
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是 (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo.
David: And we are here with an exciting lesson 28 in our elementary series.
Echo: 第二十八课。(Dì èrshíbā kè.)
David: And this is also about spying, our spying series and in this lesson, we are going to find out exactly what happens.
Echo: And they are speaking casually.
David: And we are going to jump on to the dialogue in a moment but before we do, Echo, you wanted to tell people something.
Echo: Right. Don’t forget to leave us comments.
David: Yeah if you have any questions, if you have any suggestions or thoughts, leave us a comment on the site or in the forums and we will get back to you.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Let’s go on to the dialogue.
A:我拿到资料了,你在哪儿呢?(Wǒ ná dào zīliào le, nǐ zài nǎr ne?)
B:小声点儿,快出来。大使来了你就逃不了了。(Xiǎoshēng diǎnr, kuài chūlai. Dàshǐ lái le nǐ jiù táo bùliǎo le.)
A:你还在外面?你骗我!(Nǐ hái zài wàimian? Nǐ piàn wǒ!)
B:你已经拿到资料了,我还进去干嘛呀?(Nǐ yǐjīng ná dào zīliào le, wǒ hái jìnqù gànmá ya?)
A:你这个骗子!(Nǐ zhège piànzi!)
B:别废话,快出来!小心门口的狗啊。(Bié fèihuà, kuài chūlai! Xiǎoxīn ménkǒu de gǒu a.)
Once more slowly.
A:我拿到资料了,你在哪儿呢?(Wǒ ná dào zīliào le, nǐ zài nǎr ne?)
B:小声点儿,快出来。大使来了你就逃不了了。(Xiǎoshēng diǎnr, kuài chūlai. Dàshǐ lái le nǐ jiù táo bùliǎo le.)
A:你还在外面?你骗我!(Nǐ hái zài wàimian? Nǐ piàn wǒ!)
B:你已经拿到资料了,我还进去干嘛呀?(Nǐ yǐjīng ná dào zīliào le, wǒ hái jìnqù gànmá ya?)
A:你这个骗子!(Nǐ zhège piànzi!)
B:别废话,快出来!小心门口的狗啊。(Bié fèihuà, kuài chūlai! Xiǎoxīn ménkǒu de gǒu a.)
David: Great. So that’s the dialogue. Let’s go on and do it line by line in case you missed anything.
Echo: 我拿到资料了,(Wǒ ná dào zīliào le,)
David: I’ve got the documents.
Echo: 你在哪儿呢?(nǐ zài nǎr ne?)
David: Where are you?
Echo: 小声点儿,快出来。(xiǎo shēng diǎnr, kuài chūlai.)
David: Be a bit more quiet and come out quickly.
Echo: 大使来了你就逃不了了。(Dàshǐ lái le nǐ jiù táo bùliǎo le.)
David: When the ambassador gets there, you won’t be able to flee.
Echo: 你还在外面?你骗我!(Nǐ hái zài wàimian? Nǐ piàn wǒ!)
David: You are still outside? You tricked me.
Echo: 你已经拿到资料了,我还进去干嘛呀?(Nǐ yǐjīng ná dào zīliào le, wǒ hái jìnqù gànmá ya?)
David: You’ve already got the documents. What would I do if I got inside?
Echo: 你这个骗子!(Nǐ zhège piànzi!)
David: You cheat.
Echo: 别废话,快出来!(Bié fèihuà, kuài chūlai!)
David: Enough nonsense, come out quickly.
Echo: 小心门口的狗啊。(Xiǎoxīn ménkǒu de gǒu a.)
David: Be careful of the dogs at the door. Let’s move on to the vocab section where we are going to focus on some of the new words for this lesson.
And now the vocab section.
Echo: 拿 (ná)
David: To take.
Echo: 资料 (zīliào)
David: Materials.
Echo: 小声点儿 (xiǎo shēng diǎnr)
David: Be a bit more quiet.
Echo: 逃不了 (táobuliǎo)
David: To be unable to flee.
Echo: 骗 (piàn)
David: To cheat.
Echo: 已经 (yǐjīng)
David: Already.
Echo: 别废话 (bié fèihuà)
David: Stop talking nonsense.
Echo: 废话 (fèihuà)
David: Garbage talk.
Echo: 小心 (xiǎoxīn)
David: To be careful.
Echo: 小心 (xiǎoxīn)
David: Great. In the last three lessons, we’ve had a lot of words that are talking about data or materials or documents. Echo, what are they?
Echo: 资料,文件,材料,档案。资料,文件,材料,档案。(Zīliào, wénjiàn, cáiliào, dǎng'àn. Zīliào, wénjiàn, cáiliào, dǎng'àn.)
David: When we were preparing this lesson, you came up with another one that we haven’t used which is also useful.
Echo: 数据。(shùjù.)
David: Depending on the context, you might translate all of these as files or data or materials. What’s the difference? Let’s start with the first one.
Echo: 资料,资料 (Zīliào, zīliào) is materials.
David: Materials.
Echo: It is a most common one you use.
David: So it’s also really abstract. You can use it to cover kind of files and documents.
Echo: Right.
David: Or you can use it to cover data on a computer.
Echo: Just like – now it’s more like information here. 资料。(Zīliào.)
David: Can you give us some sample sentences.
Echo: 王秘书,把我的资料拿来。(Wáng mìshū, bǎ wǒ de zīliào ná lái.)
David: Secretary Wong brought over my materials.
Echo: 你看见明天开会的资料了吗?(Nǐ kànjiàn míngtiān kāihuì de zīliàole ma?)
David: Have you seen the materials for the meeting tomorrow. What about the second one?
Echo: 文件。(Wénjiàn.)
David: Paper or documents that have writing on them right?
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Files or folders.
Echo: 文件,请翻译这些文件。(Wénjiàn, qǐng fānyì zhèxiē wénjiàn.)
David: Please translate these documents.
Echo: 我们昨天收到了总公司的文件。(Wǒmen zuótiān shōu dàole zǒng gōngsī de wénjiàn.)
David: Yesterday we received documents from headquarters. What’s the third one?
Echo: 材料。(Cáiliào.)
David: This is also pretty abstract. You can have all kinds of
Echo: 材料。(Cáiliào.)
David: If you are building a house, you have
Echo: 木头或者石头。(Mùtou huòzhě shítou.)
David: Stones and these are all
Echo: 材料。(Cáiliào.)
David: Some sentences.
Echo: 你的衣服是什么材料做的。(Nǐ de yīfú shì shénme cáiliào zuò de.)
David: What materials are your clothes made of?
Echo: 我把那些材料落在家里了。(Wǒ bǎ nàxiē cáiliào luò zài jiālǐle.)
David: I left those materials at home. Now our fourth word is really specific again. Echo, what is it?
Echo: 档案。(Dǎng'àn.)
David: And this is closest to being a case or a case file.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So you will see…
Echo: Usually it is sacred and nobody can easily read it.
David: Yeah. So you could say it was a confidential file.
Echo: 机密档案。(Jīmì dǎng'àn.)
David: A criminal file.
Echo: 犯罪档案。(Fànzuì dǎng'àn.)
David: Can we have some sample sentences?
Echo: 这些是机密档案。(Zhèxiē shì jīmì dǎng'àn.)
David: These are confidential documents.
Echo: 你去查一下犯罪档案。(Nǐ qù chá yīxià fànzuì dǎng'àn.)
David: Take a look at this criminal record. And Echo, you said there is a fifth word that we didn’t use that you think is relevant too.
Echo: 数据。(Shùjù.)
David: Yeah and that means data.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Right. Something is electronic which is digital.
Echo: 数字。(Shùzì.)
David: Right. So this is literally digital data.
Echo: 数据。(Shùjù.)
David: Right. To review
Echo: 资料。(Zīliào.)
David: Which is a general word for information.
Echo: 文件。(Wénjiàn.)
David: Documents written on paper.
Echo: 材料。(Cáiliào.)
David: A very general word for materials.
Echo: 没错。档案。(Méi cuò. Dǎng'àn.)
David: A case file.
Echo: 数据。(Shùjù.)
David: Digital data.

Lesson focus

It’s grammar time.
David: We’ve got a great grammar point for you today. Echo, what is it?
Echo: 你逃不了了。(Nǐ táo bùliǎole.)
David: Yeah we’ve got an interesting sentence in our dialogue here.
Echo: 大使来了你就逃不了了。你逃不了了。(Dàshǐ láile nǐ jiù táo bùliǎole. Nǐ táo bùliǎole.)
David: That’s a pretty complex verb phrase.
Echo: 逃不了。(Táo bùliǎo.)
David: But it’s almost exactly the same as easier verb phrases we’ve run into before such as to listen but not understand.
Echo: 听不懂。(Tīng bù dǒng.)
David: Or to look but not see.
Echo: 看不见。(Kàn bùjiàn.)
David: In all of these cases, what we’ve got is a verb compliment which is following the main verb and which is telling us what the result of it is.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So previously we had sentences like I listen but I don’t understand.
Echo: 我听不懂。(Wǒ tīng bù dǒng.)
David: Here we have the sentence fleeing but unable to flee.
Echo: 逃不了。(Táo bùliǎo.)
David: And what
Echo: 了。(Le.)
David: Is doing in that sentence is suggesting the notion of being unable to finish.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So we have common sentences like I will never forget you.
Echo: 我忘不不了你。(Wǒ wàng bù bùliǎo nǐ..)
David: I am unable to forget you.
Echo: 我吃不了了。(Wǒ chī bùliǎole.)
David: I can’t eat it.
Echo: 明天我有事,去不了了。(Míngtiān wǒ yǒushì, qù bùliǎole.)
David: Tomorrow I am busy. I can’t go.
Echo: 我受不了你了。(Wǒ shòu bùliǎo nǐle.)
David: You will hear that all the time. It’s I can’t stand you…
Echo: Can’t stand you anymore.
David: 受 (Shòu) to tolerate. I am unable to tolerate this. Can we use this with verbs with two characters?
Echo: Usually we won’t use it with two character verb.
David: It’s most natural when you use it with a verb that’s a single character and you are creating a three character phrase.
Echo: And because it’s the same syllable.


David: Yeah. And that’s our grammar section for today. As always, we encourage you to come to the site and download the premium PDFs. In the PDFs, we place all kinds of extra detail about how to use these forms, when you can use them, when you can’t use them and so.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: If you are a grammar fiend, come to the site and check that out. With that, I think that’s our lesson for today. Echo…
Echo: 那我们网上见吧。(Nà wǒmen wǎngshàng jiàn ba.)
David: Right, if you have any questions or comments, come leave them on the site. Echo and I will get to them. Okay.
Echo: We will see you on the site.
David: Thank you for listening and we will see you at chineseclass101
Echo: Dot com.
David: Take care guys.
Echo: Bye bye.


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