
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we are here with lesson #44 in our first elementary series.
Echo: 没错。第四十四课。(Méi cuò. Dì sìshísì kè.)
David: Yes and this follows a week of Echo in wrapped up huddling and shivering in bed from the cold.
Echo: Yeah 我很可怜。(Wǒ hěn kělián.)
David: And she is insisting it’s not swine flu, it’s not swine flu.
Echo: It’s not. It’s just a 普通感冒。(Pǔtōng gǎnmào.)
David: And everyone is giving her as much distance as possible.
Echo: What! I didn’t give it to anyone of you.
David: Well, good thing you didn’t. We’ve got a dialogue here that’ between two people. One of them is probably feeling worst than your feeling.
Echo: Definitely worse.
David: Right. So we are going to get you to that dialogue in a sec. Before we do that though, we would like to remind you. If you get the cold or flu this winter and you are looking for some way to pass the time, there is nothing better than getting your hands on your premium PDFs, listening to our podcasts and getting your Chinese much better.
Echo: Right although 我们都希望你们都健健康康的。(Wǒmen dōu xīwàng nǐmen dōu jiàn jiànkāng kāng de.)
David: Right but I mean if you do get sick…
Echo: Don’t get cold.
David: You can send Echo emails and all of that stuff.
Echo: Yeah we can share our experience.
David: That’s the truth. We hope you don’t get sick but with that, let’s move on to the dialogue.
A:你感冒啦?(Nǐ gǎnmào la?)
B:好像是,头晕,还有点儿恶心。(Hǎoxiàng shì, tóuyūn, hái yǒu diǎnr ěxīn.)
A:想吐吗?(Xiǎng tù ma?)
B:有点儿,也觉得很冷。(Yǒu diǎnr, yě juéde hěn lěng.)
A:那你回家休息吧。(Nà nǐ huíjiā xiūxi ba.)
B:我看完这个材料就走。(Wǒ kànwán zhège cáiliào jiù zǒu.)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A:你感冒啦?(Nǐ gǎnmào la?)
B:好像是,头晕,还有点儿恶心。(Hǎoxiàng shì, tóuyūn, hái yǒu diǎnr ěxīn.)
A:想吐吗?(Xiǎng tù ma?)
B:有点儿,也觉得很冷。(Yǒu diǎnr, yě juéde hěn lěng.)
A:那你回家休息吧。(Nà nǐ huíjiā xiūxi ba.)
B:我看完这个材料就走。(Wǒ kànwán zhège cáiliào jiù zǒu.)
Echo: 你感冒啦?(Nǐ gǎnmào la?)
David: Do you have a cold?
Echo: 好像是,头晕,还有点儿恶心。(Hǎoxiàng shì, tóuyūn, hái yǒu diǎnr ěxīn.)
David: It seems so. I am dizzy and I am feeling a bit nauseous.
Echo: 想吐吗?(Xiǎng tù ma?)
David: Do you want to throw up?
Echo: 有点儿,也觉得很冷。(Yǒu diǎnr, yě juéde hěn lěng.)
David: A little bit and I also feel really cold.
Echo: 那你回家休息吧。(Nà nǐ huíjiā xiūxi ba.)
David: Then go home and rest.
Echo: 我看完这个材料就走。(Wǒ kànwán zhège cáiliào jiù zǒu.)
David: I am going to finish looking at these materials and then go.
David: Yeah I wouldn’t go into the office if I was feeling this.
Echo: Right. You are going to give it to your colleagues.
David: He is dizzy and nauseous and cold.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Well this is…
Echo: And still don’t want to 休息。(Xiūxí.)
David: Yeah. He is going to be the most unpopular guy in the office in a week when everyone else says this.
Echo: 大家都会说:你快回去休息吧。(Dàjiā dūhuì shuō: Nǐ kuài huíqù xiūxí ba.)
David: Right and he is going to have five times the work because everyone else’s work is going to get put on his lap. So anyway, that’s our dialogue for you. We’ve got vocab which is really all about when you are feeling sick. So we are going to try to do this in as cheerful of voices we possibly can. Okay Echo, you are ready?
Echo: 当然。 (Dāngrán.)
David: Let’s do it. And now the vocab section.
Echo: 好像 (hǎoxiàng)
David: To seem to be.
Echo: 感冒 (gǎnmào)
David: Cold.
Echo: 头晕 (tóuyūn)
David: Dizzy.
Echo: 恶心 (ěxīn)
David: Nauseous.
Echo: 吐 (tù)
David: To vomit
Echo: 发烧 (fāshāo)
David: Fever.
Echo: 拉肚子 (lādùzi)
David: To have diarrhea?
Echo: 休息 (xiūxi)
David: To rest.
Echo: 休息 (xiūxi)
David: His cold is still not better.
Echo: 它的感冒还没好。(Tā de gǎnmào hái méi hǎo.)
David: There we have the word cold.
Echo: 感冒。(Gǎnmào.)
David: As a noun.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: But we can also say
Echo: 他昨天感冒了。(Tā zuótiān gǎnmàole.)
David: He got a cold yesterday.
Echo: 他昨天感冒了。(Tā zuótiān gǎnmàole.)
David: And there it’s a verb.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So that’s both a verb and a noun which is confusing to a lot of people. Next
Echo: 发烧不是病。(Fāshāo bùshì bìng.)
David: A fever is not a disease. Yeah and in that case, it’s a noun as well.
Echo: 发烧不是病。(Fāshāo bùshì bìng.)
David: We can also use that as a verb.
Echo: 他发烧了,很严重。(Tā fāshāole, hěn yánzhòng.)
David: Just like the word for cold, we can also use fever as a verb.
Echo: 他发烧了,很严重。(Tā fāshāole, hěn yánzhòng.)
David: He got a really bad fever.
Echo: 他发烧了,很严重。(Tā fāshāole, hěn yánzhòng.)
David: And there is one more here that’s both a verb and a noun. It actually surprised me. I’d only run into it in verb form.
Echo: 真的吗?(Zhēn de ma?)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 拉肚子。(Lādùzi.)
David: Yes this means diarrhea or to have diarrhea. So we got both the verb and noun forms Echo.
Echo: 拉肚子让人很难受。(Lādùzi ràng rén hěn nánshòu.)
David: Diarrhea makes people very uncomfortable.
Echo: 拉肚子让人很难受。(Lādùzi ràng rén hěn nánshòu.)
David: Yeah and as a verb.
Echo: 我吃火锅我会拉肚子。(Wǒ chī huǒguō wǒ huì lādùzi.)
David: I’ve had hot pot. I am going to have diarrhea. This is actually a really common sentence. Sometimes people will come by our office and they will be like oh, I am not feeling too well. I am sorry, are you okay? Hot pod, hot pot, oh okay.
Echo: 让我们再听一遍。(Ràng wǒmen zài tīng yībiàn.)
David: 四川 (Sìchuān) food.
Echo: 我吃火锅我会拉肚子。(Wǒ chī huǒguō wǒ huì lādùzi.)
David: Anyway, that’s our vocab for today. We’ve got a grammar section which builds on what we learned last week.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So we are going to take you there right now.
It’s grammar time.

Lesson focus

David: In last week’s lesson, we introduced some verbs you can use to describe how things feel or seem to you.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: For example
Echo: 看起来。(Kàn qǐlái.)
David: It looks as if.
Echo: 听起来。(Tīng qǐlái.)
David: It sounds as if
Echo: 吃起来。(Chī qǐlái.)
David: It tastes like
Echo: 闻起来。(Wén qǐlái.)
David: It smells like and then the last one, the tricky one.
Echo: 摸起来。(Mō qǐlái.)
David: It kind of – it touches like…
Echo: 摸起来很软。(Mō qǐlái hěn ruǎn.)
David: It feels like yeah. That’s it. It feels really soft. So if you remember that, those were talking about how things feel and sometimes in English, we will translate them using the verb to seem.
Echo: 特别是:看起来。(Tèbié shì: Kàn qǐlái.)
David: Yes as in the sentence
Echo: 你看起来有点儿累。(Nǐ kàn qǐlái yǒudiǎn er lèi.)
David: You seem to be a little tired. In our grammar point for today, we want to give you another way of accomplishing exactly the same thing. Only we are going to be doing with an adverb instead of a verb.
Echo: 好像。(Hǎoxiàng.)
David: That is the magic word. Let’s hear it again.
Echo: 好像。(Hǎoxiàng.)
David: Right. Third tone, fourth tone.
Echo: 好像。(Hǎoxiàng.)
David: And so what we do is we put this in front of any verb in our sentence. For instance
Echo: 你好像不舒服。(Nǐ hǎoxiàng bú shūfú.)
David: You seem to be uncomfortable.
Echo: 他好像生病了,不来了。(Tā hǎoxiàng shēngbìngle, bù láile.)
David: He seems to be sick and isn’t coming.
Echo: 我想休息一天,好像发烧了。(Wǒ xiǎng xiūxí yītiān, hǎoxiàng fāshāole.)
David: I want to take a day off. I seem to have a fever. I think there are couple of things that we can note about these. The first is that 好像 (Hǎoxiàng) is in many cases a direct replacement for 看起来(Kàn qǐlái)。
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Let’s do some switching up.
Echo: 比如说:你看来有点儿累。(Bǐrú shuō: Nǐ kàn lái yǒudiǎn er lèi.)
David: You seem to be a bit tired.
Echo: And we can use 好像 (Hǎoxiàng) here. 你好像点儿累。(Nǐ hǎoxiàng diǎn er lèi.)
David: You seem to be a bit tired. Another
Echo: 他看起来发烧了。(Tā kàn qǐlái fāshāole.)
David: He seems to have a fever.
Echo: Or we can say 他好像发烧了。(Tā hǎoxiàng fāshāole.)
David: He seems to have a fever. So in these cases, the words
Echo: 看起来。(Kàn qǐlái.)
David: And
Echo: 好像。(Hǎoxiàng.)
David: Are basically substitutes and for extra power points though, we can combine them together.
Echo: 你看起来好像有点儿累。(Nǐ kàn qǐlái hǎoxiàng yǒudiǎn er lèi.)
David: You look as if you seem to be a bit tired.
Echo: Or 你好像看起来有点儿累。(Nǐ hǎoxiàng kàn qǐlái yǒudiǎn er lèi.)
David: Yeah we can put them in whatever order we want. So that’s for super power points you can do that. There is actually one situation in which 好像 (Hǎoxiàng) is not an adverb.
Echo: Right it can be an adjective too.
David: Yeah it can be an adjective phrase as in this sentence.
Echo: 他长得好像明星。(Tā zhǎng dé hǎoxiàng míngxīng.)
David: He looks a lot like a movie star and in that case, it’s functioning as an adjective phrase. You can break it down 好 (Hǎo) is working just like 很 (Hěn) in any sentence.
Echo: 很。(Hěn.)
David: 像 (Xiàng) is the adjective meaning to resemble.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Okay. So to review, any word you can use
Echo: 看起来。(Kàn qǐlái.)
David: You can replace it with the adverb
Echo: 好像。(Hǎoxiàng.)


David: Right. That’s our lesson for today. Pretty simple, we wanted to keep the focus on review. As you guys know, this is the end of the podcast. Echo, something you wanted to say.
Echo: If you guys have any questions or suggestions, you can always leave us a comment on the site.
David: Right. Echo is back in the game now. The fever is gone, the cold is gone.
Echo: 我回来了。(Wǒ huíláile.)
David: And she is able to answer emails and then post it again.
Echo: No I should add the love too.
David: Right. So if you have any questions or comments, leave a note on the site, send us an email. From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì)Echo.
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you next week.
Echo: 下周见。(Xià zhōu jiàn.)
David: Bye bye.
Echo: Bye bye.

