
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是 (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo.
David: Yes the charming Echo is here and we are here with lesson 30 in our first elementary series.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: This is a casual dialogue between two people we believe are lovers.
Echo: Yes I think they are lovers.
David: Anyway, we are going to get you to the dialogue.
Echo: David 你又忘了。(Nǐ yòu wàngle.)
David: Right. Before we get to the dialogue, if you haven’t had the chance yet, we want to remind you. Head to chineseclass101.com, sign up for your free life time account. It’s going to take you seven seconds or less depending on how fast you type.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Now I think we can get to the dialogue.
A:亲爱的,你应该少吃点儿巧克力。(Qīn'ài de, nǐ yīnggāi shǎo chī diǎnr qiǎokèlì.)
B:怎么?你是说我应该减肥?(Zěnme? Nǐ shì shuō wǒ yīnggāi jiǎnféi?)
A:没有没有,我是说,今天太热了,我们喝点儿什么吧。(Méiyǒuméiyǒu, wǒ shì shuō, jīntiān tài rè le, wǒmen hē diǎnr
shénme ba.)
B:好吧,我真有点儿渴了。(Hǎoba, wǒ zhēn yǒu diǎnr kě le.)
A:服务员,来听健怡可乐!(Fúwùyuán, lái tīng Jiànyí kělè!)
David: One more time a bit slower.
A:亲爱的,你应该少吃点儿巧克力。(Qīn'ài de, nǐ yīnggāi shǎo chī diǎnr qiǎokèlì.)
B:怎么?你是说我应该减肥?(Zěnme? Nǐ shì shuō wǒ yīnggāi jiǎnféi?)
A:没有没有,我是说,今天太热了,我们喝点儿什么吧。(Méiyǒuméiyǒu, wǒ shì shuō, jīntiān tài rè le, wǒmen hē diǎnr
shénme ba.)
B:好吧,我真有点儿渴了。(Hǎoba, wǒ zhēn yǒu diǎnr kě le.)
A:服务员,来听健怡可乐!(Fúwùyuán, lái tīng Jiànyí kělè!)
David: We are going to listen to that dialogue again. So this time we are going to translate it for you.
David: 亲爱的,你应该少吃点儿巧克力。(Qīn'ài de, nǐ yīnggāi shǎo chī diǎnr qiǎokèlì.)
David: Baby! You should eat a bit less chocolate.
Echo: 怎么?你是说我应该减肥?(Zěnme? Nǐ shì shuō wǒ yīnggāi jiǎnféi?)
David: Hah are you saying I should go on a diet?
David: 没有没有,我是说,今天太热了,我们喝点儿什么吧。(Méiyǒuméiyǒu, wǒ shìshuō, jīntiān tài rè le, wǒmen hē diǎnrshénme ba.)
David: No, no, I was saying it’s too hot today. Let’s have something to drink.
Echo: 好吧,我真有点儿渴了。(Hǎoba, wǒ zhēn yǒu diǎnr kě le.)
David: Okay I am a little thirsty.
David: 服务员,来听健怡可乐!(Fúwùyuán, lái tīng Jiànyí kělè!)
David: Waiter, bring a can of diet coke.
David: First thing we’d like to suggest, don’t do this on a date.
Echo: Well it depends.
David: It depends.
Echo: It depends on which date. I mean 第几次。(Dì jǐ cì.)
David: Okay guys, I recommend you don’t do this on a date in any situations.
Echo: 好。(Hǎo.)
David: We have a lot of good vocab for this lesson. Our theme is about dieting or losing weight.
Echo: Yeah.
David: And so we’ve got a lot of words that are kind of about this. And we are going to go through them…
Echo: Yeah and some are in the dialogue.
David: Some are in the dialogue, some aren’t. So you are going to have to listen carefully.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: But all of them are really important.
Echo: And really useful.
David: Yes so Echo, why don’t you take us away.
Echo: 好。(Hǎo.)
David: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 亲爱的 (qīn'ài de)
David: Darling.
Echo: 减肥 (jiǎnféi)
David: To diet.
Echo: 听 (tīng)
David: A can.
Echo: 听 (tīng)
David: And we actually have the 儿化音 (Ér huà yīn) that’s often added to that right?
Echo: Uhoo yeah.
David: Can we hear that one more time with that?
Echo: 听儿,健怡可乐。(Tīng er, jiàn yí kělè.)
David: Diet coke.
Echo: 健康。(jiànkāng.)
David: Healthy.
Echo: 矿泉水 (kuàngquánshuǐ)
David: Mineral water.
Echo: 锻炼 (duànliàn)
David: To workout.
Echo: 锻炼 (duànliàn)
David: We’ve got a couple of words here that we want to focus on in more depth. The first is obviously the different words for diet.
Echo: 减肥。(jiǎnféi.)
David: As in the sentence
Echo: 我太胖了,我要减肥。(Wǒ tài pàng le, wǒ yào jiǎnféi.)
David: I am too fat. I got to lose weight. We’ve got a new word here we are sticking in front of the word for coke.
Echo: 可乐。(Kělè.)
David: And that is
Echo: 健怡。(Jiàn yí)
David: So to say diet coke, we say
Echo: 健怡可乐。(jiànyí kělè.)
David: So how would you say, give me a diet coke.
Echo: 给我一瓶健怡可乐。(Gěi wǒ yī píng Jiànyí kělè.)
David: But they don’t have bottles. They have cans.
Echo: 给我一听儿健怡可乐。 I want 健怡可乐。(Gěi wǒ yī tīng er jiàn yí kělè. I want jiàn yí kělè.)
David: Umm I love that 儿化音 (Ér huà yīn) on the end of the word for can which is actually our next vocab point.
Echo: 听儿。(Tīng er.)
David: A can of coke.
Echo: 一听儿可乐,听儿 (Yī tīng er kělè, tīng er) If you just say 一听可乐 (Yī tīng kělè) it’s a bit weird because as we all know, 听 (Tīng) is a verb.
David: Yeah.
Echo: Which means to listen.
David: To listen.
Echo: Right.
David: So this is differentiating it. It makes it easier to understand.
Echo: Right.
David: The next word we want to highlight here is the word for mineral water.
Echo: 矿泉水。(Kuàngquán shuǐ.)
David: Where I grew up in the west, you know, you turn on the tap and you are used to drinking tap water.
Echo: Yeah. Never, ever do that in China.
David: You don’t want to have tap water but there are different kinds of water if you wanted to say tap water. What’s tap water called?
Echo: 自来水 (Zìláishuǐ) This is like naturally come water.
David: Yeah naturally comes out of the tap.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Be careful. It’s coming after you.
Echo: 自来水。(Zìláishuǐ.)
David: The safe kind of water is really the boiled water.
Echo: 白开水。(Báikāishuǐ.)
David: Right. Don’t ask for
Echo: 自来水。(Zìláishuǐ.)
David: Ask for
Echo: 白开水。(Báikāishuǐ.)
David: Echo, can you give us the sentence?
Echo: 请给我一杯白开水。(Qǐng gěi wǒ yībēi báikāishuǐ.)
David: Right. Our last two words are words you want to use if you need to be talking about exercising. What’s the first?
Echo: 锻炼。(Duànliàn.)
David: Right. We often see this paired with another word.
Echo: 锻炼身体。(Duànliàn shēntǐ.)
David: This actually means to work out. You know, you are going to the gym and you are muscling up or you lose weight.
Echo: 锻炼身体。(Duànliàn shēntǐ.)
David: The second word
Echo: 运动。(Yùndòng.)
David: Is a bit more general. Isn’t it?
Echo: 没错,多锻炼身体很有好处。(Méi cuò, duō duànliàn shēntǐ hěn yǒu hǎochù.)
David: Working out more is very good for the body.
Echo: 运动地减肥很有用。(Yùndòng dì jiǎnféi hěn yǒuyòng.)
David: Exercising is very good for losing weight.
Echo: Yes very useful.
David: And that’s the end of our vocab section. And these words are going to resurface in our grammar section. You are going to be sick of them but you will be healthier.
It’s grammar time.

Lesson focus

David: You had two things you wanted to talk about. What are they?
Echo: 你是说。(Nǐ shì shuō.)
David: You are saying…
Echo: You are saying, yeah. In the dialogue, we have the sentence 你是说我应该减肥?(Nǐ shì shuō wǒ yīnggāi jiǎnféi?)
David: I think we translated that. Are you saying I need to go on a diet?
Echo: 你是说我应该减肥?(Nǐ shì shuō wǒ yīnggāi jiǎnféi?)
David: So this isn’t a grammar point so much. This is just a really, really useful phrase.
Echo: Yeah and actually you cannot only say 你是说 (Nǐ shì shuō) you can also say 我是说 or 他是说。(Wǒ shì shuō or tā shì shuō)
David: Yeah and it’s a good way for providing emphasis.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: You are emphasizing what’s coming after.
Echo: Yeah or you repeat someone’s sentences.
David: Yeah. I am telling you because you are not getting it.
Echo: 我是说。(Wǒ shì shuō.)
David: Let’s have some examples.
Echo: 你是说我应该锻炼身体吗?(Nǐ shì shuō wǒ yīnggāi duànliàn shēntǐ ma?)
David: What you are saying is I got to work out?
Echo: 他是说我不够健康吗?(Tā shì shuō wǒ bùgòu jiànkāng ma?)
David: Is he saying I am not healthy enough?
Echo: 我是说我要一听可乐。(Wǒ shì shuō wǒ yào yī tīng kělè.)
David: What I said was, I want a can of coke. So we think we’ve got that down, very colloquial, really powerful way of adding emphasis to a sentence.
Echo: Yeah 没错 (Méi cuò) and just remember, always put this phrase before a sentence.
David: Yeah and we have a second grammar point here as well and this is also a pretty easy one.
Echo: 来。(Lái.)
David: What’s the sentence in our dialogue?
Echo: 服务员,来听儿健怡可乐。(Fúwùyuán, lái tīng er jiàn yí kělè.)
David: Waiter, bring me a can of diet coke.
Echo: So here 来 (Lái) means to bring.
David: Yeah. Why would we use this instead of saying 给我。(Gěi wǒ.)
Echo: Because it’s more 口语 (Kǒuyǔ) more colloquial. 来一听啤酒 (Lái yī tīng píjiǔ) is give me.
David: Okay so it doesn’t mean that they actually need to pick it up and bring it over to me. We can be at the same bar.
Echo: Yeah.


David: Okay. Great to know and that’s our podcast. As always, we’d like to remind you guys. Before you go, if you haven’t check out yet, be sure to come to chineseclass101 and check out the voice recording tool. Echo, you are a professional teacher. What is this going to do for you?
Echo: It will help you hear what you are really saying.
David: This is one way to avoid years of saying things incorrectly.
Echo: Yeah even for intermediate student or advanced student.
David: I’d say even for advanced students.
Echo: Yeah.
David: I mean people fall into bad habits and you don’t even realize it until someone points it out for you.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Anyway from downtown Beijing where we are coming at you within walking distance of the Forbidden City.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo.
David: I am David. Thank you for listening to chineseclass101.
Echo: We will see you on the site.
David: And we will see you next week.
Echo: 网上见吧。(Wǎngshàng jiàn ba.)
David: Bye.


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