
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to ChineseClass101.com. I’m David.
Echo: 大家好。我是(Dàjiā hǎo. Wǒ shì)Echo
David: We have Beginner Lesson 40 in our first series for you guys today.
Echo: 没错。第四十课。(Méi cuò. Dì sìshí kè.)
David: Frank is back in the States so I’m covering in for him today. Nonetheless, we’ve got a fantastic dialogue. Really useful stuff. It’s all about getting online.
Echo: 没错。上网。(Méi cuò. Shàngwǎng.)
Frank: Yes. It’s important you know how to plug in. Okay.
Echo: As you know, there are two people here.
Frank: Right. One is a customer of the café and the other is the serving staff…
Echo: In the coffee shop.
Frank: Yes. The question, of course, is do you have the internet here? Can I get online?
Echo: Right.
Frank: So we’ve got a dialogue that’s all about this. Before we get you to this dialogue though, we want to point out something you may not know yet, which is that we’ve ID three tag all of the premium mp3 files. Which means if you’ve got an iPhone, if you’ve got an iPod, you can actually follow along with the dialogue as you listen to it.
Echo: Yeah.
Frank: Really convenient. Now though, let’s get to the dialogue.

Lesson conversation

甲:这儿有无线网吗?(JIǍ: Zhèr yǒu wúxiàn wǎng ma?)
乙:对不起,你说什么?(YǏ: Duìbuqǐ, nǐ shuō shénme?)
甲:我说,我可以上网吗?(JIǍ: wǒ shuō, wǒ kěyǐ shàngwǎng ma?)
乙:啊,可以。(YǏ: A, kěyǐ.)
甲:多少钱?(JIǍ: Duōshǎo qián?)
乙:不要钱,是免费的。(YǏ: Bù yào qián, shì miǎnfèi de.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
甲:这儿有无线网吗?(JIǍ: Zhèr yǒu wúxiàn wǎng ma?)
乙:对不起,你说什么?(YǏ: Duìbuqǐ, nǐ shuō shénme?)
甲:我说,我可以上网吗?(JIǍ: wǒ shuō, wǒ kěyǐ shàngwǎng ma?)
乙:啊,可以。(YǏ: A, kěyǐ.)
甲:多少钱?(JIǍ: Duōshǎo qián?)
乙:不要钱,是免费的。(YǏ: Bù yào qián, shì miǎnfèi de.)
甲:这儿有无线网吗?(JIǍ: Zhèr yǒu wúxiàn wǎng ma?)
David: Is there a wireless internet here?
乙:对不起,你说什么?(YǏ: Duìbuqǐ, nǐ shuō shénme?)
David: Excuse me, what did you say?
甲:我说,我可以上网吗?(JIǍ: wǒ shuō, wǒ kěyǐ shàngwǎng ma?)
David: I said, can I get online?
乙:啊,可以。(YǏ: A, kěyǐ.)
David: Of course you can.
甲:多少钱?(JIǍ: Duōshǎo qián?)
David: How much money?
乙:不要钱,是免费的。(YǏ: Bù yào qián, shì miǎnfèi de.)
David: Money is not needed. It's free.
Echo: Hey, we’re back.
Frank: We’re back.
Echo: Do you have the similar experience in China?
Frank: All the time. I think this is really some of the most useful vocab.
Echo: Yeah. It’s written just for you.
Frank: Well, I use the internet a lot. I use it every day for work and checking emails and stuff.
Echo: Like a lot of foreigners in China.
Frank: Yeah. Well, it’s part of your life. If you don’t know how to get online, you go through with drawl.
Echo: Yeah. But for fortunately in Beijing, in Shanghai where a lot of big cities have free internet.
Frank: Yeah, especially Beijing. Anyway, our vocab today is all about getting online, so we’re going to take you to that away.
Male: Now, the vocab section.
Echo: 无线网(wúxiànwǎng) [natural native speed].
David: Wireless Internet.
Echo: 无线网(wúxiànwǎng)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 无线网(wúxiànwǎng)[natural native speed].
Echo: 上网(shàngwǎng) [natural native speed].
David: To go online.
Echo: 上网(shàngwǎng)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 上网(shàngwǎng)[natural native speed].
Echo: 多少钱 (duōshǎo qián)[natural native speed].
David: How much money?
Echo: 多少钱(duōshǎo qián)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 多少钱(duōshǎo qián)[natural native speed].
Echo: 不要钱 (bú yào qián)[natural native speed].
David: No money is needed.
Echo: 不要钱(bú yào qián)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 不要钱(bú yào qián)[natural native speed].
Echo: 免费(miǎnfèi) [natural native speed].
David: Free.
Echo: 免费(miǎnfèi)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 免费(miǎnfèi)[natural native speed].
Echo: 网吧(wǎngbā) [natural native speed].
David: Internet cafe
Echo: 网吧(wǎngbā)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 网吧(wǎngbā)[natural native speed].
Echo: 电脑(diànnǎo) [natural native speed].
David: Computer.
Echo: 电脑(diànnǎo)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 电脑(diànnǎo)[natural native speed].
Echo: 网络(wǎngluò) [natural native speed].
David: Network.
Echo: 网络(wǎngluò)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 网络(wǎngluò)[natural native speed].
Frank: Lots of great vocab here for going online. First is wireless internet.
Echo: 无线网。(wúxiànwǎng.)
Frank: Right. This is what you use if you’ve got a laptop computer and you don’t have any wireless, of course. In English, we also say Wi-Fi.
Echo: But actually in China now, you can use Wi-Fi, too.
Frank: Right. It’s one of these words that’s both English and Chinese now.
Echo: Yeah. I think in big cities…
Frank: Yeah.
Echo: ..waiters can understand you.
Frank: So in our dialogue, we had this sentence:
Echo: 这儿有无线网吗?(Zhèr yǒu wúxiàn wǎng ma?)
Frank: We could change that and say…
Echo: 这儿有WIFI吗?(Zhè'er yǒu WIFI ma?)
Frank: Exactly the same.
Echo: 这儿有无线网吗?这儿有WIFI吗?(Zhè'er yǒu wúxiàn wǎng ma? Zhè'er yǒu WIFI ma?)
Frank: Second word we’ve got for you is to go online.
Echo: 上网。(shàngwǎng.)
Frank: The second character there is one we’ve heard before…
Echo: 网。(Wǎng.)
Frank: Yeah. This is short for the word “network”.
Echo: 网络。(wǎngluò.)
Frank: So…
Echo: 上网。(shàngwǎng.)
Frank: Literally means “to go on the network”.
Echo: 上网。(shàngwǎng.)
Frank: To go online.
Echo: 上网。(shàngwǎng.)
Frank: So if you’re in a hotel, you might want to ask, “Can I go online?”
Echo:  我可以上网吗?(wǒ kěyǐ shàngwǎng ma?)
Frank: Or maybe, “Where is there wireless internet?”
Echo: 哪儿有无线网?(Nǎr yǒu wúxiànwǎng ?)
Frank: Right. A couple of extra words. We’ve got the word for internet café in our vocab list.
Echo: 网吧。(wǎngbā.)
Frank: Right. In English, it’s a café. In Chinese?
Echo: It’s a bar.
Frank: It’s bar.
Echo: 网吧。(wǎngbā.)
Frank: Yeah. 吧 here is it’s a particle. It’s for a bar. So the word for “bar” literally is…
Echo: 酒吧。(Jiǔbā)
Frank: So an internet café becomes a network bar.
Echo: Yeah. 网吧.(wǎngbā.)
Frank: Because they’ve got them everywhere, if you don’t have laptop with you, really easy to find. Just ask people, “where is the internet café?”
Echo:  网吧在哪?(Wǎngbā zài nǎ?)
David: Right. That’s our vocab section.

Lesson focus

Male: It’s grammar time.
Frank: Echo, what’s our grammar point today?
Echo: It’s actually in the very beginning of the dialogue.
Frank: It’s the first line in the dialogue.
Echo: 这儿有无线网吗?(Zhèr yǒu wúxiàn wǎng ma?)
Frank: Yup. Is there wireless internet here?
Echo: We can see this set structure 这儿有什么什么吗.(Zhè'er yǒu shé me shénme ma.)
Frank: Is there something here?
Echo: Right. 这儿有什么什么吗(Zhè'er yǒu shé me shénme ma)
Frank: In the dialogue, we had the sentence, “Is there wireless internet here?”
Echo: 这儿有无线网吗?(Zhèr yǒu wúxiàn wǎng ma?)
Frank: Let’s try swapping that out for some other things. “Is there an internet café here?”
Echo: 这儿有网吧吗?(Zhèr yǒu wǎngbā ma?)
Frank: Is there Wi-Fi here?
Echo: 这儿有Wi-FI吗?(Zhè'er yǒu Wi-FI ma?)
Frank: Right. Really easy. You’re literally saying, “here to have something” and then making it a question with 吗.
Echo: 没错.(Méi cuò.) Actually, we can use other verbs to replace 有…(Yǒu…)
Frank: Right. Because it’s the 吗 that’s making that sentence a question, we can use any verb that we want. For instance, we can switch “to have”.
Echo: 有(Yǒu)
Frank: For “can”.
Echo: 可以(Kěyǐ)
Frank: Can I get online here?
Echo: 这儿可以上网吗?(Zhè'er kěyǐ shàngwǎng ma?)
Frank: Can I use my computer here?
Echo: 这儿可以用我的电脑吗?(Zhè'er kěyǐ yòng wǒ de diànnǎo ma?)
Frank: Right. Last point we want to make, we can take here and we can replace it with “there”.
Echo: Right. We learned this before in the previous lessons.
Frank: Yeah. So instead of “here”…
Echo: 这儿(Zhè'er)
Frank: …we can say “there”.
Echo: 那儿(Nà'er)
Frank: Can I get online there?
Echo: 那儿可以上网吗?(Nà'er kěyǐ shàngwǎng ma?)
Frank: Is there an internet café there?
Echo: 那儿有网吧吗?(Nà'er yǒu wǎngbā ma?)
Frank: Any points before we close?
Echo: Yes. It’s about this word, it’s all about this word, 免费.(Miǎnfèi.)
Frank: Yes, free. You know what that reminds me of? It reminds me of the fact that we’ve got a free lifetime account for people at ChineseClass101.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Frank: Come to the site, signup and we’re going to give you a free lifetime account.
Echo: How cool is it?
Frank: Yes. It only takes about seven seconds to sign up so there’s no excuse not to. With that, we’re going to close by playing the dialogue for you one more time.
Echo: Enjoy the dialogue. 下次见.(Xià cì jiàn.)
Frank: Take care, guys, and we’ll see you later.


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