
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo.(Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And Echo, we are here with lesson 46 in our first elementary series.
Echo: Right. 第四十六课。(Dì sìshíliù kè.)
David: Right and our lesson today is all about the decaying mind.
Echo: Right.
David: It’s about memory loss or how to cheat your friends out of those things you just borrowed from them.
Echo: Yeah.
David: So we are going to take you to the dialogue in a sec as usual. Before we do that, we want to point out though. Remembering things like words like phrases and sentences is tricky in a second language.
Echo: 对(Duì)。
David: So we’ve got a lot of premium tools in the premium section of our website. They are designed to help get this stuff into your minds. Go check that out and if you have any questions about how to use them, feel free to contact us.
Echo: 对呀(Duì ya)。
David: And with that, let’s go to the dialogue.
A:哎,能把书还给我了吗?(Ai, néng bǎ shū huángěi wǒ le ma?)
B:嗯?什么书?我没借过书啊。(En? Shénme shū? Wǒ méi jiè guò shū a.)
A:我三个星期以前借给你的那本。(Wǒ sān ge xīngqī yǐqián jiègěi nǐ de nà běn.)
B:你记错了吧?(Nǐ jìcuò le ba?)
A:你这是什么记性啊?(Nǐ zhè shì shénme jìxing a?)
B:不不不,肯定是你记错了。(Bù bù bù, kěndìng shì nǐ jìcuò le.)
David: One more time a bit slower.
A:哎,能把书还给我了吗?(Ai, néng bǎ shū huángěi wǒ le ma?)
B:嗯?什么书?我没借过书啊。(En? Shénme shū? Wǒ méi jiè guò shū a.)
A:我三个星期以前借给你的那本。(Wǒ sān ge xīngqī yǐqián jiègěi nǐ de nà běn.)
B:你记错了吧?(Nǐ jìcuò le ba?)
A:你这是什么记性啊?(Nǐ zhè shì shénme jìxing a?)
B:不不不,肯定是你记错了。(Bù bù bù, kěndìng shì nǐ jìcuò le.)
Echo: 哎,能把书还给我了吗?(Ai, néng bǎ shū huángěi wǒ le ma?)
David: Hey can you give me back the book?
Echo: 嗯?什么书?我没借过书啊。(En? Shénme shū? Wǒ méi jiè guò shū a.)
David: Hah what book? I didn’t borrow any book.
Echo: 我三个星期以前借给你的那本。(Wǒ sān ge xīngqī yǐqián jiègěi nǐ de nà běn.)
David: The book that I lent to you three weeks ago.
Echo: 你记错了吧?(Nǐ jìcuò le ba?)
David: You’ve got to be remembering this wrong.
Echo: 你这是什么记性啊?(Nǐ zhè shì shénme jìxing a?)
David: What kind of memory do you have?
Echo: 不不不,肯定是你记错了。(Bù bù bù, kěndìng shì nǐ jìcuò le.)
David: No, no, no, no, no you are definitely remembering this wrong.
Echo: So do you have similar experience before?
David: Yeah and I lent the book.
Echo: Bad luck.
David: That’s the last time we lent Brendan any books but last time.
Echo: Yeah exactly.
David: Yeah if you come to Beijing, don’t lend books to Brendan.
Echo: Never, never do that.
David: He just doesn’t return them. Although he does lend books in return.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Anyway, we’ve got some vocab for you. We are going to go to the vocab section now. And now the vocab section.
Echo: 还 (huán)
David: To return.
Echo: 借 (jiè)
David: To borrow or lend.
Echo: 本 (běn)
David: Measure word for books.
Echo: 脑子 (Nǎozi)
David: The mind.
Echo: 记得 (jìde)
David: To remember.
Echo: 记错了 (jì cuò le)
David: To have remembered incorrectly.
Echo: 记性 (jìxing)
David: Memory.
Echo: 肯定 (kěndìng)
David: Certainly.
Echo: 清楚 (qīngchǔ)
David: Clear.
Echo: 忘 (wàng)
David: To forget.
David: So a lot of words about the mind.
Echo: 脑子。 (Nǎozi.)
David: And about memory.
Echo: 记性。(Jìxìng.)
David: Let’s go through them quickly. First we’ve got as we told you the mind or the brain.
Echo: Right 脑子 (Nǎozi) Actually now the formal word for brain is 大脑。(Dànǎo.)
David: 大脑。 (Dànǎo.)
Echo: Right and I use it too and actually I had a student. Every time when he wanted to say 脑子 (Nǎozi) he would use 大脑 (Dànǎo) instead and it sounds really bizarre. Yeah it’s like 我的大脑不好。 (Wǒ de dànǎo bù hǎo.)
David: That’s really word if you are saying it anyway, my brain is not good.
Echo: No if you say 我脑子不好 (Wǒ nǎozi bù hǎo) it means like more it’s like a joke and also it means, well my memory actually is not good.
David: Yeah. They should say my memory is no good.
Echo: 我记性不好。 (Wǒ jìxìng bù hǎo.)
David: Right because when 脑子不好。(Nǎozi bù hǎo.)
Echo: Well better than 大脑不好。(Dànǎo bù hǎo.)
David: So 脑子 (Nǎozi) the brain, we are really talking about the organ in your head.
Echo: Yeah 脑子 (Nǎozi) is more colloquial.
David: Yeah.
Echo: 我脑子不清楚。(Wǒ nǎozi bù qīngchǔ.)
David: Much better. My brain is not clear.
Echo: You like that, uhh?
David: Yes.
Echo: Okay.
David: And we’ve actually got that word in our vocab list as well.
Echo: 清楚。(Qīngchǔ.)
David: Yeah it’s an adjective which means clear and here it’s also a verb meaning to understand.
Echo: Right 我脑子不清楚。 (Wǒ nǎozi bù qīngchǔ.)
David: Yeah. So if you don’t understand
Echo: 明白。 (Míngbái.)
David: You can say I am not clear.
Echo: 我不清楚。(Wǒ bù qīngchǔ.)
David: Which means I don’t understand. Explain it to me again some more.
Echo: Yeah or I don’t know about this.
David: Yeah. So if someone comes back to you and they are like, return the money, you can say, I don’t really know what you are talking about.
Echo: 我不清楚。(Wǒ bù qīngchǔ.)
David: The other key words we’ve got here are words that have to do with memory and these are pretty close together. So it’s easy to get them mixed up. First we’ve got the positive word to remember.
Echo: 记得。(Jìdé.)
David: Let’s hear that again.
Echo: 记得。你记得我吗? (Jìdé. Nǐ jìdé wǒ ma?)
David: Do you remember me? And the answer is I am not clear.
Echo: 我不清楚。(Wǒ bù qīngchǔ.)
David: Umm…
Echo: Well that’s so cruel.
David: Maybe it’s cruel, maybe it’s the best answer.
Echo: To break people’s hearts.
David: We’ve got the negative version of that which is to remember mistakenly.
Echo: 记错了。(Jì cuòle.)
David: And you will notice that we added the 了 (Le) here because it’s past.
Echo: Like if someone asked you 你记得我吗? (Nǐ jìdé wǒ ma?) and you just come up with a name
David: And it’s wrong.
Echo: Yeah it’s 你记错了。(Nǐ jì cuòle.)
David: Yeah you remembered incorrectly.
Echo: Yeah that will be even worse than 我不清楚。(Wǒ bù qīngchǔ.)
David: Yeah. So can you admonish people, can you say, don’t remember this incorrectly.
Echo: 别记错了。 (Bié jì cuòle.)
David: Yeah. This is my name, don’t get it wrong.
Echo: 这是我的名字,别记错了。(Zhè shì wǒ de míngzì, bié jì cuòle.)
David: So those last two are verbs. We’ve got the noun from memory as well.
Echo: Yeah it’s 记性。(Jìxìng.)
David: Memory.
Echo: 记性。(Jìxìng.) and here, I actually give you a good excuse. If you remember something wrong, if you 记错了。(Jì cuòle.)
David: Yeah you can say, my memory is no good.
Echo: 我记性不好,真对不起。(Wǒ jìxìng bù hǎo, zhēn duìbùqǐ.)
David: Yeah. Although I like the approach that I took in the dialogue too which was no, no, no, no, no, no, no and you are wrong.
Echo: It must be you.
David: Yeah and actually that’s where it’s highlighting as well that no, no, no, no, no, no.
Echo: 不不不不。(Bù bù bù bù.)
David: In Chinese, we hear multiples of characters.
Echo: Right.
David: Typically 3, 5, or 7.
Echo: It’s emphasized…
David: Yeah.
Echo: No, no, no, no, no 不不不不不不不。(Bù bù bù bù bù bù bù.)
David: Yeah 不不不不不不不 (Bù bù bù bù bù bù bù) got to get the native rhythm.
Echo: Yep.
David: And that’s our vocab section. Don’t remember it incorrectly.
Echo: 别记错了 (Bié jì cuòle) and especially 别忘了。(Bié wàngle.)

Lesson focus

David: Yeah. It’s grammar time. In our grammar section for today, we are going to review something that Echo calls the
Echo: “把”字句。(“Bǎ” zìjù.)
David: Which is literally the 把 (bǎ) sentence.
Echo: 把 (bǎ) character sentence.
David: Yeah. Now you guys know this character. This character is literally the hand and then there is phonetic component that says 把(bǎ)。
Echo: Right 把(bǎ)。
David: Yeah. We run into this all the time and it’s really, really common to have a particular kind of sentence with this character.
Echo: Right.
David: And that is known as the
Echo: “把”字句。(“Bǎ” zìjù.)
David: Right. Let’s start by giving you guys an example sentence.
Echo: 把那个给我。(Bǎ nàgè gěi wǒ.)
David: Take that and give it to me.
Echo: 把那个给我。(Bǎ nàgè gěi wǒ.)
David: This is really colloquial. It’s a kind of Chinese that you know you will study for years and then you will hear a 2 or 3 year old toss this out to their family and you will be like, I didn’t know it was that simple.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Let’s hear that one more time. Give that to me.
Echo: 把那个给我。(Bǎ nàgè gěi wǒ.)
David: We are seeing 把 (Bǎ) being used to place an emphasis on the object and the action.
Echo: 把那个给我。(Bǎ nàgè gěi wǒ.)
David: Let’s take a look at some more sample sentences.
Echo: 她把它吃了。(Tā bǎ tā chīle.)
David: She took it and ate it.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Otherwise it’s…
Echo: Maybe it’s a fruit.
David: Or it’s a zombie movie.
Echo: Fruit.
David: We’ve got a third sentence for you.
Echo: 他把相机丢了。(Tā bǎ xiàngjī diūle.)
David: He took the camera and lost it.
Echo: 他把相机丢了。(Tā bǎ xiàngjī diūle.)
David: And with that, that’s the end of our grammar point. Really, really simple.
Echo: 但是,别把它忘了。(Dànshì, bié bǎ tā wàngle.)
David: And don’t remember it incorrectly.
Echo: 别记错了。(Bié jì cuòle.)


David: Okay. Before we let you go, as always we want to remind you, we’ve got the premium learning center online waiting for you. There is tons of learning activities, flashcards, exercises you can use to help get this stuff and make it stick.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So check that out and you are going to learn faster and better.
Echo: Exactly.
David: From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo.
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you next week.


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