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Maryssa: Hi everyone, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Business Chinese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 4 - Talking About Your Job in Chinese. Maryssa here.
Zeyu: 大家好!(Dàjiā hǎo!) I'm Zeyu.
Maryssa: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk to a coworker. The conversation takes place at an office.
Zeyu: It's between Linda and Mark.
Maryssa: The speakers are co-workers, therefore, they will speak informal Chinese. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
马浩然: 和客人开会怎样了?
(Mǎ hàorán: Hé kèrén kāihuì zěnyàngle?)
张丽: 他对我们公司的服务有兴趣。
(Zhāng lì: Tā duì wǒmen gōngsī de fúwù yǒu xìngqù.)
马浩然: 你喜欢你的工作吗?
(Mǎ hàorán: Nǐ xǐhuān nǐ de gōngzuò ma?)
张丽: 还可以!我喜欢和其他人交流,而且薪水不错。
(Zhāng lì: Hái kěyǐ! Wǒ xǐhuān hé qítā rén jiāoliú, érqiě xīnshuǐ bùcuò.)
马浩然: 我呢就比较喜欢自己做自己的。
(Mǎ hàorán: Wǒ ne jiù bǐjiào xǐhuān zìjǐ zuò zìjǐ de.)
Maryssa: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
马浩然: 和客人开会怎样了?
(Mǎ hàorán: Hé kèrén kāihuì zěnyàngle?)
张丽: 他对我们公司的服务有兴趣。
(Zhāng lì: Tā duì wǒmen gōngsī de fúwù yǒu xìngqù.)
马浩然: 你喜欢你的工作吗?
(Mǎ hàorán: Nǐ xǐhuān nǐ de gōngzuò ma?)
张丽: 还可以!我喜欢和其他人交流,而且薪水不错。
(Zhāng lì: Hái kěyǐ! Wǒ xǐhuān hé qítā rén jiāoliú, érqiě xīnshuǐ bùcuò.)
马浩然: 我呢就比较喜欢自己做自己的。
(Mǎ hàorán: Wǒ ne jiù bǐjiào xǐhuān zìjǐ zuò zìjǐ de.)
Maryssa: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
马浩然: 和客人开会怎样了?
(Mǎ hàorán: Hé kèrén kāihuì zěnyàngle?)
Mark: "And how did the meeting with the client go?"
张丽: 他对我们公司的服务有兴趣。
(Zhāng lì: Tā duì wǒmen gōngsī de fúwù yǒu xìngqù.)
Linda: "He is interested in our services."
马浩然: 你喜欢你的工作吗?
(Mǎ hàorán: Nǐ xǐhuān nǐ de gōngzuò ma?)
Mark: "Do you like your job?"
张丽: 还可以!我喜欢和其他人交流,而且薪水不错。
(Zhāng lì: Hái kěyǐ! Wǒ xǐhuān hé qítā rén jiāoliú, érqiě xīnshuǐ bùcuò.)
Linda: "Yes! I like to interact with others, and the salary is pretty good."
马浩然: 我呢就比较喜欢自己做自己的。
(Mǎ hàorán: Wǒ ne jiù bǐjiào xǐhuān zìjǐ zuò zìjǐ de.)
Mark: "I prefer to work by myself."
Maryssa: It’s always good to hear that someone enjoys their job, as Linda said she does in the conversation.
Zeyu: Yes, job satisfaction is important.
Maryssa: It was also interesting to hear that although Linda likes to work in a company, Mark prefers to work alone.
Zeyu: I think that lots of Chinese people would agree with Linda over Mark.
Maryssa: Why’s that?
Zeyu: Things such as company benefits, job security, and a company's reputation are important.
Maryssa: And you can find all of those at big companies, but they’re not really as common if you work by yourself.
Zeyu: No, they aren’t!
Maryssa: What companies do people want to work for?
Zeyu: Places like Alibaba, Tencent, Xiaomi, Baidu all rank highly in the preferred employer rankings.
Maryssa: There’s a lot of privately held Chinese companies now too, aren’t there?
Zeyu: Yes, there are.
Maryssa: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Maryssa: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Zeyu: 客人(kèrén) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "customer; client"
Zeyu: 客人(kèrén) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 客人(kèrén) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 开会(kāihuì) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "to have a meeting"
Zeyu: 开会(kāihuì) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 开会(kāihuì) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 怎样(zěnyàng) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "how"
Zeyu: 怎样(zěnyàng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 怎样(zěnyàng) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 兴趣(xìngqù) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "interested (in)"
Zeyu: 兴趣(xìngqù) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 兴趣(xìngqù) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 喜欢(xǐhuān) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "to like"
Zeyu: 喜欢(xǐhuān) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 喜欢(xǐhuān) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 交流(jiāoliú) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "to interact"
Zeyu: 交流(jiāoliú) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 交流(jiāoliú) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 薪水(xīnshuǐ) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "salary"
Zeyu: 薪水(xīnshuǐ) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 薪水(xīnshuǐ) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 不错(bùcuò) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "not bad"
Zeyu: 不错(bùcuò) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 不错(bùcuò) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Next we have...
Zeyu: 比较(bǐjiào) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "comparatively"
Zeyu: 比较(bǐjiào) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 比较(bǐjiào) [natural native speed]
Maryssa: And last...
Zeyu: 自己 [natural native speed]
Maryssa: "myself, oneself, own"
Zeyu: 自己 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Zeyu: 自己 [natural native speed]
Maryssa: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is...
Zeyu: 怎样了?(zěnyàngle?)
Maryssa: meaning "How did the... go?"
Maryssa: Let’s break down this phrase.
Zeyu: First is 怎样(zěnyàng)
Maryssa: This means "how." The last part is an aspect marker that indicates a completed action.
Zeyu: That is 了(le).
Maryssa: You can use this phrase to ask how something went.
Zeyu: Just add a noun at the front.
Maryssa: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Zeyu: Sure. For example, you can say... 面试怎样了?(Miànshì zěnyàngle?)
Maryssa: ...which means "How did the interview go?"
Maryssa: Okay, what's the next word?
Zeyu: 自己做自己的(zìjǐ zuò zìjǐ de)
Maryssa: meaning "to work by oneself; to work on one's own tasks."
Maryssa: Let’s break down this phrase, too.
Zeyu: First is 自己(zìjǐ), it means "self, own." Next is 做(zuò).
Maryssa: This means "do, act, make." The final part means "one’s own thing."
Zeyu: That is 自己的(zìjǐ de). Altogether it is 自己做自己的(zìjǐ zuò zìjǐ de).
Maryssa: You can use this to say that you can work by yourself or can manage your own time.
Zeyu: You can also say 自己搞定(zìjǐ gǎodìng)
Maryssa: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Zeyu: Sure. For example, you can say... 不要自己做自己的,要和别人分工合作。(Bùyào zìjǐ zuò zìjǐ de, yào hé biérén fēngōng hézuò.)
Maryssa: ...which means "Don't just work on your own thing, you should work with the team."
Maryssa: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Maryssa: In this lesson, you'll learn about chatting with coworkers about your job.
Maryssa: An easy topic of conversation with coworkers is about your preferences and likes.
Zeyu: The easiest way is to use the verb 喜欢 (xǐhuān) or if you don’t like something, 不喜欢 (bù xǐhuān).
Maryssa: But I’m sure that our listeners already know that way! There are ways to express your preferences that are better suited to a business setting.
Zeyu: You can say 我喜欢 (Wǒ xǐhuān)
Maryssa: "I like…"
Zeyu: 我不喜欢 (Wǒ bù xǐhuān)
Maryssa: "I don’t like…" We can also talk about our preferences. To say that we prefer one thing over another,
Zeyu: you use the adverb 比较 (bǐjiào) in front of 喜欢 (xǐhuān).
Maryssa: That adverb means "comparatively, relatively." So the phrase becomes...
Zeyu: 我比较喜欢 (Wǒ bǐjiào xǐhuān)
Maryssa: "I prefer…" Zeyu, can we have some examples?
Zeyu: 我喜欢蓝色。 (Wǒ xǐhuān lán sè.)
Maryssa: "I like the color blue."
Zeyu: 我比较喜欢蓝色。(Wǒ bǐjiào xǐhuān lán sè.)
Maryssa: "I prefer the color blue."
Zeyu: 我喜欢自己做自己的。 (Wǒ xǐhuān zìjǐ zuò zìjǐ de.)
Maryssa: "I like to work by myself."
Zeyu: 我比较喜欢自己做自己的。 (Wǒ bǐjiào xǐhuān zìjǐ zuò zìjǐ de.)
Maryssa: "I prefer to work by myself." To finish this lesson, we will learn how to say and use "in addition to."
Zeyu: This is 而且 (érqiě).
Maryssa: There’s no limit to how many points you can list, but this is usually put in front of the last point. For example...
Zeyu: 他懂得用电脑,工作经验丰富,而且要求的薪水不太高。(Tā dǒngdé yòng diànnǎo, gōngzuò jīngyàn fēngfù, érqiě yāoqiú de xīnshuǐ bù tài gāo.)
Maryssa: "He is computer literate, has a lot of work experience, and his expected salary is not high."
Zeyu: 这公司福利很好,薪水高,而且很近我的家。(Zhè jiā gōngsī fúlì hěn hǎo, xīnshuǐ gāo, érqiě hěn jìn wǒ de jiā.)
Maryssa: "This company offers good benefits and high salary; moreover, it’s close to my home."


Maryssa: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Zeyu: 再见!(Zàijiàn!)

