
Vocabulary (Review)

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Anthony: Hi I am Anthony.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: And welcome to chineseclass101. Today we have our 6th lesson in our second season of our beginner series titled The Hunt for Wireless Internet in China. Echo, what do we have in store for our listeners today?
Echo: In this lesson, you will learn about internet words and a bunch of other office related items.
Anthony: This conversation takes place in a coffee shop between a customer and an employee.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.) And they are speaking casually as usual.
Anthony: Before we go to the dialogue however, we would like to remind all of our listeners.
Echo: Yes.
Anthony: Come to chineseclass101.com. If you haven’t yet, sign up for your free lifetime account.
Echo: Right. And it will only take you seven seconds.
Anthony: Now Echo, is that seven seconds, is that a guarantee?
Echo: Yes unless your internet is really slow.
Anthony: With that, let’s go to our dialogue.
你们有wifi吗?(Nǐmen yǒu wifi ma?)
密码多少?(Mìmǎ duōshǎo?)
34567. (Sān sì wǔ liù qī .)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
你们有wifi吗?(Nǐmen yǒu wifi ma?)
密码多少?(Mìmǎ duōshǎo?)
34567. (Sān sì wǔ liù qī .)
David: One more time, with English.
你们有wifi吗?(Nǐmen yǒu wifi ma?)
Do you have Wi-Fi?
密码多少?(Mìmǎ duōshǎo?)
What is the password?
34567. (Sān sì wǔ liù qī.)
It's 34567.
Anthony: You know, Echo, it seems that I have this conversation every time I go to Starbucks.
Echo: Really why? They don’t have internet.
Anthony: No they do have internet but if you want to use it, not only do you have to buy a cup of coffee, you have to ask them for the password.
Echo: Right. So you use this vocabulary all the time?
Anthony: All the time. So let’s introduce our listeners to it.
Echo: Hah!
Anthony: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 网络 (wǎngluò)
Anthony: Internet.
Echo: 网络, 网络. 网吧 (wǎngluò, wǎngluò. wǎngbā)
Anthony: Internet bar.
Echo: 网吧, 网吧. 密码 (wǎngbā, wǎngbā. mìmǎ)
Anthony: Password.
Echo: 密码, 密码. 笔记本 (mìmǎ, mìmǎ. bǐjìběn)
Anthony: Laptop.
Echo: 笔记本, 笔记本. 电脑 (bǐjìběn, bǐjìběn. diànnǎo)
Anthony: Computer.
Echo: 电脑, 电脑. 电子邮件 (diànnǎo, diànnǎo. diànzǐ yóujiàn)
Anthony: Email.
Echo: 电子邮件, 电子邮件. 传真机 (diànzǐ yóujiàn, diànzǐ yóujiàn. chuánzhēnjī)
Anthony: Fax machine.
Echo: 传真机, 传真机. 电话 (chuánzhēnjī, chuánzhēnjī. diànhuà)
Anthony: Telephone.
Echo: 电话, 电话. (diànhuà, diànhuà.)
Anthony: So let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Echo: Okay.
Anthony: The first word we will look at is internet.
Echo: 网络 (wǎngluò)
Anthony: That’s third tone, fourth tone.
Echo: 网络 (wǎngluò)
Anthony: I find it more often than not, the internet is very slow in China.
Echo: Yeah it is.
Anthony: So how would I say that in Chinese?
Echo: 网络很慢。 (Wǎngluò hěn màn.)
Anthony: The internet is very slow…
Echo: 网络很慢。 (Wǎngluò hěn màn.)
Anthony: The next word we have is internet bar.
Echo: 网吧 (wǎngbā)
Anthony: One more time.
Echo: 网吧 (wǎngbā)
Anthony: Where can I find an internet bar?
Echo: 网吧在哪儿? (Wǎngbā zài nǎ'er?)
Anthony: Where can I find an internet bar?
Echo: 网吧在哪儿? (Wǎngbā zài nǎ'er?)
Anthony: I personally am not a big fan of internet bars. They are a little dark and smoky.
Echo: Yeah smoky yeah but a lot of younger people, they spend almost I think their entire life there, yeah.
Anthony: A lot of time is spent in the internet bars.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: Moving on, our next vocabulary word is password.
Echo: 密码 (mìmǎ)
Anthony: Fourth tone, third tone.
Echo: 密码 (mìmǎ)
Anthony: And I use this next sentence all the time.
Echo: 我忘了密码。 (Wǒ wàngle mìmǎ.)
Anthony: I forgot the password.
Echo: Yeah I use this all the time too. 我忘了密码。 (Wǒ wàngle mìmǎ.)
Anthony: I forgot the password. So I found that the remedy is to change all my passwords into one. So now I use a very simple password.
Echo: What is that?
Anthony: 12345.
Echo: Hey everybody, listen up! But if all your passwords are same, someone can hack into your computer 电脑 (diànnǎo)
Anthony: That’s true. How do you say computer again?
Echo: 电脑 (diànnǎo)
Anthony: That’s fourth tone, third tone.
Echo: 电脑 (diànnǎo)
Anthony: As in, this is my computer.
Echo: 这是我的电脑。 (Zhè shì wǒ de diànnǎo.)
Anthony: This is my computer.
Echo: 这是我的电脑。 (Zhè shì wǒ de diànnǎo.)
Anthony: I think after this podcast, it’s going to be this is my hacked computer. Okay on to our next vocab word, laptop.
Echo: 笔记本 (bǐjìběn)
Anthony: Notice the R 发音 (Fāyīn) on the end of that word. Echo, can you say that one more time for us?
Echo: 笔记本 (bǐjìběn)
Anthony: Now Echo, you know I use a laptop and I think laptops are very convenient.
Echo: 笔记本很方便。 (Bǐjìběn hěn fāngbiàn.)
Anthony: Laptops are very convenient.
Echo: 笔记本很方便。 (Bǐjìběn hěn fāngbiàn.)
Anthony: You know what else is really convenient.
Echo: Yes. Today’s grammar point.
Anthony: Absolutely. So let’s head to our grammar point right now.

Lesson focus

Anthony: The focus of today’s grammar lesson is the verb to have.
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Anthony: In the dialogue, we saw this sentence.
Echo: 你们有wifi吗? (Nǐmen yǒu wifi ma?)
Anthony: Do you have wireless?
Echo: 你们有wifi吗? (Nǐmen yǒu wifi ma?)
Anthony: Now the verb
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Anthony: Shows ownership. I have Wi-Fi.
Echo: 我有wifi。 (Wǒ yǒu wifi.)
Anthony: I have Wi-Fi.
Echo: 我有wifi。 (Wǒ yǒu wifi.)
Anthony: I have a computer.
Echo: 我有电脑。 (Wǒ yǒu diànnǎo.)
Anthony: I have a computer.
Echo: 我有电脑。 (Wǒ yǒu diànnǎo.)
Anthony: I have a telephone.
Echo: 我有电话。 (Wǒ yǒu diànhuà.)
Anthony: I have a telephone.
Echo: 我有电话。 (Wǒ yǒu diànhuà.)
Anthony: Now in all of these sentences, we are using a very simple grammar pattern. It goes, he
Echo: 他 (Tā)
Anthony: Has
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Anthony: A television.
Echo: 电视 (Diànshì)
Anthony: He has a television.
Echo: 他有电视。 (Tā yǒu diànshì.)
Anthony: The grammar pattern that we are using here is subject
Echo: 他, (Tā,) then 有 (Yǒu)
Anthony: Which is the verb to have and then the object.
Echo: Like 他有电视。 (Tā yǒu diànshì.)
Anthony: He has a television.
Echo: 他有电视。 (Tā yǒu diànshì.)
Anthony: That’s pretty simple to use but what if we want to ask someone if they own something.
Echo: That’s simple. All we do is add a 吗 at the end.
Anthony: Now this
Echo: 吗 (Ma)
Anthony: Is a question marker. You put this at the end of a statement and it magically turns into a question.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: So Echo, why don’t you take us through a couple of sample sentences where we are using
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Anthony: In a question.
Echo: Okay.
Anthony: Our first sample sentence is
Echo: 你有电子邮件吗? (Nǐ yǒu diànzǐ yóujiàn ma?)
Anthony: Do you have an email address?
Echo: 你有电子邮件吗? (Nǐ yǒu diànzǐ yóujiàn ma?)
Anthony: And notice changing this from a statement to a sentence, all we are doing is putting the
Echo: 吗 (Ma)
Anthony: On the end.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Our next sentence.
Echo: 她有传真机吗? (Tā yǒu chuánzhēn jī ma?)
Anthony: Does she have a fax machine?
Echo: 她有传真机吗? (Tā yǒu chuánzhēn jī ma?)
Anthony: Does she have a fax machine? So just like in the previous examples, we are using the subject plus
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Anthony: Plus the object formula and just adding the question marker
Echo: 吗 (Ma)
Anthony: To the end of the sentence.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: To review one more time, when we want to show ownership, we simply stick
Echo: 有 (Yǒu)
Anthony: In the middle of the subject and an object. For example, she has a book.
Echo: 她有书。 (Tā yǒu shū.)
Anthony: She has a book.
Echo: 她有书。 (Tā yǒu shū.)
Anthony: And then if we want to change that statement into a question, we simply add a
Echo: 吗 (Ma)
Anthony: So she has a book turns into, does she have a book?
Echo: 她有书吗? (Tā yǒu shū ma?)
Anthony: One more time.
Echo: 她有书吗? (Tā yǒu shū ma?)
Anthony: So that does it for our grammar section. Before we go today, some of our listeners already know about the most powerful tool on chineseclass101.
Echo: Right. Line by line audio.
Anthony: The perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension. By listening to lines of the conversation again and again.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Listen until every word and syllable becomes clear. Basically we break down the dialogue into comprehensible bite size sentences.
Echo: Right. You can try the line by line audio in the premium learning center at chineseclass101.com


Anthony: And that does it for our podcast today. From Beijing, I am Anthony.
Echo: 我是Echo。 (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: Thanks for listening and see you next week.
Echo: 下周见, (Xià zhōu jiàn,) Bye bye.
Anthony: Bye bye.

