Lesson Transcript

Now it's time to review.
Do you remember how to say "Good morning?"
早上好 (zǎoshang hǎo).
And how to say "Hello?"
你好 (nǐ hǎo).
Do you remember how to say “Good evening?”
晚上好 (wǎnshang hǎo).
Do you remember how to say “’Morning?”
早 (zǎo).
And how to say “See you again?”
再见 (zàijiàn).
Do you remember how to say "Goodnight?"
晚安 (wǎn’ān).
And how to say “Bye-bye?”
拜拜 (báibái).
Do you remember how to say "See you next time?"
下次见 (xiàcì jiàn).
Well done! In this lesson, you've learned how to use greetings and parting expressions at different times of the day.
That's it for this lesson, thanks for watching.
I'm Yinru, and I'll see you again on ChineseClass101.com
再见 (zàijiàn).

