
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

David: Hi everyone, I am David.
Jane: 大家好(Dàjiā hǎo),我是(Wǒ shì)Jane。
David: And welcome to chineseclass101.com. With us, you will learn to speak Chinese with fun and effective lessons.
Jane: We also provide you with cultural insights
David: And tips that you are not going to find in the textbook. So Jane, we’ve got a lesson here that is intermediate series, season 1, Lesson 20.
Jane: Shopping Forever in China.
David: Right. This is a situation that you’ve been in.
Jane: I love this topic, shopping.
David: Yeah. You’ve been the cause of this actually. We’ve got that from you before the podcast. We’ve got a dialogue that takes place in the fitting room of a cloth store.
Jane: And it is between two girlfriends actually.
David: Yes. One of whom is taking a long time
Jane: And the other one is getting impatient.
David: Yes as I would myself. So that’s our dialogue. They are speaking casual Mandarin as always. We are going to take you there in a sec. Before we do though, we do want to remind you, if you have any questions, if you have any comments, come to chineseclass101.com and leave them on the site and Jane, you are going to get back to people, right?
Jane: Okay I promise.
David: Yes with that though, let’s get to the dialogue. So you have been the cause of this kind of pain and suffering Jane.
你把我拖到这儿,逛起来没完没了了。(Nǐ bǎ wǒ tuō dào zhèr, guàng qǐlai méiwánméiliǎo le.)
你觉得这件紫色的怎么样?(Nǐ juéde zhè jiàn zǐsè de zěnmeyàng?)
紫色的看起来太老气了,哎呀,你随便吧,随便吧(Zǐsè de kàn qǐlái tài lǎoqì le, āiya, nǐ suíbiàn ba, suíbiàn ba)
那粉红色的呢?(Nà fěnhóngsè de ne?)
我半个小时以前就说了,你爱买哪件买哪件(Wǒ bàn ge xiǎoshí yǐqián jiù shuōle, nǐ ài mǎi nǎ jiàn mǎi nǎ jiàn)
但是,我每件都喜欢。你给我参谋参谋。(Dànshì, wǒ měi jiàn dū xǐhuān. Nǐ gěi wǒ cānmóucānmóu.)
你要是问我的意见——我每件都不喜欢!(Nǐ yàoshi wèn wǒ de yìjiàn ----wǒ měi jiàn dū bù xǐhuān!)
David: One more time, a little bit slower.
你把我拖到这儿,逛起来没完没了了。(Nǐ bǎ wǒ tuō dào zhèr, guàng qǐlai méiwánméiliǎo le.)
你觉得这件紫色的怎么样?(Nǐ juéde zhè jiàn zǐsè de zěnmeyàng?)
紫色的看起来太老气了,哎呀,你随便吧,随便吧(Zǐsè de kàn qǐlái tài lǎoqì le, āiya, nǐ suíbiàn ba, suíbiàn ba)
那粉红色的呢?(Nà fěnhóngsè de ne?)
我半个小时以前就说了,你爱买哪件买哪件(Wǒ bàn ge xiǎoshí yǐqián jiù shuōle, nǐ ài mǎi nǎ jiàn mǎi nǎ jiàn)
但是,我每件都喜欢。你给我参谋参谋。(Dànshì, wǒ měi jiàn dū xǐhuān. Nǐ gěi wǒ cānmóucānmóu.)
你要是问我的意见——我每件都不喜欢!(Nǐ yàoshi wèn wǒ de yìjiàn ----wǒ měi jiàn dū bù xǐhuān!)
David: And now with the English translation.
你把我拖到这儿,逛起来没完没了了。(Nǐ bǎ wǒ tuō dào zhèr, guàng qǐlai méiwánméiliǎo le.)
You've dragged me here and haven't stopped shopping.
你觉得这件紫色的怎么样?(Nǐ juéde zhè jiàn zǐsè de zěnmeyàng?)
What do you think about this purple piece?
紫色的看起来太老气了,哎呀,你随便吧,随便吧。(Zǐsè de kàn qǐlái tài lǎoqìle, āiyā, nǐ suíbiàn ba, suíbiàn ba.)
The purple one looks too old fashioned. Or whatever. Buy whichever you want to buy.
那粉红色的呢?(Nà fěnhóng sè de ne?)
Then the pink one?
我半个小时以前就说了,你爱买哪件买哪件。(Wǒ bàn gè xiǎoshí yǐqián jiù shuōle, nǐ ài mǎi nǎ jiàn mǎi nǎ jiàn.)
I told you half an hour ago, if you like it buy it.
但是,我每件都喜欢。你给我参谋参谋。(Dànshì, wǒ měi jiàn dōu xǐhuān. Nǐ gěi wǒ cānmóu cānmóu.)
But I like all of them. Give me some advice.
你要是问我的意见——我每件都不喜欢!(Nǐ yàoshi wèn wǒ de yìjiàn——wǒ měi jiàn dōu bù xǐhuān!)
If you're asking for my opinion -- I don't like any of them.
Jane: Oh I can absolutely feel it.
David: Hours and hours.
Jane: That’s right.
David: Yeah you like shopping for clothes.
Jane: Not anymore. Maybe 10 years ago.
David: Okay. Anyway, we’ve got a lot of vocab here which is about what happens when you drag someone out to shopping.
Jane: That’s right.
David: So why don’t we get to the vocab right away and now the vocab section.
Jane: 拖(tuō)
David: To drag.
Jane: 拖,拖。没完没了(Tuō, tuō. Méi wán méiliǎo)
David: Never ending.
Jane: 没完没了,没完没了。紫色(Méi wán méiliǎo, méi wán méiliǎo. Zǐsè)
David: Purple.
Jane: 紫色,紫色。老气(Zǐsè, zǐsè. Lǎoqì)
David: Old fashioned.
Jane: 老气,老气。随便(Lǎoqì, lǎoqì. Suíbiàn)
David: Whatever.
Jane: 随便,随便。粉红色(Suíbiàn, suíbiàn. Fěnhóng sè)
David: Pink.
Jane: 粉红色,粉红色。意见(Fěnhóng sè, fěnhóng sè. Yìjiàn)
David: Opinion.
Jane: 意见,意见。参谋(Yìjiàn, yìjiàn. Cānmóu)
David: To give suggestions.
Jane: 参谋,参谋。(Cānmóu, cānmóu.)
David: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of these words and phrases. Our first word is
Jane: 拖(Tuō)
David: To drag.
Jane: 拖(Tuō)
David: Now this is pretty close to
Jane: 拉(Lā)
David: Which also means to pull someone along.
Jane: 是的,但是“拖”比“拉”显得更有力量。(Shì de, dànshì “tuō” bǐ “lā” xiǎndé gèng yǒu lìliàng.)
David: Yeah. So you are using more force and they are also maybe a bit reluctant to come.
Jane: 他拖着我的手,向前跑去。(Tā tuōzhe wǒ de shǒu, xiàng qián pǎo qù.)
David: She ran forward pulling on my hand.
Jane: 他拖着我的手,向前跑去。(Tā tuōzhe wǒ de shǒu, xiàng qián pǎo qù.)
David: And we could also say 拉着(Lāzhe) in that situation.
Jane: 对。(Duì.)
David: Our next word is
Jane: 没完没了(Méi wán méiliǎo)
David: Never ending.
Jane: 没完没了(Méi wán méiliǎo)
David: As in the sentence
Jane: 他一说起来 就没完没了的。(Tā yī shuō qǐlái jiù méi wán méiliǎo de.)
David: As soon as he started speaking, he never shut up.
Jane: 他一说起来 就没完没了的。(Tā yī shuō qǐlái jiù méi wán méiliǎo de.)
David: If he starts speaking, he will never stop.
Jane: David,你注意到了吗? “没完没了的”其实是个动词。(Nǐ zhùyì dàole ma? “Méi wán méiliǎo de” qíshí shìgè dòngcí.)
David: Right but in this sentence, we’ve got 的(De) after it.
Jane: 对。(Duì.)
David: So it’s functioning more like an adjective.
Jane: 它变成了形容词。(Tā biàn chéngle xíngróngcí.)
David: Yeah.
Jane: 他一说起来 就没玩没了的。(Tā yī shuō qǐlái jiù méi wán méiliǎo de.)
David: Our next word is used with fashion as in our dialogue, it’s
Jane: 老气(Lǎoqì)
David: Great word, old air.
Jane: 老气(Lǎoqì)
David: And really it means old fashioned.
Jane: 是的。(Shì de.)
David: We’ve got a sample sentence for you.
Jane: 那件中山装,他穿起来太老气了。(Nà jiàn zhōngshānzhuāng, tā chuān qǐlái tài lǎoqìle.)
David: Yeah and we’ve got the word for the Sun Yat-sen suit there.
Jane: 中山装。那件中山装,他穿起来太老气了。(Zhōngshānzhuāng. Nà jiàn zhōngshānzhuāng, tā chuān qǐlái tài lǎoqìle.)
David: Our next word is
Jane: 参谋(Cānmóu)
David: This was actually new to me and it means to give suggestions.
Jane: 参谋。(Cānmóu.)
David: In the dialogue, we heard it doubled up.
Jane: 参谋参谋。(Cānmóu cānmóu.)
David: And we’ve got a sample sentence here for you as well.
Jane: 请你给我参谋一下,这是什么意思。(Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ cānmóu yīxià, zhè shì shénme yìsi.)
David: Please give me a suggestion of what this is.
Jane: 请你给我参谋一下,这是什么意思。(Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ cānmóu yīxià, zhè shì shénme yìsi.)
David: So again a quick review. In this lesson, we are focusing on the verb
Jane: 拖(Tuō)
David: The verb phrase
Jane: 没完没了(Méiwán méiliǎo)
David: The adjective.
Jane: 老气(Lǎoqì)
David: And the verb
Jane: 参谋(Cānmóu)
David: We’ve got a great grammar point for you too. Let’s get to that right now.

Lesson focus

David: Our grammar point for today is about a really useful grammar pattern. In the dialogue, we saw it in this line.
Jane: 你爱买哪件买哪件。(Nǐ ài mǎi nǎ jiàn mǎi nǎ jiàn.)
David: Whatever you want to buy, buy it.
Jane: 你爱买哪件买哪件。(Nǐ ài mǎi nǎ jiàn mǎi nǎ jiàn.)
David: The pattern here is
Jane:爱(Ài) something and then something again.
David: Right and it has a special meaning. It means whatever you want to do, do it.
Jane: 是的。(Shì de.)
David: For instance
Jane: 你爱怎么样怎么样,我不管。(Nǐ ài zěnme yàng zěnme yàng, wǒ bùguǎn.)
David: Do whatever you want, I don’t care.
Jane: 你爱怎么样怎么样,我不管。(Nǐ ài zěnme yàng zěnme yàng, wǒ bùguǎn.)Another sample sentence 他爱干什么干什么,谁也管不了。(Tā ài gànshénme gànshénme, shéi yě guǎn bùliǎo.)
David: He does whatever he wants, no one can control him.
Jane: 他爱干什么干什么,谁也管不了。(Tā ài gànshénme gànshénme, shéi yě guǎn bùliǎo.)
David: So pay attention to the pattern here. We’ve got 爱(Ài) meaning to love. We then got usually a verb phrase of some kind.
Jane: 是的。(Shì de.)
David: Although sometimes we will see other things thrown in there and then we’ve got that repeated.
Jane: 重复这个动词。(Chóngfù zhège dòngcí.)
David: Yeah. To love doing something than do something. Often in between the repeated verb phrases, we will add
Jane: 就(Jiù)
David: Right. This adds extra emphasis as in
Jane: 他们爱说什么就说什么,咱们别理他们。(Tāmen ài shuō shénme jiù shuō shénme, zánmen bié lǐ tāmen.)
David: They can say whatever they want to say, we are not going to pay attention.
Jane: 他们爱说什么就说什么,咱们别理他们。(Tāmen ài shuō shénme jiù shuō shénme, zánmen bié lǐ tāmen.)
David: So again to review, a really common grammar pattern.
Jane: 爱(Ài) something and then something again.
David: Right and for extra emphasis,
Jane: 爱(Ài) something 就(Jiù) something.
David: And a final tip before we go. There is a piece of slang you are going to hear around Beijing a lot and that is
Jane: 爱谁谁(Ài shéishéi)
David: And that’s basically we are saying oh whatever.
Jane: 爱谁谁(Ài shéishéi)
David: It’s a bit dismissive but it’s really useful.


David: So that’s our lesson for today. Before we go, we want to remind you. If you haven’t had a chance, visit chineseclass101.com and be sure to check out those premium transcripts. They’ve got a copy of the dialogue, the vocabulary, the grammar point and a cultural insight with tips on China. It’s going to help you remember this material and really make it stick.
Jane: Or if you have any suggestions, please write to us. Okay that’s all for today.
David: From Beijing, I am David.
Jane: 我是(Wǒ shì)Jane。
David: Thanks a lot for listening and we will see you on the site.
Jane: 再见。(Zàijiàn.)
David: Bye bye.

