
Vocabulary (Review)

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David: Hi and welcome back to chineseclass101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Chinese. I am David and I am joined in the studio by
Echo: 嗨!大家好,我是Echo. (Hāi! Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: By Echo.
Echo: As always.
David: As always and we are here with intermediate series, season 1, Lesson 13. What’s My Password Honey! Have you had this problem Echo?
Echo: Not really.
David: In this lesson, we are going to learn how not to treat your wife. Our conversation here is between a happily married couple dealing with issues of identity theft.
Echo: Yeah.
David: The conversation takes place at home in front of the computer and since they are married, they are of course speaking casual Mandarin as always.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
David: Right. So we’ve got the dialogue. We are going to get you there in a sec. Before we do though, on the off chance, this is your first time listening to a chineseclass101.com podcast. Go to the website and sign up for a free lifetime account.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: It takes
Echo: 七秒钟 (Qī miǎo zhōng)
David: It takes 7 seconds and you are going to get a lot of free stuff. It’s totally worth it.
Echo: 没错。 (Méi cuò.)
David: With that though, let’s go to the dialogue.
老婆,我的电子邮箱被盗了!(lǎopo, wǒ de diànzǐ yóuxiāng bèi dào le!)
那你快改密码呀!(nà nǐ kuài gǎi mìmǎ ya!)
但是我忘了提示问题的答案了。(dànshì wǒ wàng le tíshì wèntí de dáàn le.)
你的提示问题是什么?(nǐ de tíshì wèntí shì shénme?)
我最爱的人是谁。(wǒ zuì ài de rén shì shéi.)
是我呀!(shì wǒ ya!)
对呀!但是我输入了很多遍你的名字,系统都说有误。(duì ya! dànshì wǒ shūrù le hěn duō biàn nǐ de míngzi, xìtǒng dōu shuō yǒuwù.)
David: One more time, a little bit slower.
老婆,我的电子邮箱被盗了!(lǎopo, wǒ de diànzǐ yóuxiāng bèi dào le!)
那你快改密码呀!(nà nǐ kuài gǎi mìmǎ ya!)
但是我忘了提示问题的答案了。(dànshì wǒ wàng le tíshì wèntí de dáàn le.)
你的提示问题是什么?(nǐ de tíshì wèntí shì shénme?)
我最爱的人是谁。(wǒ zuì ài de rén shì shéi.)
是我呀!(shì wǒ ya!)
对呀!但是我输入了很多遍你的名字,系统都说有误。(duì ya! dànshì wǒ shūrù le hěn duō biàn nǐ de míngzi, xìtǒng dōu shuō yǒuwù.)
David: And now with the English translation.
老婆,我的电子邮箱被盗了!(lǎopo, wǒ de diànzǐ yóuxiāng bèi dào le!)
Honey, my e-mail account has been hacked!
那你快改密码呀!(nà nǐ kuài gǎi mìmǎ ya!)
Then change the password quickly!
但是我忘了提示问题的答案了。(dànshì wǒ wàng le tíshì wèntí de dáàn le.)
But I forgot the answer to my security question.
你的提示问题是什么?(nǐ de tíshì wèntí shì shénme?)
What was your security question?
我最爱的人是谁。(wǒ zuì ài de rén shì shéi.)
Who is the person I love the most.
是我呀!(shì wǒ ya!)
It's me!
对呀!但是我输入了很多遍你的名字,系统都说有误。(duì ya! dànshì wǒ shūrù le hěn duō biàn nǐ de míngzi, xìtǒng dōu shuō yǒuwù.)
Yeah. But I've put in your name a bunch of times and the system says it's wrong.
Echo: 哎哟,这个男人马上就会有家庭问题了。(Āiyō, zhège nánrén mǎshàng jiù huì yǒu jiātíng wèntíle.)
David: Yes. So Echo, do you ever have these problems yourself?
Echo: 没有。(Méiyǒu.)
David: You have very difficult security questions.
Echo: No 我会说... (Wǒ huì shuō...)
David: Well, don’t tell people.
Echo: No.
David: I’ve got a tip though. If you were learning Chinese, you can put your security question in Chinese and people will have difficulty with it.
Echo: 这是个好主意。(Zhè shìgè hǎo zhǔyì.)
David: Yes unless they are Chinese but you’ve only got a 20% chance of that, right?
Echo: Umm 对,呢个,这样吧,从今天开始,大家都给我写信,或者在网站上留言,把你们的安全问题用中文告诉我。(Umm duì, ne gè, zhèyàng ba, cóng jīntiān kāishǐ, dàjiā dōu gěi wǒ xiě xìn, huòzhě zài wǎngzhàn shàng liúyán, bǎ nǐmen de ānquán wèntí yòng zhōngwén gàosù wǒ.)
David: Anyway, we’ve got a lot of vocab here which is about systems and passwords and errors. So let’s get to that right away.
Echo: 好的。(Hǎo de.)
David: And now the vocab section.
Echo: 电子邮箱 (Diànzǐ yóuxiāng)
David: Email box.
Echo: 电子邮箱,电子邮箱。被盗 (Diànzǐ yóuxiāng, diànzǐ yóuxiāng. Bèi dào)
David: To be broken into.
Echo: 被盗,被盗。改 (Bèi dào, bèi dào. Gǎi)
David: To change.
Echo: 改,改。提示 (Gǎi, gǎi. Tíshì)
David: To suggest.
Echo: 提示,提示。输入 (Tíshì, tíshì. Shūrù)
David: To enter.
Echo: 输入,输入。系统 (Shūrù, shūrù. Xìtǒng)
David: System.
Echo: 系统,系统。有误 (Xìtǒng, xìtǒng. Yǒu wù)
David: To have an error.
Echo: 有误,有误。 (Yǒu wù, yǒu wù.)
David: Okay. The first word we want to touch on here is the word for email box.
Echo: 电子邮箱 (Diànzǐ yóuxiāng)
David: Which is literally electronic letter box.
Echo: Yeah 电子邮箱 (Yeah diànzǐ yóuxiāng)
David: Right. Now we don’t always hear this. A lot of the time, people will leave off electronic and will just hear
Echo: 邮箱 (Yóuxiāng)
David: Right. Like give me your email address.
Echo: 给我你的邮箱地址。(Gěi wǒ nǐ de yóuxiāng dìzhǐ.)
David: Right. You’ll often hear that coupled with 地址
Echo: 邮箱地址。(Yóuxiāng dìzhǐ.)
David: Right which is email address.
Echo: Yeah 邮箱地址。(Yóuxiāng dìzhǐ.)
David: Now you won’t just hear
Echo: 电子邮箱 (Diànzǐ yóuxiāng)
David: You will also hear people say
Echo: 电子邮件 (Diànzǐ yóujiàn)
David: I think that used to be more popular but it’s losing out.
Echo: 对,电子邮件 更像是E-mail. 电子邮箱就是E-mail box. (Duì, diànzǐ yóujiàn gèng xiàng shì E-mail. Diànzǐ yóuxiāng jiùshì E-mail box.)
David: Yeah but these days, I hear everyone say 邮箱。(Yóuxiāng.)
Echo: 邮箱。或者是,直接说E-mail. (Yóuxiāng. Huòzhě shì, zhíjiē shuō E-mail.)
David: Yeah. You will hear people saying email. Now 10 years ago, there was another way of saying this.
Echo: 你又爆料了。(Nǐ yòu bàoliàole.)
David: Echo, what was that?
Echo: 是 (Shì)”E-mir”
David: ”E-mir”
Echo: 或者是 (Huòzhě shì) ”E-meir”
David: ”E-meir”
Echo: I think it’s ”E-meir”
David: It’s – no one really says that these days. It’s very, very true but occasionally you will run into it.
Echo: They are good to know.
David: Yeah. So if you want someone to think that you are from – you are Blast from the Past, try to give them your ”E-mir”. Anyway, the next word we want to touch on is actually this.
Echo: 提示 (Tíshì)
David: Which means to suggest.
Echo: 提示 (Tíshì)
David: As in the sentence
Echo: 系统提示,您的电子邮件地址有误。 (Xìtǒng tíshì, nín de diànzǐ yóujiàn dìzhǐ yǒu wù.)
David: The system says, your email address is wrong. Let’s hear that again.
Echo: 系统提示,您的电子邮件地址有误。(Xìtǒng tíshì, nín de diànzǐ yóujiàn dìzhǐ yǒu wù.)
David: Yeah. In the dialogue though, we hear it this way.
Echo: 我忘了提示问题的答案了。(我忘了提示问题的答案了。)
David: Right. So we can use this both as a verb or as in the case of the dialogue, it is this kind of adjectival noun modifier. There, it is a reminder question.
Echo: 提示问题 (Tíshì wèntí)
David: Which might also be a security question.
Echo: 安全问题 (Ānquán wèntí)
David: In this situation, they are both the same, right?
Echo: Yeah.
David: Yeah. So you’ve got the suggestion question.
Echo: 提示问题 (Tíshì wèntí)
David: Which is kind of suggesting it’s like a prompt.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Right. It’s going to flash up for you as opposed to a security question.
Echo: 对,安全问题。(Duì, ānquán wèntí.)
David: Right. Now that’s the word for suggest.
Echo: 提示 (Tíshì)
David: However if you are talking to a person, you are going to want to remind them of something and that’s a different word.
Echo: Yeah 我们说:提醒 (Yeah wǒmen shuō: Tíxǐng)
David: Right.
Echo: 提醒。请明天提醒我。(Tíxǐng. Qǐng míngtiān tíxǐng wǒ.)
David: Please remind me tomorrow. So there is a difference between the suggestion and the reminder here.
Echo: Yeah.
David: Okay now, since we have a lot of words that are about systems here, there are a couple of extra words that I wanted to bring up that you are going to hear a lot when you are dealing with computers. The first is
Echo: 确认 (Quèrèn)
David: Right which means to confirm.
Echo: 确认。确认请按井号键。(Quèrèn. Quèrèn qǐng àn jǐng hào jiàn.)
David: That’s going to throw a lot of people for a loop. Let’s listen to that one more time.
Echo: 确认请按井号键。 (Quèrèn qǐng àn jǐng hào jiàn.)
David: To confirm, please press the pound key.
Echo: 井号键。(Jǐng hào jiàn.)
David: Please press the pound key.
Echo: 井号键。(Jǐng hào jiàn.)
David: And that’s one that threw me for a loop when I just came here. What is that again, the pound key?
Echo: 井号键。(Jǐng hào jiàn.)
David: Right which is literally the word for well.
Echo: Yeah 井 (Jǐng)
David: And then 号 (Hào) as in sign or the number.
Echo: Yeah.
David: And then 键 (Jiàn) meaning the key. So the well signed key
Echo: 井号键。(Jǐng hào jiàn.)
David: Please confirm by pressing the pound sign.
Echo: 确认请按井号键。(Quèrèn qǐng àn jǐng hào jiàn.)
David: Okay. So a lot of systems related vocab. Before we go Echo, you’ve got a couple of sample sentences for us.
Echo: 请输入您的密码,以井号结束。(Qǐng shūrù nín de mìmǎ, yǐ jǐng hào jiéshù.)
David: Please enter your password and finish with a pound key.
Echo: 您输入的密码有误,请重新输入。(Nín shūrù de mìmǎ yǒu wù, qǐng chóngxīn shūrù.)
David: The password you entered has a problem. Please enter it again. The last word we want to focus on is
Echo: 有误(Yǒu wù)
David: Right. Now this is a bit formal. Right, in the dialogue, we heard it in this sentence.
Echo: 我输入了很多遍你的名字,系统都说有误。 (Wǒ shūrùle hěnduō biàn nǐ de míngzì, xìtǒng dōu shuō yǒu wù.)
David: Yeah but people don’t usually say that. Systems will say that.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: It is really formal. Normally, you are going to say
Echo: 有问题 (Yǒu wèntí)
David: Or maybe
Echo: 错了 (Cuòle)
David: Yeah. Or
Echo: 有错误 (Yǒu cuòwù)
David: Right. So this is a particularly formal usage. You don’t use this talking to people but you are going to hear it a lot. Well, hopefully you want to hear it a lot but if you are dealing with machines, you are probably going to run into it.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)

Lesson focus

David: With that though, we are done our vocab section. Let’s move on to grammar. It’s grammar time. So Echo, what’s our grammar point for this lesson?
Echo: 是我们的一个特别的句子:被 (Shì wǒmen de yīgè tèbié de jùzi: Bèi)
David: Right. It’s the passive voice sentence. Now Echo, when we first ran into this, what kind of sentences were we hearing?
Echo: 很简单的,比如说:他被老板炒了。(Hěn jiǎndān de, bǐrú shuō: Tā bèi lǎobǎn chǎole.)
David: Right or he was fired by the boss or
Echo: 我被她弄糊涂了。 (Wǒ bèi tā nòng hútúle.)
David: She made me all confused. Right, so when we taught this before, we had a very simple structure. We have our object at the front of the sentence and then 被 and then the subject and then what the subject does.
Echo: Yeah the verb and the result.
David: Right and we can actually translate this kind of awkwardly into English. Let’s have those two sentences again.
Echo: 他被老板炒了。(Tā bèi lǎobǎn chǎole.)
David: He by the boss was fired.
Echo: 我被她弄糊涂了。(Wǒ bèi tā nòng hútúle.)
David: I by her was known or was made confused. Right, so that’s a very simple sentence structure. In our dialogue here though, we get a more complex sentence.
Echo: 我的电子邮箱被盗了!(Wǒ de diànzǐ yóuxiāng bèi dàole!)
David: Right. This is more complex for two reasons. The first is that we are actually missing the subject.
Echo: 对。 (Duì.)
David: Right. Who stole it?
Echo: 不知道。(Bù zhīdào.)
David: We don’t know, it’s omitted.
Echo: 黑客 (Hēikè)
David: The hacker. So we can leave this out in Chinese. We can leave out the subject in Chinese but we still need to include
Echo: 被,比如说:他被炒了。(Bèi, bǐrú shuō: Tā bèi chǎole.)
David: Right. He was fired.
Echo: 或者:我被弄糊涂了。(Huòzhě: Wǒ bèi nòng hútúle.)
David: I was made all confused.
Echo: 我的电子邮箱密码被盗了!(Wǒ de diànzǐ yóuxiāng mìmǎ bèi dàole!)
David: My email password has been stolen.
Echo: 这个跟我们的对话有点像。(Zhège gēn wǒmen de duìhuà yǒudiǎn xiàng.)
David: Yes.
Echo: 这个系统给黑客破坏了。(Zhège xìtǒng gěi hēikè pòhuàile.)
David: The system was ruined by the hacker.
Echo: 这个系统里的错误数据都被改正了。(Zhège xìtǒng lǐ de cuòwù shùjù dōu bèi gǎizhèngle.)
David: All of the errors in the system have been corrected, right. So Echo, there are two points we want to make about 被 (Bèi) in this lesson. The first is what we just did.
Echo: 对,就是我们用“被”的时候也可以省略主语。(Duì, jiùshì wǒmen yòng “bèi” de shíhòu yě kěyǐ shěnglüè zhǔyǔ.)
David: Right. We can omit the subject. What’s the second?
Echo: 第二个就是如果在“被”的句子里省略了主语,或者说省略了这个发生动作的人,我们就不能把它换成“把”,一般来说不能把它换成“把”。(Dì èr gè jiùshì rúguǒ zài “bèi” de jùzi lǐ shěnglüèle zhǔyǔ, huòzhě shuō shěnglüèle zhège fāshēng dòngzuò de rén, wǒmen jiù bùnéng bǎ tā huàn chéng “bǎ”, yībān lái shuō bu néng bǎ tā huàn chéng “bǎ”.)
David: Right. If you drop out the subject, you can’t convert it to a 把 (Bǎ) sentence and that’s really the second point is that these 被 (Bèi) sentences are really, really close to the 把 sentences we’ve run into before.
Echo: 对,一般来说它们都是interchangeable,都可以互换。(Duì, yībān lái shuō tāmen dōu shì interchangeable, dōu kěyǐ hù huàn.)
David: Yeah. We thought about it really hard and we can’t find one that you can’t switch from one to the other. We’ve thought about it really hard and we can’t think of one you can’t switch from one to the other. If you can’t send us an email let us know. The main point is that both of these sentences are emphasizing the person who does the action and to whom the action is done or to what.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Yeah. Okay so two main points at the intermediate level. It’s the omission of the subject with 被 (Bèi) and the way it places an extra emphasis on who does the action.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)


David: With that, that just about does it for today. Before we go, we want to ask you. Are you looking for an easy way to remember this vocab.
Echo: Check out the vocabulary list provided with each lesson.
David: Right. If you click on any word, that word is going to go right into your personal word bank.
Echo: Yeah.
David: And from that word bank, you can test yourself on it using flashcards.
Echo: Yes.
David: Right which is a very effective way of remembering them.
Echo: So give it a try.
David: Right. It’s a really easy way to make this stuff stick. For now though, that’s our lesson. From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是Echo。(Wǒ shì Echo.)
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Echo: 网上见吧 Bye bye. (Wǎngshàng jiàn ba Bye bye.)
David: Bye bye.

