
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101. I am David.
Echo: 大家好,我是 (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì) Echo。
David: And Echo, you know what we’ve got today? We’ve got lesson 9 in our first elementary series.
Echo: 没错,第九课。(Méi cuò, dì jiǔ kè.)
David: And this is the lesson that’s going to separate the men from the boys and the women from the girls.
Echo: 真的吗?(Zhēn de ma?)
David: Yes because if you take a look at it, before we’ve been doing more beginner level stuff. Now though, we are starting to get longer sentences that are spoken at natural speeds. Now our lesson for today, it takes place in the massage parlor here in Beijing at the front desk between a customer and the lady behind the desk. And since its taking place in natural speeds, before we do it, we want to mention, if you are having trouble following along, go to chineseclass101.com, download those premium transcripts and you are going to be able to follow along with us while we do the podcast.
Echo: Good idea.
David: It’s going to help you learn faster. With that though, let’s go on to the dialogue.
甲:你好,我要做按摩。(JIǍ: Nǐhǎo, wǒ yào zuò ànmó.)
乙:好的,请问您还需要其他的服务吗?(YǏ: Hǎo de, qǐngwèn nín hái xūyào qítā de fúwù ma?)
甲:什么服务?(JIǍ: Shénme fúwù?)
乙:吃的?喝的?(YǏ: Chī de? Hē de?)
甲:啊?哈哈。不用了。(JIǍ: A? Hāhā. Bùyòng le.)
乙:好,跟我来。(YǏ: Hǎo, gēn wǒ lái.)
A: Hello. I'd like a massage.
B: Okay. Would you like any other services?
A: What services?
B: Food? Drink?
A: Oh. No, no need.
B: Okay, come with me.
David: So Echo, when you go for the massage, do you surround yourself by the other services, the noodles and the fruit and the tea and…
Echo: 有时候。(Yǒu shíhòu.)
David: Sometimes.
Echo: But I think it’s weird.
David: They are not the best places to go for food.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: but they are sometimes the best places to go for massage.
Echo: Sometimes…
David: Anyway, so our dialogue is taking place in the massage parlor and the vocab that we’ve got for you today is the sort of vocab you could use if you go to a massage parlor.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: And if you haven’t been yet, definitely worth checking out.
Echo: Huh.
David: Okay let’s start from the beginning. And now the vocab section.
Echo: 按摩 (ànmó)
David: Massage.
Echo: 按摩,按摩。其他 (ànmó, ànmó. qítā)
David: Other.
Echo: 其他,其他。服务 (qítā, qítā. fúwù)
David: Service.
Echo: 服务,服务。跟我来 (fúwù, fúwù.gēn wǒ lái)
David: Come with me.
Echo: 跟我来,跟我来。脖子 (gēn wǒ lái, gēn wǒ lái. bózi)
David: Neck.
Echo: 脖子,脖子。肩膀 (bózi, bózi.jiānbǎng)
David: Shoulder.
Echo: 肩膀,肩膀。背 (jiānbǎng, jiānbǎng. bèi)
David: Back
Echo: 背,背。腰 (bèi, bèi. yāo)
David: Waist.
Echo: 腰,腰。舒服 (yāo, yāo. shūfu)
David: Comfortable.
Echo: 舒服,舒服。疼 (shūfu, shūfu.téng)
David: To hurt.
Echo: 疼,疼。(téng, téng.)
David: Okay we are back and Echo, the massage is a beautiful thing.
Echo: Especially in China.
David: Especially in China, it’s relatively inexpensive.
Echo: Yeah and also we have a lot of places for you to go to massage.
David: Yeah it’s really convenient. The vocab we’ve got here. The first word is actually the word for massage.
Echo: 按摩 (ànmó)
David: And this is both a noun and a verb. So you can say I want a massage.
Echo: 我想要按摩 (Wǒ xiǎng yào ànmó)
David: And you can say she massaged me.
Echo: 她给我按摩。(Tā gěi wǒ ànmó.)
David: Now if you walk into a massage parlour, one of the first things they are going to give you is they are going to show you a menu, right and they are going to ask you what kind of massage you want. Now there are a lot of different kinds. There is Chinese style massages.
Echo: 中式按摩 (Zhōngshì ànmó)
David: There is Thai style massages.
Echo: 泰式按摩 (Tài shì ànmó)
David: And there are Japanese style massages.
Echo: 日式按摩 (Rì shì ànmó)
David: So you could say I want a Chinese massage.
Echo: 我要中式按摩 (Wǒ yào zhōngshì ànmó)
David: How much is a Thai massage?
Echo: 泰式按摩多少钱?(Tài shì ànmó duōshǎo qián?)
David: So you go in and get yourself a Chinese style massage and they are going to take you to a small room. They are probably going to give you a change of clothes and tin and you are going to lie down and it’s all going to be very comfortable and then they are going to just come in with the claws of pain. They will take it to your back and you are probably going to want to tell them various parts of your body that you need work on. So how would you say shoulders?
Echo: 肩膀 (Jiānbǎng)
David: My shoulders are sore.
Echo: 我的肩膀很酸。(Wǒ de jiānbǎng hěn suān.)
David: Right. Now that’s different from painful which we also taught you in this lesson. My shoulders are painful.
Echo: 我的肩膀很疼。(Wǒ de jiānbǎng hěn téng.)
David: Right. So we’ve got two words. The first is painful.
Echo: 疼 (Téng)
David: The second is sore.
Echo: 酸 (Suān)
David: What’s another part of the body Echo?
Echo: 脖子 (Bózi)
David: That’s the neck. So you can say, please massage my neck. Please massage my neck.
Echo: 请按摩我的脖子。(Qǐng ànmó wǒ de bózi.)
David: Please massage my shoulders.
Echo: 请按摩我的肩膀。(Qǐng ànmó wǒ de jiānbǎng.)
David: Please massage my back.
Echo: 请按摩我的背。(Qǐng ànmó wǒ de bèi.)
David: And you were saying something about the upper back and the lower back before we started this Echo. Yeah so in Chinese people don’t say upper and lower back.
Echo: Not they say 背 (Bèi)
David: And that would be the upper back.
Echo: And 腰 (Yāo)
David: In English its waist but it’s also the lower back in Chinese.
Echo: Right.
David: So if your lower back is sore,
Echo: 我的腰很酸。(Wǒ de yāo hěn suān.)
David: You might want to say please massage my lower back.
Echo: 请按摩我的腰。(Qǐng ànmó wǒ de yāo.)
David: Great. So that’s our vocab for this lesson. Let’s move on to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

David: Our grammar section for you today is going to focus on reviewing the proper use of prepositions in Chinese. Echo, we’ve got a critical word in this dialogue.
Echo: 跟 (Gēn)
David: This translates as with. Right, when it’s a preposition, it’s also a verb to meaning to follow.
Echo: Right.
David: But here it’s a preposition or as some textbooks say a co-verb.
Echo: 跟我来。(Gēn wǒ lái.)
David: Now when you are using prepositions in Chinese, as we’ve taught you before, we want to put them in front of the main verb.
Echo: Right.
David: So literally in English, we might translate this as with me to come.
Echo: So it’s opposite.
David: It’s the opposite of the way we would say it in English.
Echo: 跟我来。(Gēn wǒ lái.)
David: A lot of people have trouble with this because when you start learning Chinese, you are still thinking in terms of English language word order. So in this review lesson, what we want you to focus on is the way in all of these sentences the prepositions come first.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: This is really, really important. Okay so focus on where the prepositions show up in these following sentences. Echo, you’ve got a bunch for us right?
Echo: 没错。你跟我去按摩吧。(Méi cuò. Nǐ gēn wǒ qù ànmó ba.)
David: Come with me to have a massage.
Echo: 我需要跟妈妈说一下。(Wǒ xūyào gēn māmā shuō yīxià.)
David: I need to talk with mother.
Echo: 我跟老板问一下。(Wǒ gēn lǎobǎn wèn yīxià.)
David: That’s I went to ask boss but in Chinese, it’s I with the boss to ask for a bit.
Echo: 你跟我去看电影吗?(Nǐ gēn wǒ qù kàn diànyǐng ma?)
David: You with me to go to a movie?
Echo: 还有“吗?”(Hái yǒu “ma?”)
David: Will you go see a movie with me? You are going to hear this a lot if you go to a massage parlor, if you go to a restaurant, you are going to get these three magic words all the time.
Echo: 跟我来。(Gēn wǒ lái.)
David: Come with me. Okay Echo, anything you want to mention about this before we close out. So that’s our lesson for today. Remember, prepositions go in front of the verbs.
Echo: Right.


David: Okay before you leave, we want to remind you of one thing. If you have not checked out the voice recording tool we have on the site, please do. The reason you should use that is because it will actually let you objectively hear what you sound like.
Echo: Because in our elementary level, the sentences are longer than before.
David: Yeah. So it’s harder to mimic them.
Echo: Right.
David: Tones are really important. By hearing the way you sound to other people, it’s going to be easy for you to figure out if you actually are getting the tones right or if you just think you are getting the tones right.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Right. Okay so that’s our lesson for today. Thanks for joining us. From Beijing, I am David Lancashire.
Echo: 我是 (Wǒ shì) Echo。
David: And we will see you next week.
Echo: 下次见!(Xià cì jiàn!)
David: Take care guys. Bye.


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