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Michael: Hi everyone, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Business Chinese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 6 - Making Chinese Work Complaints. Michael here.
Dehua: 大家好!(Dàjiā hǎo!) I'm Dehua.
Michael: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to complain at work. The conversation takes place at an office.
Dehua: It's between Monica and Linda.
Michael: The speakers are co-workers, therefore, they will speak informal Chinese. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
王芳: 我们的印刷厂又延误送货。
(Wáng Fāng: Wǒmen de yìnshuā shāng yòu lì pái yào yánchí.)
张丽: 太不靠谱了!我们的日子定了要让客人看样品。
(Zhāng Lì: Tài tài bù kào pǔle! Wǒmen de rìzi dìngle yào ràng kèrén kàn huò bǎn.)
王芳: 我也不知道该怎么办。
(Wáng Fāng: Wǒ yě bù zhīdào gāi zěnme bàn.)
张丽: 先投诉吧,再延迟的话,就要求他给我们一个折扣。
(Zhāng Lì: Xiān tóusù ba, zài yánchí dehuà, jiù yāoqiú tā gěi wǒmen yīgè zhékòu.)
王芳: 好,就这样吧。谢谢你的建议。
(Wáng Fāng: Hǎo, jiù zhèyàng ba. Xièxiè nǐ de jiànyì.)
张丽: 以防万一,我们要开始找一个新的印刷厂。
(Zhāng Lì: Yǐ fáng wàn yī, wǒmen yào kāishǐ zhǎo yīgè xīn de yìnshuā shāng.)
Michael: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
王芳: 我们的印刷厂又延误送货。
(Wáng Fāng: Wǒmen de yìnshuā shāng yòu lì pái yào yánchí.)
张丽: 太不靠谱了!我们的日子定了要让客人看样品。
(Zhāng Lì: Tài tài bù kào pǔle! Wǒmen de rìzi dìngle yào ràng kèrén kàn huò bǎn.)
王芳: 我也不知道该怎么办。
(Wáng Fāng: Wǒ yě bù zhīdào gāi zěnme bàn.)
张丽: 先投诉吧,再延迟的话,就要求他给我们一个折扣。
(Zhāng Lì: Xiān tóusù ba, zài yánchí dehuà, jiù yāoqiú tā gěi wǒmen yīgè zhékòu.)
王芳: 好,就这样吧。谢谢你的建议。
(Wáng Fāng: Hǎo, jiù zhèyàng ba. Xièxiè nǐ de jiànyì.)
张丽: 以防万一,我们要开始找一个新的印刷厂。
(Zhāng Lì: Yǐ fáng wàn yī, wǒmen yào kāishǐ zhǎo yīgè xīn de yìnshuā shāng.)
Michael: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
王芳: 我们的印刷厂又延误送货。
(Wáng Fāng: Wǒmen de yìnshuā shāng yòu lì pái yào yánchí.)
Monica: "The printing company's delivery is delayed again."
马浩然: 太不靠谱了!我们的日子定了要让客人看样品。
(Mǎ Hàorán: Tài tài bù kào pǔle! Wǒmen de rìzi dìngle yào ràng kèrén kàn huò bǎn.)
Mark: "That is not good. We are scheduled to show the sample to the customer."
王芳: 我也不知道该怎么办。
(Wáng Fāng: Wǒ yě bù zhīdào gāi zěnme bàn.)
Monica: "I'm not sure what to do about it."
马浩然: 先投诉吧,再延迟的话,就要求他给我们一个折扣。
(Mǎ Hàorán: Xiān tóusù ba, zài yánchí dehuà, jiù yāoqiú tā gěi wǒmen yīgè zhékòu.)
Mark: "Make a complaint and, in case of further delay, negotiate a discount."
王芳: 好,就这样吧。谢谢你的建议。
(Wáng Fāng: Hǎo, jiù zhèyàng ba. Xièxiè nǐ de jiànyì.)
Monica: "Okay, I will. Thank you for advising."
马浩然: 以防万一,我们要开始找一个新的印刷厂。
(Mǎ Hàorán: Yǐ fáng wàn yī, wǒmen yào kāishǐ zhǎo yīgè xīn de yìnshuā shāng.)
Mark: "And just in case, start looking for a new printing company."
Michael: If you’re expecting something to be printed, then you want it to be printed on time.
Dehua: Of course you do. In business, you always expect things to be on time.
Michael: It’s the same with business meetings.
Dehua: You must be on time to business meetings.
Michael: Time is money, after all!
Dehua: That’s especially the case in China.
Michael: How do business meetings usually begin?
Dehua: You can expect a meeting to start with small talk.
Michael: And then there will be lots of discussion.
Dehua: Don’t be surprised if meetings go longer than expected.
Michael: That can be quite frustrating.
Dehua: Yes, but don’t lose your temper!
Michael: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Michael: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Dehua: 印刷厂(yìnshuā chǎng) [natural native speed]
Michael: "printing company"
Dehua: 印刷厂(yìnshuā chǎng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 印刷厂(yìnshuā chǎng) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 又(yòu) [natural native speed]
Michael: "again"
Dehua: 又(yòu) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 又(yòu) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 延误(yánwù) [natural native speed]
Michael: "delay; to delay"
Dehua: 延误(yánwù) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 延误(yánwù) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 定了(dìngle) [natural native speed]
Michael: "to have scheduled; to have set a date"
Dehua: 定了(dìngle) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 定了(dìngle) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 样品(yàngpǐn) [natural native speed]
Michael: "sample"
Dehua: 样品(yàngpǐn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 样品(yàngpǐn) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 投诉(tóusù) [natural native speed]
Michael: "to complain; complaint"
Dehua: 投诉(tóusù) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 投诉(tóusù) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 折扣(zhékòu) [natural native speed]
Michael: "discount"
Dehua: 折扣(zhékòu) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 折扣(zhékòu) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 建议(jiànyì) [natural native speed]
Michael: "suggestion, advice; to suggest, to advise"
Dehua: 建议(jiànyì) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 建议(jiànyì) [natural native speed]
Michael: And lastly...
Dehua: 开始(kāishǐ) [natural native speed]
Michael: "to start"
Dehua: 开始(kāishǐ) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 开始(kāishǐ) [natural native speed]
Michael: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
Dehua: 延迟送货(yánchí sòng huò)
Michael: meaning "delayed delivery."
Michael: Let’s break this down.
Dehua: First is 延迟(yánchí). This means "delay, postpone." Next is 送货(sòng huò).
Michael: This means "to deliver items, delivery."
Dehua: This phrase is commonly used in China.
Michael: It’s used to talk about delays in delivery.
Dehua: To talk about other delays, you can also use 延迟(yánchí)
Michael: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Dehua: Sure. For example, you can say... 这物流公司又延迟送货。(Zhè wùliú gōngsī yòu yánchí sòng huò.)
Michael: ...which means "This logistic company delayed the delivery again."
Michael: Okay, what's the next word?
Dehua: 我要投诉(wǒ yào tóusù)
Michael: meaning "I want to make a complaint."
Michael: Let’s break down this sentence.
Dehua: First is 我(wǒ), meaning "I." Next is 要(yào).
Michael: This is "need, want." After that is "complain."
Dehua: That is 投诉(tóusù).
Michael: You can use this sentence to express your unhappiness with a product or service. If you want to report a crime, you can use…
Dehua: 举报(jǔbào),
Michael: meaning, "to report to the authorities."
Michael: Can you give us an example using this sentence?
Dehua: Sure. For example, you can say... 我要跟你经理投诉!(Wǒ yào gēn nǐ jīnglǐ tóusù!)
Michael: ... which means "I want to make a complaint to your manager!"
Michael: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Michael: In this lesson, you'll learn about handling problems at work.
Michael: A common problem is delays in schedules. Let’s look at some words and phrases that will help us talk about them.
Dehua: 延误 (yánwù)
Michael: "delay"
Dehua: 地址错误 (dìzhǐ cuòwù)
Michael: "wrong address"
Dehua: 货物遗失 (huòwù yíshī)
Michael: "lost in transit"
Dehua: 堵车 (dǔchē)
Michael: "traffic jam"
Dehua: 验货不合格 (yàn huò bù hégé)
Michael: "failed quality check"
Dehua: 产品错误 (chǎnpǐn cuòwù)
Michael: "wrong products"
Dehua: 到货损坏 (dào huò sǔnhuài)
Michael: "damaged goods"
Dehua: 产品不良 (chǎnpǐn bùliáng)
Michael: "defective product." If you want to sound like a Chinese native, then master a few phrases that can show concern in a natural way.
Dehua: Let’s hear a few of these.
Michael: You can use all of these at work, too.
Dehua: 太不靠谱了!(Tài bù kào pǔ le!)
Michael: "Oh that’s not good!" or "That’s ridiculous!"
Dehua: 没搞错吧? (Méi gǎo cuò ba?)
Michael: "That’s ridiculous!" or "Seriously!"
Dehua: 天啊! (Tiān a!)
Michael: "Oh no!" or "Oh my god!"


Michael: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Dehua: 再见!(Zàijiàn!)

