
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是 (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo.
David: And we are coming with lesson 31 in series 1 at the elementary level.
Echo: 没错,第三十一课。(Méi cuò, dì sānshíyī kè.)
David: Yes and our lesson today is all about
Echo: Something cute.
David: Okay. It’s what happens when a guy and a girl make a decision.
Echo: In a pet store.
David: To get an animal, yeah and we are going to see what happens. So let’s take a listen to our dialogue now.
Echo: David, you forgot something again.
David: Yes I forgot to remind you guys, if you are serious about learning Chinese, there is decision that’s a lot easier than dog vs. cat. Coming to chineseclass101 and getting your premium subscription. You are going to get everything that’s going to make it possible for you to learn Chinese a lot faster. Let’s take a listen to our dialogue now.
A:亲爱的,我想养只狗。(Qīn'ài de, wǒ xiǎng yǎng zhī gǒu.)
B:它们总掉毛,很麻烦。(Tāmen zǒng diào máo, hěn máfan.)
A:那,养只猫吧。(Nà, yǎng zhī māo ba.)
B:猫太闹了,我需要安静。(Māo tài nào le, wǒ xūyào ānjìng.)
A:又要没毛,又要安静,你说养什么?(Yòu yào méi máo, yòu yào ānjìng, nǐ shuō yǎng shénme?)
B:养条蛇吧。没毛,也不叫。(Yǎng tiáo shé ba. Méi máo, yě bù jiào.)
A:蛇?算了,我们别养宠物了。(Shé? Suànle, wǒmen bié yǎng chǒngwù le.)
Once more slowly.
A:亲爱的,我想养只狗。(Qīn'ài de, wǒ xiǎng yǎng zhī gǒu.)
B:它们总掉毛,很麻烦。(Tāmen zǒng diào máo, hěn máfan.)
A:那,养只猫吧。(Nà, yǎng zhī māo ba.)
B:猫太闹了,我需要安静。(Māo tài nào le, wǒ xūyào ānjìng.)
A:又要没毛,又要安静,你说养什么?(Yòu yào méi máo, yòu yào ānjìng, nǐ shuō yǎng shénme?)
B:养条蛇吧。没毛,也不叫。(Yǎng tiáo shé ba. Méi máo, yě bù jiào.)
A:蛇?算了,我们别养宠物了。(Shé? Suànle, wǒmen bié yǎng chǒngwù le.)
David: Echo, are you a cat or dog person? We want to know.
Echo: 我喜欢狗。(Wǒ xǐhuān gǒu.)
David: Echo is a dog person. I’ve got to say, I am a cat person.
Echo: See conflicts!
David: I remember when we were going to café and I had two little kittens that came out and Echo was all oh! No good.
Echo: What if there is no dogs, 猫 (Māo) is okay too.
David: Okay so you are a dog and kitten person.
Echo: Let’s do the dialogue now.
David: Okay line by line.
Echo: 亲爱的,我想养只狗。(Qīn'ài de, wǒ xiǎng yǎng zhǐ gǒu.)
David: Darling, I want to raise a dog.
Echo: 它们总掉毛,很麻烦。(Tāmen zǒng diào máo, hěn máfan.)
David: Oh they are always shedding fur. Too much trouble.
Echo: 那,养只猫吧。(Nà, yǎng zhǐ māo ba.)
David: Then let’s raise a cat.
Echo: 猫太闹了,我需要安静。(Māo tài nàole, wǒ xūyào ānjìng.)
David: Cats are too noisy. I need peace and quiet.
Echo: 又要没毛,又要安静,你说养什么?(Yòu yào méi máo, yòu yào ānjìng, nǐ shuō yǎng shénme?)
David: You want something without hair and something that’s quiet. What do you want to raise?
Echo: 养条蛇吧。没毛,也不叫。(Yǎng tiáo shé ba. Méi máo, yě bù jiào.)
David: How about a snake? It doesn’t have any hair and it doesn’t make any noise.
Echo: 蛇?算了,我们别养宠物了。(Shé? Suànle, wǒmen bié yǎng chǒngwùle..)
David: A snake! Oh forget it. We won’t raise an animal.
Echo: So do all men like 蛇。(Shé.)
David: They are actually kind of cute…
Echo: 开玩笑。(Kāiwánxiào.)
David: No, no, no not the poisonous ones like there are some. They just eat rice and you know, you can raise those pets.
Echo: But they are horrible anyway.
David: Well feeding time is pretty possible. We’ve got a vocab section for you. It’s all about animals and raising them.
Echo: Something cute.
David: It’s about…
Echo: Something cuter.
David: Mostly cuter.
Echo: Not scary.
David: So why don’t we go on to the vocab section now.
Echo: Okay.
David: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 养 (yǎng)
David: To raise.
Echo: 只 (zhī)
David: Measure word for cats, dogs and other animals.
Echo: 掉毛儿 (Diào máo er)
David: To shed fur.
Echo: 麻烦 (máfan)
David: Troublesome.
Echo: 闹 (nào)
David: Noisy.
Echo: 安静 (ānjìng)
David: Peaceful and quiet.
Echo: 条 (tiáo)
David: Measure word for long, thin objects like snakes.
Echo: 蛇 (shé)
David: Snake.
Echo: 宠物 (chǒngwù)
David: Pet.
Echo: 宠物 (chǒngwù)
David: We’ve got some extra vocab for you that’s not in the dialogue as well. Useful if you’ve got a pet.
Echo: Yeah exactly 猫粮。(māoliáng.)
David: Cat food.
Echo: 猫粮。(māoliáng.)
David: So get this vocab down or your pets are going to go hungry and that’s bad.
Echo: Yeah, yeah exactly.
David: The next word
Echo: 猫砂。(māoshā.)
David: Cat litter.
Echo: 遛狗 (liùgǒu)
David: To walk the dog.
Echo: 遛狗(liùgǒu)
David: And finally a word that is more important to your pet than it is to you.
Echo: 喂 (wèi)
David: To feed.
Echo: 喂 (wèi)
David: And that’s the same way as in hello…
Echo: Hello.
David: Will you pick up the phone.
Echo: But usually we will say 喂。(wèi.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: But it’s the same character.
David: Unless you are in a mob, then you maybe like 喂 (wèi) talk to me.
Echo: Right.
David: Okay. Lots of new vocab about pets and we’ve got some great sample sentences for you to practice using them. We want you guys to listen for the new words we just taught you. See if you can pick them out before we do the translation.
Echo: Right. 养狗太麻烦了。(Yǎng gǒu tài máfan le.)
David: Raising dogs is too troublesome.
Echo: 毛总掉毛儿,不干净。(Máo zǒng diào máo er, bù gānjìng.)
David: Cats always shed hair. It’s not clean.
Echo: 宠物需要主人的爱。(Chǒngwù xūyào zhǔrén de ài.)
David: Pets need the love of their owners.
Echo: Yeah that’s true.
David: Yeah.
Echo: 我去超市买猫粮和猫砂。(Wǒ qù chāoshì mǎi māo liáng hé māo shā.)
David: I am going to the supermarket to buy cat food and cat litter. Last sentence in our vocab section. Echo?
Echo: 孩子饿了,喂它吃饭吧。(Háizi èle, wèi tā chīfàn ba.)
David: The kid is hungry, feed him or the kid is hungry, how about we feed him?
Echo: Yeah.
David: So you’ve got that path stuck on the end that’s a suggestion. Okay?
Echo: Yeah.
David: And that brings us to the end of the vocab section.
It’s grammar time.

Lesson focus

Echo: 又要没毛,又要安静,你说养什么? (Yòu yào méi máo, yòu yào ānjìng, nǐ shuō yǎng shénme?)
David: Yeah and the pattern is
Echo: 又 and 又。(Yòu and yòu.)
David: Right and that’s what it means. It means both and/or and And.
Echo: And, right.
David: Let’s hear this sentence in the dialogue one more time.
Echo: 又要没毛,又要安静,你说养什么?(Yòu yào méi máo, yòu yào ānjìng, nǐ shuō yǎng shénme?)
David: Right.
Echo: 又。(Yòu.)
David: Is an adverb. We stick it in front of the verb.
Echo: Right and also adjective.
David: Right. We can stick it in front of adjectives. We are going to deal with that in a little bit.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Now let’s take a look at another sentence that is similar to the one we have in the dialogue. Echo?
Echo: Okay 他又要猫粮又要猫砂。(Tā yòu yào māo liáng yòu yào māo shā.)
David: He wants both cat food and cat litter.
Echo: 我每天又要喂猫又要喂狗。(Wǒ měitiān yòu yào wèi māoyòu yào wèi gǒu.)
David: 要means must instead of to want to in this sentence.
Echo: Yeah like to need.
David: Yeah. So there is a slight change in meaning. It means every day I need to feed the cat and also feed the dog.
Echo: Right.
David: We take
Echo: 又 (Yòu)
David: And we stick it in front of the main verb which is
Echo: 要 (Yào)
David: Perfect. In all of our sentences so far, we focused on using
Echo: 又 (Yòu)
David: In front of the verb.
Echo: 要 (Yào)
David: In our next sentence, we are going to switch up the verbs a bit. Echo?
Echo: 你又养猫又养狗,家太小了。(Nǐ yòu yǎng māoyòu yǎng gǒu, jiā tài xiǎole.)
David: You are raising both the cat and the dog. The home is too small.
Echo: Right.
David: How about this one?
Echo: 你的猴子又闹又麻烦。(Nǐ de hóuzi yòu nào yòu máfan.)
David: And this is interesting because we’ve gotten rid of the verb and we are using adjectives instead.
Echo: Right 你的猴子又闹又麻烦。(Nǐ de hóuzi yòu nào yòu máfan.)
David: Your monkey is both noisy and troublesome. This is what you get if you raise a monkey.
Echo: 差不多吧。(Chàbùduō ba.)
David: Yeah 差不多 (Chàbùduō) is what you get if you raise a monkey. Yeah and let’s take a look at another sentence which actually combines them. We’ve got one verb…
Echo: Yeah..
David: And an adjective.
Echo: 蛇又不掉毛有不闹。(Shé yòu bù diào máo yǒu bù nào.)
David: Snakes don’t shed any fur and they don’t cause much noise.
Echo: Right. That’s the way you make it negative.
David: So it’s a really flexible structure that we’ve got going here and it’s the most common way of saying both and….
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: The last point we’d like to make before we leave is that you are not stuck with two of these. You can string together as many as you want. You can say, we have a cat, a dog and the snake.
Echo: 又有猫又有狗又有蛇 and even 又有猴子 (Yòu yǒu māoyòu yǒu gǒu yòu yǒu shé and even yòu yǒu hóuzi)
David: And you’ve got a monkey too. Listen to it. You are going to hear this a lot. And we’ve got one more sentence for you which is going to lead us to our close which is
Echo: 用CC101学中文,又快又好。(Yòng CC101 xué zhōngwén, yòu kuài yòu hǎo.)


David: Right. Studying Chinese with chineseclass101, it’s both fast and good
Echo: And great. Yes.
David: Right.
Echo: And convenient.
David: So if you haven’t taken one out, think about making the commitment. Your Chinese is going to get better faster. Okay…
Echo: 又有David又有Echo。(Yòu yǒu David yòu yǒu Echo.)
David: Both of us over here, thank you for listening and we will see you next week.
Echo: Bye bye.
David: Bye bye.


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