
Vocabulary (Review)

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Dave: Hi everybody and welcome to chineseclass101, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Dave: And I am Dave. This is lesson 16 in the second season of our elementary series.
Echo: And the title of our podcast is A Trip to the Chinese Doctor.
Dave: That’s right. In this lesson, you will learn to tell a doctor where it hurts.
Echo: And the conversation takes place in a hospital.
Dave: And the conversation is between a doctor and a lazy patient who may or may not be sick.
Echo: Yeah we will find out the real reason why the patient is in the doctor’s office.
Dave: And before we begin, just a reminder to go to chineseclass101.com and sign up for a free user account. It takes less than 30 seconds and then you will have access to all the tools that we give you to study Chinese. Okay let’s go on to the dialogue.
A:医生,我难受。 (yīshēng, wǒ nánshòu)
B:哪儿难受? (nǎr nánshòu?)
A:肚子。 (dùzi.)
B:这儿疼吗? (zhèr téng ma?)
A:嗯,不疼。 (en, bù téng.)
B:那这儿呢?还有这儿? (nà zhèr ne? hái yǒu zhèr?)
A:嗯...也不疼。 (en ...yě bù téng.)
B:到底哪儿疼? (dàodǐ nǎr téng?)
A:我……我哪儿都疼。 (wǒ ......wǒ nǎr dōu téng.)
B:给你一张假条。看完球赛就好了。 (gěi nǐ yī zhāng jiàtiáo. kànwán qiúsài jiù hǎo le.)
Dave: One more time, a bit more slowly.
A:医生,我难受。 (yīshēng, wǒ nánshòu)
B:哪儿难受? (nǎr nánshòu?)
A:肚子。 (dùzi.)
B:这儿疼吗? (zhèr téng ma?)
A:嗯,不疼。 (en, bù téng.)
B:那这儿呢?还有这儿? (nà zhèr ne? hái yǒu zhèr?)
A:嗯...也不疼。 (en ...yě bù téng.)
B:到底哪儿疼? (dàodǐ nǎr téng?)
A:我……我哪儿都疼。 (wǒ ......wǒ nǎr dōu téng.)
B:给你一张假条。看完球赛就好了。 (gěi nǐ yī zhāng jiàtiáo. kànwán qiúsài jiù hǎo le.)
Dave: One more time, with English.
Echo: 医生,我难受。 (yīshēng, wǒ nánshòu)
Dave: Doctor, I am not feeling well.
Echo: 哪儿难受? (nǎr nánshòu?)
Dave: Where is it uncomfortable?
Echo: 肚子。 (dùzi.)
Dave: My stomach.
Echo: 这儿疼吗? (zhèr téng ma?)
Dave: Does it hurt here?
Echo: 嗯,不疼。 (en, bù téng.)
Dave: It doesn’t hurt.
Echo: 那这儿呢?还有这儿? (nà zhèr ne? hái yǒu zhèr?)
Dave: What about here and also here?
Echo: 嗯...也不疼。 (en ...yě bù téng.)
Dave: Umm also doesn’t hurt.
Echo: 到底哪儿疼? (dàodǐ nǎr téng?)
Dave: Where does it really hurt?
Echo: 我……我哪儿都疼。 (wǒ ......wǒ nǎr dōu téng.)
Dave: I hurt everywhere.
Echo: 给你一张假条。看完球赛就好了。 (gěi nǐ yī zhāng jiàtiáo. kànwán qiúsài jiù hǎo le.)
Dave: I will give you a doctor’s note. After you finished watching the game, you will be done.
Dave: Now Echo, we should mention that in China, people generally go to the hospital whenever they need to see a doctor.
Echo: Yeah that’s right because doctors don’t usually have a private practice or clinic.
Dave: So I guess you’ve been to a hospital.
Echo: Yes of course but I haven’t gone lately. So hopefully, it stays that way.
Dave: Yeah. I have actually been to a hospital in China a couple of times but most of the time to visit friends and it’s not fun.
Echo: No it’s very crowded and it’s very depressing.
Dave: Yeah so to our listeners out there, remember to take your vitamins and stay healthy.
Echo: Yeah but in case, you end up in the hospital in China, at least you will know the essential vocabulary.
Dave: Right. So let’s move on to the vocab section and now the vocab section.
Echo: 医生 (yīshēng)
Dave: Doctor.
Echo: 医院 (yīyuàn)
Dave: Hospital.
Echo: 药 (yào)
Dave: Medicine.
Echo: 生病 (shēngbìng)
Dave: Sick.
Echo: 难受 (nánshòu)
Dave: Uncomfortable or troubled.
Echo: 哪儿 (nǎr)
Dave: Where.
Echo: 到底 (dàodǐ)
Dave: Actually.
Echo: 检查 (jiǎnchá)
Dave: To examine.
Echo: 假条 (jiàtiáo)
Dave: Doctor’s note.
Echo: 球赛 (qiúsài)
Dave: Ball game.
Echo: 球赛 (qiúsài)
Dave: Okay. Let’s dive in with some of this vocabulary and how you use it.
Echo: Okay. The first word is 医生。 (Yīshēng)
Dave: Doctor.
Echo: 医生。 (Yīshēng)
Dave: And this is just the general term for a doctor.
Echo: Yeah. 我昨天去看医生了。 (Wǒ zuótiān qù kàn yīshēngle.)
Dave: Yesterday I went to go see the doctor.
Echo: 我昨天去看医生了。医院。 (Wǒ zuótiān qù kàn yīshēngle. Yīyuàn.)
Dave: Hospital.
Echo: 医院。 (Yīyuàn.)
Dave: Now this can be either a western medicine hospital or a traditional Chinese medicine hospital.
Echo: 这里有一家不错的医院。 (Zhè li yǒu yījiā bùcuò de yīyuàn.)
Dave: This place has a pretty good hospital.
Echo: 这里有一家不错的医院。 (Zhè li yǒu yījiā bùcuò de yīyuàn.)
Dave: Okay and when you get sick, you take
Echo: 药。 (Yào.)
Dave: Medicine.
Echo: 药。生病的时候要吃药。 (Yào. Shēngbìng de shíhòu yào chī yào.)
Dave: When you are sick, you want to take medicine.
Echo: 生病的时候要吃药。 (Shēngbìng de shíhòu yào chī yào.)
Dave: And notice that the verb here is to eat, not to take.
Echo: Yeah 吃药。 (Chī yào.)
Dave: So in Chinese, you eat medicine. Now if you are eating medicine, it probably means you are
Echo: 生病。 (Chī yào.)
Dave: Sick or ill.
Echo: Yeah 生病。我生病了,但是没吃药。 (Shēngbìng. Wǒ shēngbìngle, dànshì méi chī yào.)
Dave: I was sick but I didn’t take any medicine.
Echo: 我生病了,但是没吃药。 (Wǒ shēngbìngle, dànshì méi chī yào.)
Dave: When describing symptoms to a doctor, you can use this next word.
Echo: 难受。 (Nánshòu.)
Dave: Discomfort or uncomfortable.
Echo: 我的肚子很难受。 (我的肚子很难受。)
Dave: My stomach is really upset.
Echo: 我的肚子很难受。 (Wǒ de dùzi hěn nánshòu.)
Dave: I usually say this after eating too much hotpot. Now the next word we’ve learned before, let’s review it one more time.
Echo: 哪儿。 (Nǎ'er.)
Dave: Where.
Echo: 哪儿。 (Nǎ'er.)
Dave: He feels uncomfortable everywhere.
Echo: 他觉得哪儿都不舒服。 (Tā juédé nǎ'er dōu bú shūfú.)
Dave: Now if you are paying attention, you will notice that we used a grammar trick here. Don’t worry because we are going to go over it in the grammar section later on in the show.
Echo: For now, next word 到底。 (Dàodǐ.)
Dave: Actually.
Echo: 到底。 (Dàodǐ.)
Dave: What is actually wrong?
Echo: 你到底怎么了? (Nǐ dàodǐ zěnmeliǎo?)
Dave: I find this sentence useful when my girlfriend says everything is fine but I know it isn’t.
Echo: Yeah girls will never tell you straightaway. You always have to ask them 你到底怎么了? (Nǐ dàodǐ zěnmeliǎo?)
Dave: Okay so back to the hospital.
Echo: Yeah.
Dave: One of the first things a doctor does when you go into the room is this.
Echo: 检查。 (Jiǎnchá.)
Dave: Examine.
Echo: 检查。我在医院检查身体。 (Jiǎnchá. Wǒ zài yīyuàn jiǎnchá shēntǐ.)
Dave: I got a physical exam at the hospital.
Echo: 我在医院检查身体。 (Wǒ zài yīyuàn jiǎnchá shēntǐ.)
Dave: So we found out in the dialogue that the real reason the patient was in the hospital was in order to receive a
Echo: 假条。 (Jiàtiáo.)
Dave: Doctor’s note.
Echo: 假条。 (Jiàtiáo.)
Dave: He wanted to get a doctor’s note so he could finish watching a ball game of some kind, a soccer game or a basketball game.
Echo: Yeah usually it’s the soccer game in China. 给我开一张假条吧。 (Gěi wǒ kāi yī zhāng jiàtiáo ba.)
Dave: How about you give me a doctor’s note?
Echo: 给我开一张假条吧。 (Gěi wǒ kāi yī zhāng jiàtiáo ba.)
Dave: And finally our last vocabulary word.
Echo: 球赛。 (Qiúsài.)
Dave: A ball game.
Echo: 球赛。 (Qiúsài.)
Dave: And once again, this is a general term for any kind of sporting match that involves a ball.
Echo: 这次的球赛很好看。 (Zhè cì de qiúsài hěn hǎokàn.)
Dave: This ball game looks really good.
Echo: 这次的球赛很好看。 (Zhè cì de qiúsài hěn hǎokàn.)
Dave: Okay that does it for our vocab section. Now on to the grammar.
Echo: 好的。 (Hǎo de.)

Lesson focus

Dave: It’s grammar time. We mentioned earlier in the lesson that we would be reviewing a word that most of our listeners already know.
Echo: Yeah.
Dave: And Echo, that word is
Echo: 哪儿。 (Nǎ'er.)
Dave: Where
Echo: 哪儿。 (Nǎ'er.)
Dave: We’ve already covered this in previous lessons but today, we are going to show you a grammar pattern that slightly changes the meaning.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.) But first, let’s review what we have already learned.
Dave: Okay in the dialogue, we heard this sentence.
Echo: 哪儿难受? (Nǎ'er nánshòu?)
Dave: Where does it hurt?
Echo: 哪儿难受? (Nǎ'er nánshòu?)
Dave: And remember, we use this interrogative adverb.
Echo: 那儿。 (Nà'er.)
Dave: It’s placed before the verb or adjective.
Echo: Another example is 到底哪儿疼? (Dàodǐ nǎ'er téng?)
Dave: Where does it actually hurt?
Echo: 到底哪儿疼? (Dàodǐ nǎ'er téng?)
Dave: Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s go into our next point.
Echo: When combined with 都,哪儿 (Dōu, nǎ'er) can mean anywhere or everywhere.
Dave: In the dialogue, we heard this sentence.
Echo: 我哪儿都疼。 (Wǒ nǎ'er dōu téng.)
Dave: It hurts everywhere.
Echo: 哪儿都疼。 (Nǎ'er dōu téng.)
Dave: So here, we are placing the adjective after the everywhere, anywhere grammar pattern.
Echo: Right. So let’s look at our next example 他哪儿都难受。 (Tā nǎ'er dōu nánshòu.)
Dave: He feels discomfort everywhere.
Echo: 他哪儿都难受。 (Tā nǎ'er dōu nánshòu.)
Dave: Now let’s take a look at a sentence where we use anywhere.
Echo: 假期里,我哪儿都没去。 (Jiàqī lǐ, wǒ nǎ'er dōu méi qù.)
Dave: During the holiday, I didn’t go anywhere.
Echo: 假期里,我哪儿都没去。 (Jiàqī lǐ, wǒ nǎ'er dōu méi qù.)
Dave: So remember, the adverb always precedes the adjective or verb. Okay let’s take a look at our last example.
Echo: 他哪儿都不认识。 (Tā nǎ'er dōu bù rènshì.)
Dave: She doesn’t recognize any place.
Echo: 他哪儿都不认识。 (Tā nǎ'er dōu bù rènshì.)
Dave: Okay in review, we’ve gone over a familiar interrogative adverb
Echo: 哪儿。 (Nǎ'er.)
Dave: Meaning where.
Echo: 哪儿 (Nǎ'er) When paired with 都 (Dōu) the meaning changes.
Dave: Right depending on context, it can mean anywhere or everywhere.
Echo: Right. 哪儿都不舒服。 (Nǎ'er dōu bú shūfú.)
Dave: It’s uncomfortable everywhere.
Echo: 我哪儿都去过。 (Wǒ nǎ'er dōu qùguò.)
Dave: I’ve been everywhere.
Echo: But if you haven’t been everywhere, then we suggest going to chineseclass101.


Dave: Right to the premium learning center. Okay and that about wraps it up for today. From Beijing, I am Dave.
Echo: 我是Echo. (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Dave: And we will see you next week.
Echo: 下次见 (Xià cì jiàn) Bye bye.
Dave: See you next time.


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