
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anthony: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am Anthony.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: And we are here today with our second lesson in our second beginner series.
Echo: 没错!第二课。 (Méi cuò! Dì èr kè.)
Anthony: And Echo, if you remember on our first lesson, we are going through customs.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
Anthony: Now we’ve passed through customs…
Echo: Yep…
Anthony: Into the country. Our next problem is what to eat.
Echo: 吃什么。 (Chī shénme.)
Anthony: Our dialogue is between two hungry people and they can’t decide which Chinese cuisine they want to eat. Before we go to the dialogue however, we would like to remind you. Come to chineseclass101.com. We’ve got tons of great features that are going to get you learning Chinese faster and easier. Isn’t that right Echo?
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.) Absolutely right like we have PDFs, we have a voice recording tool and we have a learning center. We got tons of good stuff for you.
Anthony: And you are going to be learning faster.
Echo: And easier.
Anthony: And easier.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: With that, let’s go right into the dialogue.
我很饿。(Wǒ hěn è.)
我也饿了。(Wǒ yě è le.)
我们吃什么? (Wǒmen chī shénme?)
吃四川菜吧。(Chī sìchuān cài ba.)
Anthony: One more time, a little bit slower.
我很饿。(Wǒ hěn è.)
我也饿了。(Wǒ yě è le.)
我们吃什么? (Wǒmen chī shénme?)
吃四川菜吧。(Chī sìchuān cài ba.)
[With English translation]
我很饿。(Wǒ hěn è.)
I'm very hungry.
我也饿了。(Wǒ yě è le.)
I'm also hungry.
我们吃什么? (Wǒmen chī shénme?)
What shall we eat?
吃四川菜吧。(Chī sìchuān cài ba.)
Let's have Sichuanese food.
Anthony: So Echo, what’s your favorite type of food that you like to eat?
Echo: 四川菜. (Sìchuān cài.) How about you?
Anthony: That’s such a coincidence because I also enjoy eating Sichuan food.
Echo: Umm so we both like spicy.
Anthony: We both love spicy Echo and speaking of spicy, our vocab lesson is even spicier.
Echo: Whoa!
Anthony: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 饿 (è)
Anthony: Hungry.
Echo: 饿, 饿. 饱 (è, è. bǎo)
Anthony: Full.
Echo: 饱, 饱. 菜 (bǎo, bǎo. shíwù)
Anthony: Food.
Echo: 菜, 菜. 饭馆儿 (shíwù, shíwù. fàndiàn)
Anthony: Restaurant.
Echo: 饭馆儿, 饭馆儿. 四川菜 (fàndiàn, fàndiàn. sìchuān cài)
Anthony: Sichuan food.
Echo: 四川菜, 四川菜. 东北菜 (sìchuān cài, sìchuān cài. dōngběi cài)
Anthony: Northeastern food.
Echo: 东北菜, 东北菜. 广东菜 (dōngběi cài, dōngběi cài. guǎngdōng cài)
Anthony: Cantonese food.
Echo: 广东菜, 广东菜. 新疆菜 (guǎngdōng cài, guǎngdōng cài. xīnjiāng cài)
Anthony: Xinjiang food.
Echo: 新疆菜, 新疆菜. (xīnjiāng cài, xīnjiāng cài.)
Anthony: So today’s vocab section revolves around food and different types of food that you can eat.
Echo: Yep.
Anthony: If you haven’t eaten in a while, you are very hungry.
Echo: 饿 (è)
Anthony: I am very hungry.
Echo: 我很饿 (Wǒ hěn è)
Anthony: He is not hungry.
Echo: 他不饿。 (Tā bù è.)
Anthony: Now if you just finished a meal, your stomach is big, you are stuff to the gills, you want to say full.
Echo: 饱 (bǎo)
Anthony: I am full.
Echo: 我饱了。 (Wǒ bǎole.)
Anthony: He is also full.
Echo: 他也饱了。 (Tā yě bǎole.)
Anthony: So we mentioned earlier that Echo and I both like Sichuan food.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
Anthony: If Sichuan food however is not to your liking, there are plenty of other things to taste and to try. That’s why we have a list here for you. First is Cantonese food.
Echo: 广东菜 (Guǎngdōng cài)
Anthony: Let’s eat Cantonese food.
Echo: 我们吃广东菜吧。 (Wǒmen chī guǎngdōng cài ba.)
Anthony: Next is Xinjiang food.
Echo: 新疆菜 (Xīnjiāng cài)
Anthony: Let’s eat Xinjiang food.
Echo: 我们吃新疆菜吧。 (Wǒmen chī xīnjiāng cài ba.)
Anthony: And last but not least, northeastern food.
Echo: 东北菜 (Dōngběi cài)
Anthony: Let’s eat northeastern food.
Echo: 我们吃东北菜吧。 (Wǒmen chī dōngběi cài ba.)
Anthony: Now Echo, you are explaining to me that northeastern food is not spicy.
Echo: No they are not spicy at all but they got some very good dumplings and also, if you go to a 东北菜 (Dōngběi cài) restaurant and they will serve you really big dish.
Anthony: So after eating northeastern food, you will be very full.
Echo: 很饱,很饱,。 (Hěn bǎo, hěn bǎo,.)
Anthony: So you’ve been talking a lot about food and different types of food. I am sure our listeners out there are very hungry. That’s why we have prepared a special grammar dish. With that, on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Anthony: In today’s grammar section, we are going to be teaching you the easiest way to make a sentence in Chinese.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
Anthony: In English for example, if you want to make a sentence, I am hungry.
Echo: 我很饿。(Wǒ hěn è.)
Anthony: I am tired.
Echo: 我很累。(Wǒ hěn lèi.)
Anthony: She is cold.
Echo: 她很冷。 (Tā hěn lěng.)
Anthony: Chinese is a little bit different. So let’s go ahead and break down these sentences. For instance, he is very cold.
Echo: 他很冷。 (Tā hěn lěng.)
Anthony: He
Echo: 他 (Tā)
Anthony: Very
Echo: 很 (Hěn)
Anthony: Cold.
Echo: 冷 (Lěng)
Anthony: Next one. She is very smart.
Echo: 她很聪明。 (Tā hěn cōngmíng.)
Anthony: She
Echo: 她 (Tā)
Anthony: Very.
Echo: 很 (Hěn)
Anthony: Smart.
Echo: 聪明 (Cōngmíng)
Anthony: He is very old.
Echo: 他很老。 (Tā hěn lǎo.)
Anthony: He
Echo: 他 (Tā)
Anthony: Very
Echo: 很 (Hěn)
Anthony: Old.
Echo: 老 (Lǎo)
Anthony: Now if you notice in these direct translations, we are omitting the verb to be.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
Anthony: It is just I
Echo: 我 (Wǒ)
Anthony: Very
Echo: 很 (hěn)
Anthony: Hungry.
Echo: 饿 (È)
Anthony: I very hungry.
Echo: 我很饿。 (Wǒ hěn è.)
Anthony: Another example, I very full.
Echo: 我很饱。 (Wǒ hěn è.)
Anthony: I very full.
Echo: 我很饱。 (Wǒ hěn è.)
Anthony: So all you need is a subject
Echo: Like 我 (Wǒ)
Anthony: Very
Echo: 很 (Hěn)
Anthony: And an adjective.
Echo: Like 饿 (È)
Anthony: I very hungry.
Echo: 我很饿。 (Wǒ hěn è.)
Anthony: It’s as simple as that. That’s the end of our grammar section.


Echo: And that’s the easiest way for you to make a sentence in Chinese.
Anthony: So easy.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: And if you have any more questions or comments, come to the website chineseclass101.com, leave a comment. We are always looking forward to hearing from you.
Echo: Exactly.
Anthony: From Beijing, I am Anthony.
Echo: 我是Echo。 (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: Thanks for listening and we will see you next week.
Echo: 下周见吧。 (Xià zhōu jiàn ba.) Bye bye.
Anthony: Bye bye.

