
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo.(Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we’ve got Elementary lesson #48 for you guys today.
Echo: 第四十八课。(Dì sìshíbā kè.)
David: Yes and this is a lesson that hits a bit close to home.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Echo, I’ve seen you stumbling around the office groping desperately for your classes.
Echo: No not that bad.
David: Oh denial! It’s pretty bad. We are going to get to the dialogue in a sec. Before we do that, there is something I’d like to point out which is that if you listen carefully, you are going to hear a bunch of words in this dialogue that have tones that are almost the same but not quite the same.
Echo: Right.
David: If you are having trouble following this from just the audio, make sure you get your hands on the transcripts where we have all of the tones for this stuff written down. It’s going to help it stick.
Echo: 非常有用。(Fēicháng yǒuyòng.)
David: Yes and with that, let’s go to the dialogue itself.
A:我的眼镜丢了,现在什么都看不见。(Wǒ de yǎnjìng diūle, xiànzài shénme dōu kànbùjiàn.)
B:啊?你平时戴眼镜吗?(A? Nǐ píngshí dài yǎnjìng ma?)
A:对,我戴隐形眼镜。(Duì, wǒ dài yǐnxíng yǎnjìng.)
B:你怎么不去眼镜店再配一对儿呢?(Nǐ zěnme bù qù yǎnjìngdiàn zài pèi yī duìr ne?)
A:我不戴眼镜怎么去眼镜店呢?(Wǒ bù dài yǎnjìng zěnme qù yǎnjìngdiàn ne?)
David: One more time, a bit slower.
A:我的眼镜丢了,现在什么都看不见。(Wǒ de yǎnjìng diūle, xiànzài shénme dōu kànbùjiàn.)
B:啊?你平时戴眼镜吗?(A? Nǐ píngshí dài yǎnjìng ma?)
A:对,我戴隐形眼镜。(Duì, wǒ dài yǐnxíng yǎnjìng.)
B:你怎么不去眼镜店再配一对儿呢?(Nǐ zěnme bù qù yǎnjìngdiàn zài pèi yī duìr ne?)
A:我不戴眼镜怎么去眼镜店呢?(Wǒ bù dài yǎnjìng zěnme qù yǎnjìngdiàn ne?)
Echo: 我的眼镜丢了.(Wǒ de yǎnjìng diūle).
David: My glasses are lost.
Echo: 现在什么都看不见。(xiànzài shénme dōu kànbùjiàn.)
David: Right now, I can’t see anything.
Echo: 啊?你平时戴眼镜吗?(A? Nǐ píngshí dài yǎnjìng ma?)
David: Ah you normally wear glasses.
Echo: 对,我戴隐形眼镜。(Duì, wǒ dài yǐnxíng yǎnjìng.)
David: Right. I wear contacts.
Echo: 你怎么不去眼镜店再配一对儿呢?(Nǐ zěnme bù qù yǎnjìngdiàn zài pèi yī duìr ne?)
David: Why don’t you go to the eyeglasses store and get another pair made.
Echo: 我不戴眼镜怎么去眼镜店呢?(Wǒ bù dài yǎnjìng zěnme qù yǎnjìngdiàn ne?)
David: If I don’t wear glasses, how can I go to the eyeglass store?
David: Yeah so that’s our dialogue and we’ve got vocab here which is all about wearing things, wearing glasses, wearing contacts and we’ve got some other words there too which you are going to use regularly.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: So let’s get to the vocab section now. And now the vocab section.
Echo: 戴(dài)
David: To wear.
Echo: 眼镜(yǎnjìng)
David: Glasses.
Echo: 帽子 (màozi)
David: Hat.
Echo: 手表 (shǒubiǎo)
David: Watch.
Echo: 项链儿 (Xiàngliàn er)
David: Necklace.
Echo: 戒指 (jièzhi)
David: Ring.
Echo: 丢 (diū)
David: To lose.
Echo: 隐形眼镜 (yǐnxíngyǎnjìng)
David: Contact lenses.
Echo: 眼镜店 (yǎnjìngdiàn)
David: Eyeglass store.
Echo: 眼镜店 (yǎnjìngdiàn)
David: Okay that’s our vocab. One of my favorite words here is contact lenses.
Echo: 隐形眼镜。(yǐnxíngyǎnjìng.)
David: Which literally means he didn’t shape glasses.
Echo: Right.
David: It’s menacing. It sounds dangerous.
Echo: No it’s not.
David: Be careful of the contact lenses.
Echo: Women just love that. You know what women love more?
David: Jewelry.
Echo: 戒指 (jièzhi) You are almost there.
David: A ring, right and one thing to note is that all of these things, we’ve got the ring
Echo: 戒指。(jièzhi.)
David: We’ve got the necklace.
Echo: 项链儿。(Xiàngliàn er.)
David: The watch.
Echo: 手表。(Shǒubiǎo.)
David: The hat
Echo: 帽子。(Màozi.)
David: And glasses.
Echo: 眼睛。(Yǎnjīng.)
David: These are not things that you wear.
Echo: 穿。(Chuān.)
David: Right. These are things that you
Echo: 戴。(Dài.)
David: Which is also wear.
Echo: Right. So a lot of English speakers make this mistake.
David: Yeah. If it’s…
Echo: Yeah because they are same word, to wear.
David: Yeah it literally kind of means to hang on the body. Right so it’s just a different word that we use for to wear. It’s different than clothing.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Okay so you..
Echo: Yeah because like 穿 (Chuān) we actually need to like get into it and get out again like through..
David: Right. The character means to go through whereas this stuff it’s more draping in on the body.
Echo: Right. 就是在外边儿。(Jiùshì zài wàibian er.)
David: Yeah. So again, we’ve got to wear glasses.
Echo: 戴眼镜儿。(Dài yǎnjìng er.)
David: And note the 儿化音 on that as well. And the other thing to note with that word glasses.
Echo: 眼镜儿。(Yǎnjìng er.)
David: Is the tone difference between that and the word for eyes.
Echo: You really need to be careful.
David: Can we hear both of those? Can we hear eyes?
Echo: 眼睛。 (Yǎnjīng.)
David: And glasses.
Echo: 眼镜儿。(Yǎnjìng er.)
David: Right. Two differences. First is the tone.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Glasses has the fourth tone.
Echo: Right.
David: Eyes has the first tone.
Echo: Right and usually it’s pronounced as neutral tone. Yeah if you put them together, 眼睛。(Yǎnjīng.)
David: For eyes or for contact?
Echo: For eyes.
David: For yes. Okay and the other difference is of course the 儿化音 (Ér huà yīn) on the end of the word for glasses.
Echo: Yeah 眼镜儿。(Yǎnjìng er.)
David: Right. Easy to mix this stuff up. We’ve got those words for you can say, I am wearing glasses.
Echo: 我戴眼镜儿。(Wǒ dài yǎnjìng er.)
David: He is wearing a hat.
Echo: 他戴帽子。(Tā dài màozi.)
David: Are you wearing watch?
Echo: 你戴手表了吗? (Nǐ dài shǒubiǎole ma?)
David: Right. Another thing I think is interesting here is the way they say Eyeglass store.
Echo: 眼镜店。(Yǎnjìng diàn.)
David: Right. They add this character on to the end of the word for eyeglasses.
Echo: 店。(Diàn.)
David: And you see this a lot in Chinese. For instance, fruit shop.
Echo: 水果店。(Shuǐguǒ diàn.)
David: Is fruit.
Echo: 水果。(Shuǐguǒ.)
David: Plus the word for store.
Echo: 店。 (Diàn.)
David: Or jewelry.
Echo: 珠宝。(Zhūbǎo.)
David: Becomes a jewelry store.
Echo: 珠宝店。 (Zhūbǎo diàn.)
David: Right. There are actually a lot of different words. It’s not always 店 (Diàn) but if you are looking for some kind of store and you say this, people should understand you.
Echo: 对 (Duì) And the most common one of course is 商店。(Shāngdiàn.)
David: Right. And that’s just some kind of generic shop.
Echo: Yeah.
David: The last word we wanted to point out is one that is close to my own heart. It is the word to lose.
Echo: 丢。(Diū.)
David: And I have lost so many cell phones. I can’t keep counting that. So how do you say I have lost my cell phone.
Echo: 我的手机丢了。(Wǒ de shǒujī diūle.)
David: Right.
Echo: I think another sentence maybe more suitable for you. It’s like 我的手机又丢了。(Wǒ de shǒujī yòu diūle.)
David: I lost my cell phone again.
Echo: Yeah.
David: But for this lesson, we could say I have lost the necklace.
Echo: 我的项链丢了。 (Wǒ de xiàngliàn diūle.)
David: Or I have lost the ring.
Echo: Oh!
David: I hope this doesn’t happen to you.
Echo: 戒指丢了。(Jièzhǐ diūle.)
David: Right.
Echo: 买新的吧。(Mǎi xīn de ba.)
David: Yeah. Pay attention there to the way the subject…
Echo: Get a bigger one.
David: The subject is the object that’s lost. So it’s this object has been lost.
Echo: Right.
David: Okay and with that, we are done with vocab section. Let’s move on to grammar.
It’s grammar time.

Lesson focus

David:Our grammar section is all about something Echo calls
Echo: 反问句?(Fǎnwèn jù?)
David: Yeah it’s a question where you already know the answer or you are using it to communicate a kind of emotion. So in the dialogue, we had this sentence.
Echo: 你怎么不去眼镜店再配一对儿呢?(Nǐ zěnme bù qù yǎnjìng diàn zài pèi yī duì er ne?)
David: Why don’t you go to the eyeglass store to get another pyramid? Let’s listen to the first part of that. Why don’t you go?
Echo: 你怎么不去?(Nǐ zěnme bù qù?)
David: Why don’t you eat?
Echo: 你怎么不吃? (Nǐ zěnme bù chī?)
David: Why doesn’t he come?
Echo: 他怎么不来? (Tā zěnme bù lái?)
David: So literally we are translating that as subject how not and then our main verb.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: We’ve got some more example sentences for you. Why don’t you go to sleep?
Echo: 你怎么不睡觉?(Nǐ zěnme bù shuìjiào?)
David: Why don’t you come with me?
Echo: 你们怎么不跟我来?(Nǐmen zěnme bù gēn wǒ lái?)
David: And we’ve got the plural form there and we’ve also got the why doesn’t he come to work?
Echo: 他怎么不来上班?(Tā zěnme bù lái shàngbān?)
David: Something that’s very important to note here is that in this, in the present tense when we are using
Echo: 不。(Bù.)
David: You are really making a suggestion. So maybe it’s it would like why don’t you, why don’t you sleep? Why doesn’t he come to the office?
Echo: Right.
David: Or why don’t they come with me. If we want to change that in the past tense, we’ve got to change that to
Echo: 怎么没?(Zěnme méi?)
David: Right. For example,
Echo: 你怎么没睡觉? (Nǐ zěnme méi shuìjiào?)
David: Why haven’t you slept?
Echo: 他怎么没来上班?(Tā zěnme méi lái shàngbān?)
David: Why didn’t he come to work?
Echo: 他怎么没戴眼镜儿? (Tā zěnme méi dài yǎnjìng er?)
David: Why didn’t she wear her glasses? It’s a very simple point we’ve got for this kind of question, the rhetorical question.
Echo: 反问句。(Fǎnwèn jù.)
David: In the present tense, you want to use
Echo: 怎不不? (Zěn bù bù?)
David: And if you are talking about actions that have happened in the past, use
Echo: 怎么没?(Zěnme méi?)


David: And that’s our podcast for today. So vocab all about wearing things.
Echo: Right.
David: And how to ask people rhetorical questions, negative rhetorical questions.
Echo: Right. So if you haven’t signed up for our premium subscription, 怎么不呢?(Zěnme bù ne?)
David: Right why not? You get a lot of great stuff, premium learning center with tons of tools that are useful, premium PDFs, everything that’s going to help you study a lot faster and get this stuff into your mind.
Echo: Don’t forget to write to us or leave a comment on the site.
David: Right. Echo is waiting to hear from you.
Echo: 当然了。(Dāngránle.)
David: Thanks for listening and we will see you next week. Bye.
Echo: 下次见。(Xià cì jiàn.)

