
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: 嗨,大家好,我是(Hāi, dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì)Echo。
David: And welcome to intermediate, season 1, Lesson 24.
Echo: You Can’t Leave China.
David: Or you can’t leave China without going through the Beijing international airport.
Echo: Right.
David: Where our dialogue for this lesson is set. I’ve been there Echo, you’ve been there too.
Echo: Right. It’s a beautiful airport.
David: It’s a beautiful airport although we hope you don’t spend as much time there as the gentleman in our dialogue today.
Echo: Right.
David: Okay. So this takes place in the waiting room and what we’ve got is casual Mandarin as always.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: We are going to get you to the dialogue in a sec. Before we do that Echo, you had a reminder.
Echo: Comments, comments, comments.
David: Right, Echo loves to read your comment. Leave them on the site or you can contact us by email.
Echo: At contactus@chineseclass101.com
David: And we are looking forward to hearing from you. With that though, let’s get to the dialogue.
乘客您好...乘客您好...(Chéngkè nínhǎo ...chéngkè nínhǎo ...)
真倒霉,就没有一次不晚点的!(Zhēn dǎoméi, jiù méiyǒu yī cì bù wǎndiǎn de!)
您乘坐的国航CA9507次飞往阿拉斯加的航班因飞机故障要延迟起飞。(Nín chéngzuò de guóháng CAjiǔqiān wǔbǎi qī cì fēiwǎng ālāsījiā de hángbān yīn fēijī
gùzhàng yào yánchí qǐfēi.)
我就知道会这样。上次是大雾,这次又是飞机故障。(Wǒ jiù zhīdào huì zhèyàng. Shàng cì shì dàwù, zhècì yòu shì fēijīgùzhàng.)
请您在候机大厅休息,等候通知。(Qǐng nín zài hòu jī dàtīng xiūxi, děnghòu tōngzhī.)
我以后再也不坐国航了!(Wǒ yǐhòu zài yě bù zuò guóháng le!)
David: One more time, a little bit slower.
乘客您好...乘客您好...(Chéngkè nínhǎo ...chéngkè nínhǎo ...)
真倒霉,就没有一次不晚点的!(Zhēn dǎoméi, jiù méiyǒu yī cì bù wǎndiǎn de!)
您乘坐的国航CA9507次飞往阿拉斯加的航班因飞机故障要延迟起飞。(Nín chéngzuò de guóháng CAjiǔqiān wǔbǎi qī cì fēiwǎng ālāsījiā de hángbān yīn fēijī
gùzhàng yào yánchí qǐfēi.)
我就知道会这样。上次是大雾,这次又是飞机故障。(Wǒ jiù zhīdào huì zhèyàng. Shàng cì shì dàwù, zhècì yòu shì fēijīgùzhàng.)
请您在候机大厅休息,等候通知。(Qǐng nín zài hòu jī dàtīng xiūxi, děnghòu tōngzhī.)
我以后再也不坐国航了!(Wǒ yǐhòu zài yě bù zuò guóháng le!)
David: And now with the English translation.
乘客您好...乘客您好...(Chéngkè nínhǎo ...chéngkè nínhǎo ...)
A: Attention passengers...attention passengers...
真倒霉,就没有一次不晚点的!(Zhēn dǎoméi, jiù méiyǒu yī cì bù wǎndiǎn de!)
B: Oh, how unlucky! There is not a single time it's not late.
您乘坐的国航CA9507次飞往阿拉斯加的航班因飞机故障要延迟起飞。(Nín chéngzuò de guóháng CAjiǔqiān wǔbǎi qī cì fēiwǎng ālāsījiā de hángbān yīn fēijī
gùzhàng yào yánchí qǐfēi.)
A: Your flight CA9507 to Alaska will be delayed because of the mechanical difficulties.
我就知道会这样。上次是大雾,这次又是飞机故障。(Wǒ jiù zhīdào huì zhèyàng. Shàng cì shì dàwù, zhècì yòu shì fēijīgùzhàng.)
B: I knew it would be like this. Last time it was fog. This time it's a mechanical problems again.
请您在候机大厅休息,等候通知。(Qǐng nín zài hòu jī dàtīng xiūxi, děnghòu tōngzhī.)
A: Please rest at the airport departure lounge and wait for further notice.
我以后再也不坐国航了!(Wǒ yǐhòu zài yě bù zuò guóháng le!)
B: This is the last time I am flying Air China.
David: Actually, Air China is not that bad.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Shenzhen Airlines ...
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Anytime, anytime you touch that Shenzhen airport, you are going to be sitting on the term right for an hour.
Echo: 深圳机场和广州,我觉得这两个都是差不多。(Shēnzhèn jīchǎng hé guǎngzhōu, wǒ juédé zhè liǎng gè dōu shì chàbùduō.)
David: Yeah. I’ve flown through Shenzhen a bunch of times and there is not a single time that it has gone smoothly.
Echo: 这从没有不晚点的。(Zhè cóng méiyǒu bù wǎndiǎn de.)
David: Yeah. Anyway, that’s our dialogue. This is real Chinese. You are going to hear this at the airport.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Our vocab today is filled with words you are going to hear at the airport. So let’s get to that.
Echo: 好的。(Hǎo de.)
David: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 乘客(Chéngkè)
David: Passenger.
Echo: 乘客,乘客。故障(Chéngkè, chéngkè. Gùzhàng)
David: Breakdown.
Echo: 故障,故障。延迟(Gùzhàng, gùzhàng. Yánchí)
David: To be postponed.
Echo: 延迟,延迟。候机大厅(Yánchí, yánchí. Hòu jī dàtīng)
David: Departure lounge.
Echo: 候机大厅,候机大厅。倒霉(Hòu jī dàtīng, hòu jī dàtīng. Dǎoméi)
David: Unlucky.
Echo: 倒霉,倒霉。大雾(Dǎoméi, dǎoméi. Dà wù)
David: Fog.
Echo: 大雾,大雾。国航(Dà wù, dà wù. Guóháng)
David: Air China.
Echo: 国航,国航。(Guóháng, guóháng.)
David: Our vocab today is full of words you are going to run into in an airport. Our first word is
Echo: 乘客(Chéngkè)
David: Passenger.
Echo: 乘客(Chéngkè)
David: This could be a passenger on a plane or it could be a passenger on a bus or a car.
Echo: 没错。乘客。(Méi cuò. Chéngkè.)
David: And there is another word you are going to run into as well.
Echo: 旅客。(Lǚkè.)
David: Which is a bit more formal.
Echo: 旅客。这只飞机的乘客已经全满了。(Lǚkè. Zhè zhǐ fēijī de chéngkè yǐjīng quán mǎnle.)
David: You might hear that if you are trying to buy a ticket. It means the plane is all sold out.
Echo: 这只飞机的乘客已经全满了。(Zhè zhǐ fēijī de chéngkè yǐjīng quán mǎnle.)
David: Literally the passengers are all full. Our second word is also quite common. To postpone,
Echo: 延迟(Yánchí)
David: To postpone.
Echo: 延迟(Yánchí)
David: This also means to be delayed.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Echo, how do we use this in the sentence?
Echo: 通知说,会议将会延迟举行。(Tōngzhī shuō, huìyì jiāng huì yánchí jǔxíng.)
David: The announcement said, the conference will be postponed.
Echo: 通知说,会议将会延迟举行。(Tōngzhī shuō, huìyì jiāng huì yánchí jǔxíng.)
David: In that case, it’s a conference. In our dialogue of course, it’s a plane flight. And what was the cause of the delay?
Echo: 故障(Gùzhàng)
David: A breakdown.
Echo: 故障(Gùzhàng)
David: Now, this is a mechanical breakdown or an accident.
Echo: 飞机因为故障,不能起飞。(Fēijī yīnwèi gùzhàng, bùnéng qǐfēi.)
David: The plane can’t take off because it’s had a breakdown.
Echo: 飞机因为故障,不能起飞。(Fēijī yīnwèi gùzhàng, bùnéng qǐfēi.)
David: So that’s a malfunction like an engine malfunction.
Echo: 引擎故障(Yǐnqíng gùzhàng)
David: Another common cause of delays is fog.
Echo: 大雾。(Dà wù.)
David: Fog.
Echo: 大雾。(Dà wù.)
David: And you get this especially in Northern China.
Echo: 没错,特别是在冬天。(Méi cuò, tèbié shì zài dōngtiān.)
David: Yeah. A thick low lying fog that just settles on the ground. So airplane malfunctions.
Echo: 故障(Gùzhàng)
David: And fog
Echo: 大雾(Dà wù)
David: The two most common causes of delays.
Echo: 延迟(Yánchí)
David: In all cases though, the airport will notify you with announcements.
Echo: 通知(Tōngzhī)
David: Announcements.
Echo: 通知(Tōngzhī)
David: And that’s what our grammar section for this lesson is devoted to. Common airport and airplane announcements. It’s grammar time.

Lesson focus

Echo: 今天我们的语法点就是我们在机场或者是飞机场经常能听到的,这种真实的对话。(Jīntiān wǒmen de yǔfǎ diǎn jiùshì wǒmen zài jīchǎng huòzhě shì fēijī chǎng jīngcháng néng tīng dào de, zhè zhǒng zhēnshí de duìhuà.)
David: Right. We are bringing you real announcements that you are going to hear in airports and in airplanes.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Echo, what’s the first one?
Echo: 第一个是大家都不愿意听到的:乘客您好,您乘坐的国航CA9507航班因天气大雾暂时不能起飞。(Dì yī gè shì dàjiā dōu bù yuànyì tīng dào de: Chéngkè nín hǎo, nín chéngzuò de guóháng CA9507 hángbān yīn tiānqì dà wù zhànshí bùnéng qǐfēi.)
David: That’s very close to the sentence in our dialogue. We’ve just swapped out a mechanical breakdown and added in fog.
Echo: 大雾(Dà wù)
David: Let’s hear that once more.
Echo: 乘客您好,您乘坐的国航CA9507航班因天气大雾暂时不能起飞。(Chéngkè nín hǎo, nín chéngzuò de guóháng CA9507 hángbān yīn tiānqì dà wù zhànshí bùnéng qǐfēi.)
David: What’s our second announcement?
Echo: 可能过了一段时间这个大雾就没有了,所以我们听到这样的一段通知:乘客您好,您乘坐的国航CA9507航班已经请旅客们登机了,请您尽快到31号登机口登机。(Kěnéngguòle yīduàn shíjiān zhège dà wù jiù méiyǒule, suǒyǐ wǒmen tīng dào zhèyàng de yīduàn tōngzhī: Chéngkè nín hǎo, nín chéngzuò de guóháng CA9507 hángbān yǐjīng qǐng lǚkèmen dēng jīle, qǐng nín jǐnkuài dào 31 hào dēng jī kǒu dēng jī.)
David: Right. The beginning of that was fairly long. That’s actually inviting people to go and board the plane.
Echo: Right.
David: At gate 31 I think you said.
Echo: Right.
David: Let’s hear that last bit again.
Echo: 请您尽快到31号登机口登机。(Qǐng nín jǐnkuài dào 31 hào dēng jī kǒu dēng jī.)
David: Right. The word 登机(Dēng jī) means to board. And the boarding gate is
Echo: 登机口(Dēng jī kǒu)
David: So you board the plane and then you get on the plane and you are going to hear a set of new announcements.
Echo: 本次航班就要起飞了,请您系好安全带,收起小桌板,将座椅调直。(Běn cì hángbān jiù yào qǐfēile, qǐng nín xì hǎo ānquán dài, shōu qǐ xiǎo zhuō bǎn, jiāng zuò yǐ diào zhí.)
David: That is, this flight is about to take off please.
Echo: 系好安全带(Xì hǎo ānquán dài)
David: Fasten your seatbelt.
Echo: 收起小桌板(Shōu qǐ xiǎo zhuō bǎn)
David: I guess that’s move your tray table to an upright position. The tray table is the
Echo: 小桌板。将座椅调直。(Xiǎo zhuō bǎn. Jiāng zuò yǐ diào zhí.)
David: That’s tricky.
Echo: 这有的时候我们刚上飞机觉得很舒服,就会吧那个座椅向后面调一下。然后但是在起飞的时候我们都会听到这样的通知,让我们把呢个座椅调回来。(Zhè yǒu de shíhòu wǒmen gāng shàng fēijī juédé hěn shūfú, jiù huì ba nàgè zuò yǐ xiàng hòumiàn tiáo yīxià. Ránhòu dànshì zài qǐfēi de shíhòu wǒmen dūhuì tīng dào zhèyàng de tōngzhī, ràng wǒmen bǎ ne gè zuò yǐ diào huílái.)
David: Yeah. So it’s a very formal word for seat.
Echo: 对,座椅。(Duì, zuò yǐ.)
David: Right. So please adjust your seats to an upright position. How painful. Let’s get that whole sentence again.
Echo: 本次航班就要起飞了,请您系好安全带,收起小桌板,将座椅调直。然后呢,我们的飞机可能过了一段时间就快到达目的地了,这个时候你会听到另外一条,最后一条通知:本次航班,将会于十分钟后到达首都机场,请旅客们关闭手机电源。(Běn cì hángbān jiù yào qǐfēile, qǐng nín xì hǎo ānquán dài, shōu qǐ xiǎo zhuō bǎn, jiāng zuò yǐ diào zhí. Ránhòu ne, wǒmen de fēijī kěnéngguòle yīduàn shíjiān jiù kuài dàodá mùdì dele, zhège shíhòu nǐ huì tīng dào lìngwài yītiáo, zuìhòu yītiáo tōngzhī: Běn cì hángbān, jiāng huì yú shí fēnzhōng hòu dàodá shǒudū jīchǎng, qǐng lǚkèmen guānbì shǒujī diànyuán.)
David: Okay and that’s, we are going to be landing at the Capital International airport in 10 minutes. So please turn off your phones.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: And if you’ve left from the Beijing international airport, you do not want to be hearing this. Your plane has flown in a circle. That being said
Echo: 又回来了。(Yòu huíláile.)
David: That being said, all of these sentences, they are a bit long and they are a bit tortured for the intermediate level but they are 100% real.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: This is the stuff you will hear at the airport and you will hear on the planes and that’s why we are giving it to you like this.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: If you are having trouble keeping up with this though, the best thing you can do is go to chineseclass101.com and get your hands on the transcripts. We’ve written these sentences all down, we’ve got pinyin versions of them as well as English translations.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Okay. So tons of new and useful vocab that we hope you will not use too often.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)


David: With that said, from Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì)Echo。
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: Bye bye.

