
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 大家好,我是 (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo.
David: And we are here with series 1, lesson 27 in our elementary series.
Echo: 第二十七课。(Dì èrshíqī kè.)
David: And we are back with our spy saga. It’s ongoing because you are going to be up so too.
Echo: Yeah you will know what is happening here.
David: Yeah and as before, our spies here are going to be speaking somewhat casually. So this is the kind of Chinese you will hear it on the streets. Before we go into the dialogue, we did want to point out one thing. Echo, what is that?
Echo: Don’t forget to come to site and get your free lifetime account.
David: That’s right. If you haven’t yet, give us your email address and we are going to give you a free lifetime account at the site. Now though, let’s listen to the dialogue.
A:哥们儿,我已经进来了,你在哪儿呢?(Gēmenr, wǒ yǐjīng jìnlái le, nǐ zài nǎr ne?)
B:我还在外边儿呢。你呀,快去地下室偷资料。(Wǒ hái zài wàibiānr ne. Nǐ ya, kuài qù dìxiàshì tōu zīliào.)
A:你怎么还在外面儿啊?你不是说你会跟着我吗? (Nǐ zěnme hái zài wàimianr a? Nǐ bú shì shuō nǐ huì gēn zhe wǒ
B:你先听我说啊。保险柜里有我们要的档案,相信你自己,加油!(Nǐ xiān tīng wǒ shuō a. Bǎoxiǎnguì lǐ yǒu wǒmen yào de dàng'àn,
xiāngxìn nǐ zìjǐ, jiāyóu!)
A:喂?喂喂喂?(Wéi? Wéi wéi wéi?)
Once more slowly.
A:哥们儿,我已经进来了,你在哪儿呢?(Gēmenr, wǒ yǐjīng jìnlái le, nǐ zài nǎr ne?)
B:我还在外边儿呢。你呀,快去地下室偷资料。(Wǒ hái zài wàibiānr ne. Nǐ ya, kuài qù dìxiàshì tōu zīliào.)
A:你怎么还在外面儿啊?你不是说你会跟着我吗?(Nǐ zěnme hái zài wàimianr a? Nǐ bú shì shuō nǐ huì gēn zhe wǒ
B:你先听我说啊。保险柜里有我们要的档案,相信你自己,加油!(Nǐ xiān tīng wǒ shuō a. Bǎoxiǎnguì lǐ yǒu wǒmen yào de dàng'àn,
xiāngxìn nǐ zìjǐ, jiāyóu!)
A:喂?喂喂喂?(Wéi? Wéi wéi wéi?)
David: And we are back. Echo, I caught you laughing when you listened to this for the first time.
Echo: Ha ha not for the first time and the second and the third.
David: Yeah anyway, we are going to take you through it line by line. So if there is anything you didn’t understand, you are going to understand it. Echo, take us away.
Echo: 哥们儿,我已经进来了,你在哪儿呢? (Gēmenr, wǒ yǐjīng jìnlái le, nǐ zài nǎr ne?)
David: Hey pal, I’ve already come in. Where are you?
Echo: 我还在外边儿呢。(Wǒ hái zài wàibiānr ne.)
David: Oh I am still outside.
Echo: 你呀,快去地下室偷资料。(Nǐ ya, kuài qù dìxiàshì tōu zīliào.)
David: You, quickly go to the underground room and steal the materials.
Echo: 你怎么还在外面儿啊?(Nǐ zěnme hái zài wàimianr a?)
David: Hah how are you still outside?
Echo: 你不是说你会跟着我吗?(Nǐ bú shì shuō nǐ huì gēn zhe wǒma?)
David: Didn’t you say you’d come with me.
Echo: 你先听我说啊。(Nǐ xiān tīng wǒ shuō a.)
David: Hey listen to what I have to say first.
Echo: 保险柜里有我们要的档案,(Bǎoxiǎnguì lǐ yǒu wǒmen yào de dàng'àn,)
David: The files we want are in the safe.
Echo: 相信你自己,加油!(xiāngxìn nǐ zìjǐ, jiāyóu!)
David: Believe in yourself, go get them!
Echo: 喂?喂喂喂?(Wéi? Wéi wéi wéi?)
David: Hello, hello! I guess they are using walkie-talkies.
Echo: 喂。(Wéi.)
David: 喂 (Wéi) Yeah so that’s the dialogue. Things are not necessarily going as planned.
Echo: Or maybe.
David: Or maybe they are going exactly…
Echo: Exactly as planned.
David: Anyway, we’ve got a list of vocab here. This is the key vocab to take away from this lesson. Echo
and now the vocab section.
Echo: 已经 (yǐjīng)
David: Already.
Echo: 外边儿 (wàibiānr)
David: Outside.
Echo: 地下室 (dìxiàshì)
David: Underground room.
Echo: 外面儿 (wàimianr)
David: Outside.
Echo: 先 (xiān)
David: First.
Echo: 保险柜 (bǎoxiǎnguì)
David: A safe.
Echo: 档案 (dàng'àn)
David: A case.
Echo: 相信 (xiāngxìn)
David: To believe.
Echo: 加油 (jiāyóu)
David: Go!
Echo: 加油 (jiāyóu)
David: Okay we are back.
Echo: Some very interesting words.
David: Especially describing inside, outside.
Echo: Right.
David: Yeah.
Echo: Two words for outside in the dialogue.
David: Okay.
Echo: They are 外边儿 and 外面儿。(Wàibian er and wàimiàn er.)
David: And we should be listening to the 儿化音 (Ér huà yīn) because this is standard Mandarin. Can you say it first without the 儿化音 (Ér huà yīn) and then with the 儿化音。(Ér huà yīn.)
Echo: 外边。(Wàibian.)
David: Becomes
Echo: 外边儿。外面 (Wàibian er. Wàimiàn)
David: Becomes
Echo: 外面儿。(Wàimiàn er.)
David: And both of those mean outside.
Echo: Right.
David: Yeah you can swap them in and out.
Echo: Right.
David: What about the opposite which is inside?
Echo: 里边儿 and 里面儿。(Lǐbian er and lǐmiàn er.)
David: Pay attention to the 儿化音 (Ér huà yīn) because if you don’t use that, it’s going to sound a bit funny. However if you are saying
Echo: 外面,里面。(Wàimiàn, lǐmiàn.)
David: Then you don’t necessarily need to add that 儿化音。(Ér huà yīn.)
Echo: Right.
David: Right and you will get that especially down south. Here in Beijing, people are really comfortable with 儿化音 (Ér huà yīn)you know.
Echo: Yeah usually yeah.
David: Top stuff.
Echo: Yeah love 儿化音 (Ér huà yīn)
David: Yeah they will even put at places it’s inappropriate but we are not going to teach you that. Moving on, another useful word related to our lesson today is the word for spy.
Echo: 间谍。(Jiàndié.)
David: Fourth tone, second tone.
Echo: 间谍。(Jiàndié.)
David: A couple of years ago, they filmed Mission Impossible III.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Yeah. A film that’s done at Shanghai.
Echo: In Shanghai right?
David: Right. And they actually filmed it in a small River Town outside Shanghai across the town.
Echo: Right.
David: And actually if you still go there, you are going to find tons of photos of Tom Cruise plastered all over the walls.
Echo: Oh really.
David: But anyway, that’s our vocab section for today. It’s a bit short but we’ve got something really important to talk about in our grammar section. So let’s move on to that.
Echo: Okay.

Lesson focus

David: It’s grammar time. What’s our grammar point for today?
Echo: The first grammar point is very, very, very important.
David: All of our grammar points are very important.
Echo: Yeah it’s especially important. It’s 着 (Zhe) very, very, very important.
David: This is one of the cornerstones of the Chinese language.
Echo: Right.
David: If you guys have come this far, we’ve already introduced you to 了 (Le) which we are using to indicate change of state.
Echo: It’s past tense.
David: Or put this in the past tense. We’ve also run into 过 (Guò) which is also past tense. These are both known as aspectual particles and the third one, what is it Echo?
Echo: 着。(Zhe.)
David: We are going to stick this after verbs to put them into a kind of continuous tense.
Echo: And it’s neuter tone.
David: Yes. Let’s have some examples. I think examples are the easiest way to explain this.
Echo: 我看着他,他看着我。(Wǒ kànzhe tā, tā kànzhe wǒ.)
David: I am looking at him and he is looking at me.
Echo: 他正听着音乐。(Tā zhèng tīngzhe yīnyuè.)
David: He is listening to music.
Echo: 我正向前跑着。(Wǒ zhèng xiàng qián pǎozhe.)
David: I ran forward. In all of these cases, listen to the changes we make to the main verb.
Echo: 看 (Kàn) becomes 看着 (Kànzhe),听 (Tīng) becomes 听着 (Tīngzhe),跑 (Pǎo) becomes 跑着。(Pǎozhe.)
David: And that indicates the action is ongoing or continuous.
Echo: Right. It’s very simple.
David: Right. Do we have any more examples?
Echo: We have a question. 你听着呢吗?(Nǐ tīng zhene ma?)
David: That’s, Are you listening to me?
Echo: Yes.
David: That you are going to yell that at your significant other maybe.
Echo: Yeah maybe your mother will say that to you.
David: Are you listening to me?
Echo: 你听着呢吗?(Nǐ tīng zhene ma?)
David: What else?
Echo: 别说话,宝宝睡着呢。(Bié shuōhuà, bǎobǎo shuì zhene.)
David: Don’t speak, the baby is sleeping. Grammatically this is actually really easy.
Echo: Right. You just put 着 (Zhe) after the verb.
David: Yeah. There are a couple of small points. One, obviously it has to come after the verb. Two, you are not going to use it with a verb, to be.
Echo: 是。(Shì.)
David: Or the verb to have
Echo: 有。(Yǒu.)
David: Anything else Echo?
Echo: Sometimes you will use 这 (Zhè) in the sentence which has 正 or 正在。(Zhèng or zhèngzài.)
David: Which are adverbs which mean currently…
Echo: Now yeah.
David: Or in the process of.
Echo: Right.
David: Right. Great. Great. So that’s our first grammar point. Our second grammar point is just as easy.
Echo: Yes.
David: Echo,
Echo: 先。(Xiān.)
David: Right. This is the adverb and it means first.
Echo: Right. 你先听我说。(Nǐ xiān tīng wǒ shuō.)
David: First, listen to what I have to say.
Echo: 你先去那里等我。(Nǐ xiān qù nàlǐ děng wǒ.)
David: First, go over there and wait for me.
Echo: 你先把钱给我。(Nǐ xiān bǎ qián gěi wǒ.)
David: First, give me the money. And what’s the opposite in this case?
Echo: 后,然后。(Hòu, ránhòu.)
David: Can you give us an example?
Echo: Yes 你先把钱给我,然后我把书给你。(Nǐ xiān bǎ qián gěi wǒ, ránhòu wǒ bǎ shū gěi nǐ.)
David: First give me the money. Then I will give you the book. Okay maybe the second part of that sentence wasn’t as exciting as the first but it should be clear how to use this. And that brings us to the end of the grammar section. So today, we’ve covered a lot of interesting vocabulary.


Echo: Right.
David: We figured out what’s actually happening in the story. We’ve actually got two more parts coming up. Situation might change. We will find out and last but not least, we touched on some really important grammar points that are actually pretty easy.
Echo: Right.
David: I think here Chinese is much easier than English.
Echo: Exactly 中文的语法非常简单。(Zhōngwén de yǔfǎ fēicháng jiǎndān.)
David: Yeah there is no conjugation there. It’s just taking the sound and sticking it at the end of the verb.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Okay. From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo.
David: And before you go, we want to remind you. If you haven’t come to chineseclass101.com in a while, drop by and visit the site. We’ve got lots of places for you to leave comments and ask questions. We’ve got a really engaging forum where you can post questions or comments and we really look forward to seeing you on the site.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Okay take care and we will see you next week.
Echo: 网上见吧。(Wǎngshàng jiàn ba.)
David: Okay bye bye.


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