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Michael: Hi everyone, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Business Chinese for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 9 - Checking In For Your China Business Trip. Michael here.
Dehua: 大家好!(Dàjiā hǎo!) I'm Dehua.
Michael: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to go on a business trip. The conversation takes place at a hotel reception desk.
Dehua: It's between Linda and the receptionist.
Michael: The speakers are employee and customer, therefore, they will speak formal Chinese. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
张丽: 早安,我姓张,已经订了房。
(Zhāng Lì: Zǎo ān, wǒ xìng Zhāng, yǐjīng dìngle fáng.)
接待员: 请问是不是张丽小姐,单人间,两个晚上,含早餐?
(Jiēdài yuán: Qǐngwèn shì bùshì Zhāng Lì xiǎojiě, dānrénjiān, liǎng gè wǎnshàng, hán zǎocān?)
张丽: 对。
(Zhāng Lì: Duì.)
接待员: 请出示身份证。
(Jiēdài yuán: Qǐng chūshì shēnfèn zhèng.)
张丽: 在这儿。还有,我可以打印发布会的文件吗?
(Zhāng Lì: Zài zhè'er. Hái yǒu, wǒ kěyǐ dǎyìn fābù huì de wénjiàn ma?)
接待员: 当然可以,我们的商务中心二十四小时开放。
(Jiēdài yuán: Dāngrán kěyǐ, wǒmen de shāngwù zhōngxīn èrshísì xiǎoshí kāifàng.)
Michael: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
张丽: 早安,我姓张,已经订了房。
(Zhāng Lì: Zǎo ān, wǒ xìng Zhāng, yǐjīng dìngle fáng.)
接待员: 请问是不是张丽小姐,单人间,两个晚上,含早餐?
(Jiēdài yuán: Qǐngwèn shì bùshì Zhāng Lì xiǎojiě, dānrénjiān, liǎng gè wǎnshàng, hán zǎocān?)
张丽: 对。
(Zhāng Lì: Duì.)
接待员: 请出示身份证。
(Jiēdài yuán: Qǐng chūshì shēnfèn zhèng.)
张丽: 在这儿。还有,我可以打印发布会的文件吗?
(Zhāng Lì: Zài zhè'er. Hái yǒu, wǒ kěyǐ dǎyìn fābù huì de wénjiàn ma?)
接待员: 当然可以,我们的商务中心二十四小时开放。
(Jiēdài yuán: Dāngrán kěyǐ, wǒmen de shāngwù zhōngxīn èrshísì xiǎoshí kāifàng.)
Michael: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
张丽: 早安,我姓张,已经订了房。
(Zhāng Lì: Zǎo ān, wǒ xìng Zhāng, yǐjīng dìngle fáng.)
Linda: "Good morning, I have a reservation under Zhang."
接待员: 请问是不是张丽小姐,单人间,两个晚上,含早餐?
(Jiēdài yuán: Qǐngwèn shì bùshì Zhāng Lì xiǎojiě, dānrénjiān, liǎng gè wǎnshàng, hán zǎocān?)
Receptionist: "Ms. Zhang Li, two nights, single room, breakfast included. Is this correct?"
张丽: 对。
(Zhāng Lì: Duì.)
Linda: "Yes."
接待员: 请出示身份证。
(Jiēdài yuán: Qǐng chūshì shēnfèn zhèng.)
Receptionist: "Please show us an ID."
张丽: 在这儿。还有,我可以打印发布会的文件吗?
(Zhāng Lì: Zài zhè'er. Hái yǒu, wǒ kěyǐ dǎyìn fābù huì de wénjiàn ma?)
Linda: "Here it is. By the way, can I print out my presentation somewhere?"
接待员: 当然可以,我们的商务中心二十四小时开放。
(Jiēdài yuán: Dāngrán kěyǐ, wǒmen de shāngwù zhōngxīn èrshísì xiǎoshí kāifàng.)
Receptionist: "Of course, our business center is open 24/7."
Michael: I suppose business travel is quite common in China?
Dehua: It can be! One phrase you’ll hear a lot is 我要订房 (wǒ yào dìngfáng).
Michael: "I’d like to reserve a room."
Dehua: Also, 我要退房 (wǒ yào tuì fáng).
Michael: "I’d like to check out." Is it common to tip in China and to tip in hotels?
Dehua: No, it’s not very common to leave tips.
Michael: What about in restaurants?
Dehua: Most high-end restaurants will add a service charge. You might want to tip on top of that if the service is good.
Michael: What about taxi drivers?
Dehua: No, you don’t have to.
Michael: Is there anyone else we should tip?
Dehua: If you’re in a high-end hotel, there might be attendants in the bathrooms.
Michael: So maybe we can tip them, too. Okay, now onto the vocab.
Michael: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Dehua: 订(dìng) [natural native speed]
Michael: "to reserve"
Dehua: 订(dìng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 订(dìng) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 单人间(dānrénjiān) [natural native speed]
Michael: "single room"
Dehua: 单人间(dānrénjiān) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 单人间(dānrénjiān) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 含(hán) [natural native speed]
Michael: "to include"
Dehua: 含(hán) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 含(hán) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 早餐(zǎocān) [natural native speed]
Michael: "breakfast"
Dehua: 早餐(zǎocān) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 早餐(zǎocān) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 身份证(shēnfèn zhèng) [natural native speed]
Michael: "identification; ID card"
Dehua: 身份证(shēnfèn zhèng) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 身份证(shēnfèn zhèng) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 打印(dǎyìn) [natural native speed]
Michael: "to print (a document)"
Dehua: 打印(dǎyìn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 打印(dǎyìn) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next,
Dehua: 文件(wénjiàn) [natural native speed]
Michael: "document"
Dehua: 文件(wénjiàn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 文件(wénjiàn) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next,
Dehua: 商务中心(shāngwù zhōngxīn) [natural native speed]
Michael: "business center"
Dehua: 商务中心(shāngwù zhōngxīn) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 商务中心(shāngwù zhōngxīn) [natural native speed]
Michael: Next we have...
Dehua: 二十四小时(èrshísì xiǎoshí) [natural native speed]
Michael: "24-hours; around-the-clock"
Dehua: 二十四小时(èrshísì xiǎoshí) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 二十四小时(èrshísì xiǎoshí) [natural native speed]
Michael: And last...
Dehua: 开放 [natural native speed]
Michael: "to open; to be in service"
Dehua: 开放 [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Dehua: 开放 [natural native speed]
Michael: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
Dehua: 去麦当劳吃早餐(qù màidāngláo chī zǎocān)
Michael: meaning "Go to McDonald's for breakfast."
Michael: Let’s break this phrase down.
Dehua: First is 去(qù). This means "go." Next is 麦当劳(màidāngláo)
Michael: This is "McDonald’s." The next part means "eat."
Dehua: That is 吃(chī). Finally is 早餐(zǎocān)
Michael: "breakfast." You can use "go" with a place name.
Dehua: Yes, remember "go" is 去(qù).
Michael: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Dehua: Sure. For example, you can say... 我想去麦当劳吃早餐。(Wǒ xiǎng qù màidāngláo chī zǎocān.)
Michael: ...which means "I want to go to McDonald's for breakfast."
Michael: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Dehua: 身份证(shēnfèn zhèng)
Michael: meaning "ID card"
Michael: Let’s look at this phrase, too.
Dehua: First is 身份(shēnfèn). This means "identity." Next is 证(zhèng)
Michael: That is "certificate, proof." What kind of card is this?
Dehua: 身份证(shēnfèn zhèng) has information that proves who you are.
Michael: Are there any other things that can be used as proof of ID?
Dehua: Yes. 驾照(jiàzhào); "a driver licence."
Michael: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Dehua: Sure. For example, you can say... 请出示身份证。(Qǐng chūshì shēnfèn zhèng.)
Michael: ... which means "Please show your ID card."
Michael: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Dehua: 二十四小时开放(èrshísì xiǎoshí kāifàng)
Michael: meaning "open 24 hours a day."
Michael: This is our final phrase.
Dehua: First is 二十四(èrshísì). It means "twenty-four." Next is 小时(xiǎoshí)
Michael: This is "hours." The final part means "to open."
Dehua: 开放 (kāifàng).
Michael: You can use this phrase to describe a service or store that runs all day.
Dehua: 终年无休 (zhōngnián wú xiū) means a business that is open every day, all day.
Michael: Can you give us an example using this word?
Dehua: Sure. For example, you can say... 便利店二十四小时开放。(Biànlì diàn èrshísì xiǎoshí kāifàng.)
Michael: ... which means "Convenience stores are open 24 hours a day."
Michael: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Michael: In this lesson, you'll learn about checking in to a hotel.
Michael: Let’s look at some phrases that will be helpful when we’re staying in a hotel.
Dehua: 可以上网吗?(Kěyǐ shàngwǎng ma?)
Michael: "Is there any internet connection?"
Dehua: 房间里可以无线上网吗?(Fángjiān lǐ kěyǐ wúxiàn shàngwǎng ma?)
Michael: "Is there "WiFi in the room?"
Dehua: 我需要明天早上五点的叫醒服务。(Wǒ xūyào míngtiān zǎoshang wǔ diǎn de jiào xǐng fúwù.)
Michael: "I’d like a morning call at 5am."
Dehua: 有洗衣服务吗?(Yǒu xǐyī fúwù ma?)
Michael: "Do you have a laundry service?" Now, let’s move onto looking at the past tense in Chinese. You may have studied this already, but don’t worry if you haven’t!
Dehua: There are only two ways to express the past tense in Chinese.
Michael: You can use it for both finished and unfinished actions. Dehua, can you tell us how to make these two forms?
Dehua: To make past tense, simply add 了 (le) behind the verb.
Michael: And how do we make present perfect tense?
Dehua: Add 过 (guò) behind the verb.
Michael: Let’s work through an example using the verb "to eat."
Dehua: That is 吃 (chī). The past tense is 吃了 (chīle),
Michael: "ate."
Dehua: You can say 吃了早餐 (chīle zǎocān),
Michael: "ate breakfast,"
Dehua: or 吃过早餐 (chīguò zǎocān),
Michael: "have had breakfast." Let’s also look at an example using "to go."
Dehua: The present tense is 去 (qù). The past tense is 去了 (qùle).
Michael: That is "went" in English. Now let’s hear a couple of examples in phrases.
Dehua: 去了美国 (qùle měiguó)
Michael: "went to the USA"
Dehua: 去过美国 (qùguò měiguó)
Michael: "have been to the USA"


Michael: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Dehua: 再见!(Zàijiàn!)

