
Vocabulary (Review)

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Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.) Echo and welcome to chineseclass101.
Dave: And I am Dave and with us, you are going to learn to speak Chinese with fun and effective lessons.
Echo: Right. We also provide you with cultural insights
Dave: And tips you will not find in a textbook.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
Dave: Okay. So this is lesson 20 in the second season of our elementary series.
Echo: Right. The title of the lesson is All Work, and No Play Makes China a Dull Place.
Dave: I think that’s true of anywhere.
Echo: Yeah.
Dave: So in this lesson, you will learn how to manage a busy schedule.
Echo: Yeah. The conversation takes place on the phone between two friends.
Dave: One friend is trying to convince the other one to come out for the weekend. Okay but before we go to the dialogue, I will just remind you all. If you haven’t done it yet already to go to chineseclass101.com and register for a free life time account.
Echo: Right. It will only take you a couple of seconds.
Dave: And once you have, your Chinese will improve dramatically.
Echo: I agree with you totally.
Dave: Okay and also to help you with your Chinese, let’s go on to the dialogue.
A:明天你有什么计划? (míngtiān nǐ yǒu shénme jìhuà?)
B:我先打扫卫生,再洗衣服,然后去运动。 (wǒ xiān dǎsǎo wèishēng, zài xǐ yīfu, ránhòu qù yùndòng.)
A:我们晚上一起去酒吧吧。 (wǒmen wǎnshang yīqǐ qù jiǔbā ba.)
B:不行,我没时间。 (bù xíng, wǒ méi shíjiān.)
A:明天不是星期六吗? (míngtiān bù shì xīngqīliù ma?)
B:我晚上还要去逛街,再遛狗,然后上床睡觉。 (wǒ wǎnshang hái yào qù guàngjiē, zài liù gǒu, ránhòu shàng chuáng shuìjiào)
Dave: One more time, a bit slower.
A:明天你有什么计划? (míngtiān nǐ yǒu shénme jìhuà?)
B:我先打扫卫生,再洗衣服,然后去运动。 (wǒ xiān dǎsǎo wèishēng, zài xǐ yīfu, ránhòu qù yùndòng.)
A:我们晚上一起去酒吧吧。 (wǒmen wǎnshang yīqǐ qù jiǔbā ba.)
B:不行,我没时间。 (bù xíng, wǒ méi shíjiān.)
A:明天不是星期六吗? (míngtiān bù shì xīngqīliù ma?)
B:我晚上还要去逛街,再遛狗,然后上床睡觉。 (wǒ wǎnshang hái yào qù guàngjiē, zài liù gǒu, ránhòu shàng chuáng shuìjiào)
Dave: One more time, a bit more slowly.
Echo: 明天你有什么计划? (míngtiān nǐ yǒu shénme jìhuà?)
Dave: What are your plans for tomorrow?
Echo: 我先打扫卫生,再洗衣服,然后去运动。 (wǒ xiān dǎsǎo wèishēng, zài xǐ yīfu, ránhòu qù yùndòng.)
Dave: I have to clean up, then finish washing my clothes and then afterwards, I am going to go have a workout.
Echo: 我们晚上一起去酒吧吧。 (wǒmen wǎnshang yīqǐ qù jiǔbā ba.)
Dave: Why don’t we go to the bar tomorrow night?
Echo: 不行,我没时间。 (bù xíng, wǒ méi shíjiān.)
Dave: Won’t work, I don’t have any time.
Echo: 明天不是星期六吗? (míngtiān bù shì xīngqīliù ma?)
Dave: But isn’t tomorrow Saturday?
Echo: 我晚上还要去逛街,再遛狗,然后上床睡觉。 (wǒ wǎnshang hái yào qù guàngjiē, zài liù gǒu, ránhòu shàng chuáng shuìjiào)
Dave: Yeah but I also want to go out shopping tomorrow night and then I have to finish walking the dog and afterwards, I am going to bed.
Dave: I understand what this person is going through. Once the weekend comes, I have so many errands to do. Well I don’t have time to relax.
Echo: Yeah me too but it is also important to schedule time to have fun and doing things you enjoy.
Dave: That’s absolutely true. So for our listeners out there who have a busy schedule, we understand.
Echo: Right. And that is why we have made a easy vocab section for you to listen to.
Dave: Right. So let’s get to it without further delay. And now the vocab section.
Echo: 计划 (jìhuà)
Dave: Plans.
Echo: 先 (xiān)
Dave: First.
Echo: 打扫 (dǎsǎo)
Dave: To clean.
Echo: 卫生 (wèishēng)
Dave: Sanitary or hygienic.
Echo: 洗衣服 (xǐ yīfu)
Dave: To wash clothes.
Echo: 运动 (yùndòng)
Dave: Exercise.
Echo: 逛街 (guàngjiē)
Dave: To go shopping.
Echo: 遛狗 (liù gǒu)
Dave: To walk the dog.
Echo: 遛狗 (liù gǒu)
Dave: Okay. So let’s dig into these vocabulary words. The first one is
Echo: 计划。 (jìhuà)
Dave: Plan or plans.
Echo: 计划。我的计划失败了。 (Jìhuà. Wǒ de jìhuà shībàile.)
Dave: My plans have failed.
Echo: 我的计划失败了。 ( Wǒ de jìhuà shībàile.)
Dave: My plans have fallen through. Okay next word Echo.
Echo: 先。 (xiān)
Dave: First.
Echo: 先。我先洗碗,再打扫卫生。 (Xiān. Wǒ xiān xǐ wǎn, zài dǎsǎo wèishēng.)
Dave: I am first going to wash the dishes, then finish cleaning up.
Echo: 我先洗碗,再打扫卫生。 (Xiān. Wǒ xiān xǐ wǎn, zài dǎsǎo wèishēng.)
Dave: Okay. The next few words are going to focus on some common household chores.
Echo: 打扫。 (dǎsǎo)
Dave: To clean.
Echo: 打扫。 (dǎsǎo)
Dave: Both are third tones.
Echo: 你打扫完房间了吗? (Nǐ dǎsǎo wán fángjiānle ma?)
Dave: Have you finished cleaning the room yet?
Echo: 你打扫完房间了吗? (Nǐ dǎsǎo wán fángjiānle ma?)
Dave: Okay Echo, next word.
Echo: 卫生。 (wèishēng)
Dave: Sanitary.
Echo: 卫生。 (wèishēng)
Dave: This can also mean hygienic.
Echo: 这样不卫生。 (Zhèyàng bù wèishēng.)
Dave: This isn’t sanitary.
Echo: 这样不卫生。 (Zhèyàng bù wèishēng.)
Dave: I often find myself saying this in small Hole In the Wall restaurants that are extremely dirty.
Echo: Yeah 洗衣服。 (xǐ yīfu)
Dave: To wash clothes.
Echo: 洗衣服。你怎么不洗衣服? (Xǐ yīfú. Nǐ zěnme bù xǐ yīfú?)
Dave: Why haven’t you washed your clothes?
Echo: 你怎么不洗衣服? (Nǐ zěnme bù xǐ yīfú?)
Dave: Okay and now we are going to switch over to some fun things you can do during your free time.
Echo: The first one is 运动。 (yùndòng)
Dave: Exercise.
Echo: 我先洗衣服,然后去运动。 (Wǒ xiān xǐ yīfú, ránhòu qù yùndòng.)
Dave: First, I am going to wash my clothes, then go out to exercise.
Echo: 我先洗衣服,然后去运动。 (Wǒ xiān xǐ yīfú, ránhòu qù yùndòng.)
Dave: Okay if you didn’t catch all of that in the last sentence, don’t worry because we are going to go into it in more depth in the grammar section later on.
Echo: 逛街。 (guàngjiē)
Dave: To go shopping.
Echo: 逛街。我最喜欢逛街,你呢? (Guàngjiē. Wǒ zuì xǐhuān guàngjiē, nǐ ne?)
Dave: My favorite thing to do is to go shopping. What about you?
Echo: 我最喜欢逛街,你呢? (Wǒ zuì xǐhuān guàngjiē, nǐ ne?)
Dave: Echo, do you like to go shopping?
Echo: Sometimes but I like going to the park when the weather is nice even more.
Dave: Okay. Our last word of the day can be both a chore or something fun.
Echo: Right 遛狗。 (liù gǒu)
Dave: To walk the dog.
Echo: 遛狗。 (liù gǒu)
Dave: To take the dog for a walk.
Echo: 我每天晚上都遛狗。 (Wǒ měitiān wǎnshàng dū liú gǒu.)
Dave: Every night, I walk the dog.
Echo: 我每天晚上都遛狗。 (Wǒ měitiān wǎnshàng dū liú gǒu.)
Dave: Okay. Hopefully our listeners will have a little more free time in their busy schedules to follow us onward to the grammar section.
Echo: Let’s go.

Lesson focus

Dave: It’s grammar time. So Echo, today our grammar section is focusing on one adverb.
Echo: Right. The adverb is 再。 (Zài.)
Dave: So in this context, the adverb 再 (Zài.) is used to indicate that an event is taking place after something else occurs and not before it.
Echo: Right. The form of 再 (Zài.) means not until then and only then.
Dave: Right. This adverb is placed both before the topic of the sentence and the verb.
Echo: Right.
Dave: So Echo, what’s the formula we want to use here?
Echo: Subject plus 再 (Zài.) and maybe plus preposition and plus verb.
Dave: Okay. We have some sample sentences prepared for you. So let’s go through them one by one.
Echo: 我先打扫卫生,再洗衣服,然后去运动。 (Wǒ xiān dǎsǎo wèishēng, zài xǐ yīfú, ránhòu qù yùndòng.)
Dave: First, I am going to tidy up and once that’s done, I will wash my clothes and after that, I will go out for some exercise.
Echo: 我先打扫卫生,再洗衣服,然后去运动。 (Wǒ xiān dǎsǎo wèishēng, zài xǐ yīfú, ránhòu qù yùndòng.)
Dave: So once the room is tidied up, I will be able to wash my clothes and after that, I will be able to go have some exercise.
Echo: 我先工作,再休息。 (Wǒ xiān gōngzuò, zài xiūxí.)
Dave: First I am going to work, then I will rest.
Echo: 我先工作,再休息。 (Wǒ xiān gōngzuò, zài xiūxí.)
Dave: I need to finish my work before I can rest.
Echo: 我们先吃饭吧,吃完饭再聊天。 (Wǒmen xiān chīfàn ba, chī wán fàn zài liáotiān.)
Dave: First, let’s eat. After we are done eating, then we can chat.
Echo: 我们先吃饭吧,吃完饭再聊天。 (Wǒmen xiān chīfàn ba, chī wán fàn zài liáotiān.)
Dave: We can talk after we finished eating.
Echo: 他先来这儿,再去那儿。 (Tā xiān lái zhè'er, zài qù nà'er.)
Dave: First he is coming here and then he is going to go there.
Echo: 他先来这儿,再去那儿。 (Tā xiān lái zhè'er, zài qù nà'er.)
Dave: So maybe the person has to pick something up here before he can go to his next destination.
Echo: Right. The important thing here is to emphasize the time order.
Dave: Exactly. So let’s go on to some more examples.
Echo: 我今天没空,明天再来。 (Wǒ jīntiān méi kōng, míngtiān zàilái.)
Dave: Today I don’t have any free time. Tomorrow I will come.
Echo: 我今天没空,明天再来。我先考虑考虑再告诉你。 (Wǒ jīntiān méi kōng, míngtiān zàilái. Wǒ xiān kǎolǜ kǎolǜ zài gàosù nǐ.)
Dave: First, I am going to think it over and afterwards, I will tell you.
Echo: 我先考虑考虑再告诉你。 (Wǒ xiān kǎolǜ kǎolǜ zài gàosù nǐ.)


Dave: Okay and that just about wraps it up for today but one thing that all of our listeners should think over is signing up for a premium subscription with chineseclass101 because with a premium subscription, you will get access to
Echo: The voice recording tool.
Dave: Yes the voice recording tool in the premium learning center.
Echo: Record your voice with a click of a button
Dave: And then play it back just as easily.
Echo: Right. So you record your voice and then listen to it.
Dave: Compare it to native speakers
Echo: And adjust your pronunciation.
Dave: It will help improve your pronunciation dramatically.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
Dave: Okay. That does it for this week. From Beijing, I am Dave.
Echo: 我是Echo. (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Dave: And we will see you soon.
Echo: Thanks for listening 下次见。 (Xià cì jiàn.)
Dave: Until next time.


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