
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是 (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo.
David: And we are here with lesson 11 in our first elementary series.
Echo: 第十一课。(Dì shíyī kè.)
David: Right and this is called the Unmerciful Chinese Hands.
Echo: Yes.
David: Which means Echo, it’s about the massage.
Echo: Huh nice!
David: You’ve had these before. You’ve had these painful massages.
Echo: Yeah and good ones too.
David: Right. Be careful for the foot massage. It’s all I am going to say. We’ve got a dialogue here which takes place in the massage parlor between a masseuse and a customer who is getting a back massage.
Echo: Yeah.
David: We are going to take you there in a sec. Before we do though we want to remind you of something.
Echo: Our PDFs.
David: Right. If you are listening and you are having trouble figuring out what word this is…
Echo: Yes.
David: What it means, how to write it or you are just looking for really easy and fast way to review
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Check out our premium PDFs on chineseclass101.com.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Okay. With that though, let’s go to the dialogue. So you like the massage Echo?
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
A.这样疼吗? (A.zhèyàng téng ma?)
B.有一点儿。轻一点儿,好吗?(B.yǒu yī diǎnr. qīng yīdiǎnr, hǎo ma?)
A.好的,这样呢?(A.hǎo de, zhèyàng ne?)
B.再重一点儿。对,就这样。(B.zài zhòng yīdiǎnr. duì, jiù zhèyàng.)
Once more slowly.
A.这样疼吗?(A.zhèyàng téng ma?)
B.有一点儿。轻一点儿,好吗?(B.yǒu yī diǎnr. qīng yīdiǎnr, hǎo ma?)
A.好的,这样呢?(A.hǎo de, zhèyàng ne?)
B.再重一点儿。对,就这样。(B.zài zhòng yīdiǎnr. duì, jiù zhèyàng.)
Once more, with English translation.
A.这样疼吗?(A.zhèyàng téng ma?)
A: Does this hurt?
B.有一点儿。轻一点儿,好吗?(B.yǒu yī diǎnr. qīng yīdiǎnr, hǎo ma?)
B: It hurts a little, how about a little lighter?
A.好的,这样呢?(A.hǎo de, zhèyàng ne?)
A: Okay, what about now?
B.再重一点儿。对,就这样。(B.zài zhòng yīdiǎnr. duì, jiù zhèyàng.)
B: A little harder now. Right, just like that.
David: You’ve said on occasion especially the foot massage.
Echo: 特别是 (Tèbié shì) Yeah. 足疗。(Zúliáo.)
David: Foot massage, bad idea. Back massage, great.
Echo: No, don’t listen to him.
David: Okay. Anyway, we’ve got a lot of vocab for you which is going to be useful if you go to the Chinese massage parlor.
Echo: Yes.
David: So let’s get to the vocab section.
Echo: 好的。(Hǎo de.)
David: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 疼 (téng)
David: Painful.
Echo: 有一点儿 (yǒu yī diǎnr)
David: To be a bit.
Echo: 轻 (qīng)
David: Light.
Echo: 再 (zài)
David: Again, more.
Echo: 重 (zhòng)
David: Heavy.
Echo: 就 (jiù)
David: Just, then.
Echo: 足疗 (zúliáo)
David: Foot massage.
Echo: 足疗 (zúliáo)
David: Let’s take a closer look at the vocab for this lesson. Echo, your favorite kind of massage is our first word.
Echo: 足疗 (zúliáo)
David: This is the foot massage.
Echo: 对,但是David非常不喜欢。(Duì, dànshì David fēicháng bù xǐhuān.)
David: Right. Can we hear that again?
Echo: 足疗。(Zúliáo.)
David: So literally this is foot treatment.
Echo: 对,差不多,好像是治疗。足疗很舒服。(Duì, chàbùduō, hǎoxiàng shì zhìliáo. Zúliáo hěn shūfú.)
David: Right. You could say, foot massage is very 舒服 (Shūfú) very comfortable.
Echo: 足疗很舒服。(Zúliáo hěn shūfú.)
David: I would say however that few massages are very painful.
Echo: 足疗很疼。(Zúliáo hěn téng.)
David: Right.
Echo: Actually this is our next word 疼。(Téng.)
David: And that means painful.
Echo: 疼。(Téng.)
David: Right it hurts.
Echo: 对,比如说“我的肚子有点儿疼。”(Duì, bǐrú shuō “wǒ de dùzi yǒudiǎn er téng.”)
David: My stomach hurts a bit.
Echo: 我的肚子有点儿疼。(Wǒ de dùzi yǒudiǎn er téng.)
David: Right and pay attention to that to have a little bit and then the adjective.
Echo: Yeah 有点儿。(Yǒudiǎn er.)
David: To be pretty comfortable.
Echo: 有点儿舒服。(Yǒudiǎn er shūfú.)
David: To be a bit painful.
Echo: 有点儿疼。(Yǒudiǎn er téng.)
David: Right.
Echo: Or you can say 有一点儿 (Yǒu yīdiǎn er) instead of 有点儿 (Yǒudiǎn er) there.
David: Right. Next we have two adjectives that are going to come in handy.
Echo: Right first one 轻。(Qīng.)
David: Right. This means light.
Echo: 轻。(Qīng.)
David: And the second is the opposite.
Echo: 重。(Zhòng.)
David: Heavy.
Echo: 重。(Zhòng.)
David: Heavy. So if you are getting massage and they digging something into the small of your foot, you can tell them to lighten up a bit.
Echo: 轻一点儿。(Qīng yīdiǎn er.)
David: And you are saying, press a little bit lighter.
Echo: Yeah.
David: One more time
Echo: 轻一点儿。(Qīng yīdiǎn er.)
David: But if you want more pressure, you can say
Echo: 重一点儿。(Zhòng yīdiǎn er.)
David: Heavy, a bit more.
Echo: 重一点儿。(Zhòng yīdiǎn er.)
David: And this leads us to our next phrase.
Echo: 有一点儿。(Yǒu yīdiǎn er.)
David: Which we’ve already mentioned.
Echo: Yes.
David: Now this is literally to be or to have a little.
Echo: Yeah 有一点儿。(Yǒu yīdiǎn er.)
David: And normally we are going to have an adjective after this. So if the pain is too much, you can say oh, it’s a little bit painful.
Echo: 有一点儿疼,有一点儿疼。(Yǒu yīdiǎn er téng, yǒu yīdiǎn er téng)
David: Right. And if they don’t get the message the first time, you can add this on to the beginning of the sentence.
Echo: 再。(Zài.)
David: Right. This is also in the dialogue and it means again.
Echo: 再。(Zài.)
David: As in the sentence
Echo: 再轻一点儿,好吗?(Zài qīng yīdiǎn er, hǎo ma?)
David: A little softer, okay.
Echo: 再轻一点儿,好吗?(Zài qīng yīdiǎn er, hǎo ma?)
David: Which is literally, once again soften it up a bit.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Okay.
Echo: 我的脚很疼,再轻一点儿。(Wǒ de jiǎo hěn téng, zài qīng yīdiǎn er.)
David: Oh I’ve said that many times. Finally we’ve got our last word for you.
Echo: 就。(Jiù.)
David: Right. This means precisely or exactly.
Echo: Yeah.
David: It’s an adverb and we are going to go into a bit more depth in it in our grammar section.
Echo: 就。(Jiù.)
David: Exactly.
Echo: Yeah like 就是他。(Jiùshì tā.)
David: It’s him, it’s him exactly.
Echo: 就是他。(Jiùshì tā.)
David: Right. And this leads us right into the grammar section.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)

Lesson focus

David: It’s grammar time.
Echo: Today’s grammar point focuses on 就。(Jiù.)
David: Right. This is one of the most common words in Chinese. It’s also maybe a bit tricky to use.
Echo: Yeah.
David: So this lesson our grammar point, we are just going to focus on using this in some simple sentences.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Simple sentences like
Echo: 就这样。(Jiù zhèyàng.)
David: Can we hear that again?
Echo: 就这样。(Jiù zhèyàng.)
David: Which is 就 and then this way.
Echo: 就这样。(Jiù zhèyàng.)
David: Exactly this way.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Like this.
Echo: Uhoo…
David: We saw this in the dialogue in this sentence.
Echo: 再重一点,对,就这样。(Zài zhòng yīdiǎn, duì, jiù zhèyàng.)
David: A little harder now, right just like that.
Echo: 再重一点,对,就这样。(Zài zhòng yīdiǎn, duì, jiù zhèyàng.)
David: Okay. So in that sentence, we see 就 (Jiù) being used for emphasis.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Let’s take a look at another sentence.
Echo: 我就知道会这样。(Wǒ jiù zhīdào huì zhèyàng.)
David: I 就 (Jiù) knew that it would be this way.
Echo: Yeah我就知道会这样。(Wǒ jiù zhīdào huì zhèyàng.)
David: I knew it would turn out just like this.
Echo: Yes.
David: Even though 就 (Jiù) and 这样 (Zhèyàng) are split up in that second sentence, it’s still operating exactly the same way.
Echo: Yes.
David: It’s providing extra emphasis. Very, very 口语。(Kǒuyǔ.)
Echo: Yeah 我们现在听听别的例子。(Wǒmen xiànzài tīng tīng bié de lìzi.)
David: Right. We are going to give you some more sample sentences. Listen to the way 就 (Jiù) adds extra emphasis.
Echo: Okay 就是他。(Jiùshì tā.)
David: It’s him.
Echo: 就是他。(Jiùshì tā.)
David: It’s him exactly. It’s nobody else, it’s precisely him.
Echo: Yeah. So you can always see 就 (Jiù) and 是 (Shì) to be put together.
David: Right. It’s very often put together.
Echo: Yeah. Our next example is 那就是你说的那个人吗?(Nà jiùshì nǐ shuō dì nàgè rén ma?)
David: Is he the person you just talked about?
Echo: 那就是你说的那个人吗?(Nà jiùshì nǐ shuō dì nàgè rén ma?)
David: Is he the person you are talking about?
Echo: 就是他。(Jiùshì tā.)
David: Right. So in review, we’ve learned that 就这样 (Jiù zhèyàng) is used to sum things up.
Echo: Yeah.
David: And also place extra emphasis on them.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: It means in this manner or like this.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Or also for extra emphasis. So let’s leave you with one final sentence.
Echo: 要学中文,就用CC101吧。(Yào xué zhōngwén, jiù yòng CC101 ba.)
David: To study Chinese, use Chinese class 101吧。(Ba.)
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: And don’t forget us always, not just the audio, make sure to grab those PDFs too.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Especially as we get more difficult, the grammar write-ups, the transcripts. They are all going to come in really useful.
Echo: So we will say 要学好中文,就用我们的PDF吧。(Yào xuéhǎo zhōngwén, jiù yòng wǒmen de PDF ba.)


David: Right. And if you have any questions, send us an email and contact us at chineseclass101.com. We’d love to hear from you.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: For now though, from Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo.
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: 网上见吧 (Wǎngshàng jiàn ba) Bye bye.


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