
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
Dave: Hi and I am Dave Lyons and this is elementary series, season 2 of chineseclass101.com where we study modern Chinese in a fun, educational format.
Echo: So brush up on the Chinese that you started learning long ago or start learning today.
Dave: Thanks for being here with us for this lesson, lesson 5. Love at First Sight.
Echo: Right. So Dave, do you believe in love at first sight?
Dave: I think you really need to get to know someone before you can fall in love with them.
Echo: Right.
Dave: Unless they are extremely hot.
Echo: Well you know, nothing is more attractive than a great personality.
Dave: That’s true and in today’s dialogue, we explore what happens when a couple falls in love….
Echo: And then falls out of love.
Dave: Okay so in this lesson, you will learn about relationships and falling in love.
Echo: Right and this conversation takes place at a friend’s house.
Dave: Between two friends talking about their love lives.
Echo: Right. So naturally, they are speaking casually.
Dave: Let’s listen to the conversation.
A:那天,我一看见她就爱上了。 (nà tiān, wǒ yī kànjiàn tā jiù àishàng le.)
B:哦,一见钟情。 (ò, yījiànzhōngqíng.)
A:没错,然后我们开始约会。 (méicuò, ránhòu wǒmen kāishǐ yuēhuì.)
B:那现在你还想她吗? (nà xiànzài nǐ hái xiǎng tā ma?)
A:想她?现在我一想她就烦。 (xiǎng tā? xiànzài wǒ yī xiǎng tā jiù fán.)
Dave: Let’s listen again, a bit more slowly.
A:那天,我一看见她就爱上了。 (nà tiān, wǒ yī kànjiàn tā jiù àishàng le.)
B:哦,一见钟情。 (ò, yījiànzhōngqíng.)
A:没错,然后我们开始约会。 (méicuò, ránhòu wǒmen kāishǐ yuēhuì.)
B:那现在你还想她吗? (nà xiànzài nǐ hái xiǎng tā ma?)
A:想她?现在我一想她就烦。 (xiǎng tā? xiànzài wǒ yī xiǎng tā jiù fán.)
Dave: One more time with English.
Echo: 那天,我一看见她就爱上了。 (nà tiān, wǒ yī kànjiàn tā jiù àishàng le.)
Dave: That day when I saw her, I fell in love with her.
Echo: 哦,一见钟情。 (ò, yījiànzhōngqíng.)
Dave: Hoh! Love at First Sight!
Echo: 没错,然后我们开始约会。 (méicuò, ránhòu wǒmen kāishǐ yuēhuì.)
Dave: That’s right. That’s when we started dating.
Echo:那现在你还想她吗? (nà xiànzài nǐ hái xiǎng tā ma?)
Dave: Ah! Do you still miss her now?
Echo: 想她?现在我一想她就烦。 (xiǎng tā? xiànzài wǒ yī xiǎng tā jiù fán.)
Dave: Miss her? Now I get annoyed whenever I think about her.
Echo: So Dave, how do you feel about dating in China?
Dave: Like anywhere else, it keeps you on your toes.
Echo: Huh! So that’s why we have a lot of vocabulary about dating.
Dave: That’s right because you never know what you are going to run into. So it is best to be prepared.
Echo: Right. So why don’t we introduce our listeners to the vocab for this lesson.
Dave: Sounds good. And now the vocab section.
Echo: 爱上 (ài shàng)
Dave: To fall in love.
Echo: 一见钟情 (yíjiànzhōngqíng)
Dave: Love at first sight.
Echo: 然后 (ránhòu)
Dave: Afterwards.
Echo: 约会 (yuēhuì)
Dave: To date.
Echo: 想 (xiǎng)
Dave: To miss.
Echo: 烦 (fán)
Dave: To be annoyed.
Echo: 结婚 (jiéhūn)
Dave: To marry.
Echo: 同居 (tóngjū)
Dave: To live together.
Echo: 同居 (tóngjū)
Dave: Okay. Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Echo: The first one is 爱上。 (Ài shàng.)
Dave: To fall in love.
Echo: 爱上。 (Ài shàng.)
Dave: To fall in love.
Echo: 他爱上了一个模特。 (Tā ài shàngle yīgè mótè.)
Dave: He fell in love with a model.
Echo: 他爱上了一个模特。 (Tā ài shàngle yīgè mótè.)
Dave: He fell in love with a model.
Echo: 一见钟情。 (Yījiànzhōngqíng.)
Dave: Love at first sight.
Echo: 一见钟情。 (Yījiànzhōngqíng)
Dave: Love at first sight.
Echo: 我们在麦当劳一见钟情。 (Wǒmen zài màidāngláo yījiànzhōngqíng.)
Dave: When we met at MacDonald’s, it was love at first sight.
Echo: 我们在麦当劳一见钟情。 (Wǒmen zài màidāngláo yījiànzhōngqíng.)
Dave: When we met at MacDonald’s, it was love at first sight. Echo, do many guys in China take girls to MacDonald’s for a date?
Echo: Some young people will – would do that, yeah.
Dave: Okay and that brings us to our next word.
Echo: 约会。 (Yuēhuì)
Dave: To date.
Echo: 约会。 (Yuēhuì)
Dave: To date.
Echo: 你们什么时候开始约会的。 (Nǐmen shénme shíhòu kāishǐ yuēhuì de.)
Dave: When did you two start dating?
Echo: 你们什么时候开始约会的。 (Nǐmen shénme shíhòu kāishǐ yuēhuì de.)
Dave: When did you two start dating?
Echo: 然后。 (Ránhòu)
Dave: Afterwards or then.
Echo: 然后。(Ránhòu)
Dave: Afterwards or then.
Echo: 我先吃饭,然后去上班。 (Wǒ xiān chīfàn, ránhòu qù shàngbān.)
Dave: First I eat, then I go to work.
Echo: 我先吃饭,然后去上班。 (Wǒ xiān chīfàn, ránhòu qù shàngbān.)
Dave: First I have something to eat, afterwards I go to work.
Echo: 想 (Xiǎng)
Dave: To miss.
Echo: 想 (Xiǎng)
Dave: To miss.
Echo: 如果你想他,给他打电话。 (Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng tā, gěi tā dǎ diànhuà.)
Dave: If you miss him, give him a call.
Echo: 如果你想他,给他打电话。 (Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng tā, gěi tā dǎ diànhuà.)
Dave: If you miss him, give him a call but Echo you know, sometimes you don’t want to call someone too much.
Echo: Exactly.
Dave: You know, you want to play it cool. You don’t want the other person to
Echo: 烦 (Fán)
Dave: To be annoyed.
Echo: Yeah 烦 (Fán)
Dave: To be annoyed.
Echo: 听你说话我很烦。(Tīng nǐ shuōhuà wǒ hěn fán.)
Dave: Listening to you talk annoys me.
Echo: 听你说话我很烦。 (Tīng nǐ shuōhuà wǒ hěn fán.)
Dave: Listening to you talk annoys me.
Echo: Umm…
Dave: Wow! That sounds like something you might hear when a couple has a bad fight.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
Dave: Okay next up is
Echo: 结婚。 (Jiéhūn)
Dave: To marry.
Echo: 结婚。 (Jiéhūn)
Dave: To marry.
Echo: 我们快结婚了。 (Wǒmen kuài jiéhūnle.)
Dave: We are getting married soon.
Echo: 我们快结婚了。 (Wǒmen kuài jiéhūnle.)
Dave: We are getting married soon but some people before they get married might move in together in which case we say that they
Echo: 同居 (Tóngjū)
Dave: Live together.
Echo: 同居 (Tóngjū)
Dave: To live together or cohabitate without necessarily getting married.
Echo: Right. 他们已经同居两年了。 (Tāmen yǐjīng tóngjū liǎng niánle.)
Dave: They’ve already been living together for two years.
Echo: 他们已经同居两年了。 (Tāmen yǐjīng tóngjū liǎng niánle.)
Dave: They’ve been living together for two years. Okay now on to the grammar section. It’s grammar time. Okay so the focus of today’s grammar lesson is discussing resultative actions. In other words, because of something you did something else or someone did something else.

Lesson focus

Echo: Right.
Dave: So in the dialogue, we heard.
Echo: 现在我一想她就烦。 (Xiànzài wǒ yī xiǎng tā jiù fán.)
Dave: When I think of her, I get annoyed.
Echo: 现在我一想她就烦。 (Xiànzài wǒ yī xiǎng tā jiù fán.)
Dave: I am annoyed as a result of having thought about her.
Echo: Right.
Dave: Okay so let’s go over some example sentences using this pattern.
Echo: 一、就。我一看到你就生气。 (Yī, jiù. Wǒ yī kàn dào nǐ jiù shēngqì.)
Dave: I get angry just looking at you.
Echo: 我一看到你就生气。 (Wǒ yī kàn dào nǐ jiù shēngqì.)
Dave: I get angry just looking at you.
Echo: 他一回家就睡了。 (Tā yī huí jiā jiù shuìle.)
Dave: He fell asleep as soon as he got home.
Echo: 他一回家就睡了。 (Tā yī huí jiā jiù shuìle.)
Dave: He fell asleep as soon as he got home.
Echo: 这个女孩一不高兴就哭。 (Zhège nǚhái yī bù gāoxìng jiù kū.)
Dave: This little girl starts crying the second she isn’t happy.
Echo: 这个女孩一不高兴就哭。 (Zhège nǚhái yī bù gāoxìng jiù kū.)
Dave: This little girl starts crying as soon as she feels unhappy.
Echo: 谁一考试就紧张。 (Shéi yī kǎoshì jiù jǐnzhāng.)
Dave: Who gets nervous taking tests?
Echo: 谁一考试就紧张。 (Shéi yī kǎoshì jiù jǐnzhāng.)
Dave: Who gets nervous whenever they take a test?
Echo: 他一毕业就找到了好工作。 (Tā yī bìyè jiù zhǎodàole hǎo gōngzuò.)
Dave: As soon as he graduated, he got a decent job.
Echo: 他一毕业就找到了好工作。 (Tā yī bìyè jiù zhǎodàole hǎo gōngzuò.)
Dave: As soon as he graduated, he found a good job. Okay so to recap, the grammar structure is as follows. First you hear
Echo: 一 (Yī)
Dave: Followed by the circumstances. For example, your house is on fire.
Echo: 你的房子着火了。 (Nǐ de fángzi zháohuǒle.)
Dave: Then we use
Echo: 就 (Jiù)
Dave: Followed by the resulting action which in this case is that you become very sad.
Echo: Yeah 你很伤心。 (Nǐ hěn shāngxīn.)
Dave: Because your house is on fire.
Echo: Yeah.
Dave: Okay and that’s the end of the grammar section.


Echo: And almost at the end of today’s lesson.
Dave: And as soon as we finish, you can download the lesson notes at chineseclass101.com
Echo: Right. It has a conversation transcript.
Dave: Vocabulary, sample sentences and grammar explanations.
Echo: Right and a cultural insights section.
Dave: Seeing the Chinese really helps you remember faster but don’t take our word for it. Please take a look for yourself.
Echo: Right and let us know what you think.
Dave: And that about wraps it up for today. From Beijing, I am Dave Lyons.
Echo: 我是Echo. (Wǒ shì Echo.)
Dave: And we will see you next week.
Echo: Thanks for listening. 下周见。 (Xià zhōu jiàn.)
Dave: See you soon.
Echo: Bye bye.


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