
Vocabulary (Review)

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Anthony: Welcome to chineseclass101, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese.
Echo: 大家好, 我是Echo。 (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: And I am Anthony and today we have our 8th lesson in our second season of our beginner series.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Titled, Is That Your Boyfriend? So today, we have a dialogue about profiles and courage.
Echo: Yeah. We have a brave young man who wants to ask a girl out.
Anthony: Now will he rise to the occasion or will he let a golden opportunity pass?
Echo: You have to wait and see.
Anthony: Until then, what we can tell you is that this lesson is jam packed with a bunch of vocab related to dating.
Echo: And a grammar section about any dating, a very common verb.
Anthony: And much, much more. Before we go to the dialogue, if you haven’t yet, sign up with a free lifetime account at chineseclass101.com. Echo, how long does it take?
Echo: I guess 5 seconds now.
Anthony: Yes.
Echo: The latest record.
Anthony: The latest record broken by Michael Phelps himself is 5 seconds.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: See if you can beat it and we will give you a gold medal. With that, let’s go to the dialogue.
你有男朋友吗? (Nǐ yǒu nánpéngyou ma?)
没有。 (Méiyǒu.)
嗯,你想去看电影吗? (En, nǐ xiǎng qù kàn diànyǐng ma?)
嗯,好的。 (En, hǎo de.)
Anthony: One more time a little bit slower.
你有男朋友吗? (Nǐ yǒu nánpéngyou ma?)
嗯,你想去看电影吗? (En, nǐ xiǎng qù kàn diànyǐng ma?)
嗯,好的。 (En, hǎo de.)
Anthony: One more time with English.
Echo: 你有男朋友吗? (Nǐ yǒu nánpéngyou ma?)
Anthony: Do you have a boyfriend?
Echo: 没有。(Méiyǒu.)
Anthony: No I don’t.
Echo: 嗯,你想去看电影吗? (En, nǐ xiǎng qù kàn diànyǐng ma?)
Anthony: Want to go see a movie?
Echo: 嗯,好的。 (En, hǎo de.)
Anthony: Umm yeah I’d really like to.
Anthony: Well that guy really has a lot of confidence asking a girl out like that.
Echo: Well yeah I think most Chinese people are direct with asking questions.
Anthony: Well good for this guy. The confidence goes a long way.
Echo: Right. That’s true and it is also true for speaking Chinese like speaking with confidence is a fastest way to fluency.
Anthony: That’s right. That’s why today’s vocab section is full of words that will bolster your confidence and your speaking ability.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Let’s take a listen.
Anthony: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 电影 (diànyǐng)
Anthony: Movie.
Echo: 电影, 电影. 喝咖啡 (diànyǐng, diànyǐng. hē kāfēi)
Anthony: To drink coffee.
Echo: 喝咖啡,喝咖啡。买东西 (hē kāfēi, hē kāfēimǎi. dōngxi)
Anthony: To go shopping.
Echo: 买东西,买东西。手拉手 (dōngxi, dōngxi. Shǒu lāshǒu)
Anthony: Hand in hand.
Echo: 手拉手 ,手拉手。亲 (Shǒu lāshǒu, Shǒu lāshǒu. qīn)
Anthony: To kiss.
Echo: 亲,亲。自信 (qīn, qīn. zìxìn)
Anthony: Confidence.
Echo: 自信,自信。单身 (zìxìn, zìxìn. dānshēn)
Anthony: To be single.
Echo: 单身,单身。 (dānshēn, dānshēn.)
Anthony: In today’s vocab section, we are going to focus on different items that had to do with dating. Where to go, what to do and how not to blow it.
Echo: Right.
Anthony: Okay. So the first word we are going to look at today is
Echo: 电影 (diànyǐng)
Anthony: Movie.
Echo: 电影 (diànyǐng)
Anthony: As we see in this sample sentence.
Echo: 今天的电影很好看。 (Jīntiān de diànyǐng hěn hǎokàn.)
Anthony: Today’s movie looked really good.
Echo: 今天的电影很好看。 (Jīntiān de diànyǐng hěn hǎokàn.)
Anthony: Now Echo, you recently saw a movie that’s pretty popular.
Echo: Avatar.
Anthony: That’s right.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: So why don’t we hear this sample sentence?
Echo: Avatar很好看。 (Hěn hǎokàn.)
Anthony: Avatar was really pretty. Another thing you can do on a date is
Echo: 喝咖啡 (hē kāfēi)
Anthony: It’s to drink coffee.
Echo: 喝咖啡 (hē kāfēi)
Anthony: Well that’s three first tones in a row. You are just sliding on through. Can we hear that one more time?
Echo: 喝咖啡 (hē kāfēi)
Anthony: As in the sentence
Echo: 我请你喝咖啡。 (Wǒ qǐng nǐ hē kāfēi.)
Anthony: I am going to treat you to a cup of coffee.
Echo: 我请你喝咖啡。 (Wǒ qǐng nǐ hē kāfēi.)
Anthony: I think Starbucks is a good place for a first date. Very little expectations at Starbucks. Our next word however, I would not want to do this on a first date.
Echo: 买东西 (mǎi dōngxi)
Anthony: And that’s to go shopping.
Echo: 买东西 (mǎi dōngxi)
Anthony: If you take a first date shopping, you are setting the bar way too high.
Echo: Then maybe the girl will expect you to take care of shopping all the time.
Anthony: Especially on weekends. Let’s hear that phrase in a sample sentence.
Echo: 我们去买东西吧。 (Wǒmen qù mǎi dōngxi ba.)
Anthony: How about we go shopping.
Echo: 我们去买东西吧。 (Wǒmen qù mǎi dōngxi ba.)
Anthony: Okay so this next word is a little tricky but we are going to explain it.
Echo: 手拉手 (Shǒu lāshǒu)
Anthony: Now this means to go hand in hand or to hold hands but literally it means hand dragging hand.
Echo: 手拉手 (Shǒu lāshǒu)
Anthony: Let’s use that in the sample sentence.
Echo: 他们手拉手。 (Tāmen shǒu lāshǒu.)
Anthony: They were holding hands. So now when you are ready to take the relationship to the next level, you want to know this word.
Echo: 亲 (Qīn)
Anthony: And that’s to kiss.
Echo: 亲 (Qīn)
Anthony: To kiss.
Echo: 我能亲你吗? (Wǒ néng qīn nǐ ma?)
Anthony: Can I kiss you? So Echo, earlier we talked about this next vocabulary word and this is a secret to success both in dating and in speaking Chinese.
Echo: 没错,(Méi cuò,) The word is 自信。(zìxìn.)
Anthony: And this means confidence.
Echo: 自信。 (zìxìn.)
Anthony: And they are both fourth tone.
Echo: 他没有自信。 (Tā méiyǒu zìxìn.)
Anthony: He doesn’t have confidence.
Echo: 他没有自信。 (Tā méiyǒu zìxìn.)
Anthony: Now if you don’t have confidence, you may very well find yourself
Echo: 单身。 (Dānshēn)
Anthony: And this is the word to be single.
Echo: Oh that’s so sad. 单身。你是单身吗?(Dānshēn. Nǐ shì dānshēn ma?)
Anthony: Are you single?
Echo: 你是单身吗? (Dānshēn. Nǐ shì dānshēn ma?)
Anthony: Yes very direct. Sometimes it works. So we’ve gone through a lot of dating vocabulary. Now we are going to go on to our grammar section.
Anthony: It’s grammar time.

Lesson focus

Anthony: A lot of today’s grammar focus is going to be review. In lesson 4, we introduced the verb to have.
Echo: 有。 (Yǒu.)
Anthony: And this is used to show ownership. Now in today’s lesson, we are going to show you how to negate this verb.
Echo: 没有。 (Méiyǒu.)
Anthony: Let’s hear that one more time slowly.
Echo: 没有。 (Méiyǒu.)
Anthony: That’s a second and a third tone. Now let’s take a look at the first character.
Echo: 没 (Méi)
Anthony: This means not.
Echo: 没 (Méi)
Anthony: For example
Echo: 我没有钱。 (Wǒ méiyǒu qián.)
Anthony: I don’t have any money.
Echo: 我没有钱。 (Wǒ méiyǒu qián.)
Anthony: I am broke. Okay next sample sentence.
Echo: 他没有时间。 (Tā méiyǒu shíjiān.)
Anthony: He doesn’t have any time.
Echo: 他没有时间。 (Tā méiyǒu shíjiān.)
Anthony: So we’ve gone over a few examples about not having something. What if we want to say, we haven’t done something.
Echo: We can say 没 (Méi) and put a verb after it.
Anthony: Okay Echo, give us one example.
Echo: 我没吃。 (Wǒ méi chī.)
Anthony: I haven’t eaten.
Echo: 我没吃。 (Wǒ méi chī.) So all we are doing is putting 没 (Méi) before a verb.
Anthony: And what this does is, it moves it to the past tense.
Echo: 他没睡。 (Tā méi shuì.)
Anthony: He didn’t sleep.
Echo: 他没睡。 (Tā méi shuì.)
Anthony: One more.
Echo: 他们没走。 (Tāmen méi zǒu.)
Anthony: They didn’t go.
Echo: 他们没走。 (Tāmen méi zǒu.)
Anthony: So in review, we went over two ways to negate something.
Echo: Right. The first one is 没有 (Méiyǒu)
Anthony: And this is to not have something.
Echo: 没有。(Méiyǒu)
Anthony: And then if you want to say, you didn’t do something in the past tense.
Echo: You can use 没。 (Méi)
Anthony: Followed by
Echo: A verb.
Anthony: Simple.
Echo: 没。(Méi)


Anthony: So that’s our podcast. To all of our premium members out there, use the review track to perfect your pronunciation. There is three ways to get access to the review track. One of them is through the website.
Echo: Yeah.
Anthony: The other one is through the learning center and lastly, through iTunes via the premium feed. The review track gives you vocabulary and phrases followed by a short pause so you can repeat the words aloud.
Echo: It’s a best way to get good fast.
Anthony: Really fast.
Echo: Uhoo…
Anthony: Okay from Beijing, I am Anthony.
Echo: 我是Echo。 (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Anthony: Thanks for listening and we will see you next week.
Echo: 下周见吧。 (Xià zhōu jiàn ba.)
Anthony: Bye bye.


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