
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.) and welcome to chineseclass101.
Dave: And I am Dave. With us, you will learn to speak Chinese with fun and effective lessons.
Echo: Right. We also provide you with cultural insights
Dave: And tips you won’t find in a textbook.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
Dave: Okay. So this is lesson 19 in our second season of the Elementary series.
Echo: And the title of today’s lesson is Getting Lost in the Chinese Kitchen.
Dave: That’s right. In this lesson, you will learn about Chinese cooking along with some essential vocabulary to use when inside the kitchen.
Echo: Right. This conversation takes place on the phone while one person is in the kitchen.
Dave: The conversation is between a mother and her son.
Echo: Right and the son is asking the mother directions on how to cook a simple dish.
Dave: Okay. So we will get to the dialogue but first I want to remind you. If you haven’t done it already, go to chineseclass101.com
Echo: Right.
Dave: And sign up for a free life time account.
Echo: It will only take you a couple of seconds.
Dave: Okay. Let’s go to the dialogue.
A:喂? (wèi?)
B:喂,妈妈,我在做饭呢,鸡蛋怎么炒? (wèi, māma, wǒ zài zuòfàn ne, jīdàn zěnme chǎo?)
A:先把油烧热。 (xiān bǎ yóu shāo rè)
B:烧热了。 (shāo rèle.)
A:再把鸡蛋放进去。 (zài bǎ jīdàn fàng jìnqù.)
B:放进去了。 (fàngjìnqù le.)
A:放盐,炒一炒,熟了就关火。 (fàng yán, chǎo yī chǎo, shóu le jiù guān huǒ.)
B:哎呀,糊了! (āiya, hú le!)
Dave: One more time, a bit slower.
A:喂? (wèi?)
B:喂,妈妈,我在做饭呢,鸡蛋怎么炒? (wèi, māma, wǒ zài zuòfàn ne, jīdàn zěnme chǎo?)
A:先把油烧热。 (xiān bǎ yóu shāo rè)
B:烧热了。 (shāo rèle.)
A:再把鸡蛋放进去。 (zài bǎ jīdàn fàng jìnqù.)
B:放进去了。 (fàngjìnqù le.)
A:放盐,炒一炒,熟了就关火。 (fàng yán, chǎo yī chǎo, shóu le jiù guān huǒ.)
B:哎呀,糊了! (āiya, hú le!)
Dave: Now, with English.
Echo: 喂? (wèi?
Dave: Hello.
Echo: 喂,妈妈,我在做饭呢,鸡蛋怎么炒? (wèi, māma, wǒ zài zuòfàn ne, jīdàn zěnme chǎo?)
Dave: Mom, I am cooking right now. How do I fry eggs?
Echo: 先把油烧热。 (xiān bǎ yóu shāo rè)
Dave: First, heat the oil.
Echo: 烧热了。 (shāo rèle.)
Dave: Oil heated.
Echo: 再把鸡蛋放进去。 (zài bǎ jīdàn fàng jìnqù.)
Dave: Then place the eggs inside.
Echo: 放进去了。 (fàngjìnqù le.)
Dave: The eggs are inside.
Echo: 放盐,炒一炒,熟了就关火。 (fàng yán, chǎo yī chǎo, shóu le jiù guān huǒ.)
Dave: Add salt, fry it a little and when you are done, just turn off the flame.
Echo: 哎呀,糊了! (āiya, hú le!)
Dave: Ah it’s burnt.
Dave: Echo, what food do you enjoy cooking the most?
Echo: I really enjoy cooking eggplant 茄子. (Qiézi.) It’s very easy to make and also very delicious.
Dave: Actually I like eggplant too. Cooking eggs maybe the easiest thing to make.
Echo: Yeah.
Dave: But our character in the dialogue seems to be having a hard time with that recipe.
Echo: Right. I don’t know how you can mess up cooking eggs.
Dave: Well the first step to knowing how to cook Chinese food is knowing the right vocabulary.
Echo: So today, we have prepared a fun vocabulary list of things you can find and do in the kitchen.
Dave: Right. So let’s go to the vocab section.
Echo: 鸡蛋 (jīdàn)
Dave: Chicken egg.
Echo: 炒 (chǎo)
Dave: To fry.
Echo: 烧 (shāo)
Dave: To cook over an open fire.
Echo: 开 (kāi)
Dave: To boil.
Echo: 关火 (guān huǒ)
Dave: To extinguish or put out a flame.
Echo: 熟 (shóu)
Dave: Cooked or well done.
Echo: 糊 (hú)
Dave: Burnt.
Echo: 糊 (hú)
Dave: Okay. Let’s take a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases in this lesson.
Echo: Right. The first word we will look at is 鸡蛋。 (jīdàn)
Dave: A chicken egg.
Echo: 鸡蛋。 (jīdàn)
Dave: Okay. So let’s do an example.
Echo: 现在鸡蛋降价了。(Xiànzài jīdàn jiàngjiàle.)
Dave: Right now, eggs are less expensive.
Echo: 现在鸡蛋降价了。 (Xiànzài jīdàn jiàngjiàle.)
Dave: Okay. This next word is the most common verb that you will be using in the kitchen.
Echo: 炒。 (chǎo)
Dave: To fry.
Echo: 炒。 (chǎo)
Dave: I’ve a friend who works in a Chinese restaurant. He says that all the cooks are really fit…
Echo: Yeah.
Dave: Because all they do all day is fry food in a really big wok.
Echo: Wow!
Dave: Okay and our next sentence is
Echo: 我只会做炒鸡蛋。 (Wǒ zhǐ huì zuò chǎo jīdàn.)
Dave: I can only cook fried eggs.
Echo: 我只会做炒鸡蛋。 (Wǒ zhǐ huì zuò chǎo jīdàn.)
Dave: So this word can be used as a verb to fry and also as an adjective fried.
Echo: Yeah 炒鸡蛋。 (Chǎo jīdàn.)
Dave: Okay Echo, what’s our next kitchen themed vocabulary word.
Echo: 烧。(shāo)
Dave: To cook over an open fire.
Echo: Yeah 烧. (Shāo) Actually in the south part of China, you may hear this word 烧 (Shāo) used as 炒 (Chǎo)
Dave: Really?
Echo: Yeah it’s like 烧菜. (Shāo cài.) They may say that.
Dave: Okay let’s go to the sample sentence.
Echo: 水烧开了吗? (Shuǐ shāo kāile ma?)
Dave: Is the water boiling yet?
Echo: 水烧开了吗? (Shuǐ shāo kāile ma?)
Dave: And this leads us into our next word.
Echo: 开。 (Kāi.)
Dave: So in this context, the word for open means to boil.
Echo: Yeah right. 开,水还没有开,再等一会儿吧。 (Kāi, shuǐ hái méiyǒu kāi, zài děng yīhuǐ'er ba.)
Dave: The water still isn’t boiling. Let’s wait a little longer.
Echo: 水还没有开,再等一会儿吧。 (shuǐ hái méiyǒu kāi, zài děng yīhuǐ'er ba.)
Dave: So when referring to water, 开 (Kāi) means to boil.
Echo: Right.
Dave: Okay. Next word Echo?
Echo: 关火。 (Guān huǒ.)
Dave: Extinguish.
Echo: 关火。 (Guān huǒ.)
Dave: To put out a flame.
Echo: Right.
Dave: It’s important to note that most Stove Tops in China are gas powered. So often times, you need to use a lighter to ignite the flame on the stove.
Echo: 菜炒完了,关火吧。 (Cài chǎo wánliǎo, guān huǒ ba.)
Dave: The food is done frying, so turn off the flame.
Echo: 菜炒完了,关火吧。 (Cài chǎo wánliǎo, guān huǒ ba.)
Dave: Okay and the next word Echo?
Echo: 熟。 (Shú)
Dave: Cooked or well done.
Echo: 熟。 (Shú)
Dave: Second tone and when referring to fruit, this word can also be used to mean ripe.
Echo: Right 熟,饭已经熟了,可以吃了。 (Shú, fàn yǐjīng shúle, kěyǐ chīle.)
Dave: The food is already done. We can eat.
Echo: 饭已经熟了,可以吃了。 (Fàn yǐjīng shúle, kěyǐ chīle.)
Dave: Okay the next word is hopefully one you won’t have to use in the kitchen.
Echo: 糊。 (Hú)
Dave: Burnt.
Echo: 糊。 (Hú)
Dave: And the sample sentence for this is
Echo: 鸡蛋糊了。 (Jīdàn húle.)
Dave: The eggs are burnt.
Echo: 鸡蛋糊了。 (Jīdàn húle.) Well the secret is to use lots of oil. That is a basic characteristic of Chinese cooking. Lots and lots of oil.
Dave: That is absolutely true and finally our last vocabulary word is
Echo: 把。 (Bǎ)
Dave: This is an object marker used for emphasis and we are going to explain this word in depth during the grammar section.
Echo: Yeah 我把工作做完了。 (Wǒ bǎ gōngzuò zuò wánliǎo.)
Dave: I finished my work.
Echo: 我把工作做完了。 (Wǒ bǎ gōngzuò zuò wánliǎo.)
Dave: Okay and now we will move on to the grammar section where we will tackle this word in detail.
Echo: Okay.

Lesson focus

Dave: It’s grammar time. So as we promised in the vocab section, we are learning about the Chinese object marker 把. (Bǎ) Now just a reminder. We have taught you about this before.
Echo: Right. We’ve taught 把 (Bǎ) in the first beginner series.
Dave: So if you want more content on this, go back to the beginner series, season 1 on chineseclass101.
Echo: Right. For now, let’s go over 把。 (Bǎ)
Dave: So we apply this word to somebody or something with the emphasis that the action will bring about a result.
Echo: Right. The subject of 把 (Bǎ) must be the doer of the action while the object of 把 (Bǎ) is a receiver of the action.
Dave: Right. We have a formula to use here and what is it Echo?
Echo: Subject plus 把 (Bǎ) plus noun plus verb and plus result.
Dave: Okay. This is a lot to take in at first. So let’s show you an example and explain the object marker more in depth.
Echo: 他把我的笔记本弄坏了。 (Tā bǎ wǒ de bǐjìběn nòng huàile.)
Dave: He broke my laptop.
Echo: 他把我的笔记本弄坏了。 (Tā bǎ wǒ de bǐjìběn nòng huàile.)
Dave: We can also translate this as he took my laptop and broke it.
Echo: Right. Normally we can say the last sentence this way. 他弄坏了我的笔记本。 (Tā nòng huàile wǒ de bǐjìběn.)
Dave: So here we are moving the object of the sentence laptop to the end.
Echo: Right. We are using 把 (Bǎ) for emphasis, we place 笔记本 (Bǐjìběn) directly after it.
Dave: So let’s take a look at some more examples.
Echo: 我把书弄丢了。 (Wǒ bǎ shū nòng diūle.)
Dave: I lost the book.
Echo: 我把书弄丢了。 (Wǒ bǎ shū nòng diūle.)
Dave: So literally I 把 (Bǎ) the book lost.
Echo: Right.
Dave: We are placing the object before the verb. Okay our next example.
Echo: 他把工作完成了。 (Tā bǎ gōngzuò wánchéngle.)
Dave: He finished the work. Echo, we can also say this same sentence in another way.
Echo: Right. 他完成了工作。 (Tā wánchéngle gōngzuò.) but this sentence has no 把.(Bǎ) So there isn’t the same emphasis on the object. 他把工作完成了。 (Tā bǎ gōngzuò wánchéngle.)
Dave: So here the emphasis is on the completion of the work.
Echo: Okay another example 我把鸡蛋炒糊了。 (Wǒ bǎ jīdàn chǎo húle.)
Dave: I burnt the eggs.
Echo: 我把鸡蛋炒糊了。 (Wǒ bǎ jīdàn chǎo húle.)
Dave: Yes. I burnt the eggs. So in review, we use the object marker to emphasize an action that will bring about a result on an object.
Echo: Right. The formula is subject plus 把 (Bǎ) plus noun plus verb plus the result.
Dave: So we are switching the order in the sentence so that we have the object of the sentence, the thing that is receiving the action before the verb.
Echo: Right. So our last sentence is 我把我的电话号码给你。 (Wǒ bǎ wǒ de diànhuà hàomǎ gěi nǐ.)
Dave: I will give you my phone number.
Echo: 我把我的电话号码给你。 (Wǒ bǎ wǒ de diànhuà hàomǎ gěi nǐ)
Dave: I will give you my phone number.


Echo: So that’s it for today’s grammar section. And remember, you can practice using 把 (Bǎ) with a line by line audio tool.
Dave: The perfect tool for rapidly improving listening comprehension.
Echo: By listening to lines of the conversation again and again.
Dave: You can listen until every word and syllable becomes clear. Basically we break the dialogue into comprehensible bite size sentences.
Echo: Right. You can try the line by line audio in the premium learning center at chineseclass101.com
Dave: Okay and that’s it for this week. From Beijing, I am Dave.
Echo: 我是Echo. (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Dave: And we will see you next time.
Echo: Thanks for listening 下次见。 (Xià cì jiàn.)


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