
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we are here with an exciting lesson 32 in series 1 of our elementary set.
Echo: 第三十二课。(Dì sānshí'èr kè.)
David: And in this dialogue
Echo: Right.
David: We are going to find out what happens when the dating stops and the marriage starts.
Echo: Sounds interesting.
David: Let’s get to the dialogue.
Echo: No we are not going anywhere.
David: Right. We are not going anywhere until we remind you if you haven’t been to chineseclass101.com, sign up for your free trial and try that recording tool.
Echo: Right.
David: Okay objective tonal advice. It’s what you need and now, let’s get on to the dialogue.
A:老公,我们去看电影吧。(Lǎogōng, wǒmen qù kān diànyǐng ba.)
B:我不太喜欢看电影。最近,电影票挺贵的。(Wǒ bù tài xǐhuan kàn diànyǐng. Zuìjìn, diànyǐngpiào tǐng guì de.)
A:我们好久没有约会了。(Wǒmen hǎo jiǔ méiyǒu yuēhuì le.)
B:这样吧,我们去酒吧吧。(Zhèyàng ba, wǒmen qù jiǔbā ba.)
A:啊?酒吧?(á? Jiǔbā?)
B:对呀,今天是女士之夜。(Duì ya, jīntiān shì nǚshì zhī yè.)
A:你就是想省钱。(Nǐ jiùshì xiǎng shěngqián.)
B:不是。我......(Bù shì. Wǒ ......)
A:是想找别的女人?(Shì xiǎng zhǎo bié de nǚrén?)
Once more slowly.
A:老公,我们去看电影吧。(Lǎogōng, wǒmen qù kān diànyǐng ba.)
B:我不太喜欢看电影。最近,电影票挺贵的。(Wǒ bù tài xǐhuan kàn diànyǐng. Zuìjìn, diànyǐngpiào tǐng guì de.)
A:我们好久没有约会了。(Wǒmen hǎo jiǔ méiyǒu yuēhuì le.)
B:这样吧,我们去酒吧吧。(Zhèyàng ba, wǒmen qù jiǔbā ba.)
A:啊?酒吧?(á? Jiǔbā?)
B:对呀,今天是女士之夜。(Duì ya, jīntiān shì nǚshì zhī yè.)
A:你就是想省钱。(Nǐ jiùshì xiǎng shěngqián.)
B:不是。我......(Bù shì. Wǒ ......)
A:是想找别的女人?(Shì xiǎng zhǎo bié de nǚrén?)
David: Okay we are back. I think all the guys here are.
Echo: 不对 (Bùduì)
David: No?
Echo: No, no, no, no, no…是我们,是我们女人 (Shì wǒmen, shì wǒmen nǚrén)
David: Okay it is battle of the sexes at chineseclass101 today. With that, let’s get on to the line by line.
Echo: 老公,我们去看电影吧。(Lǎogōng, wǒmen qù kàn diànyǐng ba.)
David: Husband, let’s go watch a movie.
Echo: 我不太喜欢看电影。(Wǒ bù tài xǐhuān kàn diànyǐng.)
David: I don’t really like watching movies.
Echo: 最近,电影票挺贵的。(Zuìjìn, diànyǐng piào tǐng guì de.)
David: Lately, movie tickets have been pretty expensive.
Echo: 我们好久没有约会了。(Wǒmen hǎojiǔ méiyǒu yuēhuìle.)
David: We haven’t been on a date in a long time.
Echo: 这样吧,我们去酒吧吧。(Zhèyàng ba, wǒmen qù jiǔbā ba.)
David: How about this? We can go to a bar.
Echo: 啊?酒吧?(A? Jiǔbā?)
David: Ah a bar?
Echo: 对呀,今天是女士之夜。(Duì ya, jīntiān shì nǚshì zhī yè.)
David: Yeah today is ladies night.
Echo: 你就是想省钱。(Nǐ jiùshì xiǎng shěng qián.)
David: You just want to save money.
Echo: 不是。我......(Bùshì. Wǒ......)
David: No I…
Echo: 是想找别的女人?(Shì xiǎng zhǎo bié de nǚrén?)
David: You want to find other women?
Echo: Hmm…
David: We’ve got a sharp gender split. The guys are like oh, so tough.
Echo: 他就是想省钱。(Tā jiùshì xiǎng shěng qián.)
David: We don’t know, I mean it’s…
Echo: 他说电影票挺贵的。(Tā shuō diànyǐng piào tǐng guì de.)
David: True.
Echo: 我们去酒吧。(Wǒmen qù jiǔbā.)
David: Because the…
Echo: Because there is a 女士之夜。(Nǚshì zhī yè.)
David: Okay it is, it is a bit cheap but maybe there weren’t any good movies.
Echo: 太过分了。(Tài guòfènle)
David: Maybe he had his reasons.
Echo: Yeah the reason is 电影票挺贵的。(Diànyǐng piào tǐng guì de.)
David: Anyway…
Echo: 我想省钱。(Wǒ xiǎng shěng qián.)
David: Our vocab section has words that are in the dialogue and some words that aren’t in the dialogue.
Echo: Right.
David: But it’s all about dating and places you are going to go on a date. So Echo, why don’t you get us started?
Echo: 好的。(Hǎo de.)
David: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 老公 (lǎogōng)
David: Husband
Echo: 老婆 (lǎopo)
David: Wife.
Echo: 挺 (tǐng)
David: Quite, very.
Echo: 约会 (yuēhuì)
David: To date.
Echo: 约会 (yuēhuì)
David: To make a date, to go on a date.
Echo: 女士之夜 (nǚshì zhī yè)
David: Ladies night.
Echo: 省钱 (shěngqián)
David: To save money.
Echo: 花钱 (huāqián)
David: To spend money.
Echo: 卡拉OK (kǎlāOK)
David: Karaoke or KTV.
Echo: 迪厅 (dītīng)
David: Disco.
Echo: 逛街 (guàngjiē)
David: To go shopping.
Echo: 浪漫。(làngmàn.)
David: Romantic.
Echo: 浪漫 (làngmàn)
David: We’ve got a lot of vocab here which is about dating. First thing I want to point out is those two words.
Echo: 老公。(lǎogōng.)
David: And
Echo: 老婆。(lǎopo.)
David: These are terms of endearment right?
Echo: Uhoo…
David: And it’s technically husband and wife but people who aren’t married might sometimes refer to each other as….
Echo: Yeah especially yeah for young people.
David: Yeah it’s like, it’s – come on Echo, you tell us.
Echo: Sweet, sweet.
David: It’s sweet, okay it’s sweet. So if you got a significant other and you say 老公 (lǎogōng), how are they going to feel?
Echo: Sweet.
David: Can you give us an example?
Echo: 老公,你过来帮我搬这个。(Lǎogōng, nǐ guòlai bāng wǒ bān zhège.)
David: Hey hubby, come on over and help me with this.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Although not necessary.
Echo: Help me to carry this.
David: Oh!
Echo: 老公,我要买这个。(Lǎogōng, wǒ yāomǎi zhège.)
David: Yeah. You might get that a lot if you go shopping with your significant other.
Echo: 逛街。(Guàngjiē.)
David: This word literally translates into like strolling the streets.
Echo: Yeah 逛街。(Guàngjiē.)
David: But these days, it means to go shopping and buy things.
Echo: Right.
David: Okay. Anyway, there are lots of places you can go on dates. We have a couple of them here. We’ve got karaoke.
Echo: 卡拉OK. (Kǎlā OK.)
David: Which is embarrassing for me.
Echo: Well me too. 我不喜欢卡拉OK. (Wǒ bù xǐhuān kǎlā OK..)
David: Okay Echo, you are a connection to Chinese here. How romantic are these activities as date locations? KTV
Echo: Well 不太浪漫。(Bù tài làngmàn.)
David: Okay so KTV is not romantic. It’s not a…
Echo: A skill for lot of friends to go out together.
David: Okay so group date maybe. So what do you think is the most romantic option available?
Echo: 我觉得去公园儿挺浪漫。(Wǒ juédé qù gōngyuán er tǐng làngmàn.)
David: And inexpensive.
Echo: 而且省钱。(Érqiě shěng qián.)
David: Okay. Useful vocab and don’t forget the 儿化音 on that either.
Echo: 公园儿。(Gōngyuán er.)
David: Right. That’s not Beijing 话. That’s standard Mandarin for you and that brings us to the end of our vocab section.
Echo: Right.
David: Okay. We’ve got the dating vocab and we know where to go. Let’s move on to grammar.
Echo: 好的。(Hǎo de.)

Lesson focus

David: It’s grammar time. Our grammar point today is about two different words and concepts, about saving and about spending.
Echo: 省。(Shěng.)
David: And
Echo: 花。(Huā.)
David: So again, to save
Echo: 省。(Shěng.)
David: And to spend
Echo: 花。(Huā.)
David: As in English, we can save money.
Echo: 省钱。(Shěng qián.)
David: We can also save time.
Echo: 省时间。(Shěng shíjiān.)
David: And we can also save energy.
Echo: 省精力。(Shěng jīnglì.)
David: Which will be mental energy.
Echo: Yes be careful.
David: Yeah how would you say physical energy?
Echo: 省力气。他挺会省钱。(Shěng lìqì. Tā tǐng huì shěng qián.)
David: He can really save money.
Echo: Like the husband 这个老公 (Zhège lǎogōng) in the dialogue.
David: There are other things that you can save in Chinese that you may not be used to saving in English.
Echo: 省事儿。(Shěngshì er.)
David: Yeah because…..
Echo: Be careful with 儿 (Er) sound。
David: 事儿 (Shì er) You’ve got to get that 儿化音 (Ér huà yīn) on it.
Echo: Yeah 这样做很省事儿。(Zhèyàng zuò hěn shěngshì er.)
David: If you do it this way, it will save a lot of trouble. Right, there are some things that are like [*] words that are pretty close.
Echo: 费。(Fèi.)
David: Yeah. For instance
Echo: 费事儿 (Fèishì er) To get into a lot of trouble.
David: Okay.
Echo: 费事儿。那样做很费事儿。(Fèishì er. Nàyàng zuò hěn fèishì er.)
David: If you do it that way, you are going to get yourself into a lot of trouble.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: We’ve also got things like
Echo: 省电。(Shěng diàn.)
David: Umm which would be saving power.
Echo: And 省水。(Shěng shuǐ.)
David: Right which would be saving water. Before we go, we are going to give you some sample sentences. Focus on the use of either save.
Echo: 省。(Shěng.)
David: Or spend
Echo: 花。坐地铁又省时间,又省钱。(Huā. Zuò dìtiě yòu shěng shíjiān, yòu shěng qián.)
David: Taking the subway saves both time and money.
Echo: 我不想花时间去酒吧。(Wǒ bùxiǎng huā shíjiān qù jiǔbā.)
David: I don’t want to spend the time to go to a bar. How do you say I don’t want to waste the time to go to a bar?
Echo: 我不想浪费时间去酒吧。(Wǒ bùxiǎng làngfèi shíjiān qù jiǔbā.)
David: Yeah. So that’s the difference between spend and waste.
Echo: 没错。要记住。(Méi cuò. Yào jì zhù.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 约会又花时间又花钱。(Yuēhuì yòu huā shíjiān yòu huā qián.)
David: Going on a date takes time and money.
Echo: 但是很浪漫。(Dànshì hěn làngmàn.)
David: But it’s very romantic. I don’t know if this actually constitutes a date. I mean if it’s 老公,老婆 (Lǎogōng, lǎopó) is it still a date or is it just….
Echo: Of course it’s still 约会 (Yuēhuì) what are you thinking?
David: I am thinking things change after marriage.
Echo: You are thinking about 省钱。(Shěng qián.)
David: Yes.
Echo: I know what you are thinking.
David: I am thinking as a guy.
Echo: You are thinking about 省钱,省时间,省精力,省力气。(Shěng qián, shěng shíjiān, shěng jīnglì, shěng lìqì.)
David: Okay.
Echo: You don’t want to spend anything on your 老婆。(Lǎopó.)
David: I think that the male and female viewpoints differ here. There is one more thing I want to bring up before we leave and that’s in the word for ladies night.
Echo: 女士之夜。(Nǚshì zhī yè.)
David: And there is an older character there.
Echo: 之。(Zhī.)
David: Which is playing the same role as the possessive or subordinating
Echo: 的。(De.)
David: It literally means the night.
Echo: 夜。(Yè.)
David: Of ladies.
Echo: 女士。(Nǚshì.)
David: Right.
Echo: 女士之夜。(Nǚshì zhī yè.)


David: And with that, we are done with our grammar section. In this podcast, we’ve taught you a lot of exciting words for dates. We’ve told you that some people that aren’t reasonable no matter how you try to make them happy.
Echo: Hello!
David: And hopefully you’ve had a good time too. We’ve had a good time. So that’s our podcast for today. Right Echo? And you’ve got a suggestion on how to save money.
Echo: 省钱。(Shěng qián.)
David: Yes.
Echo: 用Chineseclass101学中文最省钱。(Yòng Chineseclass101 xué zhōngwén zuì shěng qián.)
David: That’s right. With PDF transcripts, voice recording tools and all kinds of extra services and features, chineseclass101 really is a bargain who are working to make this the best way to study Chinese online.
Echo: 没错,又好又省钱。(Méi cuò, yòu hǎo yòu shěng qián.)
David: Yes. So come on check it out. From Beijing, I am David Lancashire.
Echo: 我是Echo. (Wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And thank you for listening. Take care guys.
Echo: 谢谢。(Xièxiè.)
David: Bye.
Echo: 网上见吧。(Wǎngshàng jiàn ba.)

