
Vocabulary (Review)

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Anthony: Welcome to chineseclass101, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese.
Echo: 大家好, 我是Echo。(Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: Hi and I am Anthony. This is our 20th lesson in our second season of our beginner series. And the title of this lesson is Always Come Prepared.
Echo: Always come prepared.
Anthony: Yeah now unfortunately for the people in today’s dialogue, they are learning this lesson the hard way.
Echo: Yes it appears that someone is not only running in late.
Anthony: But they’ve also forgotten to bring their keys. Crucial mistake.
Echo: Yes in today’s dialogue, we will go over different ways to apologize.
Anthony: There are a few and this is also an important tool in getting yourself out of a jam.
Echo: A politeness goes a long way.
Anthony: It does. And you know what else goes a long way?
Echo: A monthly subscription to chineseclass101.
Anthony: That’s right. For only $4, you can become a basic subscriber and have access to all the PDFs for all the lessons that we’ve ever done.
Echo: You can’t beat that deal.
Anthony: No you can’t. Now with that said, let’s go on to the dialogue.
不好意思,我迟到了。(Bùhǎoyìsi, wǒ chídào le.)
你带钥匙了吗?(Nǐ dài yàoshi le ma?)
哦,我忘了!(O, wǒ wàng le!)
Anthony: One more time a little bit slower.
不好意思,我迟到了。(Bùhǎoyìsi, wǒ chídào le.)
你带钥匙了吗?(Nǐ dài yàoshi le ma?)
哦,我忘了!(O, wǒ wàng le!)
Anthony: One more time, a little bit slower.
Echo: 不好意思,我迟到了。(Bùhǎoyìsi, wǒ chídào le.)
Anthony: I am sorry, I am late.
Echo: 没事。(Méishì.)
Anthony: It’s okay.
Echo: 你带钥匙了吗?(Nǐ dài yàoshi le ma?)
Anthony: Did you bring the key?
Echo: 哦,我忘了!(O, wǒ wàng le!)
Anthony: Oh I forgot it.
Echo: Yeah not only is he running late, he left his key too.
Anthony: Yeah well hopefully he has very forgiving friends.
Echo: Yeah in the dialogue, it sounded like it.
Anthony: In today’s dialogue, we are going to introduce you to some key words to apologize for your tardiness or your forgetfulness.
Echo: Right and a lot more words.
Anthony: Right. So let’s go into the vocab section.
Anthony: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 不好意思 (bùhǎoyìsi)
Anthony: I am sorry.
Echo: 不好意思, 不好意思. 迟到 (bùhǎoyìsi, bùhǎoyìsi. chídào)
Anthony: To be late.
Echo: 迟到, 迟到. 没事 (chídào, chídào. méishì)
Anthony: No problem.
Echo: 没事, 没事. 带 (méishì, méishì. dài)
Anthony: To bring.
Echo: 带, 带. 钥匙 (dài, dài. yàoshi)
Anthony: Keys.
Echo: 钥匙, 钥匙. 忘 (yàoshi, yàoshi. wàng)
Anthony: To forget.
Echo: 忘, 忘. 对不起 (wàng, wàng. duìbùqǐ)
Anthony: I am sorry.
Echo: 对不起, 对不起. 没关系 (duìbùqǐ, duìbùqǐ. méiguānxi)
Anthony: It doesn’t matter.
Echo: 没关系, 没关系 (méiguānxi, méiguānxi)
Anthony: Okay Echo, the first word that we heard in this dialogue was what?
Echo: 不好意思 (Bù hǎoyìsi)
Anthony: Sorry or I am embarrassed.
Echo: Yeah 不好意思 (Bù hǎoyìsi)
Anthony: Or it’s I am embarrassed but this is usually a soft way of apologizing.
Echo: And actually Chinese people use 不好意思 (Bù hǎoyìsi) more.
Anthony: Yeah very common.
Echo: 真不好意思。(Zhēn bù hǎoyìsi.)
Anthony: I am really sorry.
Echo: 真不好意思。(Zhēn bù hǎoyìsi.)
Anthony: Yes my cheeks are red, kind of.
Echo: 不好意思,过一下。(Bù hǎoyìsi,guò yīxià.)
Anthony: Excuse me, can I pass.
Echo: 不好意思,过一下。(Bù hǎoyìsi,guò yīxià.)
Anthony: But if you use can I pass alone without apologizing, it’s a little rough, isn’t it?
Echo: Yeah 过一下 (Guò yīxià) yeah…
Anthony: Yeah that’s kind of “get out of my way”.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: Okay Echo, our next word.
Echo: 迟到。(Chídào.)
Anthony: To be late.
Echo: 迟到。你又迟到了。(Chídào. Nǐ yòu chídàole.)
Anthony: You are late again.
Echo: 你又迟到了。(Nǐ yòu chídàole.) That’s not very good.
Anthony: If you have forgiving friends, they will say this.
Echo: 没事 (Méishì)
Anthony: No problem.
Echo: 没事。(Méishì.) Actually 没事 (Méishì) can be both it’s okay and you are welcome. So we can say 没事 (Méishì)
Anthony: Yeah I am sorry, no problem.
Echo: Yeah or 谢谢,没事。(Xièxiè, méishì.)
Anthony: Thank you, it’s okay. Don’t mention it. All right.
Echo: Okay next one 带 (Dài)
Anthony: To bring.
Echo: 带。我没带钱。(Dài dài. Wǒ mò dài qián.)
Anthony: I didn’t bring any money.
Echo: 我没带钱。钥匙 (Wǒ mò dài qián. Yàoshi)
Anthony: Keys.
Echo: 钥匙。他的钥匙掉了。(Yàoshi. Tā de yàoshi diàole.)
Anthony: He lost his keys.
Echo: 他的钥匙掉了。忘 (Tā de yàoshi diàole. Wàng)
Anthony: To forget.
Echo: 忘 (Wàng)
Anthony: Fourth tone.
Echo: 别忘了带信用卡。(Bié wàngle dài xìnyòngkǎ.)
Anthony: Don’t forget to bring your credit card.
Echo: 别忘了带信用卡。(Bié wàngle dài xìnyòngkǎ.) So actually there is a pattern here 别忘了(Bié wàngle) plus 带 (Dài) to bring and things you don’t want others to forget.
Anthony: Yes so for example, money.
Echo: Yeah 别忘了带钱。(Bié wàngle dài qián.)
Anthony: Yeah don’t forget to bring money.
Echo: Or 别忘了带手机。(Bié wàngle dài shǒujī.)
Anthony: Don’t forget to bring your cell phone. And then for foreigners traveling in China, don’t forget to bring your passport.
Echo: Right 别忘了带护照。(Bié wàngle dài hùzhào.)
Anthony: Yes okay. Now we talked about this a little earlier in the vocab section. This is the second way to apologize.
Echo: Right. The first way was 不好意思 (Bù hǎoyìsi)
Anthony: Yes.
Echo: Then this way 对不起 (Duìbùqǐ)
Anthony: I am sorry.
Echo: 对不起 (Duìbùqǐ)
Anthony: And this is the stronger way.
Echo: Stronger and more serious.
Anthony: More serious and if you want to have that very strong
Echo: 真对不起。(Zhēn duìbùqǐ.) Here we have 对不起,我错了。(Duìbùqǐ, wǒ cuòle.)
Anthony: Yeah I am sorry, it was my fault.
Echo: Yeah I was wrong. 对不起,我错了。(Duìbùqǐ, wǒ cuòle.)
Anthony: Yeah I am sorry, it’s my mistake.
Echo: 没关系。(Méiguānxì.)
Anthony: It doesn’t matter.
Echo: 没关系。没关系,我们走吧。(Méiguānxì. Méiguānxì, wǒmen zǒu ba.)
Anthony: Yeah so if you run late and you get there, you want to hear this.
Echo: 没关系,我们走吧。(Méiguānxì, wǒmen zǒu ba.)
Anthony: It doesn’t matter, let’s go. All right so in review, we’ve covered a few different ways to say I am sorry.
Echo: 不好意思 (Bù hǎoyìsi)
Anthony: And
Echo: 对不起 (Duìbùqǐ)
Anthony: Okay. Okay and we have two different ways to say it doesn’t matter.
Echo: 没事 (Méishì)
Anthony: And
Echo: 没关系。(Méiguānxì.)
Anthony: Okay great. So we’ve got that covered, let’s go on to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

Anthony: The focus of today’s grammar point is the particle
Echo: 了 (Le)
Anthony: In Chinese, this has a couple of different uses but today we are only going to cover the change of state.
Echo: That’s right. Let’s go over our first example from the dialogue 我迟到了。(Wǒ chídàole.)
Anthony: I am late and before he arrived he was on his way but now that he arrived.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: There has been a change of state and he is officially late.
Echo: Right 我迟到了。(Wǒ chídàole.) let’s hear some other examples. 他的手机坏了。(Tā de shǒujī huàile.)
Anthony: His phone is broken.
Echo: 他的手机坏了。(Tā de shǒujī huàile.)
Anthony: His phone was working. It broke, now it’s broken.
Echo: Right. So it has changed. 我的东西掉了。(Wǒ de dōngxī diàole.)
Anthony: My things are lost.
Echo: 我的东西掉了。(Wǒ de dōngxī diàole.)
Anthony: Yes the things were in your possession. Somehow they mysteriously walked away.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: And they are lost.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Change of state. Okay our next example.
Echo: 今天冷了。(Jīntiān lěngle.)
Anthony: Yeah today it’s cold. So yesterday, it might not have been cold but today it’s definitely cold.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: So the previous examples have been a change of state involving adjectives.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Anthony: The next few examples are going to be involving verbs.
Echo: Okay let’s go. 我忘了。(Wǒ wàngle.)
Anthony: I forgot. I once knew, but now I can’t remember.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: Okay our next one.
Echo: 她买了。(Tā mǎile.)
Anthony: She purchased it.
Echo: 她买了。(Tā mǎile.)
Anthony: Yes she hadn’t bought it before but now she has. She’s paid the money and she has whatever she’s bought in her possession.
Echo: Yeah so 她买了。(Tā mǎile.)
Anthony: Okay.
Echo: 我吃了。(Wǒ chīle.)
Anthony: I’ve eaten.
Echo: 我吃了。(Wǒ chīle.)
Anthony: Yeah so maybe this might be after lunch. So maybe you saw a friend early in the day.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: Now you see him again, change of state, I have eaten.
Echo: And next one. 孩子睡了。(Háizi shuìle.)
Anthony: The child is asleep.
Echo: 孩子睡了。(Háizi shuìle.)
Anthony: So maybe you are telling somebody to be quiet. The child just went to bed.
Echo: 小声点,孩子睡了。(Xiǎoshēng diǎn, háizi shuìle.)
Anthony: Yes please be a little quiet. Please be a little quieter, the child is sleeping.
Echo: Yes.
Anthony: All right. Okay so we’ve done a change of state involving an adjective.
Echo: And a change of state involving a verb.
Anthony: But what about a verb object change of state combo Echo?
Echo: Well let’s go over it right now.
Anthony: Okay.
Echo: In the dialogue, we heard this sentence 你带钥匙了吗?(Nǐ dài yàoshile ma?)
Anthony: Did you bring the keys?
Echo: 你带钥匙了吗?(Nǐ dài yàoshile ma?)
Anthony: Yes.
Echo: So it’s very simple. We just put 了(Le) after the object.
Anthony: Okay.
Echo: Such as 我带钱了。(Wǒ dài qiánle.)
Anthony: Yes I brought money.
Echo: 我带钱了。(Wǒ dài qiánle.)
Anthony: And the verb object here is
Echo: 带钱。带钱 (Dài qián. Dài qián) So we put 了 after 带钱。(Dài qián.)
Anthony: Okay. Now our next sample sentence.
Echo: 北京下雪了。(Běijīng xià xuěle.)
Anthony: It is now snowing in Beijing. Before it wasn’t, but now the snow started to fall.
Echo: Right. 北京下雪了。(Běijīng xià xuěle.)
Anthony: Okay.
Echo: And the verb object is 下雪 (Xià xuě)
Anthony: Yes falling snow.
Echo: Okay next one 他有女朋友了。(Tā yǒu nǚ péngyǒule.)
Anthony: Yes he has a girlfriend which might be unbelievable, maybe the guy might not be the most attractive person but now he has a girlfriend where before he was single. So in review, we’ve covered the particle for a change of state.
Echo: 了(Le) Yes you can put this directly after the verb.
Anthony: Or at the end of the sentence if both a verb and object are included. So Echo, let’s go over one more sample sentence.
Echo: Okay 我学汉语了。(Wǒ xué hànyǔle.)
Anthony: Yes I am now studying Chinese. Before I wasn’t, now I picked up the books…
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: And I am studying as hard as I can.
Echo: And to study Chinese in the fastest and most fun way possible, come to chineseclass101.
Anthony: That’s right and sign up by simply entering your email address.
Echo: Right 好了。(Hǎole.)


Anthony: Yeah we are done. Okay so from Beijing, I am Anthony.
Echo: 我是Echo。(Wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: Thanks for listening and we will see you next time.
Echo: 下次见 (Xià cì jiàn) Bye bye.
Anthony: Bye bye.

