Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hello 大家好! Welcome to Chinese weekly words and what are we going to have this week? Let’s find out together. This week, we are going to talk about words when you are feeling sick. So being sick.
Okay first one is 发烧(fāshāo)
发烧(fāshāo) means ”fever”, like, it’s really hot, your body is hot to the touch.
他昨晚发烧了。(tā zuówǎn fāshāo le.)"He had a fever last night."
okay 下一个是:哮喘(xiàochuǎn)
哮喘(xiàochuǎn) means ”asthma”. It’s really no fun.
他从小就有哮喘。(tā cóng xiǎo jiù yǒu xiàochuǎn.)"He has been having asthma since he was very little."
哮喘(xiàochuǎn), no fun.
头疼( tóuténg)
头疼( tóuténg) is ”headache"
这件事很让我头疼。(zhè jiàn shì hěn ràng wǒ tóuténg.) It means ”This issue or this situation really gives me a headache." It’s really you know, tricky, difficult like headache, oh my gosh, headache! 我的妈呀!(wǒ de mā ya!)
感冒(gǎnmào) is very common though
感冒(gǎnmào) is ”cold" or “to have a cold”. It can be a noun or a verb.
当心不要感冒了。(dāngxīn búyào gǎnmào le.)"Be careful not to catch a cold."
下一个是:过敏(guòmǐn) "allergy"
他对海鲜过敏。(tā duì hǎixiān guòmǐn.)"He is allergic (or he has allergy) to seafood."
Finally that’s the end. So we talked about words to use when you are feeling sick and hope you liked this video and I will see you next week on Chinese weekly words 下周见!再见!

