
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Frank: Hey, everyone.
Echo: Da jia hao!
Frank: Welcome back to ChineseClass101.com, Season 1, Lesson 32 in our Beginner series.
Echo: 第三十二课。(Dì sānshí'èr kè.)
Frank: I’m your host, Frank Fradella, and I’m joined in the studio, as always, by my exceptional co-host, Echo.
Echo: 大家好(Dàjiā hǎo),我是(Wǒ shì)Echo
Frank: Today’s lesson features the dialogue between our good friend…
Echo: Zhang Fei…
Frank: And his boss has given a little bit of dress down there.
Echo: 老板。(Lǎobǎn.)
Frank: They are speaking casually, and they are in an office.
Echo: Yes.
Frank: Let’s get on to the dialogue now.
Echo: But before we do, as usual…
Frank: Before we do, that’s right, Echo, thanks for reminding me, we want to remind you, folks, to head up to ChineseClass101.com. Check out that PDF transcript. That thing is awesome. Not everybody learns through audio method. Sometimes, you got to see it. This is a great way to do that. Fantastic tool.
Echo: 没错儿。(Méi cuò ér)
Frank: But for now, on to the dialogue.

Lesson conversation

老板: 张飞,你又迟到了。(LǍOBǍN: Zhāng Fēi, nǐ yòu chídào le.)
张飞: 对不起,对不起。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Duìbùqǐ, duìbùqǐ.)
老板: 你为什么迟到啊?(LǍOBǍN: Nǐ wèishénme chídào a?)
张飞: 我迷路了。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Wǒ mílù le.)
Frank: One more time, just a bit slower.
老板: 张飞,你又迟到了。(LǍOBǍN: Zhāng Fēi, nǐ yòu chídào le.)
张飞: 对不起,对不起。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Duìbùqǐ, duìbùqǐ.)
老板: 你为什么迟到啊?(LǍOBǍN: Nǐ wèishénme chídào a?)
张飞: 我迷路了。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Wǒ mílù le.)
Frank: Okay, we’re back. Now Echo, how big is this office building that he can’t find his office inside the building?
Echo: Yeah. Well, maybe he just can’t find the building.
Frank: Maybe he can’t find the building itself.
Echo: It’s a big city.
Frank: That’s right. It could be both.
Echo: Right.
Frank: That’s a good point. Let’s go ahead and translate the dialogue line-by-line.
老板: 张飞,你又迟到了。(LǍOBǍN: Zhāng Fēi, nǐ yòu chídào le.)
Frank: Zhang Fei, you are late again.
张飞: 对不起,对不起。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Duìbùqǐ, duìbùqǐ.)
Frank: Sorry. I'm sorry.
老板: 你为什么迟到啊?(LǍOBǍN: Nǐ wèishénme chídào a?)
Frank: Why were you late?
张飞: 我迷路了。(ZHĀNG FĒI: Wǒ mílù le.)
Frank: I was lost.
Echo: Poor guy.
Frank: I know. Well, Beijing is a pretty big city. It’s not like some other cities like, say, Shanghai, where you can work around a bit. Beijing is a little more spread out. So it’s a little easier to get lost, I think.
Echo: That’s right.
Frank: Let’s get on to the vocab.
Male: Now, the vocab section.
Echo: 迟到(chídào) [natural native speed].
Frank: To be late.
Echo: 迟到(chídào)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 迟到(chídào)[natural native speed].
Echo: 对不起(duìbùqǐ) [natural native speed].
Frank: I'm sorry.
Echo: 对不起(duìbùqǐ)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 对不起(duìbùqǐ)[natural native speed].
Echo: 为什么(wèishénme) [natural native speed].
Frank: Why.
Echo: 为什么(wèishénme)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 为什么(wèishénme)[natural native speed].
Echo: 迷路(mílù) [natural native speed].
Frank: To be lost.
Echo: 迷路(mílù)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 迷路(mílù)[natural native speed].
Frank: Okay. Today’s vocab section doesn’t have a lot of new words because, well, you guys are getting pretty good at this. But we do want to focus on one word here, the word for “lost”.
Echo: 迷路。(Mílù.)
Frank: Now we’ve talked about things being lost before, some of his pen, for example.
Male: 我的笔丢了。(Wǒ de bǐ diūle.)
Frank: But we had a different word there. What was that word, Echo?
Echo: 丢。(diū.)
Frank: So we’ve got two different words that mean “lost”.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Frank: What’s going on here?
Echo: One is you lose your way. 迷路(Mílù). Another, 丢(diū) means you lose something.
Frank: I see. So, one refers to having lost one’s way.
Male: 我迷路了。(Wǒ mílù le.)
Frank: That one refers to a noun or an object.
Echo: Right.
Frank:  that you have misplaced.
Echo: Right. 
Male Voice: 我的笔丢了。(Wǒ de bǐ diūle.)
Frank: Okay. Let’s hear some same sentences. “We are lost”.
Echo: 我们迷路了。(Wǒmen mílù le.)
Frank: She is lost.
Echo: 她迷路了。(Tā mílùle.)
Frank: I am lost.
Echo: 我迷路了。(Wǒ mílùle.)
Frank: Now it’s pretty easy swapping out pronouns. Let’s take a look at some of the stuff that you can lose. “My keys are lost”.
Echo: 我的钥匙丢了。(Wǒ de yàoshi diū le.)
Frank: My cat is lost.
Echo: 我的猫丢了。(Wǒ de māo diūle.)
Frank: My passport is lost.
Echo: 我的护照丢了。(Wǒ de hùzhào diūle.)
Frank: I think that in English, the more natural way to say is, “I lost my keys”. You can’t do that in Chinese. It just sounds like this…
Echo: 我丢了我的钥匙。(Wǒ diūle wǒ de yàoshi.)
Frank: I lost my cat.
Echo: 我丢了我的猫。(Wǒ diūle wǒ de māo.)
Frank: I lost my passport.
Echo: 我丢了我的护照。(Wǒ diūle wǒ de hùzhào)
Frank: That’s all there is to it.
Echo: 迷路。(Mílù.)
Frank: To have lost your way.
Echo: 丢。(diū.)
Frank: “To have misplaced something.” Now both of these are often followed by…
Echo: 了。(Le.)
Frank: For this particle before you remember, that means either there’s been a change of state or it occurs in the past.
Echo: 没错儿。(Méi cuò ér.)
Frank: If you’ve lost something clearly, you had it before and now it’s gone, either change your state or in the past.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Frank: That’s all there is to it. Let’s head on to grammar.
Echo: 好。(Hǎo.)

Lesson focus

Male: It’s grammar time.
Frank: Okay. Today’s grammar point is about…
Echo: 又。(yòu.)
Frank: Let’s hear that word again.
Echo: 又。(yòu.)
Frank: The word means “again”. We use this word in the past tense.
Echo: 又。(yòu.)
Frank: Now in the dialogue, we heard it in this sentence.
Echo: 张飞,你又迟到了。(Zhāng Fēi, nǐ yòu chídào le.)
Male: 张飞,你又迟到了。(Zhāng Fēi, nǐ yòu chídào le.)
Frank: “You’re late again”, meaning he’s been late before, and now he’s late again.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Frank: So we’re talking about the past tense. Let’s hear some sample sentences. “I’m late again”.
Echo: 我又迟到了。(Wǒ yòu chídàole.)
Frank: He was wrong again.
Echo: 他又错了。(Tā yòu cuòle.)
Frank: Sorry, I’m lost again.
Echo: 对不起,我又迷路了。(Duìbùqǐ, wǒ yòu mílùle.)
Frank: My keys are lost again.
Echo: 我的钥匙又丢了。(Wǒ de yàoshi yòu diūle.)
Frank: I’m sick again.
Echo: 我又病了。(Wǒ yòu bìngle)
Frank: Okay. Now in our first sentence, I said “I am late again”.
Echo: 我又迟到了。(Wǒ yòu chídàole)
Frank: But we told you that we only use…
Echo: 又。(Yòu.) 
Frank: In the past tense. But I’m saying “I am”.
Echo: Yeah.
Frank: So what am I doing here? What’s going on, Echo?
Echo: But in Chinese, the sentence is in the past tense.
Frank: That’s right. You have already arrived, so you’re already late.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Frank: How do we say “again” in the future?
Echo: 再(Zài) As in 再见。(Zàijiàn.)
Frank: 再见.(Zàijiàn.) As in “Goodbye”.
Echo: Yeah. But we’re not going to say 再见(Zàijiàn) now.
Frank: Not just yet. We do want to remind you to head up to ChineseClass101.com, checkout the voice-recording tool. It allows you to compare your voice to native speakers and really nail those tones and sound a natural.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Frank: That’s it for us, though. It is time to say 再见.(Zàijiàn.) From Beijing, I’m Frank Fradella.
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì) Echo.
Frank: We’ll see you next time.
Echo: 再见。(Zàijiàn.)
Frank: 再见。(Zàijiàn.)


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