(Yǒu diǎnr dà.)
M: 那件绿色的呢?(Nà jiàn lǜsè de ne?)
F: 太难看了。(Tài nánkàn le.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
M: 这件蓝色的怎么样?(Zhè jiàn lánsè de zěnmeyàng?) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
F: 有点儿大。(Yǒu diǎnr dà.) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
M: 那件绿色的呢?(Nà jiàn lǜsè de ne?) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
F: 太难看了。(Tài nánkàn le.) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
David: And now with the English.
ECHO: 这件蓝色的怎么样?(Zhè jiàn lánsè de zěnmeyàng?)
DAVID: What do you think about the blue one?
ECHO: 有点儿大。(Yǒu diǎnr dà.)
DAVID: It’s a little big.
ECHO: 那件绿色的呢?(Nà jiàn lǜsè de ne?)
DAVID: What about that green one?
ECHO: 太难看了。(Tài nánkàn le.)
DAVID: Too ugly.
David: One of the interesting things about China is watching the fashion scene kind of take shape.
ECHO: Yeah.
David: It’s not as evolved as in Korea and Japan and people are pulling in these influences from all over including the sects in Europe and one of the most interesting things I think are the color preferences. You almost never see purple in the United States or Canada but it’s really, really popular here.
ECHO: Yeah it is.
DAVID: Any way, we’ve got a vocab section that is of course filled with colors. I am going to teach you how to say them and talk about them.
ECHO: Yeah it’s a colorful vocab section.
DAVID: It’s a colorful vocab section. So let’s get to it.
David: And now the vocab section.
ECHO: 颜色。(Yánsè.)[natural native speed]
DAVID: Color.
ECHO: 颜色。(Yánsè.) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
ECHO: 颜色。(Yánsè.) [natural native speed]
ECHO: 蓝色。(lánsè) [natural native speed]
DAVID: Green.
ECHO: 蓝色。(lánsè) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
ECHO: 蓝色。(lánsè) [natural native speed]
ECHO: 绿色。(lǜsè) [natural native speed]
DAVID: Green.
ECHO: 绿色。(lǜsè) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
ECHO: 绿色。(lǜsè) [natural native speed]
ECHO: 红色。(hóngsè) [natural native speed]
ECHO: 红色。(hóngsè) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
ECHO: 红色。(hóngsè) [natural native speed]
ECHO: 白色。(Báisè.) [natural native speed]
DAVID: White
ECHO: 白色。(Báisè.) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
ECHO: 白色。(Báisè.)[natural native speed]
ECHO: 黑色。(hēisè) [natural native speed]
DAVID: Black.
ECHO: 黑色。(hēisè) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
ECHO: 黑色。(hēisè) [natural native speed]
DAVID: So there is lot of 色 (Iro) in today’s lesson which is one way of saying hue or tint or color. Our first word is actually the word for color.
ECHO: 颜色。(Yánsè.)
DAVID: Color.
ECHO: 颜色。(Yánsè.)
DAVID: Right. And all of the colors we are teaching today are variations of this where the last character is staying the same.
ECHO: 色。(Iro.)
DAVID: We are just putting the single character for the color in front of that.
ECHO: Yes.
DAVID: For instance, Blue
ECHO: 蓝色。(Lán sè.)
DAVID: Blue.
ECHO: 蓝色。(Lán sè.)
DAVID: I like the color blue.
ECHO: 我喜欢蓝色。(Wǒ xǐhuān lán sè.)
DAVID: I like the color blue.
ECHO: 我喜欢蓝色。(Wǒ xǐhuān lán sè.)
DAVID: Blue is of course the color of the sky because sky is blue.
ECHO: 天是蓝色的。(Tiān shì lán sè de.)
DAVID: Right. Our next color is green.
ECHO: 绿色。(Lǜsè.)
DAVID: Green.
ECHO: 绿色。(Lǜsè.)
DAVID: Green.
ECHO: 绿色。(Lǜsè.)
DAVID: Green is very pretty.
ECHO: 绿色很漂亮。(Lǜsè hěn piàoliang.)
DAVID: Green is very pretty.
ECHO: 绿色很漂亮。(Lǜsè hěn piàoliang.)
DAVID: Our next color is the most popular color in China.
ECHO: 红色。(Hóngsè.)
ECHO: 红色。(Hóngsè.)
DAVID: It’s the color of the flag, it’s the color of all of these walls, traditional walls.
ECHO: Yeah.
DAVID: Right it’s a traditional color for China.
ECHO: Yes it is.
DAVID: So Chinese people like the color red.
ECHO: 中国人喜欢红色。(Zhōngguó rén xǐhuān hóngsè.)
DAVID: Chinese people like the color red.
ECHO: 中国人喜欢红色。(Zhōngguó rén xǐhuān hóngsè.)
DAVID: Our next color is really interesting. In the west, it’s a really good color but in China it’s bad.
ECHO: 白色。(Báisè.)
DAVID: White.
ECHO: 白色。 (Báisè.)
DAVID: It’s the color of mourning here.
ECHO: Yeah.
DAVID: Of death. And if you watch Beijing Opera, you will notice the bad guys are the ones in the white make up.
ECHO: Yeah 白色。(Báisè.)
DAVID: White is also a color that you are going to see at funerals in China.
ECHO: 没错儿。(Méi cuò ér.)
DAVID: So nobody likes white.
ECHO: 没有人喜欢白色。(Méiyǒu rén xǐhuān báisè.)
DAVID: Nobody likes the color white.
ECHO: 没有人喜欢白色。(Méiyǒu rén xǐhuān báisè.)
DAVID: And our last word is of course the opposite of white.
ECHO: 黑色。(Hēisè)
DAVID: Black.
ECHO: 黑色。(Hēisè)
DAVID: So let’s just do a quick review. We’ve got blue.
ECHO: 蓝色。(Lán sè.)
DAVID: Green.
ECHO: 绿色。(Lǜsè.)
ECHO: 红色。(Hóngsè.)
DAVID: White
ECHO: 白色。(Báisè.)
DAVID: And black
ECHO: 黑色。(Hēisè.)
DAVID: Perfect. Now that we’ve got our colors out of the way, let’s move on to our grammar point for this lesson.

Lesson focus

David: In our grammar point for today, we are going to go over two adverbs that have opposite meanings. The first is
ECHO: 好。(Hǎo.)
DAVID: Which means good or positive.
ECHO: 好。(Hǎo.)
DAVID: The second is
ECHO: 难。(Nán.)
DAVID: Which means bad or negative.
ECHO: 难。(Nán.)
DAVID: Both of these adverbs work in the same way. We typically put them in front of single character verbs.
ECHO: Yes for example, 好吃。(Hào chī.)
DAVID: Delicious or good to eat.
ECHO: 好吃。(Hào chī.)
DAVID: And the opposite of that is
ECHO: 难吃。(Nán chī.)
DAVID: Bad tasting or difficult to eat.
ECHO: 难吃。(Nán chī.)
DAVID: Another example would be good looking.
ECHO: 好看。(Hǎokàn.)
DAVID: Good looking.
ECHO: 好看。(Hǎokàn.)
DAVID: Or the opposite
ECHO: 难看。(Nánkàn.)
ECHO: 难看。(Nánkàn.)
DAVID: And what goes with site goes with hearing as well. If you are listening to music, you can say that it’s good to listen to
ECHO: 好听。(Hǎotīng.)
DAVID: Good to listen to.
ECHO: 好听。(Hǎotīng.)
DAVID: Or you can say it’s
ECHO: 难听。(Nántīng.)
DAVID: Bad to listen to
ECHO: 难听。(Nántīng.)
DAVID: Right. So you could say, this song sounds good.
ECHO: 这首歌很好听。(Zhè shǒu gē hěn hǎotīng.)
DAVID: Chinese food is really tasty.
ECHO: 中餐很好吃。(Zhōngcān hěn hào chī.)
DAVID: That cat is really ugly.
ECHO: 那只猫很难看。(Nà zhǐ māo hěn nánkàn.)
DAVID: That cat is really ugly.
ECHO: 那只猫很难看。(Nà zhǐ māo hěn nánkàn.)
DAVID: And as you may have picked up from these sentences, there is one more point we want to make. Even though 好 (Hǎo) is technically an adverb, when we put it together with these single character verbs, it’s like we are forming a new word. So we can put another adverb in front of it.
ECHO: Like.
DAVID: To act as the emphasis.
ECHO: Yeah like 很,非常,太...了。(Hěn, fēicháng, tài...Le.)
DAVID: Right. So you could say oh it’s too ugly.
ECHO: 太难看了。(Tài nánkànle.)
DAVID: Right or oh, it’s too tasty.
ECHO: 太好吃了。(Tài hào chīle.)


David: As always, we’ve put a lot of examples in our premium PDF. So if you are studying with us, make sure to go to chineseclass101.com and download this off the site.
ECHO: Yes.
DAVID: For now though, we are done with our podcast. From Beijing, I am David.
ECHO: 我是Echo。(Wǒ shì Echo.)
DAVID: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
ECHO: 网上见。 Bye bye.(Wǎngshàng jiàn. Bye bye.)


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