
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Hello and welcome back to chineseclass101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese. I am David.
Echo: 嗨!大家好(Hāi! Dàjiā hǎo),我是(Wǒ shì)Echo.
David: And we are here with lesson 10 in our first intermediate series today.
Echo: Uh-huh.
David: The Face of an Angel. We’ve got a dialogue here. This is between two strangers and they are admiring or not admiring in this case, maybe a baby in a park.
Echo: 对(Duì),在公园里。(Zài gōngyuán lǐ.)
David: Right. So although the speakers are strangers, they are speaking casual Mandarin as usual.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: So this is Chinese you can use right away. We are going to get you to the dialogue in a sec. Before we do though, we want to remind you, comment, comment, comment.
Echo: 我们都喜欢你们的留言。(Wǒmen dōu xǐhuān nǐmen de liúyán.)
David: Right. If you have any questions or if you have any suggestions, leave a note on the site.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Or send us an email to contact us at chineseclass101.com and we are going to get back to you.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: For now though, let’s go to the dialogue.
你家宝宝真可爱。(Nǐ jiā bǎobǎo zhēn kě'ài.)
对啊,所有人都说她长得很精致。(Duì a, suǒyǒu rén dōu shuō tā zhǎng dé hěn jīngzhì.)
可不是吗?除了眼睛小点儿...(Kě bùshì ma? Chúle yǎnjīng xiǎo diǎn er...)
眼睛是不算大...(Yǎnjīng shì bù suàn dà...)
鼻子塌点儿。(Bízi tā diǎn er.)
鼻子是不算挺...(Bízi shì bù suàn tǐng...)
嘴巴大点儿...(Zuǐbā dà diǎn er...)
还有皮肤黑点儿...(Hái yǒu pífū hēi diǎn er...)
宝宝我们走。(Bǎobǎo wǒmen zǒu.)
哎哎我还没说完呢!(Āi āi wǒ hái méi shuō wán ne!)
David: One more time, a little bit slower.
你家宝宝真可爱。(Nǐ jiā bǎobǎo zhēn kě'ài.)
对啊,所有人都说她长得很精致。(Duì a, suǒyǒu rén dōu shuō tā zhǎng dé hěn jīngzhì.)
可不是吗?除了眼睛小点儿...(Kě bùshì ma? Chúle yǎnjīng xiǎo diǎn er...)
眼睛是不算大...(Yǎnjīng shì bù suàn dà...)
鼻子塌点儿。(Bízi tā diǎn er.)
鼻子是不算挺...(Bízi shì bù suàn tǐng...)
嘴巴大点儿...(Zuǐbā dà diǎn er...)
还有皮肤黑点儿...(Hái yǒu pífū hēi diǎn er...)
宝宝我们走。(Bǎobǎo wǒmen zǒu.)
哎哎我还没说完呢!(Āi āi wǒ hái méi shuō wán ne!)
David: And now with the English translation.
你家宝宝真可爱。(Nǐ jiā bǎobǎo zhēn kě'ài.)
Your baby is really cute.
对啊,所有人都说她长得很精致。(Duì a, suǒyǒu rén dōu shuō tā zhǎng dé hěn jīngzhì.)
Yeah, everyone says she's pretty beautiful.
可不是吗?除了眼睛小点儿...(Kě bùshì ma? Chúle yǎnjīng xiǎo diǎn er...)
Isn't that the truth. Except that her eyes are a bit small...
眼睛是不算大...(Yǎnjīng shì bù suàn dà...)
They don't count as big.
鼻子塌点儿。(Bízi tā diǎn er.)
And her nose is a bit flat.
鼻子是不算挺...(Bízi shì bù suàn tǐng...)
Yes, it isn't really that prominent.
嘴巴大点儿...(Zuǐbā dà diǎn er...)
And her mouth is a bit large...
That's enough...
还有皮肤黑点儿...(Hái yǒu pífū hēi diǎn er...)
And her skin's a shade dark...
宝宝我们走。(Bǎobǎo wǒmen zǒu.)
Baby, let's go.
哎哎我还没说完呢!(Āi āi wǒ hái méi shuō wán ne!)
Hey, hey, I'm not done.
Echo: So the pressure starts young.
Echo: 没关系,现在可以做手术。(Méiguānxì, xiànzài kěyǐ zuò shǒushù.)
David: True. More and more people in China are all over cosmetic surgery. It’s a crazy stuff.
Echo: 也不能这么说。我觉得小的还可以的,而且我们中国有句话叫「爱美之心,人皆有之」。就是说,所有人都喜欢美丽,都想追求美丽。(Yě bùnéng zhème shuō. Wǒ juédé xiǎo de hái kěyǐ de, érqiě wǒmen zhōngguó yǒu jù huà jiào `ài měi zhī xīn, rén jiē yǒu zhī'. Jiùshì shuō, suǒyǒu rén dōu xǐhuān měilì, dōu xiǎng zhuīqiú měilì.)
David: Everyone likes beauty. I think that’s going a bit too far but we’ve actually got a vocab section where we are going to talk a lot about this. So let’s go straight to that.
Echo: 好的。(Hǎo de.)
David: And now, the vocab section.
Echo: 宝宝(Bǎobǎo)
David: Baby.
Echo: 宝宝,宝宝. 可爱(Bǎobǎo, bǎobǎo. Kě'ài)
David: Cute.
Echo: 可爱,可爱. 所有(Kě'ài, kě'ài. Suǒyǒu)
David: All.
Echo: 所有,所有. 可不是(Suǒyǒu, suǒyǒu. Kě bùshì)
David: That’s it.
Echo: 可不是,可不是. 一切(Kě bùshì, kě bùshì. Yīqiè)
David: Everything.
Echo: 一切,一切. 完美(Yīqiè, yīqiè. Wánměi)
David: Perfect.
Echo: 完美,完美. 塌鼻子(Wánměi, wánměi. Tā bízi)
David: Flat nose.
Echo: 塌鼻子,塌鼻子. 皮肤(Tā bízi, tā bízi. Pífū)
David: Skin.
Echo: 皮肤,皮肤.(Pífū, pífū.)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases in this lesson. The first word we want to talk about is the word for skin.
Echo: 皮肤(Pífū)
David: Now in English, you’ve got a lot of different kinds of skin. You’ve got dry skin
Echo: 我们可以说皮肤很干。(Wǒmen kěyǐ shuō pífū hěn gān.)
David: What about smooth and coarse or smooth and rough?
Echo: Smooth 我们说光滑.(Wǒmen shuō guānghuá.) So smooth skin 我们说 光滑的皮肤。或者你也可以说 很滑的皮肤,在口语里。(Wǒmen shuō guānghuá de pífū. Huòzhě nǐ yě kěyǐ shuō hěn huá de pífū, zài kǒuyǔ lǐ.)
David: So one more time, smooth skin.
Echo: 光滑的皮肤。(Guānghuá de pífū.)
David: You could also say, your skin is very smooth.
Echo: 你的皮肤很光滑。(Nǐ de pífū hěn guānghuá.)
David: What about rough?
Echo: 我们说 粗(Wǒmen shuō cū),或者是粗糙。譬如说(Huòzhě shì cūcāo. Pìrú shuō),粗糙的皮肤。或者说 我的皮肤很粗糙/我的皮肤很粗。口语里就说 粗。(Cūcāo de pífū. Huòzhě shuō wǒ de pífū hěn cūcāo/wǒ de pífū hěn cū. Kǒuyǔ lǐ jiù shuō cū.)
David: Okay. So we’ve got four more difficult adjectives in this lesson.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: The first again is dry
Echo: 干(gān)
David: Second is moist.
Echo: 湿(Shī)
David: And we can use this to describe the air as well as skin.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: We’ve also got a way of describing smooth skin.
Echo: 光滑(Guānghuá)
David: And a way of describing rough skin.
Echo: 粗糙(Cūcāo)
David: You have some sample sentences for us Echo.
Echo: 没错(Méi cuò),就是对我们女人来说(Jiùshì duì wǒmen nǚrén lái shuō),这个皮肤是非常重要的。所以呢,如果不注意保湿(Zhège pífū shì fēicháng zhòngyào de. Suǒyǐ ne, rúguǒ bù zhùyì bǎoshī),人的皮肤就会变得很干。(Rén de pífū jiù huì biàn dé hěn gàn.)
David: If you don’t take care of it, your skin will become very dry.
Echo: 没错。人人都羡慕她的好皮肤(Méi cuò. Rén rén dōu xiànmù tā de hǎo pífū),白嫩光滑。(Báinèn guānghuá.)
David: Everyone is envious of her skin. It’s white and maybe a bit moist but also very smooth.
Echo: 没错。白嫩光滑。(Méi cuò. Báinèn guānghuá.)
David: Hmm so that’s 孙燕姿的(Sūnyànzī de) phrase.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: You will hear that a lot. Last, can you give us sense for this rough skin?
Echo: 户外工作者的皮肤一般比较粗糙。(Hùwài gōngzuò zhě de pífū yībān bǐjiào cūcāo.)
David: The skin of people who work outside is often coarse and rough. Let’s hear that again.
Echo: 户外工作者的皮肤一般比较粗糙。(Hùwài gōngzuò zhě de pífū yībān bǐjiào cūcāo.)
David: Now the second feature we ran into in our dialogue is the nose.
Echo: 鼻子(Bízi)
David: And we heard how to say flat nose.
Echo: 塌鼻子(Tā bízi)
David: Right.
Echo: 塌鼻子(Tā bízi)
David: As in the sentence
Echo: 现在的整形手术很先进(Xiànzài de zhěngxíng shǒushù hěn xiānjìn),可以把塌鼻子变成高鼻梁。(Kěyǐ bǎ tā bízi biàn chéng gāo bíliáng.)
David: Umm cosmetic surgery these days is very advanced. It can take a flat nose and turn it into a..
Echo: 高鼻梁(Gāo bíliáng)
David: Right and that’s the second word we want to call your attention.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: That’s a prominent nose.
Echo: 对,高的鼻梁。(Duì, gāo de bíliáng.)
David: I guess in English, we call that a Roman nose or an aquiline nose.
Echo: 应该是,对。(Yīnggāi shì, duì.)
David: Okay. So we’ve got a flat nose
Echo: 塌鼻子(Tā bízi)
David: And we’ve got a prominent nose.
Echo: 高鼻梁。你也可以说 塌鼻梁 都可以(Gāo bíliáng. Nǐ yě kěyǐ shuō tā bíliáng dōu kěyǐ),因为鼻梁就是我们鼻子上面的部分(Yīnwèi bíliáng jiùshì wǒmen bízi shàngmiàn de bùfèn),这个上面的骨头。(Zhège shàngmiàn de gǔtou.)
David: Okay. The final word we want to talk about is actually not in the dialogue at all. It’s eyelids.
Echo: 眼皮(Yǎnpí)
David: Which is literally eye skin.
Echo: 对。眼皮。而且一般我们说眼皮只是说(Duì. Yǎnpí. Érqiě yībān wǒmen shuō yǎnpí zhǐshì shuō),就是在脸上面的这个皮肤。(Jiùshì zài liǎn shàngmiàn de zhège pífū.)
David: Right. It’s the skin – it’s the eyelids, the skin above the eye and you are going to hear this word a lot talking about cosmetic surgery.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: One of the very common surgeries is giving people double lift or double lidded eyelids.
Echo: 对,双眼皮手术。(Duì, shuāng yǎnpí shǒushù.)
David: Right. So most Asian people are born with
Echo: 单眼皮。(Dānyǎnpí.)
David: Right. Single lidded. Westerners have a fold there and that’s
Echo: 双眼皮。(Shuāng yǎnpí.)
David: Right. Echo, you’ve got some sample sentences for us.
Echo: 他遗传了父母的单眼皮(Tā yíchuánle fùmǔ de dānyǎnpí),变因此很苦恼。(Biàn yīncǐ hěn kǔnǎo.)
David: He was tormented at inheriting his parents’ single lidded eyelids. We have a grammar section that’s pretty difficult and very intermediate. So let’s get to that now.
Echo: 好!(Hǎo!)

Lesson focus

David: Our grammar section for today is focusing on the word
Echo: 所有(Suǒyǒu)
David: This means all.
Echo: 所有。(Suǒyǒu.)
David: Or everything.
Echo: 所有。(Suǒyǒu.)
David: Before we talk a bit about this, we want to break it down because that first character especially is kind of tricky. In traditional Chinese, this character meant a place.
Echo: 所(Suǒ)
David: And we still see this used sometimes in modern Chinese.
Echo: Yeah.
David: For instance, you can say police station
Echo: 派出所(Pàichūsuǒ)
David: Or washroom.
Echo: 厕所(Cèsuǒ)
David: Right. We know that the word
Echo: 有(Yǒu)
David: Means to have. So the traditional meaning is, it’s everything. It’s things that are in place.
Echo: Yeah.
David: In contemporary Chinese, we treat this more as a phrase. And what you are going to do is you are going to put this in front of a noun, to say all of this noun. For example,
Echo: 所有人(Suǒyǒu rén)
David: All of the people.
Echo: 所有东西(Suǒyǒu dōngxī)
David: Everything. We can also put it in front of nominalized verb noun compounds.
Echo: 比如说,所有能做的。(Bǐrú shuō, suǒyǒu néng zuò de.)
David: Everything that one can do.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Or everything that I can do. What’s tricky about this and confusing for a lot of people is this is very close to another compound.
Echo: 所有的(Suǒyǒu de)
David: Right. You will run into this very often with 的 tagged on the end. Echo, what’s the difference?
Echo: 一般情况下(Yībān qíngkuàng xià),「所有」和「所有的」可以都是形容词。(Suǒyǒu'hé `suǒyǒu de'kěyǐ dōu shì xíngróngcí.)
David: Right. In most situations, they are actually interchangeable.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: When you are treating them as an adjective sticking them in front of a noun, they are exactly the same.
Echo: Yeah.
David: So you can say
Echo: 所有人(Suǒyǒu rén)
David: Or you can say
Echo: 所有的人(Suǒyǒu de rén)
David: You can say
Echo: 所有东西(Suǒyǒu dōngxī)
David: Or
Echo: 所有的东西(Suǒyǒu de dōngxī)
David: Right. However the tricky thing about this is that sometimes
Echo: 所有(Suǒyǒu)
David: Also shows up as a noun.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: And in this situation, you can’t use
Echo: 所有的(Suǒyǒu de)
David: Right. Can you give us some sample sentences.
Echo: 好的。(Hǎo de.)
David: First, let’s hear this used as an adjective.
Echo: 我给了他所有的钱。(Wǒ gěile tā suǒyǒu de qián.)
David: I gave him all the money.
Echo: 所有人都无法相信(Suǒyǒu rén dōu wúfǎ xiāngxìn),那么美丽的妈妈居然生出了一个难看的孩子。(Nàme měilì de māmā jūrán shēngchūle yīgè nánkàn de háizi.)
David: Nobody could believe that such a beautiful woman gave birth to such an ugly child. Moving on, let’s have one more sentence where we are treating this as an adjective compound.
Echo: 我已经做了所有我能做的。(Wǒ yǐjīng zuòle suǒyǒu wǒ néng zuò de.)
David: I’ve already done everything that I can do. So in these sentences, we were treating it as an adjective. So we can use either
Echo: 所有(Suǒyǒu)
David: Or
Echo: 所有的(Suǒyǒu de)
David: Echo, let’s have some examples of this showing up as a noun.
Echo: 好。等他醒来的时候,他发现自己已经失去了所有。(Hǎo. Děng tā xǐng lái de shíhòu, tā fāxiàn zìjǐ yǐjīng shīqùle suǒyǒu.)
David: When he woke up, he discovered he’d already lost everything. Again because it’s a noun, we can only use
Echo: 所有(Suǒyǒu)
David: We cannot use
Echo: 所有的。所有(Suǒyǒu de. Suǒyǒu)
David: And
Echo: 所有的(Suǒyǒu de)
David: Are perfectly interchangeable.
Echo: Uh-huh.
David: However if you are using it as a noun, you can only use
Echo: 所有(Suǒyǒu)
David: And that’s our grammar point for today. As always, before you leave, we want to remind you this grammar point, all of our vocab items are in our PDF for this lesson.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: If you have any questions, if you are looking for an easy way to review, come to the website and get your hands on those PDFs.
Echo: Right.
David: It’s fast, it’s convenient and it’s very, very informative.
Echo: Uh-huh.


David: With that though, our time is up. From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是(Wǒ shì)Echo。
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: 我们网上见吧(Wǒmen wǎngshàng jiàn ba), Bye bye.
David: Bye.

