
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是(Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì)Echo。
David: And welcome to intermediate series, season 1, Lesson 23.
Echo: Cramming it in China.
David: Right. This is one of the subjects that makes me very glad I am actually not Chinese. Right, you guys have it tough sometimes.
Echo: 是的。(Shì de.)
David: Especially if your parents are very ambitious.
Echo: Yeah. They never want you to fall behind.
David: Yeah never want you to have nothing to do. So we’ve got a dialogue here that’s between parents and the Head instructor at a local Japanese school.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Right because you got to keep the kid busy. So they are speaking casual Mandarin as always but this dialogue goes by pretty quickly so you have to listen carefully. That said, before we take you to the dialogue, we want to remind you. We do have these PDFs. So if you don’t know what someone is saying,
Echo: Yeah.
David: If you are having trouble following along or if you just need a quick reference for the tones, come to chineseclass101.com and download that PDF. That said, let’s get to the dialogue.
我要给我们家孩子报名学日语。(Wǒ yào gěi wǒmen jiā hái zǐ bàomíng xué rìyǔ.)
他!年龄这么小,我们一般是不收的。(Tā! Niánlíng zhème xiǎo, wǒmen yībān shì bù shōu de.)
不收?我有的是钱!(Bù shōu? Wǒ yǒudeshì qián!)
嗯。。。这个我们看看能不能安排。(Ń... Zhège wǒmen kàn kàn néng bùnéng ānpái.)
我要给他报你们这儿最高级的班,要一对一,全外教授课的。(Wǒ yào gěi tā bào nǐmen zhèr zuì gāo jí de bān, yào yīduìyī, quán wàijiào shòukè de.)
他周末可以上课吗?(Tā zhōumò kěyǐ shàngkè ma?)
周末不行。周末要补课。(Zhōumò bù xíng. Zhōumò yào bǔkè.)
时间排的这么满?(Shíjiān pái de zhème mǎn?)
周一篮球,周二芭蕾舞,周三。。。我看就周三晚上吧。(Zhōuyī lánqiú, zhōuèrbālěiwǔ, zhōusān... wǒ kàn jiù zhōusān wǎnshang ba.)
David: One more time, a little bit slower.
我要给我们家孩子报名学日语。(Wǒ yào gěi wǒmen jiā hái zǐ bàomíng xué rìyǔ.)
他!年龄这么小,我们一般是不收的。(Tā! Niánlíng zhème xiǎo, wǒmen yībān shì bù shōu de.)
不收?我有的是钱!(Bù shōu? Wǒ yǒudeshì qián!)
嗯。。。这个我们看看能不能安排。(Ń... Zhège wǒmen kàn kàn néng bùnéng ānpái.)
我要给他报你们这儿最高级的班,要一对一,全外教授课的。(Wǒ yào gěi tā bào nǐmen zhèr zuì gāo jí de bān, yào yīduìyī, quán wàijiào shòukè de.)
他周末可以上课吗?(Tā zhōumò kěyǐ shàngkè ma?)
周末不行。周末要补课。(Zhōumò bù xíng. Zhōumò yào bǔkè.)
时间排的这么满?(Shíjiān pái de zhème mǎn?)
周一篮球,周二芭蕾舞,周三。。。我看就周三晚上吧。(Zhōuyī lánqiú, zhōuèrbālěiwǔ, zhōusān... wǒ kàn jiù zhōusān wǎnshang ba.)
David: And now with the English translation.
我要给我们家孩子报名学日语。(Wǒ yào gěi wǒmen jiā hái zǐ bàomíng xué rìyǔ.)
A: I want to enroll my child to study Japanese.
他!年龄这么小,我们一般是不收的。(Tā! Niánlíng zhème xiǎo, wǒmen yībān shì bù shōu de.)
B: Him! He's so young, we don't normally take kids this young.
不收?我有的是钱!(Bù shōu? Wǒ yǒudeshì qián!)
A: You won't take him? I have plenty of money!
嗯。。。这个我们看看能不能安排。(Ń... Zhège wǒmen kàn kàn néng bùnéng ānpái.)
B: Uh...let's see if we can arrange something.
我要给他报你们这儿最高级的班,要一对一,全外教授课的。(Wǒ yào gěi tā bào nǐmen zhèr zuì gāo jí de bān, yào yīduìyī, quán wàijiào shòukè de.)
A: I want him in your highest class. One on one, with only foreign teachers.
他周末可以上课吗?(Tā zhōumò kěyǐ shàngkè ma?)
B: Can he come on the weekend?
周末不行。周末要补课。(Zhōumò bù xíng. Zhōumò yào bǔkè.)
A: Absolute not. He's in cram school on weekends.
时间排的这么满?(Shíjiān pái de zhème mǎn?)
B: His time is so full?
周一篮球,周二芭蕾舞,周三。。。我看就周三晚上吧。(Zhōuyī lánqiú, zhōuèrbālěiwǔ, zhōusān... wǒ kàn jiù zhōusān wǎnshang ba.)
A: Basketball on Monday, ballet on Tuesdays, Wednesdays...I think Wednesday evening is okay.
David: So Echo, you never had to deal with this.
Echo: Not that bad.
David: You sort of had to deal with this.
Echo: Yes not that bad. 我上过英语班。(Ń... Zhège wǒmen kàn kàn néng bùnéng ānpái.)
David: Okay. So you just had English cram school?
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Okay.
Echo: Well sort of 我也学过一小段的芭蕾,还有一小段的画画,但是没有很长。(Wǒ yě xuéguò yī xiǎoduàn de bālěi, hái yǒuyī xiǎoduàn de huà huà, dànshì méiyǒu hěn zhǎng.)
David: Yeah anyway, either way this is one of the subjects that makes me glad I am not Chinese. We’ve got a lot of vocab nonetheless which is about cramming extracurricular classes and that sort of thing. So let’s get to it. And now, the vocab section.
Echo: 报名(Bàomíng)
David: To register.
Echo: 报名,报名。一般(Bàomíng, bàomíng. Yībān)
David: Normally.
Echo: 一般,一般。安排(Yībān, yībān. Ānpái)
David: To prepare.
Echo: 安排,安排。一对一(Ānpái, ānpái. Yī duì yī)
David: One on one.
Echo: 一对一,一对一。外教(Yī duì yī, yī duì yī. Wàijiào)
David: Foreign teacher.
Echo: 外教,外教。授课(Wàijiào, wàijiào. Shòukè)
David: To give lessons.
Echo: 授课,授课。补课(Shòukè, shòukè. Bǔkè)
David: To go to cram school.
Echo: 补课,补课。芭蕾舞(Bǔkè, bǔkè. Bālěiwǔ)
David: Ballet.
Echo: 芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞。补习班(Bālěiwǔ, bālěiwǔ. Bǔxí bān)
David: Cram school.
Echo: 补习班,补习班。(Bǔxí bān, bǔxí bān.)
David: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of these words and phrases. We are going to start you with the end though with our last word for cram school.
Echo: 补习班。(Bǔxí bān.)
David: Cram school.
Echo: 补习班。(Bǔxí bān.)
David: This is actually a foreign loan word. It’s coming from Japanese in this case but because it’s a character-based language, the word actually makes sense in Chinese too.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: And the key character there is
Echo: 补(Bǔ)
David: Which means to mend or to supplement.
Echo: 补(Bǔ)
David: As in the idiom
Echo: 新三年,旧三年,缝缝补补又三年。(Xīn sān nián, jiù sān nián, féng féngbǔ bǔ yòu sān nián.)
David: Right. It’s new for 3 years, it’s old for 3 years but if you sow it and repair it, you can get another 3 years out of it.
Echo: 对,就是我们中国人勤俭节约的美得。(Duì, jiùshì wǒmen zhōngguó rén qínjiǎn jiéyuē dì měi dé.)
David: Right. Once more
Echo: 新三年,旧三年,缝缝补补又三年。(Xīn sān nián, jiù sān nián, féng féngbǔ bǔ yòu sān nián.)
David: So 补(Bǔ) here means to supplement or make up and so the word for cram school is
Echo: 补习班(Bǔxí bān)
David: A 班(Bān) where you are making up your studies or your reviews.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: We also have the verb to attend cram school.
Echo: 补课(Bǔkè)
David: To attend a cram school.
Echo: 补课(Bǔkè)
David: This isn’t a loan word. This is a Chinese word, to make up classes on top of a regular workload.
Echo: 补课(Bǔkè)
David: Two more words you are going to run into a lot. The first is the word for a foreign teacher.
Echo: 外教(Wàijiào)
David: Foreign teacher.
Echo: 外教。其实它就是“外国教师“。(Wàijiào. Qíshí tā jiùshì “wàiguó jiàoshī “.)
David: Right. So it’s a contraction. Anyone who is teaching English in China is normally known as
Echo: 外教。比如说,有的补习班它们会说,我们这儿的老师都是外教。(Wàijiào. Bǐrú shuō, yǒu de bǔxí bān tāmen huì shuō, wǒmen zhè'er de lǎoshī dōu shì wàijiào.)
David: You will run into some cram schools which will tell you that all of the teachers here are foreign teachers.
Echo: 我们这儿的老师都是外教。(Wǒmen zhè'er de lǎoshī dōu shì wàijiào.)
David: All of the teachers here are foreign teachers.
Echo: 所以他们可以受更多的钱。(Suǒyǐ tāmen kěyǐ shòu gèng duō de qián.)
David: Yes. However if you want to make the most money, you need to charge for 1 on 1 classes.
Echo: 一对一课程(Yī duì yī kèchéng)
David: Right. 1 on 1 classes.
Echo: 一对一课程。一对一的外教授课对语言学习很有帮助,但是也很贵。(Yī duì yī kèchéng. Yī duì yī de wàijiào shòukè duì yǔyán xuéxí hěn yǒu bāngzhù, dànshì yě hěn guì.)
David: Right. It’s expensive, it’s really expensive in China. It is really useful if you can afford it. Right, so four keywords for you. There is 1 on 1.
Echo: 一对一(Yī duì yī)
David: Foreign teacher.
Echo: 外教(Wàijiào)
David: And then two words related to cram schools, the Chinese verb to attend a cram school.
Echo: 补课(Bǔkè)
David: And then the Japanese noun
Echo: 补习班(Bǔxí bān)
David: We’ve got a great grammar point about a really colloquial way to say that there is a lot of something. Let’s get to that.

Lesson focus

David: This is actually – this is a really, really cool grammar point.
Echo: 对,我也觉得是。(Duì, wǒ yě juédé shì.)
David: Yes. It’s not really a grammar point so much it is just a speaking pattern that is just so powerful.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Echo, why don’t you give us that line in the dialogue where we hear it.
Echo: 我有的是钱!(Wǒ yǒudeshì qián!)
David: I’ve got plenty of money.
Echo: 我有的是钱!(Wǒ yǒudeshì qián!)
David: Or it’s like come on, money I’ve got it.
Echo: 对,我有好多,太多了。(Duì, wǒ yǒu hǎoduō, tài duōle.)
David: Right, yeah. So we’ve got a really simple pattern here. We’ve got
Echo: 我(Wǒ)
David: The subject.
Echo: And 有的是(Yǒudeshì)
David: Which is kind of like a verb phrase and then we are following it by what you actually have.
Echo: 对,钱。(Duì, qián.)
David: I’ve got money.
Echo: 我有的是钱。(Wǒ yǒudeshì qián.)
David: Right but it’s got this extra emotional nuance to it.
Echo: 对,这个“有的是” 如果你想分析它一下,其实就是(Duì, zhège “yǒudeshì” rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng fēnxī tā yīxià, qíshí jiùshì) All I have is
David: Literally it’s all I have but really it’s saying look like I’ve got so much of this.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: But you know, I don’t need to worry about cram here. What I’ve got is money. We’ve got two sample sentences for you that we hope are going to help you catch on to this emotional meaning.
Echo: 他有的是力气。(Tā yǒudeshì lìqì.)
David: He is really strong.
Echo: 他有的是力气。(Tā yǒudeshì lìqì.)
David: Maybe he can’t read, maybe he is not going to be a good 1 on 1 teacher but wow, that guy is strong.
Echo: 对,他有的是力气,所以搬家的时候可以找他。(Duì, tā yǒudeshì lìqì, suǒyǐ bānjiā de shíhòu kěyǐ zhǎo tā.)
David: Right. What’s next?
Echo: 他工作很久了,有的是经验。(Tā gōngzuò hěnjiǔle, yǒudeshì jīngyàn.)
David: He’s worked for a long time. He’s got tons of experience.
Echo: 他工作很久了,有的是经验。(Tā gōngzuò hěnjiǔle, yǒudeshì jīngyàn.)
David: The things to note is this is a really colloquial pattern. Okay, so we are seeing this in the first case, subject.
Echo: 有的是(Yǒudeshì)
David: And then our object.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: We see this in the second case too though where we are missing the object.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: And this changes the meaning slightly. What this does is, the subject is what you are emphasizing that there is lot of.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: For instance,
Echo: 买不起房子的人有的是。(Mǎi bù qǐ fángzi de rén yǒudeshì.)
David: There are a lot of people who can’t buy houses.
Echo: And next one 需要被领养的小狗有的是。(Xūyào bèi lǐngyǎng de xiǎo gǒu yǒudeshì.)
David: Ah, the little puppies that need to be raised, there are a lot of them.
Echo: 需要被领养的小狗有的是。(Xūyào bèi lǐngyǎng de xiǎo gǒu yǒudeshì.)
David: So a really simple grammar point but if you use this in conversation, people are going to be blown away.


David: That being said, that’s our lesson for today. Now before we go, we want to remind you that you can always leave a comment on this lesson at chineseclass101.com
Echo: Or if you have any questions, you can always write to us at contactus@chineseclass101.com
David: So there is no excuses for not getting in touch and we are looking forward to hearing from you. From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì)Echo。
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: 网上见吧(Wǎngshàng jiàn ba) Bye bye.

