Vocabulary (Review)

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Let's take a closer look at each of these expressions.
First do you remember how Karen says,
"See you again."
再见。 (Zàijiàn.)
This starts with 再(zài), meaning, "again." 再. 再。
Next is 见 (jiàn), "to see." 见. 见。
Together, 再见 (Zàijiàn) literally means "Again to see," but it translates as "See you again."
再见 can be used in formal and informal situations.
Do you remember how Sasha says,
晚安 (Wǎn'ān), "Goodnight." 晚安. 晚安。
First is 晚 (wǎn), which means "night" in this context. 晚. 晚.
Next is 安 (ān), "safe" or "peaceful." 安. 安。
Together 晚安 (wǎn'ān) literally means "night safe or night peaceful," but translates as "goodnight."
晚安 is used when you don't plan on seeing someone again that night, most likely before they go to bed.
Both Sasha and Ben use this expression to say goodnight to Xiaoyun Xu.
Do you remember how Xiaoyun says
"Goodnight. Bye-bye."
晚安。拜拜。(Wǎn'ān. Báibái.)
The first part is the same expression Sasha and Ben use: 晚安 (Wǎn'ān), "Goodnight." 晚安。
The second part, 拜拜 (Báibái), "Bye-bye." 拜拜
This expression comes from the English "Bye-bye."
Listen again to the pronunciation. 拜拜 (Báibái). 拜拜.
拜拜 is often used in informal situations with close friends and with younger people.
All together, 晚安。拜拜。"Goodnight. Bye-bye."

