
Vocabulary (Review)

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Anthony: Welcome to chineseclass101, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese.
Echo: 大家好, 我是Echo。 (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: And I am Anthony and today we have lesson 17 in our second season of our beginner series.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Titled The Inconvenience Store.
Echo: And today’s lesson is all about things you will find in a Chinese convenience store.
Anthony: That’s right. You know Echo, I feel like I spend a lot of time in these convenience stores. They are just so convenience.
Echo: They really are.
Anthony: Yeah I don’t see very many vending machines here in China and I think that’s because there is a small shop on every corner selling snacks and drinks.
Echo: And this is the case in today’s dialogue where a shopper is buying some goods.
Anthony: But unfortunately for him, it seems like the store is all sold out or maybe just doesn’t carry the basic necessities.
Echo: Okay so listen up because we got a lot of great vocabulary words for you that you will be sure to use in the convenience stores.
Anthony: That’s right if they are not sold out. Okay so let’s go into the dialogue.
你们有烟吗? (Nǐmen yǒu yān ma?)
没有。 (Méiyǒu.)
你们有啤酒吗? (Nǐmen yǒu píjiǔ ma?)
没有。 (Méiyǒu.)
你们有什么? (Nǐmen yǒu shénme?)
有方便面。 (Yǒu fāngbiànmiàn.)
Anthony: One more time a little bit slower.
你们有烟吗? (Nǐmen yǒu yān ma?)
没有。 (Méiyǒu.)
你们有啤酒吗? (Nǐmen yǒu píjiǔ ma?)
没有。 (Méiyǒu.)
你们有什么? (Nǐmen yǒu shénme?)
有方便面。 (Yǒu fāngbiànmiàn.)
Anthony: One more time with English.
Echo: 你们有烟吗? (Nǐmen yǒu yān ma?)
Anthony: Do you have cigarettes?
Echo: 没有。 (Méiyǒu.)
Anthony: No.
Echo: 你们有啤酒吗? (Nǐmen yǒu píjiǔ ma?)
Anthony: Do you have beer?
Echo: 没有。 (Méiyǒu.)
Anthony: No.
Echo: 你们有什么? (Nǐmen yǒu shénme?)
Anthony: What do you have?
Echo: 有方便面。 (Yǒu fāngbiànmiàn.)
Anthony: We have instant noodles.
So looks like this guy was out buying the necessities beer and cigarettes.
Echo: Come on, I think every store in China has beer and cigarettes.
Anthony: Yes and instant noodles.
Echo: Yeah every store has all those three things at least.
Anthony: You know Echo, I’ve seen a few 7/11s here in Beijing but I usually don’t go to them.
Echo: Yeah neither do I. There is a convenience store on almost every corner that has better prices.
Anthony: Yeah so in today’s vocabulary section, we are going to list a huge variety of common things that you are going to find in the Chinese convenience store.
Echo: 没错, (Méi cuò,) A lot of really useful words. So let’s go to the vocab section now.
Echo: 烟 (yān)
Anthony: Cigarettes.
Echo: 烟, 烟, 啤酒 (yān, yān. píjiǔ)
Anthony: Beer.
Echo: 啤酒, 啤酒. 方便面 (píjiǔ, píjiǔ. fāngbiànmiàn)
Anthony: Instant noodles.
Echo: 方便面, 方便面. 牛奶 (fāngbiànmiàn, fāngbiànmiàn. niúnǎi)
Anthony: Milk.
Echo: 牛奶, 牛奶. 可乐 (niúnǎi, niúnǎi. kělè)
Anthony: Cola.
Echo: 可乐, 可乐. 冰红茶 (kělè, kělè. bīnghóngchá)
Anthony: Iced red tea.
Echo: 冰红茶, 冰红茶. 冰绿茶 (bīnghóngchá, bīnghóngchá. bīng lǜchá)
Anthony: Iced green tea.
Echo: 冰绿茶, 冰绿茶. 果汁 (bīng lǜchá, bīng lǜchá. guǒzhī)
Anthony: Juice.
Echo: 果汁, 果汁. 土豆片 (guǒzhī, guǒzhī. tǔdòu piàn)
Anthony: Potato chips.
Echo: 土豆片 (tǔdòu piàn)
Anthony: So Echo, what’s our first vocabulary word?
Echo: 烟 (yān)
Anthony: Cigarettes.
Echo: 烟 (yān)
Anthony: And this is a true fact. China has the world’s largest smoking population.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: And you can expect to find people smoking here in many if not all places.
Echo: You can find cigarettes like in every convenience store.
Anthony: That’s right and it’s pretty to bum a smoke here too.
Echo: Yeah. 来一包烟 (Lái yì bāo yān.)
Anthony: Bring me a pack of cigarettes.
Echo: 来一包烟 (Lái yì bāo yān.)
Anthony: And notice our measure word there for cigarettes.
Echo: 包 (bāo)
Anthony: And this is a pack. It’s a pack of cigarettes. Okay Echo, so our next word.
Echo: 啤酒 (píjiǔ)
Anthony: Beer.
Echo: 啤酒 (píjiǔ)
Anthony: That’s a second tone and the third tone. Now this is just speculation but I would also guess that China has the world’s largest drinking population.
Echo: 还要两瓶啤酒。 (Hái yào liǎng píng píjiǔ.)
Anthony: I also want two bottles of beer.
Echo: 还要两瓶啤酒。 (Hái yào liǎng píng píjiǔ.)
Anthony: I also want two bottles of beer.
Echo: 方便面 (fāngbiànmiàn)
Anthony: Instant noodles.
Echo: 方便面 (fāngbiànmiàn)
Anthony: And the literal translation is convenience noodles.
Echo: 给我一包方便面。 (Gěi wǒ yì bāo fāngbiànmiàn.)
Anthony: Give me a pack of instant noodles.
Echo: 给我一包方便面。 (Gěi wǒ yì bāo fāngbiànmiàn.)
Anthony: And notice how we are using the same measure word for convenience noodles that we did for cigarettes.
Echo: 包 (bāo)
Anthony: Okay Echo, what’s our next word?
Echo: 牛奶 (niúnǎi)
Anthony: Milk.
Echo: 牛奶 (niúnǎi)
Anthony: And the first character here is the character for “cow”
Echo: 牛。我要两袋牛奶。(Niú. Wǒ yào liǎng dài niúnǎi.)
Anthony: I want two boxes of milk.
Echo: 我要两袋牛奶。 (Wǒ yào liǎng dài niúnǎi.)
Anthony: When you buy milk here, it’s usually sold in a juice box like container like a square cardboard box.
Echo: Yeah that’s why we use a measure word 袋 or 袋 (dài or dài)
Anthony: Okay so Echo, what’s our next word?
Echo: 可乐 (kělè)
Anthony: Cola.
Echo: 可乐 (kělè)
Anthony: Yeah and this is just a generic term for soda.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: And there are two really big cola brands here in China. One is
Echo: 可口可乐 (Kěkǒukělè)
Anthony: And this is coca-cola.
Echo: Another is Pepsi 百事可乐 (Bǎishìkělè)
Anthony: And we also have the word for Sprite.
Echo: 雪碧 (Xuěbì)
Anthony: Yeah. That’s a fun word. I like saying that one.
Echo: 雪碧。 (Xuěbì.)
Anthony: Once again, the generic term for Cola is
Echo: 可乐 (Kělè)
Anthony: So you can ask
Echo: 可乐多少钱? (Kělè duōshǎo qián?)
Anthony: How much is the soda but Pepsi, Coke, Sprite, they all have the same price.
Echo: Yes.
Anthony: Three quay unless inflation is going to hit in soon. So Echo, do you have a specific soda that you like the most?
Echo: Actually my favorite is 冰红茶 (Bīng hóngchá)
Anthony: Iced red tea. I also like iced red tea.
Echo: 冰红茶。我想喝冰红茶。 (Bīng hóngchá. Wǒ xiǎng hē bīng hóngchá.)
Anthony: I want to drink iced red tea.
Echo: 我想喝冰红茶。 (Wǒ xiǎng hē bīng hóngchá.)
Anthony: So we have iced red tea. We also have
Echo: 冰绿茶 (bīng lǜchá)
Anthony: Iced green tea.
Echo: 冰绿茶 (bīng lǜchá)
Anthony: I personally prefer the red tea. I think the green tea is a little bland but to each their own.
Echo: Maybe. 冰绿茶三块。 (Bīng lǜchá sān kuài.)
Anthony: Iced green tea is three kuai.
Echo: 冰绿茶三块。 (Bīng lǜchá sān kuài.)
Anthony: And if somebody says otherwise, tell them it’s too expensive.
Echo: Yes.
Anthony: Unless they give you a cheaper price.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: But then they would be crazy to do that. So continuing with the beverages vocabulary, Echo what’s our next word?
Echo: 果汁 (guǒzhī)
Anthony: Juice.
Echo: 果汁 (guǒzhī)
Anthony: Fruit juice.
Echo: 果汁很好喝。 (Guǒzhī hěn hǎohē.)
Anthony: The fruit juice tastes really good.
Echo: 果汁很好喝。 (Guǒzhī hěn hǎohē.)
Anthony: Okay now this next word switching from beverages, we are moving into snacks and this is a very popular one.
Echo: Yeah 土豆片 (tǔdòu piàn)
Anthony: Potato chips.
Echo: 土豆片 (tǔdòu piàn)
Anthony: And this translates as potato slice.
Echo: Yeah 土豆片好吃。 (Tǔdòu piàn hǎochī.)
Anthony: Potato chips are tasty.
Echo: 土豆片好吃。 (Tǔdòu piàn hǎochī.)
Anthony: Okay so we finished up with our vocab section. Soon, we are going to move into our grammar section and we are going to be doing a review of a very familiar verb that we have.
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Anthony: To have. Okay so let’s go to the grammar section now.

Lesson focus

Anthony: In today’s grammar focus, we are going to be reviewing the verb...
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Anthony: To have. Now we’ve learned in previous lesson that this verb to have shows ownership or possession. And it can also be used to show existence.
Echo: Right and the grammar pattern is subject plus 有 (Yǒu) plus object.
Anthony: Okay so what we are going to do now to make everything from this lesson stick is to combine our vocabulary words with our grammar point.
Echo: Okay the first example from the dialogue 你们有烟吗? (Nǐmen yǒu yān ma?)
Anthony: Do you have cigarettes?
Echo: 你们有烟吗? (Nǐmen yǒu yān ma?)
Anthony: Okay there is two ways to answer this question. You can say yes, I do have cigarettes.
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Anthony: Or no, I do not have cigarettes.
Echo: 没有。 (Méiyǒu.)
Anthony: Great. Let’s hear our next example.
Echo: Next one is also from the dialogue 你们有啤酒吗? (Nǐmen yǒu píjiǔ ma?)
Anthony: Do you have any beer?
Echo: 你们有啤酒吗? (Nǐmen yǒu píjiǔ ma?)
Anthony: And once again the two possible answers are
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Anthony: Yes I do have beer.
Echo: Or 没有 (Méiyǒu)
Anthony: No I don’t have any beer, and notice that you don’t have to repeat the entire sentence. All you have to do simply is say yes or no.
Echo: 有 or… (Yǒu or…)
Anthony: So now we are going to use the vocabulary that we’ve learned and we are going to put it into our sample sentences.
Echo: Okay. 你们有方便面吗? (Nǐmen yǒu fāngbiànmiàn ma?)
Anthony: Do you have any instant noodles?
Echo: 你们有方便面吗? (Nǐmen yǒu fāngbiànmiàn ma?) Yeah and I guess the answer must be 有。 (Yǒu.)
Anthony: Yes absolutely must be.
Echo: 这儿有牛奶吗? (Zhè'er yǒu niúnǎi ma?)
Anthony: Is there milk here?
Echo: 这儿有牛奶吗? (Zhè'er yǒu niúnǎi ma?)
Anthony: Okay so another thing we want to point out is, you can omit the subject when it is implied. For example
Echo: 有可乐吗? (Yǒu kělè ma?)
Anthony: Do you have cola?
Echo: 有可乐吗? (Yǒu kělè ma?)
Anthony: Okay the subject that we omitted was
Echo: 你们 (Nǐmen)
Anthony: Yeah you guys.
Echo: Uh-huh.
Anthony: As in the store.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: Okay our next sample.
Echo: 有冰红茶吗? (Yǒu bīng hóngchá ma?)
Anthony: Do you have any iced red tea?
Echo: 有冰红茶吗? (Yǒu bīng hóngchá ma?)
Anthony: Do you have any iced red tea?
Echo: 有冰绿茶吗? (Yǒu bīng lǜchá ma?)
Anthony: Do you have any iced green tea?
Echo: 有冰绿茶吗? (Yǒu bīng lǜchá ma?)
Anthony: Okay now let’s go over some sample sentences where we use a complete sentence using the negative.
Echo: 没有。我们没有果汁。 (Méiyǒu. Wǒmen méiyǒu guǒzhī.)
Anthony: We don’t have any juice.
Echo: 我们没有果汁。 (Wǒmen méiyǒu guǒzhī.)
Anthony: Okay next one.
Echo: 这儿没有土豆片。 (Zhè'er méiyǒu tǔdòu piàn.)
Anthony: There aren’t any potato chips here.
Echo: 这儿没有土豆片。 (Zhè'er méiyǒu tǔdòu piàn.)
Anthony: Okay so we’ve gone over a lot of vocabulary that you are going to use when buying snacks and drinks at a convenience store.
Echo: And we also reviewed 有 (Yǒu) and 没有。(méiyǒu.)
Anthony: Okay so while this information is fresh in your minds right now, the key to long term retention is review.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: So do yourself a favor. Sign up for a premium subscription at chineseclass101.com
Echo: Yes download the lesson note PDFs and review these materials in a day or two.
Anthony: Yes this method is guaranteed to work and you are going to notice the results really fast.
Echo: Yes.


Anthony: Okay so with that, that’s our podcast and from Beijing, I am Anthony.
Echo: 我是Echo。 (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: Thanks for listening and we will see you next time.
Echo: 下次见, (Xià cì jiàn,) Bye bye.
Anthony: Bye bye.


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