
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是 (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo.
David: And we’ve got elementary season 1, lesson 23.
Echo: Yes Chinese Ice cream for Dessert.
David: Right. Comes after dinner and I don’t think there is such a thing as Chinese ice cream.
Echo: Well Chinese ice cream.
David: Okay ice cream in China.
Echo: Yeah.
David: We’ve got a dialogue here which takes place in a restaurant.
Echo: Yeah.
David: And it takes place between two friends who’ve just finished eating.
Echo: Yes and as always, they are speaking casual Mandarin.
David: Of course. So we are going to take you to the dialogue in a sec. Before we do, we want to remind you, if you have questions.
Echo: Write us at contact us at chineseclass101.com
David: Yes and we look forward to hearing from you.
Echo: Yes.
David: And now though, let’s go to the dialogue. So ice cream was not really invented by the Chinese.
A: 我吃饱了,我们买单吧。(Wǒ chībǎo le, wǒmen mǎidān ba.)
B: 我也饱了,一口都吃不下了。(Wǒ yě bǎo le, yī kǒu dōu chībuxià le.)
A: 我想去吃点儿冰淇淋。(Wǒ xiǎng qù chī diǎnr bīngqílín.)
B: 冰淇淋?太好了!(Bīngqílín? Tài hǎole!)
A: 你吃吗?(Nǐ chī ma?)
B:当然,我要大盒的!(Dāngrán, wǒ yào dà hé de!)
Once more slowly.
A: 我吃饱了,我们买单吧。(Wǒ chībǎo le, wǒmen mǎidān ba.)
B: 我也饱了,一口都吃不下了。(Wǒ yě bǎo le, yī kǒu dōu chībuxià le.)
A: 我想去吃点儿冰淇淋。(Wǒ xiǎng qù chī diǎnr bīngqílín.)
B: 冰淇淋?太好了!(Bīngqílín? Tài hǎole!)
A: 你吃吗?(Nǐ chī ma?)
B:当然,我要大盒的!(Dāngrán, wǒ yào dà hé de!)
Once more, with English translation.
A: 我吃饱了,我们买单吧。(Wǒ chībǎo le, wǒmen mǎidān ba.)
A: I'm full, let's get the check.
B: 我也饱了,一口都吃不下了。(Wǒ yě bǎo le, yī kǒu dōu chībuxià le.)
B: I'm full too. I can't swallow one more bite.
A: 我想去吃点儿冰淇淋。(Wǒ xiǎng qù chī diǎnr bīngqílín.)
A: I wanna go out to eat some ice cream.
B: 冰淇淋?太好了!(Bīngqílín? Tài hǎole!)
B: Ice cream? That's fantastic!
A: 你吃吗?(Nǐ chī ma?)
A: You can eat it?
B:当然,我要大盒的!(Dāngrán, wǒ yào dà hé de!)
B: Of course, I want a big one!
Echo: No. We still need to work on that actually.
David: You do working on it. Anyway, our vocab today is about being full, paying the bill. We are continuing this restaurant theme.
Echo: 饱了 (bǎo le)
David: To be full.
Echo: 买单 (mǎidān)
David: To pay the bill.
Echo: 冰淇淋 (bīngqílín)
David: Ice cream.
Echo: 盒儿 (Hé er)
David: Box.
Echo: 一口 (Yīkǒu)
David: One mouthful.
Echo: 巧克力 (Qiǎokèlì)
David: Chocolate.
Echo: 香草 (xiāngcǎo)
David: Vanilla.
Echo: 甜食 (tiánshí)
David: Dessert.
Echo: 甜食 (tiánshí)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. The first word is the verb meaning to be full.
Echo: 饱。(Bǎo.)
David: We see it in the dialogue in this phrase.
Echo: 吃饱了。(Chī bǎole.)
David: So something interesting is going on here. We’ve told you before this was a verb but really it’s an adjective.
Echo: 对,差不多。(Duì, chàbùduō.)
David: Right and this is one of the secret Chinese mysteries that uses people. Adjectives are deep inside the verbs.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Okay. So the reason we translate it as a verb is because it’s got 了 (Le) at the end.
Echo: 饱了。(Bǎole.)
David: Which is signifying change of state. So it means I’ve become full.
Echo: 我饱了。(Wǒ bǎole.)
David: If you really want to be specific, you can add the verb in there too.
Echo: Yeah 我吃饱了。(Wǒ chī bǎole.)
David: As in the sentence, I am full. You guys keep going. Our next word means to pay the bill.
Echo: 买单。(Mǎidān.)
David: To pay the bill.
Echo: 买单。(Mǎidān.)
David: Literally this means to buy the bill.
Echo: Yes 今天我买单。(Jīntiān wǒ mǎidān.)
David: Today I am treating.
Echo: 今天我买单。(Jīntiān wǒ mǎidān.)
David: Today I am paying the bill. However sometimes you are going to run into a different character. Sometimes you will hear this as
Echo: 埋。(Mái.)
David: Right. This is because the word originally comes from Cantonese.
Echo: Yes.
David: So don’t panic if you see it varying to this. Obviously we’ve got the word for ice cream here.
Echo: 冰淇淋。(Bīngqílín.)
David: Ice cream.
Echo: 冰淇淋。(Bīngqílín.) And there is another pronunciation of this word because this word is imported from other country.
David: Yeah it’s literally cold 淇淋 (Qí lín) which is supposed to be cream.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Cold cream.
Echo: 对。所以我们说:冰激凌。(Duì. Suǒyǐ wǒmen shuō: Bīngjīlíng.)
David: Right. So it can either be 淋 (Lín) or it can be 凌。(Líng.)
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Okay and you can have chocolate ice cream.
Echo: 巧克力冰淇淋。(Qiǎokèlì bīngqílín.)
David: Vanilla ice cream.
Echo: 香草冰淇淋。(Xiāngcǎo bīngqílín.)
David: Or with other flavors, we recommend you just say that ice cream.
Echo: 对,那个冰淇淋。(Duì, nàgè bīngqílín.)
David: Right. The other tricky word in our dialogue for today was the word for box.
Echo: 盒儿。(Hé er.)
David: Because this is a measure word.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: If you want to say box as a noun, you have to say
Echo: 盒子。(Hézi.)
David: Right but here they just ordered a box of ice cream.
Echo: 一盒儿冰淇淋。(Yī hé er bīngqílín.)
David: Right. And with that, let’s go to the grammar section.
Echo: 好。(Hǎo.)

Lesson focus

David: It’s grammar time. Okay our grammar point today is really important. You guys are going to use this everywhere.
Echo: Yes.
David: It is negative resultative complements.
Echo: Sounds scary.
David: Yeah. It’s a tricky way of saying something that’s actually really easy.
Echo: Yeah.
David: In our dialogue, we see this in this line.
Echo: 一口都吃不下了。(Yīkǒu dōu chī bùxiàle.)
David: Right. Our verb there is
Echo: 吃,吃不下。(Chī, chī bùxià.)
David: As with other verb complement phrases, first we have the verb.
Echo: 吃。(Chī.)
David: Next we have the complement.
Echo: Yes here it is a negation 不下。(Bùxià.)
David: Right and this is the 不 (Bù) that we know in love. It’s taking the second tone because it’s coming in front of a fourth tone word.
Echo: Yes.
David: Okay so literally this means eat and the result is it doesn’t go down.
Echo: All right 吃不下。(Chī bùxià.)
David: Right. I am so full, I can’t eat anymore.
Echo: 我太饱了,我吃不下了。(Wǒ tài bǎole, wǒ chī bùxiàle.)
David: So this is one particular verb. However you are going to run into a ton of verbs like these. Let’s try some examples. See if you can figure out what they mean.
Echo: 工作太多了,我做不完。(Gōngzuò tài duōle, wǒ zuò bù wán.)
David: There is too much work. I can’t finish it.
Echo: 工作太多了,我做不完。(Gōngzuò tài duōle, wǒ zuò bù wán.)
David: So our verb there is
Echo: 做。(Zuò.)
David: And the complement is
Echo: 不完。(Bù wán.)
David: Here is another example you are already familiar with.
Echo: 你说的汉语我听不懂。(Nǐ shuō de hànyǔ wǒ tīng bù dǒng.)
David: I can’t understand when you speak Chinese.
Echo: 听不懂。(Tīng bù dǒng.)
David: To hear.
Echo: 听。(Tīng.)
David: But not understand.
Echo: 不懂。(Bù dǒng.)
David: Right. Another really common one, I can’t see.
Echo: 我看不见。(Wǒ kàn bùjiàn.)
David: The sky is too dark, I can’t see.
Echo: 天太黑了,我看不见。(Tiān tài hēile, wǒ kàn bùjiàn.)


David: So this is a really common pattern. You are going to run into it all the time. So that’s our lesson for today. Before we go, we want to remind you. If you visit chineseclass101.com, you are going to be able to play the sentences in our dialogue over and over again using our line by line audio recordings.
Echo: Yes.
David: So you don’t need to be setting your mp3 player back again and again just to figure stuff out.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Just visit our site. It’s going to make it really easy. If you have any questions, as always,
Echo: You can leave your comments on the site.
David: Or send us an email at contact us at chineseclass101.com
Echo: Yes.
David: And we would love to hear from you. From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo.
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you on the site.


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