
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anthony: Hi I am Anthony.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: And welcome to chineseclass101. Today we have our third lesson in our second season of our beginner series. The title of today’s lesson is, Let’s Light This Chinese Firecracker. Now Echo, when you think of Chinese New Year’s, what comes to mind?
Echo: Of course it’s 饺子。 (Jiǎozi.)
Anthony: When I think of Chinese New Year’s, I think of wave after wave of deafening fireworks for two weeks on in.
Echo: Yeah but there are many other Chinese New Year’s traditions that are celebrated in China.
Anthony: And that’s what we are going to be talking about today, different types of New Year’s traditions that are commonly celebrated in China.
Echo: Right and today’s dialogue takes place between two friends.
Anthony: And one of them is eager to see what the other one bought.
Echo: Right and they are speaking casually.
Anthony: Before we go to the dialogue though, we want to remind all of our listeners, if you haven’t yet, come to chineseclass101.com. Sign up for your free lifetime account.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: With that account, you are going to get access to a lot of audio lessons. With that, let’s go to the dialogue.
那些是什么?(Nàxiē shì shénme?)
我买的花。(Wǒ mǎi de huā.)
你又买了?(Nǐ yòu mǎi le?)
对,还有一些鞭炮。(Duì, hái yǒu yìxiē biānpào.)
Anthony: One more time, a little bit slower.
那些是什么?(Nàxiē shì shénme?)
我买的花。(Wǒ mǎi de huā.)
你又买了?(Nǐ yòu mǎi le?)
对,还有一些鞭炮。(Duì, hái yǒu yìxiē biānpào.)
David: One more time, with English.
那些是什么?(Nàxiē shì shénme?)
What are those?
我买的花。(Wǒ mǎi de huā.)
I bought fireworks.
你又买了?(Nǐ yòu mǎi le?)
You bought fireworks again?
对,还有一些鞭炮。(Duì, hái yǒu yìxiē biānpào.)
And I also bought some firecrackers.
Anthony: So that guy must really like buying fireworks.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: He bought so many of them.
Echo: And you know, lighting of fireworks is actually an old tradition meant to ward off evil spirits.
Anthony: But I think now it’s more for fun.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: And disrupting my sleep schedule.
Echo: Oh come on! New Year’s is about lot of more than just blowing out fireworks.
Anthony: That’s right and our vocab list today covers a lot of those traditions.
Echo: So let’s go to the vocab section now.
Anthony: All right.
Anthony: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 春节 (chūnjié)
Anthony: Chinese New Year.
Echo: 春节, 春节. 除夕 (chūnjié, chūnjié. chúxī)
Anthony: New Year’s Eve.
Echo: 除夕, 除夕. 电视 (chúxī, chúxī. diànshì)
Anthony: Television.
Echo: 电视, 电视. 花 (diànshì, diànshì. huā)
Anthony: Fireworks.
Echo: 花, 花. 鞭炮 (huā, huā. biānpào)
Anthony: Firecrackers.
Echo: 鞭炮, 鞭炮. 饺子 (biānpào, biānpào. jiǎozi)
Anthony: Dumplings.
Echo: 饺子 , 饺子 . 家 (jiǎozi, jiǎozi. jiā)
Anthony: Family.
Echo: 家, 家. 年夜饭 (jiā, jiā. niányèfàn)
Anthony: New Year’s dinner.
Echo: 年夜饭, 年夜饭 (niányèfàn, niányèfàn)
Anthony: So in today’s vocabulary, we are going to be going over some holiday traditions.
Echo: That’s right.
Anthony: I know Echo that there is one tradition you especially like.
Echo: Right that is eating 饺子 (jiǎozi)
Anthony: Dumplings.
Echo: 饺子 (jiǎozi)
Anthony: Echo, how do you say, I love eating dumplings.
Echo: 我爱吃饺子。 (Wǒ ài chī jiǎozi.)
Anthony: One more time.
Echo: 我爱吃饺子。 (Wǒ ài chī jiǎozi.)
Anthony: So when do Chinese people eat dumplings, is it the night before New Year’s?
Echo: You mean 除夕 (chúxī)
Anthony: Yeah.
Echo: No. Not on 除夕 (chúxī), on 除夕 (chúxī) families will get together and eat 年夜饭 (niányèfàn)
Anthony: That’s New Year’s Eve dinner.
Echo: Right. 年夜饭. (niányèfàn.) Right, so 除夕 (chúxī) is New Year’s Eve; and 年夜饭 (niányèfàn) is a dinner you eat with family then.
Anthony: So you eat and then you blow things up.
Echo: 没错. (Méi cuò.) Yeah. There are two types of firecrackers. The big lot ones you are thinking of are 鞭炮. (Biānpào.)
Anthony: Now these are the firecrackers that are on long strings and they resemble something like black cats back in America. You like them, you run away, you put your hands over your ears and you hope nobody gets hurt.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: Now they are very noisy.
Echo: Exactly. 鞭炮很吵。 (Biānpào hěn chǎo.)
Anthony: Let’s hear that one more time.
Echo: 鞭炮很吵。 (Biānpào hěn chǎo.)
Anthony: Now these firecrackers are different from fireworks.
Echo: Yep 花 (Huā)
Anthony: One more time.
Echo: 花 (Huā)
Anthony: That’s first tone. Now fireworks are very beautiful.
Echo: 花很漂亮。 (Huā hěn piàoliang.)
Anthony: One more time.
Echo: 花很漂亮。 (Huā hěn piàoliang.)
Anthony: So that does it for our vocab section. In review, we went over some Chinese traditions celebrated during New Year’s.
Echo: Yes like 吃饺子。 (Chī jiǎozi.)
Anthony: Eating dumplings.
Echo: Or 吃年夜饭。 (Chī nián yèfàn.)
Anthony: Eating New Year’s Eve dinner.
Echo: Or 放鞭炮。 (Fàng biānpào.)
Anthony: Firecrackers.
Echo: Right, or 放花。 (Fàng huā.)
Anthony: Or fireworks. Okay now on to our grammar section.

Lesson focus

Anthony: In today’s grammar section, we are going to focus on three words. The words are these, those and some.
Echo: 这些,那些,一些。 (Zhèxiē, nàxiē, yīxiē.)
Anthony: Now let’s go over those words individually. These
Echo: 这些 (Zhèxiē)
Anthony: Let’s hear that one more time.
Echo: 这些 (Zhèxiē)
Anthony: Those.
Echo: 那些,那些 (nàxiē, nàxiē)
Anthony: And finally, some.
Echo: 一些 (yīxiē)
Anthony: One more time.
Echo: 一些 (yīxiē)
Anthony: Now if you noticed, there is a common character that’s in all three of these words.
Echo: 这些,那些,一些。 (Zhèxiē, nàxiē, yīxiē.)
Anthony: And the common word is
Echo: 些 (Xiē)
Anthony: And this word is a measure word and it means several.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: In the dialogue, we heard this sentence.
Echo: 那些是什么? (Nàxiē shì shénme?)
Anthony: What are those?
Echo: 那些是什么? (Nàxiē shì shénme?)
Anthony: Now if you remember in our first lesson, we went over the word for that.
Echo: 那 (Nà)
Anthony: So by adding
Echo: 些 (Xiē)
Anthony: It changes that into those.
Echo: Right. Just add 些. (Xiē.) So 那 (Nà) becomes 那些 (Nàxiē)
Anthony: That’s extremely simple. Now that’s true for the other two words.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Let’s take a look at a few sample sentences using
Echo: 那些,这些,and 一些。 (Nàxiē, zhèxiē,and yīxiē.)
Anthony: Okay. And our first sample sentence is
Echo: 他们点了那些花。 (Tāmen diǎnle nàxiē huā.)
Anthony: They lit those fireworks.
Echo: 他们点了那些花。 (Tāmen diǎnle nàxiē huā.)
Anthony: Now these people sound like pyromaniacs. Echo, do we have a word for pyro. We don’t – Chinese doesn’t have a word.
Echo: I don’t think so, I don’t think so.
Anthony: We need to get one. Okay our next sample sentence is, these drinks are tasty.
Echo: 这些酒很好喝。 (Zhèxiē jiǔ hěn hǎo hē.)
Anthony: One more time.
Echo: 这些酒很好喝。 (Zhèxiē jiǔ hěn hǎo hē.)
Anthony: Okay our next sentence is
Echo: 我吃了一些饺子。 (Wǒ chīle yīxiē jiǎozi.)
Anthony: And notice that the word
Echo: 一 (Yī)
Anthony: Just means one.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: So when we have one and we put
Echo: 些 (Xiē)
Anthony: It turns into some.
Echo: 一些 (Yīxiē)
Anthony: Okay so let’s hear that sample sentence one more time.
Echo: 我吃了一些饺子。 (Wǒ chīle yīxiē jiǎozi.)
Anthony: Great. Okay our next sample sentence
Echo: 我买了这些鞭炮。 (Wǒ mǎile zhèxiē biānpào.)
Anthony: I bought these firecrackers.
Echo: 我买了这些鞭炮。 (Wǒ mǎile zhèxiē biānpào.)
Anthony: So in review, we took a look at three words.
Echo: 这些 (Zhèxiē)
Anthony: These
Echo: 那些 (Nàxiē)
Anthony: Those
Echo: And 一些 (Yīxiē)
Anthony: Some. And all three of these words were adding a measure word.
Echo: 些 (xiē)
Anthony: Ready to test what you just learned. Make this lesson’s vocabulary stick by using lesson specific flashcards in the learning center.
Echo: This is a reason everybody uses flashcards.
Anthony: That’s because they work.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: They really do help with memorization. You can get the flashcards for this lesson at
Echo: Chineseclass101.com


Anthony: Okay and that’s our podcast for today. From Beijing, I am Anthony.
Echo: 我是Echo。 (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: Thanks for listening and we will see you next week.
Echo: 下周见。 (Xià zhōu jiàn.) Bye bye.
Anthony: Bye bye.

