
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo.(Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we are here with lesson #42 in the first series of our elementary set.
Echo: 没错。第四十二课。(Méi cuò. Dì sìshí'èr kè.)
David: Right and we are here with a lesson that takes place between the boss and his employee and we have a difference of opinion.
Echo: Right.
David: A strong difference of opinion.
Echo: I think the employee is crazy.
David: We are going to take you to the dialogue in a second. Before we do that though, we want to point out something which is that as our lessons get more and more difficult…
Echo: Right.
David: The grammar write-up and the PDF gets more and more important. So if you haven’t had the chance to check that out, make sure you go to chineseclass101.com and get your hands on those PDF transcripts.
Echo: [*]
David: And now let’s go to the dialogue.
A:别忘了,我们今晚七点钟要见面。(Bié wàng le, wǒmen jīnwǎn qī diǎnzhōng yào jiànmiàn.)
B:哦,我今晚七点半有个派对。(O, wǒ jīnwǎn qī diǎn bàn yǒu ge pàiduì.)
A:什么派对?(Shénme pàiduì?)
B:广告公司的,我们改天吧。(Guǎnggào gōngsī de, wǒmen gǎitiān ba.)
A:明天再说吧。(Míngtiān zàishuō ba.)
David: One more time a bit slower.
A:别忘了,我们今晚七点钟要见面。(Bié wàng le, wǒmen jīnwǎn qī diǎnzhōng yào jiànmiàn.)
B:哦,我今晚七点半有个派对。(O, wǒ jīnwǎn qī diǎn bàn yǒu ge pàiduì.)
A:什么派对?(Shénme pàiduì?)
B:广告公司的,我们改天吧。(Guǎnggào gōngsī de, wǒmen gǎitiān ba.)
A:明天再说吧。(Míngtiān zàishuō ba.)
Echo: 别忘了,我们今晚七点钟要见面。(Bié wàng le, wǒmen jīnwǎn qī diǎnzhōng yào jiànmiàn.)
David: Don’t forget. We will see each other at 7 o’ clock tonight.
Echo: 哦,我今晚七点半有个派对。(O, wǒ jīnwǎn qī diǎn bàn yǒu ge pàiduì.)
David: Oh, I’ve got a party tonight at 7:30.
Echo: 什么派对?(Shénme pàiduì?)
David: What party?
Echo: 广告公司的,我们改天吧。(Guǎnggào gōngsī de, wǒmen gǎitiān ba.)
David: The advertising company’s. Let’s change dates.
Echo: 明天再说吧。(Míngtiān zàishuō ba.)
David: We will talk about this tomorrow.
David: You saw where the boss is here. I think it’s definitely the employee’s…
Echo: Well no matter who is right but I think the employee is 疯了 (Fēngle) bosses are like that.
David: But how does the boss not know when you’ve got an important client party. You got to go to the party.
Echo: 嗯。(Ń.)
David: Who’s right, who’s wrong, we are going to leave that to you. We do have a lot of useful vocab and a great grammar point for you. So let’s go to that right away. And now the vocab section.
Echo: 别忘了。(Bié wàngle.)
David: Don’t forget.
Echo: 今晚。(Jīn wǎn.)
David: Tonight.
Echo: 7点钟(7 Diǎn zhōng)
David: 7 o’ clock.
Echo: 派对 (Pàiduì)
David: Party.
Echo: 广告 (Guǎnggào)
David: Advertisement.
Echo: 公司(Gōngsī)
David: Company.
Echo: 改天 (Gǎitiān)
David: To change dates.
Echo: 再说 (Zàishuō)
David: To speak later.
Echo: 再说 (Zàishuō)
David: Okay. A lot of really useful vocab there and we’ve got four things we want to call your attention to. The first is that first phrase we gave you.
Echo: 别忘了。(Bié wàngle.)
David: Don’t forget.
Echo: 别忘了。(Bié wàngle.)
David: And of course, we can swap out our verb there.
Echo: Right.
David: So we can change the verb to forget to other verbs such as
Echo: 别说了。(Bié shuōle.)
David: Don’t talk about that.
Echo: 别提了。(Biétíle.)
David: Don’t mention that.
Echo: 别去了。(Bié qùle.)
David: Don’t go. The second really useful phrase is the last word we gave you.
Echo: 再说。(Zàishuō.)
David: Yeah. We see this in the dialogue in what sentence?
Echo: 明天再说吧。(Míngtiān zàishuō ba.)
David: And there is something really interesting here. Now the adverb
Echo: 再。(Zài.)
David: Literally means again but in this case, it’s not saying let’s talk again tomorrow.
Echo: No it’s just a kind of tone. It means that well, we can’t do it now. We can’t talk about it now, but tomorrow.
David: Yeah it’s like let’s do it tomorrow instead of today. So the meaning isn’t quite the way you’d literally translate that. Let’s have some other examples. Today we won’t go but tomorrow we will.
Echo: 我们明天再去吧。(Wǒmen míngtiān zài qù ba.)
David: He’s not here. Come again tomorrow.
Echo: 他不在,你明天再来吧。(Tā bùzài, nǐ míngtiān zàilái ba.)
David: You might get that on the phone, not in person.
Echo: Right.
David: Because it’s saying don’t come in today, come tomorrow instead.
Echo: Right.
David: Our next word is
Echo: 派对。(Pàiduì.)
David: We wanted to call your attention to it because it sounds really similar to another word.
Echo: 排队。 (Páiduì.)
David: Let’s hear those again. First, party.
Echo: 派对(Pàiduì)。 This is fourth tone, first tone. 派对(Pàiduì)。
David: Second, to line up.
Echo: 排队 (Páiduì) This is second tone and first tone. 排队 (Páiduì)。
David: Perfect and the last word we want to emphasize for you guys is this one.
Echo: 改天(Gǎitiān)。
David: Which literally means change day.
Echo: Yeah actually when Chinese people say 改天 (Gǎitiān) like 改天见 (Gǎitiān jiàn) or 改天再说吧 (Gǎitiān zàishuō ba) usually it means that he doesn’t really want to see it again.
David: So if someone uses that with you, they are stalling.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Okay.
Echo: Or I am not sure if I am going to do it with you.

Lesson focus

David: It’s grammar time. As you may have picked up listening to the dialogue, our grammar section today is going to be all about times.
Echo: Right 时间。(Shíjiān.)
David: In the dialogue, we had two sentences with times in it.
Echo: 别忘了,我们今晚7点钟要见面。(Bié wàngle, wǒmen jīn wǎn 7 diǎn zhōng yào jiànmiàn.)
David: Don’t forget. We want to meet at 7 o’ clock tonight.
Echo: 哦,我今晚七点半有个派对。(Ó, wǒ jīn wǎn qī diǎn bàn yǒu gè pàiduì.)
David: Oh I have a party tonight at 7:30. We’ve already gone over the basics of putting together times in previous lessons. Let’s just review that quickly. First we have the hour.
Echo: 7点。(7 Diǎn.)
David: And then we have the number of minutes.
Echo: 7点10分。(7 Diǎn 10 fēn.)
David: 7:10
Echo: 7点半。(7 Diǎn bàn.)
David: 7:30
Echo: 7点一刻。(7 Diǎn yīkè.)
David: 7:15. This should all be review to you. What we want to emphasize in this lesson is where the time goes in the actual sentence structure itself.
Echo: Actually it’s pretty easy. You can put it before or right after the subject.
David: Right either before or after the subject.
Echo: Let’s hear some sentences.
David: Yeah.
Echo: 今晚7点半。(Jīn wǎn 7 diǎn bàn.)
David: Tomorrow night at 5:30.
Echo: 明天晚上5点半。(Míngtiān wǎnshàng 5 diǎn bàn.)
David: Yesterday morning at 11 o’ clock. Let’s put these times into more complex sentences.
Echo: 我今天下午2点有事。(Wǒ jīntiān xiàwǔ 2 diǎn yǒushì.)
David: I have something this afternoon at 2.
Echo: 他明天晚上8点半有约会。(Tā míngtiān wǎnshàng 8 diǎn bàn yǒu yuēhuì.)
David: He’s got a date tomorrow at 8:30.
Echo: 你昨天上午9点去哪儿了?(Nǐ zuótiān shàngwǔ 9 diǎn qù nǎ'erle?)
David: Where did you go yesterday morning at 9 o’ clock? Okay so fairly simple.
Echo: Right.


David: Echo, before we go, there is something you wanted to say.
Echo: Guys 别忘了 (Bié wàngle) leave us comments. No matter if you have questions or suggestions, just leave us comments.
David: Yeah. You can leave a note on the site or you can send us an email. We’d love to hear from you.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是Echo.(Wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we will see you next week.
Echo: 下次见吧。 (Xià cì jiàn ba.)

