Dialogue - Chinese


Vocabulary (Review)

丈母娘 [丈母娘] zhàngmǔniáng mother in law
闺女 [閨女] guīnǚ daughter
裁人 [裁人] cái rén to layoff staff
公积金 [公積金] gōngjījīn company housing fund
首付 [首付] shǒufù down payment
利息 [利息] lìxi interest
垂头丧气 [垂頭喪氣] chuítóusàngqì downhearted
婚房 [婚房] hūn fáng apartment for newlyweds
积蓄 [積蓄] jīxù savings
新郎官儿 [新郎官兒] xīnláng guān er groom

Lesson Notes


Lesson Focus

The Focus of this Lesson is 又 ("again")
"My company is downsizing, and I am buried in debt."

At the intermediate levels, we say that the focus pushes away from simple grammar and goes a lot more towards emotions and emphasis. What we want to highlight in this lesson is this grammar pattern we've run into before in a slightly different context. In earlier lessons, we've already covered this adverb 又 yòu ("again"). We've taught it as meaning "again," and it's usually used in past tense. For example, 他又去上海了, Tā yòu qù shànghǎi le. ("He went to Shanghai again"). In this lesson, we see it being used in a different and more advanced way. We hear it in the dialogue, 单位最近要裁人,我这儿又欠了一屁股债 Dānwèi zuìjìn yào cáirén, wǒ zhèr yòu qiàn le yī pìgu zhài ("My company is downsizing, and I am buried in debt"). Don't read it literally. It's not that he's always in debt and he's climbed out and all of a sudden he's in debt again. What we are suggesting is there's something bad and that there is something making things worse.

For example,

  1. 我忙着炒菜正着急呢,煤气又没了。
    Wǒ mángzhe chǎocài zhèng zháojí ne, méiqì yòu méi le.
    "I'm cooking in a hurry, but on top of that, it was out of natural gas."
  2. 公司的打印机不好使,现在网又掉了。
    Gōngsī de dǎyìnjī bù hǎo shǐ, xiànzài wǎng yòu diào le.
    "The company's printer is hard to use, but on top of that, the network is off."
  3. 上下班高峰的时候本来就难打车,今天又下起雨来了,更没戏了。
    Shàngxiàbān gāofēng de shíhou běnlái jiù nán dǎchē, jīntiān yòu xià qǐ yǔ ​​lái le, gèng méixì le.
    "When going to or leaving work during rush hour, it's usually hard to get a cab at those times, and on top of this, it's raining and it's even less easy to get a cab. "

Therefore, our grammar point in this lesson is more of an emotional and subtle pattern than a grammar pattern. Hope you enjoy it!

Cultural Insights

The Housing Market in China

China's housing market may be among the most expensive in the world when compared to per capita income. The average cost of housing in Beijing for the year 2012 was 20,700 renminbi per square meter against an average family income of 56,061 renminbi. Generally speaking, no more than thirty percent of all new apartments can be larger than ninety square meters. Housing in China is not developed in quite the same way it is in the West. The buyer is essentially purchasing what we would call an "empty shell" or an unfinished apartment. In most cases, apartments are sold with internal walls and electrical outlets in place, but everything else, including doors, flooring, and bathroom fixtures. will need to be built-out by the owner after purchase.


Lesson Transcript

David: Welcome to chineseclass101.com. I am David.
Echo: Hi, 大家好,我是Echo. (Dàjiā hǎo, wǒ shì Echo.)
David: And we are here today with intermediate, season 2, Lesson 1. Is it Expensive to Buy an Apartment in China?
Echo: 怎么在中国买房?(Zěnme zài zhōngguó mǎifáng?)
David: Right which is actually really simple. You just need to spend a lot of money.
Echo: 今天我们有两个朋友,他们在谈论怎么在中国买房子的问题。(Jīntiān wǒmen yǒu liǎng gè péngyǒu, tāmen zài tánlùn zěnme zài zhōngguó mǎi fángzi de wèntí.)
David: Yes and this is the start of our seven lessons. Echo is depressed and writing dialogue series.
Echo: 可能比7课还多。(Kěnéng bǐ 7 kè hái duō.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 拒不完全统计是7课。(Jù bù wánquán tǒngjì shì 7 kè)
David: Okay anyway, so we are going to get to the dialogue now. This is casual Chinese as always. Let’s take a listen.
(A: Nǐ zhège xīnlángguānr zěnme chuítóusàngqì de?)
(B: Biétíle, dānwèi zuìjìn yào cáirén, wǒ zhèr yòu qiànle yī pìgu zhài.)
(A: Nǐ zěnme gāng jiéhūn jiù qiànzhài le?)
(B: Hái bùshì wèile mǎi hūnfáng, wǒ fùmǔ bǎ yībèizi de jīxù dōu náchūlái le gāng gòu shǒufù.)
(A: Nǐ dài le duōshǎo qián?)
(B: Liǎngbǎiwàn dài le sānshí nián. Xìnghǎo yòng gōngjījīn huán, lìxi hái bù suàn tài gāo. Kěshì wǒ yàoshi diū le gōngzuò......)
(A: Nǐ bǐ wǒ qiáng duō le, wǒ lián shǒufù dōu còubùgòu, wèilái de zhàngmǔniáng zěnme yě bù dāyìng bǎ guīnǚ jià gěi wǒ.)
David: Once more, a little bit slower.
(A: Nǐ zhège xīnlángguānr zěnme chuítóusàngqì de?)
(B: Biétíle, dānwèi zuìjìn yào cáirén, wǒ zhèr yòu qiànle yī pìgu zhài.)
(A: Nǐ zěnme gāng jiéhūn jiù qiànzhài le?)
(B: Hái bùshì wèile mǎi hūnfáng, wǒ fùmǔ bǎ yībèizi de jīxù dōu náchūlái le gāng gòu shǒufù.)
(A: Nǐ dài le duōshǎo qián?)
(B: Liǎngbǎiwàn dài le sānshí nián. Xìnghǎo yòng gōngjījīn huán, lìxi hái bù suàn tài gāo. Kěshì wǒ yàoshi diū le gōngzuò......)
(A: Nǐ bǐ wǒ qiáng duō le, wǒ lián shǒufù dōu còubùgòu, wèilái de zhàngmǔniáng zěnme yě bù dāyìng bǎ guīnǚ jià gěi wǒ.)
David: And now, with English translation.
(A: Nǐ zhège xīnlángguānr zěnme chuítóusàngqì de?)
A: Why are you so depressed for someone who is newly married?
(B: Biétíle, dānwèi zuìjìn yào cáirén, wǒ zhèr yòu qiànle yī pìgu zhài.)
B: Don't mention it. My company is downsizing, and I'm buried in debt.
(A: Nǐ zěnme gāng jiéhūn jiù qiànzhài le?)
A: How could you be in debt right after getting married?
(B: Hái bùshì wèile mǎi hūnfáng, wǒ fùmǔ bǎ yībèizi de jīxù dōu náchūlái le gāng gòu shǒufù.)
B: Well, you have to buy a new apartment. My parents spent all their savings on the down payment.
(A: Nǐ dài le duōshǎo qián?)
A: How much money did you borrow from the bank?
(B: Liǎngbǎiwàn dài le sānshí nián. Xìnghǎo yòng gōngjījīn huán, lìxi hái bù suàn tài gāo. Kěshì wǒ yàoshi diū le gōngzuò......)
B: Two million for thirty years. Fortunately I can pay it back using my company's housing fund, so the interest isn't too high, but if I lose my job....
(A: Nǐ bǐ wǒ qiáng duō le, wǒ lián shǒufù dōu còubùgòu, wèilái de zhàngmǔniáng zěnme yě bù dāyìng bǎ guīnǚ jià gěi wǒ.)
A: You are in a much better situation than I am. I can't even save up enough for the down payment. My future mother-in-law doesn't want to marry her daughter to me at all.
David: Fortunately it is not the mother-in-law’s choice. China is slowly realizing this.
Echo: 这倒是。(Zhè dǎoshì.)
David: Yeah. That said, this is an insane situation in Beijing and Shanghai, right?
Echo: 对,而且这是一非常真实的情况。(Duì, érqiě zhè shì yī fēicháng zhēnshí de qíngkuàng.)
David: Yeah and down payments are 33%.
Echo: 嗯,没错。(Ń, méi cuò.)
David: Right.
Echo: 就是全款的30%以上,差不多。(Jiùshì quán kuǎn de 30%yǐshàng, chàbùduō)
David: So this is why Echo is so depressed. You can send her email.
Echo: 因为我买不起房子。(Yīnwèi wǒ mǎi bù qǐ fángzi.)
David: Tell her you don’t have an apartment either and make her feel better.
Echo: 你可以说“好,我给你买一个”。(Nǐ kěyǐ shuō “hǎo, wǒ gěi nǐ mǎi yīgè”.)
David: Yeah. Do we have the word wishful thinking in this lesson? We do actually, we have a lot of relatively advanced words that are related to buying houses and getting married.
Echo: 没错,如果你想在北京买房,在中国买房很可能会用到这些词。(Méi cuò, rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng zài běijīng mǎifáng, zài zhōngguó mǎifáng hěn kěnéng huì yòng dào zhèxiē cí.)
David: Yes. Impress the mother-in-law with them anyway.
Echo: 新郎官儿 (xīnláng guān er)
David: Groom.
Echo: 垂头丧气 (chuítóusàngqì)
David: Downhearted.
Echo: 裁人 (cái rén)
David: To lay off staff.
Echo: 婚房 (hūn fáng)
David: Apartment for newlyweds.
Echo: 积蓄 (jīxù)
David: Savings.
Echo: 首付 (shǒufù)
David: Down payment.
Echo: 公积金 (gōngjījīn)
David: Company housing fund.
Echo: 利息 (lìxi)
David: Interest.
Echo: 丈母娘 (zhàngmǔniáng)
David: Mother-in-law.
Echo: 闺女 (guīnǚ)
David: Daughter.
Echo: 闺女 (guīnǚ)
David: Let’s take a closer look at some of these words and phrases. Echo, what’s our first?
Echo: Okay. 第一个我想说的是裁人。(Dì yī gè wǒ xiǎng shuō de shì cái rén.)
David: To downsize.
Echo: 我们都知道“解雇” (Wǒmen dōu zhīdào “jiěgù”)
David: Yeah to layoff.
Echo: 对,就是比如说“公司把他解雇了”。(Duì, jiùshì bǐrú shuō “gōngsī bǎ tā jiěgùle”.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 但是这个“裁人”和“解雇”有点区别。解雇是解雇某一个人,裁人是整体的公司要把这个规模变小。(Dànshì zhège “cái rén” hé “jiěgù” yǒudiǎn qūbié. Jiěgù shì jiěgù mǒu yīgè rén, cái rén shì zhěngtǐ de gōngsī yào bǎ zhège guīmó biàn xiǎo.)
David: Yes. So 解雇 (Jiěgù) is getting rid of a couple of bad apples. The 裁人 (Cái rén) is getting rid of the department and that’s pretty literal. I think some of the more difficult terms here are things like the apartment for newlyweds.
Echo: 婚房 (Hūn fáng)
David: Apartment for newlyweds.
Echo: 婚房,婚姻的“婚”,房子的“房”。为了结婚买的房子。婚房。(Hūn fáng, hūnyīn de “hūn”, fángzi de “fáng”. Wèi liǎo jiéhūn mǎi de fángzi. Hūn fáng.)
David: Yeah which is a real Chinese concept. If you are getting married, you need to have an apartment.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: And this is – it’s a real Chinese phenomenon. People who get married, you need to have an apartment.
Echo: 对,现在特别严重,(Duì, xiànzài tèbié yánzhòng,)
David: Yeah and it’s crazy because you need to pay down payment of 33% Legal Earth.
Echo: 对,而且现在基本上如果你想在北,上,广,我们说北京,上海,广州买一个就是一般的房子也差不多也要有300万人民币。(Duì, érqiě xiànzài jīběn shàng rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng zài běi, shàng, guǎng, wǒmen shuō běijīng, shànghǎi, guǎngzhōu mǎi yīgè jiùshì yībān de fángzi yě chàbùduō yě yào yǒu 300 wàn rénmínbì.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 也就是50万美金。(Yě jiùshì 50 wàn měijīn.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 对,然后你想三分之一。(Duì, ránhòu nǐ xiǎng sān fēn zhī yī.)
David: Yeah you are spending – you know, you are putting down 180k.
Echo: 对,所以一个20多岁,30多岁的年轻人自己根本就买不起。一般都是他的父母把.... (Duì, suǒyǐ yīgè 20 duō suì,30 duō suì de niánqīng rén zìjǐ gēnběn jiù mǎi bù qǐ. Yībān dōu shì tā de fùmǔ bǎ....)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 把这个房子.... (Bǎ zhège fángzi....)
David: Yes so you get everyone in your family to chip in, that’s the way people do it.
Echo: 这也是我们的下一个词,就是要把这些钱放到首付里。(Zhè yěshì wǒmen de xià yīgè cí, jiùshì yào bǎ zhèxiē qián fàng dào shǒufù lǐ.)
David: Yes. The down payment.
Echo: 首付 (Shǒufù)
David: Is literally first payment.
Echo: 对。(Duì.)
David: Right.
Echo: 首付 (Shǒufù)
David: Your first payment is 200k.
Echo: 嗯,对,你的首付是20万。(Ń, duì, nǐ de shǒufù shì 20 wàn.)
David: Yes. And that’s US. The next word is also another Chinese concept.
Echo: 公积金 (Gōngjījīn)
David: Company housing fund.
Echo: 公积金,我们也叫“住房公积金” (Gōngjījīn, wǒmen yě jiào “zhùfáng gōngjījīn”)
David: Yeah so this is a – it’s a standard benefit in bigger cities.
Echo: 好像现在全国都有,但一般是好的公司才会有。(Hǎoxiàng xiànzài quánguó dū yǒu, dàn yībān shì hǎo de gōngsī cái huì yǒu.)
David: So what is the company housing fund?
Echo: 这个就是说在你每个月的工资里,看你每个月工资有多少,然后13%你要拿出来,就是你自己工资里面的13%你自己拿出来,然后你的公司再拿出来同样多的钱把它们都存在国家政府的一个账号里面。(Zhège jiùshì shuō zài nǐ měi gè yuè de gōngzī lǐ, kàn nǐ měi gè yuè gōngzī yǒu duōshǎo, ránhòu 13%nǐ yào ná chūlái, jiùshì nǐ zìjǐ gōngzī lǐmiàn de 13%nǐ zìjǐ ná chūlái, ránhòu nǐ de gōngsī zài ná chūlái tóngyàng duō de qián bǎ tāmen dōu cúnzài guójiā zhèngfǔ de yīgè zhànghào lǐmiàn.)
David: So it is a matching funds program. Out of your salary, and you take 13%, the company pays an extra 13% and the government uses it to promote the purchasing of housing.
Echo: 对,没错。(Duì, méi cuò.)
David: So again that’s
Echo: 住房公积金,或者是“公积金”。(Zhùfáng gōngjījīn, huòzhě shì “gōngjījīn”.)
David: It’s one reason China has got a big bubble because you are encouraging people to buy. You can also use this money to rent though.
Echo: 也可以,也可以,但是这种情况更麻烦一点,你需要开证明。(Yě kěyǐ, yě kěyǐ, dànshì zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng gèng máfan yīdiǎn, nǐ xūyào kāi zhèngmíng.)
David: Yeah. Next word is the last word, word for daughter.
Echo: 闺女,我们学过“女儿”对吧。(Guīnǚ, wǒmen xuéguò “nǚ'ér” duì ba.)
David: Yes.
Echo: 就是“闺女”是一个更口语的,更北方的。(Jiùshì “guīnǚ” shì yīgè gèng kǒuyǔ de, gèng běifāng de)
David: It’s also a lot more literary. You will run into it in worksite of Red chamber, classical Chinese.
Echo: Good. 对,“闺”是“闺阁”,“闺房”,就是以前那种女孩。(Duì,“guī” shì “guīgé”,“guīfáng”, jiùshì yǐqián nà zhǒng nǚhái.)
David: Yeah. There are fancy rooms where daughters would stay at.
Echo: 就是没有出嫁的女孩住的地方。(Jiùshì méiyǒu chūjià de nǚhái zhù dì dìfāng.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 叫“闺房”,“闺阁”。所以“闺女”就是表示没有出嫁的女儿。(Jiào “guīfáng”,“guīgé”. Suǒyǐ “guīnǚ” jiùshì biǎoshì méiyǒu chūjià de nǚ'ér.)
David: Yes. Also delicates and lovely, it’s a good word to use to describe someone, yeah.
Echo: 对,很有学问的这个是。(Duì, hěn yǒu xuéwèn de zhège shì.)
David: Okay so once again, key vocab in this lesson.
Echo: 裁人,婚房,首付,公积金,闺女。(Cái rén, hūn fáng, shǒufù, gōngjījīn, guīnǚ.)

Lesson focus

David: And with that, let’s get to our grammar point. It’s grammar time. At the intermediate levels, we said that the focus pushes away from simple grammar which we know and it goes a lot more towards kind of emotions and emphasis.
Echo: 没错,一般是感情色彩或者语言色彩这样的。 (Méi cuò, yībān shì gǎnqíng sècǎi huòzhě yǔyán sècǎi zhèyàng de.)
David: Yeah. So what we wanted to highlight in this lesson is this grammar pattern we’ve run into before in slightly different context. Echo, what is this?
Echo: 又 (Yòu)
David: In earlier lessons, we’ve already covered this adverb.
Echo: 又 (Yòu)
David: We taught it as meaning again.
Echo: 而且一般是在过去式里。(Érqiě yībān shì zài guòqù shì lǐ.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 比如说“他又去上海了”。(Érqiě yībān shì zài guòqù shì lǐ.)
David: He went to Shanghai again.
Echo: 或者是“我们又迟到了”。(Huòzhě shì “wǒmen yòu chídàole”.)
David: Yeah we were late again. In this lesson, we see it being used in a different and more advanced way.
Echo: 没错。单位最紧要裁人,我这又欠了一屁股债。(Méi cuò. Dānwèi zuì jǐnyào cái rén, wǒ zhè yòu qiànle yī pìgu zhài.)
David: The Company is laying people off recently and I am in debt.
Echo: 单位最紧要裁人,我这又欠了一屁股债。我们这不是说这个人经常欠债。(Méi cuò. Dānwèi zuì jǐnyào cái rén, wǒ zhè yòu qiànle yī pìgu zhài.)
David: Yeah it’s..
Echo: 对吧,他不是一个什么赌鬼之类的。(Duì ba, tā bùshì yīgè shénme dǔ guǐ zhī lèi de.)
David: Right. Don’t read it literally. It’s not that he is always in debt and he’s climbed out and then all of a sudden, he is in debt again. What we are suggesting is there is something bad and then making things even worse.
Echo: 对,就是你无法想象居然还能比现在的情况更糟糕。(Duì, jiùshì nǐ wúfǎ xiǎngxiàng jūrán hái néng bǐ xiànzài de qíngkuàng gèng zāogāo.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 然后你就是用“又”来强调这种更糟糕的情况。(Ránhòu nǐ jiùshì yòng “yòu” lái qiángdiào zhè zhǒng gèng zāogāo de qíngkuàng.)
David: Yeah. Not only is the company laying people off, but I also have to deal with this debt problem.
Echo: 没错,我们给大家一些例子,比如说“我忙着炒菜正着急呢,煤气又没了。” (Méi cuò, wǒmen gěi dàjiā yì xiē lìzi, bǐrú shuō “wǒ mángzhe chǎocài zhèng zháo jí ne, méiqì yòu méiliǎo.”)
David: Right. So we are not saying that we are out of natural gas again and this happens a lot. The meaning here is, I am really busy, it’s an emergency. I am cooking really quickly and what would you know, but on top of this.
Echo: 对,煤气又没了。(Duì, méiqì yòu méiliǎo.)
David: Right. Another example that kind of points out the subtlety here.
Echo: 公司的打印机不好使,现在网又掉了。(Gōngsī de dǎyìnjī bù hǎo shǐ, xiànzài wǎng yòu diàole.)
David: Literally the company’s printer isn’t easy to use and the network is down again.
Echo: 公司的打印机不好使,现在网又掉了。(Gōngsī de dǎyìnjī bù hǎo shǐ, xiànzài wǎng yòu diàole.)
David: Right but we are not really saying again.
Echo: 这个,我们不知道他的网是不是经常掉, 在这个地方是他说的是我本来想用打印机,打印机不能用,结果呢,网也没有,也不能用。(Zhège, wǒmen bù zhīdào tā de wǎng shì bùshì jīngcháng diào, zài zhège dìfāng shì tā shuō de shì wǒ běnlái xiǎng yòng dǎyìnjī, dǎyìnjī bùnéng yòng, jiéguǒ ne, wǎng yě méiyǒu, yě bùnéng yòng.)
David: Like not only is the printer hard to use but on top of this, the network is down.
Echo: 对,所以这个人就更加的郁闷。(Duì, suǒyǐ zhège rén jiù gèngjiā de yùmèn.)
David: Yeah. In our office, that would mean again but in your office, you know, the network goes down and you could still say this.
Echo: 对,如果你想说again,你就不用说前面的“公司的打印机不好使”,直接可以说“网又掉了”。你说怎么办,一天已经掉了8次了。(Duì, rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng shuō again, nǐ jiù bùyòng shuō qiánmiàn de “gōngsī de dǎyìnjī bù hǎo shǐ”, zhíjiē kěyǐ shuō “wǎng yòu diàole”. Nǐ shuō zěnme bàn, yītiān yǐjīng diàole 8 cìle.)
David: Yeah but again I mean this is, it’s emotional. This is less of a grammar pattern and more of an emotional pattern that you are going to hear.
Echo: 最后一个例子给大家听一下,这个有点长。“上下班高峰的时候本来就难打车,今天又下起雨来了,更没戏了。”(Zuìhòu yīgè lìzi gěi dàjiā tīng yīxià, zhège yǒudiǎn zhǎng.“Shàng xiàbān gāofēng de shíhòu běnlái jiù nán dǎchē, jīntiān yòu xià qǐ yǔ láile, gèng méixìle.”)
David: Let’s break this up into bits. The first section is
Echo: 上下班高峰的时候本来就难打车 (Shàng xiàbān gāofēng de shíhòu běnlái jiù nán dǎchē)
David: Right. When going to or leaving work in rush hour, originally it’s hard to get a cab at those times.
Echo: 没错, 今天又下起雨来了 (Méi cuò, jīntiān yòu xià qǐ yǔ láile)
David: Yes. 又 (Yòu) does not mean it’s raining again today or that it’s rained in the past. It’s meaning it’s on top of this.
Echo: 在这个情况下,结果还下雨了,现在完全没有可能打到车了。(Zài zhège qíngkuàng xià, jiéguǒ hái xià yǔle, xiànzài wánquán méiyǒu kěnéng dǎ dào chēle.)
David: Right. Not only is it rush hour, but it’s rush hour and it’s raining. Cab drivers are fleeing in the roads.
Echo: 没错。(Méi cuò.)
David: Yeah. So it’s a grammar pattern. It’s a bit subtle, this usage. It’s more emotional.
Echo: 对,一般比较好辨认,就是你可以看到有前面的一个小的情况,已经告诉你,已经设置了一个情况。(Duì, yībān bǐjiào hǎo biànrèn, jiùshì nǐ kěyǐ kàn dào yǒu qiánmiàn de yīgè xiǎo de qíngkuàng, yǐjīng gàosù nǐ, yǐjīng shèzhìle yīgè qíngkuàng.)
David: Yeah.
Echo: 现在情况已经很不好,然后后面什么什么“又”怎么样怎么样了。(Xiànzài qíngkuàng yǐjīng hěn bù hǎo, ránhòu hòumiàn shénme shénme “yòu” zěnme yàng zěnme yàngle.)
David: Yeah and people really do put that emphasis on it.
Echo: 对,对,这个是经常用的。(Duì, duì, zhège shì jīngcháng yòng de.)


David: Yeah. Okay so that’s our lesson for today. We hope you enjoyed it. We have more depressing lessons but Echo is addictive towards that.
Echo: 大家拭目以待吧。(Dàjiā shìmùyǐdài ba.)
David: Before we leave, as always, we should remind you though, if you haven’t gotten your hands on our PDFs, do check them out.
Echo: 没错,我们的PDF上有:我们的生词,有我们的例句。(Méi cuò, wǒmen de PDF shàng yǒu: Wǒmen de shēngcí, yǒu wǒmen de lìjù.)
David: And the grammar point written down.
Echo: 嗯, 所以你对今天的课还有一些不清楚的,别忘了用我们的PDF。(Ń, suǒyǐ nǐ duì jīntiān de kè hái yǒu yīxiē bù qīngchǔ de, bié wàngle yòng wǒmen de PDF.)
David: Or write us an email, contact us at chineseclass101.com. From Beijing, I am David.
Echo: 我是Echo,我们下次课再见吧。(Wǒ shì Echo, wǒmen xià cì kè zàijiàn ba.)
David: Bye bye.