
Vocabulary (Review)

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Anthony: Welcome to chineseclass101, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo。(Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: And I am Anthony. And today’s lesson is our 21st in our second season of our beginner series.
Echo: Right and the name of our podcast today is The Missing Boyfriend.
Anthony: Yes the boyfriend has gone missing and he is late for dinner. We have a dialogue today that takes place in a restaurant.
Echo: Yeah and everyone is waiting to order.
Anthony: Yes they are starving but the boyfriend still hasn’t shown up.
Echo: So today we are going to give you some vocab that will make you perfect date, not like this boyfriend.
Anthony: Not like the late boyfriend and also we have a grammar point that you will use very often.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Before we go to the dialogue, one thing I do want to say.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: My favorite part about chineseclass101.com are the comments and messages that our listeners leave on the website.
Echo: Me too!
Anthony: Right. So if you guys are listening and if you have any questions, go to the site and leave a comment.
Echo: Or if you have any opinions about how to be at perfect date, you can also leave a comment to us.
Anthony: All right. So with that, let’s go to the dialogue.
他在哪儿?(Tā zài nǎr?)
你男朋友。(Nǐ nánpéngyǒu.)
哦,他经常迟到,我们先点吧。(O, tā jīngcháng chídào, wǒmen xiān diǎn ba.)
Anthony: One more time, a little bit slower.
他在哪儿?(Tā zài nǎr?)
你男朋友。(Nǐ nánpéngyǒu.)
哦,他经常迟到,我们先点吧。(O, tā jīngcháng chídào, wǒmen xiān diǎn ba.)
Anthony: One more time, a little bit slower.
Echo: 他在哪儿?(Tā zài nǎr?)
Anthony: Where is he?
Echo: 谁?(Shéi?)
Anthony: Who?
Echo: 你男朋友。(Nǐ nánpéngyǒu.)
Anthony: Your boyfriend.
Echo: 哦,他经常迟到,我们先点吧。(O, tā jīngcháng chídào, wǒmen xiān diǎn ba.)
Anthony: Oh he is often late. We should order first.
Anthony: So we just learned that if your date is late
Echo: It’s okay to go ahead and order first.
Anthony: Yes but boyfriends, girlfriends, call ahead if you are going to be late.
Echo: Yes that is a polite thing to do.
Anthony: Okay so we have a vocab list here having to do with dating.
Echo: That’s right. So why don’t we introduce our listeners to it right now.
Anthony: Okay. And now the vocab section.
Echo: 谁 (shéi)
Anthony: Who
Echo: 谁, 谁. 男朋友 (shéi, shéi. nánpéngyǒu)
Anthony: Boyfriend.
Echo: 男朋友, 男朋友. 女朋友 (nánpéngyǒu, nánpéngyǒu. nǚpéngyǒu)
Anthony: Girlfriend.
Echo: 女朋友, 女朋友. 帅 (nǚpéngyǒu, nǚpéngyǒu. shuài)
Anthony: Handsome.
Echo: 帅, 帅. 浪漫 (shuài, shuài. làngmàn)
Anthony: Romantic.
Echo: 浪漫, 浪漫. 经常 (làngmàn, làngmàn. jīngcháng)
Anthony: Often
Echo: 经常, 经常. 酷 (jīngcháng, jīngcháng. kù)
Anthony: Cool.
Echo: 酷, 酷. 可爱 (kù, kù. kěài)
Anthony: Cute.
Echo: 可爱, 可爱. 先 (kěài, kěài. xiān)
Anthony: First.
Echo: 先, 先. 点 (xiān, xiān. diǎn)
Anthony: To order.
Echo: 点, 点. (diǎn, diǎn.)
Anthony: So Echo, what is the theme for today’s vocab lesson?
Echo: The theme is, how to be at perfect date.
Anthony: Or at least a good date.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: So let’s go through the vocab list and we are going to give you a sample sentence for each word.
Echo: The first word is 谁 (Shéi)
Anthony: Who
Echo: 谁。你在等谁?(Shéi. Nǐ zài děng shéi?)
Anthony: Who are you waiting for?
Echo: 你在等谁?(Nǐ zài děng shéi?)
Anthony: And if it’s a girl, it might often be this word.
Echo: 男朋友 (Nán péngyǒu)
Anthony: Boyfriend.
Echo: 男朋友。你有男朋友吗?(Nán péngyǒu. Nǐ yǒu nán péngyǒu ma?)
Anthony: Do you have a boyfriend?
Echo: 你有男朋友吗?(Nǐ yǒu nán péngyǒu ma?)
Anthony: If you are asking this question, the answer that you want to hear is, no I don’t. The next word
Echo: 女朋友 (Nǚ péngyǒu)
Anthony: Girlfriend.
Echo: 女朋友 (Nǚ péngyǒu)
Anthony: And if you notice for these last two words, it’s male or female friend.
Echo: Yes 女朋友 (Nǚ péngyǒu)
Anthony: Now one thing I’ve noticed, it’s always polite to introduce your girlfriend to other people.
Echo: Yes it’s very important.
Anthony: As your girlfriend, as your girlfriend.
Echo: Right. It’s important either in the west or in China I think.
Anthony: Yes universal politeness.
Echo: Yes its global thing.
Anthony: Okay.
Echo: So the sentence to introduce your girlfriend is this one 这是我的女朋友。(Zhè shì wǒ de nǚ péngyǒu.)
Anthony: Yes this is my girlfriend or if you want to introduce your boyfriend
Echo: 这是我的男朋友。(Zhè shì wǒ de nán péngyǒu.)
Anthony: Yes this is my boyfriend. So the next word
Echo: 帅 (Shuài)
Anthony: Handsome.
Echo: 帅。你的男朋友很帅。(Shuài. Nǐ de nán péngyǒu hěn shuài.)
Anthony: Your boyfriend is very handsome.
Echo: 你的男朋友很帅。(Nǐ de nán péngyǒu hěn shuài.)
Anthony: And in Beijing and in the north, they have another interesting word that you can use
Echo: 帅哥 (Shuàigē)
Anthony: Yeah handsome.
Echo: And sometimes you can add the r sound after it 帅哥 (Shuàigē) yes more Beijing.
Anthony: Okay so Echo I know this is your favorite word, this next one.
Echo: Yes I think it’s every woman’s favorite word 浪漫 (Làngmàn)
Anthony: Romantic.
Echo: 浪漫。(Làngmàn.) Girls really love a romantic guy. So they will be sure to ask their friends 那个男人浪漫吗?(Nàgè nánrén làngmàn ma?)
Anthony: Is that guy romantic?
Echo: 那个男人浪漫吗?(Nàgè nánrén làngmàn ma?)
Anthony: Okay so this next word is an adverb.
Echo: 经常 (Jīngcháng)
Anthony: Often
Echo: 经常。他不经常买花。(Jīngcháng. Tā bù jīngcháng mǎi huā.)
Anthony: So he doesn’t often buy flowers. So he is not romantic.
Echo: 他不浪漫。(Tā bù làngmàn.)
Anthony: He might be too 帅 for his own good.
Echo: Maybe or maybe he is very 酷. (Kù.)
Anthony: Or he is cool okay.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: He is too cool. That’s why he isn’t buying flowers, which is our next vocabulary word.
Echo: 酷 (Kù)
Anthony: Yes this is the borrowed word from English meaning cool.
Echo: Yeah 他是谁?他真酷。(Tā shì shéi? Tā zhēn kù.)
Anthony: Who is that? He is really cool.
Echo: 他是谁?他真酷。(Tā shì shéi? Tā zhēn kù.)
Anthony: Okay now we are switching over to compliments that we can give to girls.
Echo: Yes 可爱 (Kě'ài)
Anthony: Cute.
Echo: 可爱。我喜欢可爱的女孩。(Kě'ài. Wǒ xǐhuān kě'ài de nǚhái.)
Anthony: Yes I like cute girls.
Echo: 我喜欢可爱的女孩。(Wǒ xǐhuān kě'ài de nǚhái.)
Anthony: So another part of being a perfect date is being polite.
Echo: Right. It’s very, very important.
Anthony: So one of the tips on being a good date is being very, very courteous to the woman and this next vocabulary word will allow you to be extremely courteous.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: So what is it Echo?
Echo: 先 (Xiān)
Anthony: First.
Echo: 先。(Xiān.)
Anthony: So ladies first, you want to say this.
Echo: 你先来。(Nǐ xiān lái.)
Anthony: You go first as you are holding the door for the woman.
Echo: Yeah or like you order first or you do first actually. 先 (Xiān) And next one is 点 (Diǎn)
Anthony: And here it means to order.
Echo: 点 (Diǎn) So when having a date, before you order, you may want to ask this 可以点了吗?(Kěyǐ diǎnle ma?)
Anthony: Shall we order?
Echo: Very polite 可以点了吗?(Kěyǐ diǎnle ma?)
Anthony: Okay so in our vocab section, we’ve given you some tips on how to be at better date. Now we are going to go on to our grammar section.
Echo: Yes.

Lesson focus

Anthony: Okay in today’s grammar focus, we are going to introduce you to this adverb.
Echo: 经常 (Jīngcháng)
Anthony: And it means often.
Echo: 经常 (Jīngcháng)
Anthony: And this is used in the present tense if there is no time word.
Echo: Yes 经常 (Jīngcháng) is used to mean something that happens in a high frequency. Since 经常 (Jīngcháng) is an adverb, we put it before a verb.
Anthony: Right. So from the dialogue, we heard this example.
Echo: 他经常迟到 (Tā jīngcháng chídào)
Anthony: He is often late.
Echo: 他经常迟到 (Tā jīngcháng chídào)
Anthony: Okay so remember, we are placing the adverb often before the verb. Echo, let’s hear some more examples.
Echo: Okay 我经常来这儿。(Wǒ jīngcháng lái zhè'er.)
Anthony: I come here often.
Echo: 我经常来这儿。(Wǒ jīngcháng lái zhè'er.)
Anthony: And the adverb is placed before the verb.
Echo: Right 经常 来 (Jīngcháng lái)
Anthony: Yes to come often. So maybe if you are at a bar and you want to break the ice with the girl, maybe you can ask this question.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: Do you come here often?
Echo: 你经常来这儿吗?(Nǐ jīngcháng lái zhè'er ma?)
Anthony: Yes do you come here often. All right, so our next example.
Echo: 他经常去上海。(Tā jīngcháng qù shànghǎi.)
Anthony: He often goes to Shanghai.
Echo: 他经常去上海。(Tā jīngcháng qù shànghǎi.) So 经常 去 (Jīngcháng qù)
Anthony: Yes to go often.
Echo: 他们经常吃中国菜。(Tāmen jīngcháng chī zhōngguó cài.)
Anthony: They often eat Chinese food.
Echo: 他们经常吃中国菜。(Tāmen jīngcháng chī zhōngguó cài.) So here we have 经常吃 (Jīngcháng chī)
Anthony: Yes to eat often or to eat often. Now we can also use this in the past tense and the future tense if we include a time word.
Echo: Right. Time word is placed before 经常 (Jīngcháng)
Anthony: Okay. So let’s see some examples with a specific time word.
Echo: 我以前经常来这儿。(Wǒ yǐqián jīngcháng lái zhè'er.)
Anthony: Before I will come here often.
Echo: 我以前经常来这儿。(Wǒ yǐqián jīngcháng lái zhè'er.) The time word is 以前 (Yǐqián)
Anthony: Before.
Echo: 他去年经常去上海。(Tā qùnián jīngcháng qù shànghǎi.)
Anthony: Last year, he often went to Shanghai.
Echo: 他去年经常去上海。(Tā qùnián jīngcháng qù shànghǎi.) And the time word here is 去年 (Qùnián)
Anthony: Yeah last year.
Echo: 他们过去经常吃中国菜。(Tāmen guòqù jīngcháng chī zhōngguó cài.)
Anthony: They often ate Chinese food in the past.
Echo: 他们过去经常吃中国菜。(Tāmen guòqù jīngcháng chī zhōngguó cài.) So 过去 (Guòqù) is a time word here.
Anthony: Yes and we place it before the adverb often.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Now the last point we are going to cover is using often in the future tense. Okay so to show frequency in the future tense, we use our future tense marker.
Echo: 会的 (Huì de)
Anthony: Okay. So we are going to give you a few examples using the future tense marker.
Echo: 我会经常来的。(Wǒ huì jīngcháng lái de.)
Anthony: I will come often.
Echo: 我会经常来的。(Wǒ huì jīngcháng lái de.)
Anthony: Now it’s important to note that we have our adverb often squished in between this future tense marker.
Echo: Right 他明年会经常去上海的。(Tā míngnián huì jīngcháng qù shànghǎi de.)
Anthony: Next year, he will often go to Shanghai.
Echo: 他明年会经常去上海的。(Tā míngnián huì jīngcháng qù shànghǎi de.) See we have a time word there too 明年 (Míngnián) Next year.
Anthony: Okay our last example.
Echo: 他们以后会经常吃中国菜的。(Tāmen yǐhòu huì jīngcháng chī zhōngguó cài de.)
Anthony: Afterwards, they will often eat Chinese food.
Echo: 他们以后会经常吃中国菜的。(Tāmen yǐhòu huì jīngcháng chī zhōngguó cài de.) So 以后 (Yǐhòu) there is a time word.
Anthony: Yes and we are also using the future tense marker. Okay so in review, our adverb for often
Echo: 经常 (Jīngcháng)
Anthony: Is placed before a verb.
Echo: Right. We can use the time word to indicate past or future tense.
Anthony: Yes and we can also use it in the future tense with this structure.
Echo: 会 (Huì) plus 经常 (Jīngcháng) plus verb plus 的。(De.)
Anthony: Okay so let’s give our listeners one more practice sentence.
Echo: Okay 我经常chineseclass101.com学中文。(Wǒ jīngcháng chineseclass101.Com xué zhōngwén.)
Anthony: Yes I often go to chineseclass101.com to study Chinese.
Echo: Yes.
Anthony: And if you haven’t come to chineseclass101.com yet, it’s extremely simple to sign up. Echo what do you need to do?
Echo: All you need to do is just entering your email address.
Anthony: Once you’ve signed up, you are going to have access to a bunch of lessons, audio files. It’s the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese.
Echo: Yeah.


Anthony: Okay so from Beijing, I am Anthony.
Echo: 我是Echo。(Wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: Thank you for listening and we will see you next time.
Echo: 下次见,(Xià cì jiàn,)Bye bye.
Anthony: Bye bye.


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