
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是 (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo.
David: And we are here with elementary season 1, lesson 21.
Echo: Yes The Wine and the Waitress in China.
David: Right. Echo loves the wine.
Echo: Yes and you love the waitress.
David: And I love the waitress. We’ve got a dialogue that is between two people at an Italian restaurant here in Beijing and they are speaking casual Mandarin as always and this is what you are going to hear out on the streets. We are going to take you to the dialogue. Before we do, we want to remind you. We got one on one tutoring services available.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò)
David: So if you don’t have time for traditional class or you think they are too expensive, give us a shot. We are really going to help your Chinese improve.
Echo: Yes.
David: That said, let’s go to the dialogue.
A: 我们再来一瓶吧!(Wǒmen zài lái yī píng ba!)
B: 你喜欢这酒吗?这是意大利葡萄酒。(Nǐ xǐhuān zhè jiǔ ma? Zhè shì Yìdàlìpútáojiǔ.)
A: 我更喜欢这里的女服务员。(Wǒ gèng xǐhuān zhèli de nǚfúwùyuán.)
B: 你太色了。(Nǐ tài sè le.)
Once more slowly.
A: 我们再来一瓶吧!(Wǒmen zài lái yī píng ba!)
B: 你喜欢这酒吗?这是意大利葡萄酒。(Nǐ xǐhuān zhè jiǔ ma? Zhè shì Yìdàlìpútáojiǔ.)
A: 我更喜欢这里的女服务员。(Wǒ gèng xǐhuān zhèli de nǚfúwùyuán.)
B: 你太色了。(Nǐ tài sè le.)
Once more, with English translation.
A: 我们再来一瓶吧!(Wǒmen zài lái yī píng ba!)
A: How about we get another bottle!
B: 你喜欢这酒吗?这是意大利葡萄酒。(Nǐ xǐhuān zhè jiǔ ma? Zhè shì Yìdàlìpútáojiǔ.)
B: You like this alcohol? This is Italian wine.
A: 我更喜欢这里的女服务员。(Wǒ gèng xǐhuān zhèli de nǚfúwùyuán.)
A :I like the waitress here even more.
B: 你太色了。(Nǐ tài sè le.)
B :You're so bad.
David: No bad. You know who this reminds me of?
Echo: Aha!
David: This reminds me of Frank.
Echo: Well he is getting married.
David: From our beginner lesson.
Echo: He is getting married. Don’t say that.
David: Why not?
Echo: He is getting married.
David: Anyway, we’ve got a vocab section here which is mostly about wine and food and dining out.
Echo: Yeah.
David: So let’s get to that.
Echo: Okay. 葡萄酒 (pútáojiǔ)
David: Wine
Echo: 鸡尾酒 (jīwěijiǔ)
David: Cocktail.
Echo: 瓶 (píng)
David: Bottle.
Echo: 色 (Sè)
David: Perverted.
Echo: 服务员 (Fúwùyuán)
David: Waiter, waitress.
Echo: 香槟酒 (Xiāngbīnjiǔ)
David: Champagne.
Echo: 意大利 (Yìdàlì)
David: Italy.
Echo: 杯 (bēi)
David: Glass.
Echo: 杯 (bēi)
David: Let’s have a closer look at the usage of some of these words and phrases. First word we want to touch on is that word for wine.
Echo: 葡萄酒。(pútáojiǔ.)
David: Wine.
Echo: 葡萄酒。(pútáojiǔ.)
David: A while ago, this was the word that mean port in Chinese as in 4-5 wine but now it just generally means wine.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Right because the word literally means great but liquor ______ (0:02:58)
Echo: 葡萄酒。(pútáojiǔ.)
David: Right but Echo, there is another really common way to say this.
Echo: Yes now we can also say 红酒。(Hóngjiǔ.)
David: Which is red liquor.
Echo: Yes 红酒 (Hóngjiǔ) For instance, 给我一瓶红酒。(Gěi wǒ yī píng hóngjiǔ.)
David: Give me a bottle of red wine.
Echo: 给我一瓶红酒。(Gěi wǒ yī píng hóngjiǔ.)
David: And the second word there is the word for bottle.
Echo: 瓶。(Píng.)
David: So this is a measure word. You put it in front of whatever you are ordering.
Echo: Yeah.
David: For instance, a bottle of wine.
Echo: 一瓶红酒。(Yī píng hóngjiǔ.)
David: Or a bottle of champagne.
Echo: 一瓶香槟酒。(Yī píng xiāngbīnjiǔ.)
David: Or a bottle of whisky.
Echo: 一瓶威士忌。(Yī píng wēishìjì.)
David: Right. And Echo, you are leaving something off, but I know you want to come out with it.
Echo: Yeah I will say 一瓶儿。(Yī píng er.)
David: Right. In Northern China, standard Mandarin actually, it’s really common for people to add this 儿化 sound, yeah.
Echo: Yeah.
David: So instead of
Echo: 一瓶。(Yī píng.)
David: You are going to hear people say
Echo: 一瓶儿。(Yī píng er.)
David: Right. It can be a bit tough to get that sound out but it’s worth it. So that’s a bottle. We also have the word for glass later on.
Echo: 杯。(Bēi.)
David: And that’s another measure word.
Echo: Yes 杯。(Bēi.)
David: So you could order a glass of red wine.
Echo: 一杯红酒。(Yībēi hóngjiǔ.)
David: A glass of champagne.
Echo: 一杯香槟酒。(Yībēi xiāngbīnjiǔ.)
David: Or if you are really serious about things, you can get a glass of Chinese white wine.
Echo: 一杯白酒 (Yībēi báijiǔ) Worth to try.
David: Very, very much worth to try once. Now since these are measure words, if we actually want to refer to a bottle or glass, we have to add something.
Echo: Yeah we will say 杯子。(Bēizi.)
David: Or
Echo: 瓶子。(Píngzi.)
David: Right. So those are nouns but just as one characters, they are measure words.
Echo: Yes.
David: Okay anyway that’s our vocab section today. In our grammar section, we want to talk about how to stress things even more.
Echo: Yeah.

Lesson focus

David: It’s grammar time. Our grammar section today is all about the adverb.
Echo: 更。(gèng.)
David: This means even more.
Echo: Yeah 更。(gèng.)
David: And since it’s an adverb, we put it in front of adjectives or verbs.
Echo: Exactly.
David: For instance
Echo: 我更喜欢这个。(Wǒ gèng xǐhuān zhège.)
David: I like this one even more.
Echo: 我更喜欢这个。(Wǒ gèng xǐhuān zhège.)
David: I like this one even more. So that’s a really simple sentence.
Echo: Yes.
David: But we can already use this to make comparisons. For instance
Echo: 我喜欢喝茶,更喜欢喝咖啡。(Wǒ xǐhuān hē chá, gèng xǐhuān hē kāfēi.)
David: I like drinking tea even more like drinking coffee.
Echo: 我喜欢喝茶,更喜欢喝咖啡。(Wǒ xǐhuān hē chá, gèng xǐhuān hē kāfēi.)
David: I like drinking tea but I like coffee even more. So that was an example with verbs. We can also use this as we said with adjectives.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.) For example 这个城市更大,也更漂亮。(Zhège chéngshì gèng dà, yě gèng piàoliang.)
David: This city is bigger and also prettier.
Echo: 这个城市更大,也更漂亮。(Zhège chéngshì gèng dà, yě gèng piàoliang.)
David: This city is bigger. Also even more pretty.
Echo: Yes.
David: Right. And we’ve got something that’s really natural there where they put the
Echo: 也。(Yě.)
David: In front of the
Echo: 更。(Gèng.)
David: Even prettier.
Echo: 也更漂亮。(Yě gèng piàoliang.)
David: Another really common way to use this adverb is combining it with the character
Echo: 比。(Bǐ.)
David: Right. For instance
Echo: 今天比昨天更热。(Jīntiān bǐ zuótiān gèng rè.)
David: Today compared to yesterday, even more hot.
Echo: 今天比昨天更热。(Jīntiān bǐ zuótiān gèng rè.)
David: Today is even hotter than yesterday. So if you use that, you are really, really emphasizing it. For another example
Echo: 白酒比红酒更厉害。(Báijiǔ bǐ hóngjiǔ gèng lìhài.)
David: Right. That’s Chinese white wine is more awesome or horrible, terrible than red wine.
Echo: Stronger.
David: Yeah.
Echo: 白酒比红酒更厉害。(Báijiǔ bǐ hóngjiǔ gèng lìhài.)


David: Right. So this is a really natural way to make comparisons. As always, we want to encourage you to go to chineseclass101.com and get our premium transcripts.
Echo: Yes.
David: Because we’ve got all of the stuff written down and you can see the characters and it makes learning faster.
Echo: Yeah 用它们学习中文更方便。(Yòng tāmen xuéxí zhōngwén gèng fāngbiàn.)
David: Yes. That being said, if you have any questions, you can also reach out to us through our site.
Echo: You can come to chineseclass101.com and leave your comment.
David: And we would love to hear from you.
Echo: Yes.
David: From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo.
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: 我们网上见吧。(Wǒmen wǎngshàng jiàn ba.) Byebye.


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