
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to ChineseClass101. I’m David.
Echo: Hi! Da jia hao! 我是(Wǒ shì)Echo.
David: This is Lesson 41 in the first Beginner series.
Echo: 第四十一课。(Dì sìshíyī kè.)
David: Yeah. Now we’ve taken you to the movies before and we’ve got another lesson about the movies.
Echo: But today’s lesson is more romantic.
David: It’s more romantic because it’s a first date, first date material.
Echo: 没错。我很喜欢。(Méi cuò. Wǒ hěn xǐhuān)
David: So we’ve got the dialogue for you. We’re going to take you there in a second. Before we do that, though, Echo, you had a point.
Echo: If you haven’t signed up for your free lifetime account, come to our site and sign up.
David: Yes. We pitch this a lot because it’s good.
Echo: It’s great.
David: So if you haven’t had the chance yet, come to ChineseClass101.com, sign up for your free lifetime account.
Echo: 是免费的。(Shì miǎnfèi de.)
David: Yes. With that, let’s take you to the dialogue.

Lesson conversation

甲:你喜欢什么电影?(JIǍ: Nǐ xǐhuān shénme diànyǐng?)
乙:我喜欢动作片儿。(YǏ: Wǒ xǐhuān dòngzuòpiānr.)
甲:我也是。我还喜欢喜剧片儿。(JIǍ: Wǒ yě shì. Wǒ hái xǐhuān xǐjùpiānr.)
乙:我还喜欢看纪录片儿。(YǏ: Wǒ hái xǐhuān kàn jìlùpiānr.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
甲:你喜欢什么电影?(JIǍ: Nǐ xǐhuān shénme diànyǐng?)
乙:我喜欢动作片儿。(YǏ: Wǒ xǐhuān dòngzuòpiānr.)
甲:我也是。我还喜欢喜剧片儿。(JIǍ: Wǒ yě shì. Wǒ hái xǐhuān xǐjùpiānr.)
乙:我还喜欢看纪录片儿。(YǏ: Wǒ hái xǐhuān kàn jìlùpiānr.)
甲:你喜欢什么电影?(JIǍ: Nǐ xǐhuān shénme diànyǐng?)
David: What movies do you like?
乙:我喜欢动作片儿。(YǏ: Wǒ xǐhuān dòngzuòpiānr.)
David: I like action films.
甲:我也是。我还喜欢喜剧片儿。(JIǍ: Wǒ yě shì. Wǒ hái xǐhuān xǐjùpiānr.)
David: Me, too. I also like comedies.
乙:我还喜欢看纪录片儿。(YǏ: Wǒ hái xǐhuān kàn jìlùpiānr.)
David: I also like watching documentaries.
Echo: You know the best movie for the first date?
David: Action films.
Echo: Nope.
David: Definitely action films.
Echo: No. Wrong. No.
David: Yes.
Echo: Not in China.
David: Totally action films.
Echo: Not in China.
David: Totally action films in China.
Echo: No. In China, it’s 恐怖片.(Kǒngbù piàn)
David: Well…or action films. Anyway, some of this is going to be a review to some listener.
Male: Now the vocab section.
Echo: 喜欢(xǐhuān) [natural native speed].
David: To like.
Echo: 喜欢(xǐhuān)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 喜欢(xǐhuān)[natural native speed].
Echo: 电影(diànyǐng) [natural native speed].
David: Movie.
Echo: 电影(diànyǐng)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 电影(diànyǐng)[natural native speed].
Echo: 动作片(dòngzuòpiānr) [natural native speed]
David: Action film.
Echo: 动作片(dòngzuòpiānr)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 动作片(dòngzuòpiānr)[natural native speed].
Echo: 喜剧片(xǐjùpiānr) [natural native speed].
David: Comedy.
Echo: 喜剧片(xǐjùpiānr)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 喜剧片(xǐjùpiānr)[natural native speed].
Echo: 纪录片(jìlùpiānr) [natural native speed].
David: Documentary.
Echo: 纪录片(jìlùpiānr)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 纪录片(jìlùpiānr)[natural native speed].
Echo: 爱情片(àiqíngpiānr) [natural native speed].
David: A romance film.
Echo: 爱情片(àiqíngpiānr)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 爱情片(àiqíngpiānr)[natural native speed].
Echo: 我也是(wǒ yě shì) [natural native speed].
David: Me too.
Echo: 我也是(wǒ yě shì)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 我也是(wǒ yě shì)[natural native speed].
Echo: 还(hái) [natural native speed].
David: Also.
Echo: 还(hái)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. 还(hái)[natural native speed].
David: Okay. So we’ve got a lot of vocab with films here.
Echo: But you know what’s the word I like the best?
David: What’s the word you like the best?
Echo: 喜欢(xǐhuān) [natural native speed].
David: “To like”. Right.
Echo: 我喜欢喜欢。(Wǒ xǐhuān xǐhuān.). I like the word “like”.
David: Okay. So our emphasis in this vocab section is going to be using language to talk about liking and disliking things. For instance, I like action films.
Echo: 我喜欢动作片。(Wǒ xǐhuān dòngzuò piānr.)
David: I like to eat ice cream.
Echo: 我喜欢吃冰淇淋.(Wǒ xǐhuān chī bīngqílín.) Be careful, there’s a verb there.
David: Right. We’re putting the verb after “to like”.
Echo: 喜欢吃。(Xǐhuān chī.)
David: I like to eat popcorn.
Echo: 我喜欢吃爆米花.(Wǒ xǐhuān chī bào mǐhuā.) You can “I like someone”.
David: Yeah. You could say “I like Lily”.
Echo: 我喜欢(Wǒ xǐhuān)Lily
David: Or “we all like Echo”.
Echo: 哦谢谢。我也很喜欢我自己。(Ó xièxiè. Wǒ yě hěn xǐhuān wǒ zìjǐ.)
David: Moving on, if it’s stronger than like, of course, we’re in love territory.
Echo: 爱。(Ài.)
David: It’s sort of weird to say this about an object in Chinese.
Echo: But you can put a verb after 爱.(Ài.)
David: Right. Strong romantic love. So if you actually said, “I love movies”, that would be weird. You can say, “I love watching movies”.
Echo: 我爱看电影。(Wǒ ài kàn diànyǐng.)
David: Echo, what’s the opposite of love?
Echo: It’s 恨.(Hèn.)
David: But that’s kind of strong, isn’t it?
Echo: That’s very strong. Yeah.
David: If you say, “I 恨(Hèn) something”, it’s…
Echo: It’s very strong.
David: Yeah. So there’s a more colloquial way of saying you don’t like something.
Echo: 讨厌。(Tǎoyàn.)
David: For instance, “I hate action films”.
Echo: 我讨厌动作片.(Wǒ tǎoyàn dòngzuò piàn.) Actually, it’s a bit weird, too. So you should add a verb before the object.
David: Okay. “I hate watching action films.”
Echo: 我讨厌看动作片。(Wǒ tǎoyàn kàn dòngzuò piàn.)
David: How about, “I hate watching romances”?
Echo: 我讨厌看爱情片.(Wǒ tǎoyàn kàn àiqíng piān) Who would hate that? They are lovely.
David: I really hate documentaries.
Echo: 我很讨厌看纪录片。(Wǒ hěn tǎoyàn kàn jìlùpiàn)
David: So remember that. For the verb “to like”…
Echo: 喜欢。(Xǐhuān.)
David: Or dislike...
Echo: 不喜欢。(Bù xǐhuān.)
David: ..you can put the object right after the verb. For anything else like “love”…
Echo: 爱。(Ài.)
David: …hate.
Echo: 讨厌。(Tǎoyàn.)
David: You’ve got to stick a verb in there. Okay? With that, we are on to our grammar section.
Echo: Yeah.

Lesson focus

Male: It’s grammar time.
Echo: Today we got a very important grammar point.
David: It’s a difficult one, though.
Echo: It’s not difficult. We have seen this in the previous lessons.
David: We’ve seen them before but it’s a bit tricky to explain. Echo, what are these two words?
Echo: 也。(Yě)
David: And?
Echo: 还。(Hái.)
David: Both of these translate as “also” or “too”, right?
Echo: Right.
David: What were the sentences in our dialogue?
Echo: 我也是。(wǒ yě shì.)
David: Me too. I also am.
Echo: 还。我还喜欢喜剧片。(Hái. Wǒ hái xǐhuān xǐjù piàn.)
David: “I also like comedies.” This is the point where we’re sitting on the sofa, trying to figure out how to explain this and I give up because Echo has got this really lengthy explanation which is pretty complex.
Echo: No, it’s not.
David: Echo thinks it’s simple.
Echo: I’m sure that every user can understand it.
David: Okay. Echo, what’s the difference?
Echo: I hate it. It’s very simple. It’s all about one word: subject.
David: Yes. It’s all about the subject with…
Echo: 也。(Yě.)
David: You can have multiple subjects. So you can say, “I like it”.
Echo: 我喜欢。(Wǒ xǐhuān.)
David: He also likes it.
Echo: 他也喜欢。(Tā yě xǐhuān.)
David: So we’ve got two people. If we’ve got…
Echo: 还。(Hái.)
David: You can only have one. I like action films.
Echo: 我喜欢动作片。(Wǒ xǐhuān dòngzuò piàn.)
David: I also like documentaries.
Echo: 我还喜欢记录片喜欢纪录片(Wǒ hái xǐhuān jìlùpiàn xǐhuān jìlùpiàn)
David: Okay.
Echo: Also, at this point, we interchange 也(Yě) with 还(Hái) in this sentence 我喜欢动作片(Wǒ xǐhuān dòngzuò piàn),我也喜欢纪录片。(Wǒ yě xǐhuān jìlùpiàn.).
David: So basically, of the two…
Echo: 也(Yě)
David: …is much more flexible.
Echo: 还(Hái)
David: Can only be used if it’s the same subject.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Okay.
Echo: Isn’t that easy? If you still can’t figure out, please check out our PDF.
David: It seems easier now than it did a while ago. That’s our podcast for today. Remember, if you have any questions with these grammar points, make sure you check it at premium PDF. In it, we’ve got all of the stuff written down with the example sentences for you.
Echo: 没错.(Méi cuò.) We like today’s lesson a lot. Hopefully, 你们也喜欢.(Nǐmen yě xǐhuān.)
David: Right. We hope you like it too. If you have any questions, send us an email or leave a comment on the site. We look forward to hearing from you.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: From Beijing, I’m Dave.
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì)Echo.
David: We’ll see you next week.
Echo: 下周见吧。(Xià zhōu jiàn ba)


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