
Vocabulary (Review)

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Maryssa: Hi everyone, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Business Chinese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 3 - Describing Your Job in Chinese. Maryssa here.
Zeyu: 大家好!(Dàjiā hǎo!) I'm Zeyu.
Maryssa: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about a job. The conversation takes place at an office.
Zeyu: It's between Linda and Mark.
Maryssa: The speakers are co-workers, therefore, they will speak formal Chinese. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
张丽: 请问您是不是Mark?
(Zhāng lì: Qǐngwèn nín shì bùshì Mark?)
马浩然: 对!您是Linda?
(Mǎ hàorán: Duì! Nín shì Linda?)
张丽: 对!闻名不如见面。
(Zhāng lì: Duì! Wénmíng bùrú jiànmiàn.)
马浩然: 客气客气。
(Mǎ hàorán: Kèqì kèqì.)
张丽: 其实您负责什么工作?
(Zhāng lì: Qíshí nín fùzé shénme gōngzuò?)
马浩然: 我是一个会计师。
(Mǎ hàorán: Wǒ shì yīgè kuàijìshī.)
张丽: 会计师?那您要处理工资单吗?
(Zhāng lì: Kuàijìshī? Nà nín yào chǔlǐ gōngzī dān ma?)
马浩然: 对,工资单,还有账单和税务之类的。
(Mǎ hàorán: Duì, gōngzī dān, hái yǒu zhàngdān hé shuìwù zhī lèi de.)
Maryssa: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
张丽: 请问您是不是Mark?
(Zhāng lì: Qǐngwèn nín shì bùshì Mark?)
马浩然: 对!您是Linda?
(Mǎ hàorán: Duì! Nín shì Linda?)
张丽: 对!闻名不如见面。
(Zhāng lì: Duì! Wénmíng bùrú jiànmiàn.)
马浩然: 客气客气。
(Mǎ hàorán: Kèqì kèqì.)
张丽: 其实您负责什么工作?
(Zhāng lì: Qíshí nín fùzé shénme gōngzuò?)
马浩然: 我是一个会计师。
(Mǎ hàorán: Wǒ shì yīgè kuàijìshī.)
张丽: 会计师?那您要处理工资单吗?
(Zhāng lì: Kuàijìshī? Nà nín yào chǔlǐ gōngzī dān ma?)
马浩然: 对,工资单,还有账单和税务之类的。
(Mǎ hàorán: Duì, gōngzī dān, hái yǒu zhàngdān hé shuìwù zhī lèi de.)
Maryssa: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
张丽: 请问您是不是Mark?
(Zhāng lì: Qǐngwèn nín shì bùshì Mark?)
Linda: "Mark, right?"
马浩然: 对!您是Linda?
(Mǎ hàorán: Duì! Nín shì Linda?)
Mark: "Right! And you, I presume, are Linda?"
张丽: 对!闻名不如见面。
(Zhāng lì: Duì! Wénmíng bùrú jiànmiàn.)
Linda: "Yes. It's nice to meet you finally."
马浩然: 客气客气。
(Mǎ hàorán: Kèqì kèqì.)
Mark: "You're too kind."
张丽: 其实您负责什么工作?
(Zhāng lì: Qíshí nín fùzé shénme gōngzuò?)
Linda: "So what do you do exactly?"
马浩然: 我是一个会计师。
(Mǎ hàorán: Wǒ shì yīgè kuàijìshī.)
Mark: "I'm an accountant."
张丽: 会计师?那您要处理工资单吗?
(Zhāng lì: Kuàijìshī? Nà nín yào chǔlǐ gōngzī dān ma?)
Linda: "Accountant? So what, you deal with payslips?"
马浩然: 对,工资单,还有账单和税务之类的。
(Mǎ hàorán: Duì, gōngzī dān, hái yǒu zhàngdān hé shuìwù zhī lèi de.)
Mark: "Well kind of, payslips, billing, taxes…"
Maryssa: Being an accountant is a pretty good job. It’s pretty universal, too—everyone needs accountants!
Zeyu: That’s right! You’ll find them in business everywhere.
Maryssa: Of course, you need to study to be an accountant, so let’s learn a little about the Chinese education system.
Zeyu: There are nine years of compulsory teaching.
Maryssa: This is six years of primary education, and three years of junior secondary education.
Zeyu: It’s all funded by the government.
Maryssa: There is also tertiary education, and vocational and professional education and training.
Zeyu: For the universities and higher education, there are over 100 National Key Universities in China.
Maryssa: As of 2018, China has the world's second highest number of top universities.
Zeyu: The elite group of Chinese universities include Peking University and Tsinghua University.
Maryssa: Are there many international schools and universities in China?
Zeyu: The number has increased due to international business and expat communities.
Maryssa: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Maryssa: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Zeyu: 请问(qǐngwèn) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "Excuse me; May I ask"
Zeyu: 请问(qǐngwèn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 请问(qǐngwèn) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 见面(jiànmiàn) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "to meet; to see each other"
Zeyu: 见面(jiànmiàn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 见面(jiànmiàn) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 其实(qíshí) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "actually; really"
Zeyu: 其实(qíshí) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 其实(qíshí) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 负责(fùzé) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "to be responsible for"
Zeyu: 负责(fùzé) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 负责(fùzé) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 工作(gōngzuò) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "job; duty"
Zeyu: 工作(gōngzuò) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 工作(gōngzuò) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 会计师(kuàijìshī) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "accountants"
Zeyu: 会计师(kuàijìshī) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 会计师(kuàijìshī) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 处理(chǔlǐ) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "to deal with"
Zeyu: 处理(chǔlǐ) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 处理(chǔlǐ) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 工资单(gōngzī dān) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "payslips"
Zeyu: 工资单(gōngzī dān) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 工资单(gōngzī dān) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 账单(zhàngdān) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "bill"
Zeyu: 账单(zhàngdān) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 账单(zhàngdān) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: And last...
Zeyu: 税务 (shuìwù) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "tax"
Zeyu: 税务 (shuìwù) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 税务 (shuìwù) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Zeyu: 客气客气。(Kèqì kèqì.)
Maryssa: meaning "You're too kind."
Maryssa: This is a humble phrase.
Zeyu: It is made from 客气(kèqì).
Maryssa: This means "modest, polite."
Zeyu: You can use 客气客气。(Kèqì kèqì.) when people pay you a compliment.
Maryssa: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Zeyu: Sure. For example, you can say... A:你真厉害。B:客气客气。(A: Nǐ zhēn lìhài.B: Kèqì kèqì.)
Maryssa: ...which means "A: You're so awesome. B: You're so kind (to say that)."
Maryssa: Okay, what's the next word?
Zeyu: ...之类的(...zhī lèi de)
Maryssa: meaning "such as..., etc."
Maryssa: Let’s break this phrase down.
Zeyu: First is 之类(zhī lèi).
Maryssa: This means "of a certain kind." The last part is a possessive particle.
Zeyu: 的 (de)
Maryssa: You can use this phrase to give a list of examples that isn’t exhaustive.
Zeyu: Yes, there are more examples that you haven’t said.
Maryssa: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Zeyu: Sure. For example, you can say... 我还收藏邮票和首日封之类的。(Wǒ hái shōucáng yóupiào hé shǒurìfēng zhī lèi de.)
Maryssa: ...which means "I also collect stamps, first day covers, and the like."
Maryssa: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Maryssa: In this lesson, you'll learn about describing one's occupation.
Maryssa: First, let’s look at some expressions you can use to identify a person.
Zeyu: For example, the phrase 请问您是不是...?(Qǐngwèn nín shì bùshì…?)
Maryssa: "Excuse me, are you…?" You can use this to confirm who someone is.
Zeyu: 请问您是不是Mark?(Qǐngwèn nín shì bùshì Mark?)
Maryssa: "May I ask, are you Mark?"
Zeyu: 请问(qǐngwèn) has a polite and humble tone.
Maryssa: It means "excuse me" or "may I ask." You can also use this phrase to clarify someone’s position.
Zeyu: Such as 请问您是不是经理?(Qǐngwèn nín shì bùshì jīnglǐ?)
Maryssa: "May I ask, are you the manager?" Let’s hear some more examples.
Zeyu: 请问您是不是John?(Qǐngwèn nín shì bùshì John?)
Maryssa: "Excuse me, are you John?"
Zeyu: 请问您是不是老板?(Qǐngwèn nín shì bùshì lǎobǎn?)
Maryssa: "May I ask, are you the owner?"
Zeyu: 请问您是不是他的秘书?(Qǐngwèn nín shì bùshì tā de mìshū?)
Maryssa: "May I ask, are you his secretary?" Next, we’ll move onto talking about our occupations.
Zeyu: You can use the phrase 我是一个...(Wǒ shì yīgè…) or 我是...(Wǒ shì…)
Maryssa: "I’m a(n) …" Can we hear an example?
Zeyu: 我是一个会计师。 (Wǒ shì yīgè kuàijìshī.)
Maryssa: "I’m an accountant." Can you tell us a few occupations in Chinese?
Zeyu: 秘书 (mìshū)
Maryssa: "secretary"
Zeyu: 经理 (jīnglǐ)
Maryssa: "manager"
Zeyu: 护士 (hùshì)
Maryssa: "nurse"
Zeyu: 教师 (jiàoshī)
Maryssa: "teacher"
Zeyu: 消防员 (xiāofáng yuán)
Maryssa: "firefighter"


Maryssa: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Zeyu: 再见!(Zàijiàn!)

