
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Intermediate season 2, Lesson 12. Who Hit Whom in China?
Chloe:大家好。(Dàjiā hǎo.)I’m Chloe!
Becky:Hi everyone, I’m Becky. Welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Intermediate Season 2, Lesson 12- Who Hit Whom in China?
Chloe:In this lesson, you’ll learn how to say “not.[blank]..at all” with the adverb 也.
Becky:The conversation takes place in the street.
Chloe:是的,两辆车在街上发生了一点儿事故。我们将要听到的就是这两辆车的司机的对话。(Shì de, liǎng liàng chē zài jiē shàng fāshēngle yīdiǎn er shìgù. Wǒmen jiāngyào tīng dào de jiùshì zhè liǎng liàng chē de sījī de duìhuà.)
[It’s between two drivers who have just run into a small accident.]
Becky: The speakers are quarrelling, so they will be using informal Chinese.
Chloe: Right.
Becky: Let’s listen to the conversation.
(A: Nǐ yǎn xiāle? Méi kànjiàn wǒ zhè'er zhíxíng ma?)
(B: Míngmíng shì nǐ túrán cuàn chūlái zhuàngle wǒ, nǐ hái yǒulǐle!)
(A: Bù jiùshì guā cèng ma? Zán liǎ sīliǎole ba.)
(B: Méimén er, jiāojǐng lái zhīqián nǐ bié xiǎng zǒu, nǐ zhè shì quán zé.)
(A: Nǐ zhè rén jiàojìn shì bùshì a? Zhè'er yǒu shèxiàngtóu, shuí de zérèn yě pǎo bùliǎo.)
(B: Wǒ jīntiān jiù gēn nǐ hào shàngle, kāi àodí yǒu shé me liǎobùqǐ de!)
(A: Nǐ zhè rén jiǎnzhí shì hújiǎománchán.)
Becky: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
(A: Nǐ yǎn xiāle? Méi kànjiàn wǒ zhè'er zhíxíng ma?)
(B: Míngmíng shì nǐ túrán cuàn chūlái zhuàngle wǒ, nǐ hái yǒulǐle!)
(A: Bù jiùshì guā cèng ma? Zán liǎ sīliǎole ba.)
(B: Méimén er, jiāojǐng lái zhīqián nǐ bié xiǎng zǒu, nǐ zhè shì quán zé.)
(A: Nǐ zhè rén jiàojìn shì bùshì a? Zhè'er yǒu shèxiàngtóu, shuí de zérèn yě pǎo bùliǎo.)
(B: Wǒ jīntiān jiù gēn nǐ hào shàngle, kāi àodí yǒu shé me liǎobùqǐ de!)
(A: Nǐ zhè rén jiǎnzhí shì hújiǎománchán.)
Becky: Now. Let’s hear with English translation.
(A: Nǐ yǎn xiāle? Méi kànjiàn wǒ zhè'er zhíxíng ma?)
A: Are you blind? Didn't you see me going straight?
(B: Míngmíng shì nǐ túrán cuàn chūlái zhuàngle wǒ, nǐ hái yǒulǐle!)
B: Obviously you sprang out suddenly and hit me, you're talking nonsense!
(A: Bù jiùshì guā cèng ma? Zán liǎ sīliǎole ba.)
A: No, that was a sideswipe. Let's settle it privately.
(B: Méimén er, jiāojǐng lái zhīqián nǐ bié xiǎng zǒu, nǐ zhè shì quán zé.)
B: No way, don't go anywhere before the traffic police arrive, it is your full responsibility.
(A: Nǐ zhè rén jiàojìn shì bùshì a? Zhè'er yǒu shèxiàngtóu, shuí de zérèn yě pǎo bùliǎo.)
A: You're bluffing. There is a camera, you have to take responsibility too.
(B: Wǒ jīntiān jiù gēn nǐ hào shàngle, kāi àodí yǒu shé me liǎobùqǐ de!)
B: I'm not going anywhere! You think you're better because you drive an Audi?
(A: Nǐ zhè rén jiǎnzhí shì hújiǎománchán.)
A: You're such an importunate person.
Becky: That driver was being pretty aggressive towards the Audi driver.
Chloe:嗯,他确实挺凶的。其实这种场面在中国还挺常见的。(Ń, tā quèshí tǐng xiōng de. Qíshí zhè zhǒng chǎngmiàn zài zhōngguó hái tǐng chángjiàn de.)
[Yes indeed. Actually, this is a really common scenario in China.]
Becky:Oh really? Why’s that?
Chloe:这其实是一个社会现象。我们知道现在中国的经济发展得非常迅速,这对中国来说是一件好事。但是任何事物都有两面性。这种经济上的快速发展也导致了更大的贫富差距。开名车的人一般来说都是有钱或有权的人,所以有些人会比较仇视这类人。这种现象我们叫做“仇富”。(Zhè qíshí shì yīgè shèhuì xiànxiàng. Wǒmen zhīdào xiànzài zhōngguó de jīngjì fāzhǎn dé fēicháng xùnsù, zhè duì zhōngguó lái shuō shì yī jiàn hǎoshì. Dànshì rènhé shìwù dōu yǒu liǎngmiànxìng. Zhè zhǒng jīngjì shàng de kuàisù fāzhǎn yě dǎozhìle gèng dà de pín fù chājù. Kāi míngchē de rén yībān lái shuō dōu shì yǒu qián huò yǒu quán de rén, suǒyǐ yǒuxiē rén huì bǐjiào chóushì zhè lèi rén. Zhè zhǒng xiànxiàng wǒmen jiàozuò “chóu fù”.)
[Well, it’s kind of a social issue. The Chinese economy is developing very fast, but this development has resulted in a widening gap between the poor and the rich. And fancy cars often indicate their owners are from the rich and privileged class. So some people are kind of hostile to those people.]
Becky So this is kind of “resentment of the rich”. That’s why the other one said “You think you’re better because you drive an Audi?”
Chloe:没错。(Méi cuò.)
Becky: Okay. Now let’s move on to the vocab.
Becky: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is
Chloe: 刮蹭 (guā cèng)
Becky: To scratch.
Chloe: 刮蹭 (guā cèng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 瞎(xiā)
Becky: Blind.
Chloe: 瞎(xiā)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 直行 (zhíxíng)
Becky: Go straight.
Chloe: 直行 (zhíxíng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 全责 (quán zé)
Becky: Full responsibility.
Chloe: 全责 (quán zé)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 有理 (yǒulǐ)
Becky: Reasonable.
Chloe: 有理 (yǒulǐ)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 交警 (jiāojǐng)
Becky: Traffic police.
Chloe: 交警 (jiāojǐng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 私了 (sīliǎo)
Becky: Private settlement, to settle privately.
Chloe: 私了 (sīliǎo)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 窜 (cuàn)
Becky: To flee.
Chloe: 窜 (cuàn)
Becky: Last.
Chloe: 较劲 (jiàojìn)
Becky: To compete.
Chloe: 较劲 (jiàojìn)
Becky: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chloe:今天要学习的第一个词是“私了”。(Jīntiān yào xuéxí de dì yī gè cí shì “sīliǎo”.)
[The first word we’ll look at is 私了(Sīliǎo).]
Becky:This means “to settle behind closed doors, to settle in private.”
Chloe:在这个词里,“私”表示“私下”,也就是“ “in private”的意思。“了”在这里其实是一个动词,它的意思是 “to finish” 或者 “to settle”。大家都知道“了”这个字一般读作[le],不过当它作动词的时候它的读音会发生变化,读作[liǎo]。比如说,“了解”。(Zài zhège cí lǐ,“sī” biǎoshì “sīxià”, yě jiùshì “ “in private” de yìsi.“Le” zài zhèlǐ qíshí shì yīgè dòngcí, tā de yìsi shì “to finish” huòzhě “to settle”. Dàjiā dōu zhīdào “le” zhège zì yībān dú zuò [le], bùguò dàng tā zuò dòngcí de shíhòu tā de dúyīn huì fāshēng biànhuà, dú zuò [liǎo]. Bǐrú shuō,“liǎojiě”.)
[In this word, 私(Sī) means 私下(Sīxià), which in English is “in private”. And 了(Le) is a verb here, it means “to finish” or “to settle”. We know that 了is usually read as [le], but when it is used as a verb, it has a different pronunciation, [liǎo]. For example, 了解(Liǎojiě)]
Becky:To know
Becky:To settle, to bring to an end. In the dialogue, the Audi driver wanted to get the matter settled without calling the police,
Chloe:没错,这种情况就叫“私了”。(Méi cuò, zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng jiù jiào “sīliǎo”.)
[And that’s when we say 私了(Sīliǎo).]
Becky:But the other driver didn’t agree, so how do we say “call the police”?
Chloe:嗯,如果你发生了车祸又不想私了的话,你可以说“找交警”,“等交警来解决”。(Ń, rúguǒ nǐ fāshēngle chēhuò yòu bùxiǎng sīliǎo dehuà, nǐ kěyǐ shuō “zhǎo jiāojǐng”,“děng jiāojǐng lái jiějué”.)
[If you had an car accident and you don’t want to 私了(Sīliǎo), you can say 找交警(Zhǎo jiāojǐng).]
Becky:So it’s called the traffic police?
Chloe 没错。(Méi cuò.)
Becky:Okay, now let’s take a look at the last word
Chloe:最后一个词是“较劲”。(Zuìhòu yīgè cí shì “jiàojìn”.)
Becky:This means “to compete”.
Chloe:是的,“较”表示“较量”,也就是“(Shì de,“jiào” biǎoshì “jiàoliàng”, yě jiùshì “)to have a contest”的意思。“劲”的意思是(De yìsi.“Jìn” de yìsi shì)“strength or energy”。比方说,“再加把劲”。(Bǐfāng shuō,“zài jiā bǎ jìn”)
[Yes. 较(Jiào) means 较量(Jiàoliàng) in Chinese, it is “to have a contest”. And 劲 (Jìn) means “strength or energy”. For example, 再加把劲(Zài jiā bǎ jìn).]
Becky:“To put in more effort” or “to put in more strength.”
Chloe:对,又比如说“强劲的对手”。(Duì, yòu bǐrú shuō “qiángjìng de duìshǒu”.)
[Yes, and we also have 强劲的对手(Qiángjìng de duìshǒu)]
Becky:Strong opponent.
Chloe:是的。所以”较劲“这个词表示(Shì de. Suǒyǐ” jiàojìn “zhège cí biǎoshì) “to compete” 或者(Huòzhě)“to have rivalry with someone”。我们再来看两个例子。“他俩经常较劲。(. Wǒmen zàilái kàn liǎng gè lìzi.“Tā liǎ jīngcháng jiàojìn.)”
[Right. So when the two words are put together, it means “to compete” or “to have rivalry with someone”. For example, 他俩经常较劲。(Tā liǎ jīngcháng jiàojìn.)]
Becky:They often compete with each other.
Chloe:他总是喜欢和他哥哥较劲。(Tā zǒng shì xǐhuān hé tā gēgē jiàojìn.)
Becky: He always takes his brother as his rival. Okay now let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Chloe:我们这节课要学习的是怎样用“也”这个副词来表达完全否定,也就是英语中的 (Wǒmen zhè jié kè yào xuéxí de shì zěnyàng yòng “yě” zhège fùcí lái biǎodá wánquán fǒudìng, yě jiùshì yīngyǔ zhòng de)“not [blank]..at all”, “not…[blank] anything”。大家对“也”这个词应该已经非常熟悉了,当我们想表达 (. Dàjiā duì “yě” zhège cí yīnggāi yǐjīng fēicháng shúxīle, dāng wǒmen xiǎng biǎodá)“too” “also” 或者(Huòzhě) “as well”的时候,我们可以用“也”来表达。(De shíhòu, wǒmen kěyǐ yòng “yě” lái biǎodá.)
[In this lesson, you’ll learn how to say “not [blank]..at all”, “not…[blank] anything” with the adverb “也(Yě)“. You must be very familiar with 也(Yě), because when we want to say “too” “also” or “as well”, we use 也(Yě) to express it. ]
Becky:But before we get into this lesson’s grammar point, let’s have a quick review.
Chloe:比如说,“我也饿了”。(Bǐrú shuō,“wǒ yě èle”.)
[An example is 我也饿了(Wǒ yě èle).]
Becky:This means “I am hungry too”. Let’s suppose that you and your friend are asked about something that neither of you know.
Chloe:嗯,假如你的朋友说“我不知道”,你可以说“我也不知道”。(Ń, jiǎrú nǐ de péngyǒu shuō “wǒ bù zhīdào”, nǐ kěyǐ shuō “wǒ yě bù zhīdào”.)
[If your friend said 我不知道(Wǒ bù zhīdào), you could say 我也不知道(Wǒ yě bù zhīdào).]
Becky:So the former is “I don’t know” and the latter is “I don’t know either”,
Chloe:That’s right. Also we know that 也(Yě) can be used as a conjunction. For example, 她不哭也不闹。(Tā bù kū yě bù nào.)
Becky:She neither cried nor made any trouble.
Chloe:再来看一个例子,“健身房里有跑步的,也有游泳的。“(Zàilái kàn yīgè lìzi,“jiànshēnfáng li yǒu pǎobù de, yěyǒu yóuyǒng de.“)
[Yes, another example: 健身房里有跑步的,也有游泳的。(Jiànshēnfáng li yǒu pǎobù de, yěyǒu yóuyǒng de.)]
Becky:Some people are running in the gym, and some are swimming.
Chloe:在对话里,开奥迪的司机说“ 谁的责任也跑不了”。我们要学习的语法点就在这句话里。(Zài duìhuà li, kāi àodí de sījī shuō “shéi de zérèn yě pǎo bùliǎo”. Wǒmen yào xuéxí de yǔfǎ diǎn jiù zài zhè jù huà li.)
[Right. In the dialogue, one driver said 谁的责任也跑不了(Shéi de zérèn yě pǎo bùliǎo). In this sentence, it actually has a new point. ]
谁(Shéi) is an interrogative pronoun, and 不(Bù) is a negative word. So when we put an interrogative pronoun such as 谁(Shéi) or 哪里, 什么(Nǎlǐ, shénme), and也(Yě), and the negative word 不(Bù) or 没(Méi) together, it becomes a fixed pattern.
Becky:Hmm, can you give some examples of this please?
Chloe:没问题。比方说,“我和男朋友大吵了一架,现在谁也不理谁。”(Méi wèntí. Bǐfāng shuō,“wǒ hénán péngyǒu dà chǎole yī jià, xiànzài shéi yě bù lǐ shéi.”)
[Sure. For example, 我和男朋友大吵了一架,现在谁也不理谁。(Wǒ hénán péngyǒu dà chǎole yī jià, xiànzài shéi yě bù lǐ shéi.)]
Becky:I had a fight with my boyfriend and we’re not speaking to each other at all.
Chloe:好,再来看下一个,“我只想呆在家,哪儿也不想去”。(Hǎo, zàilái kàn xià yīgè,“wǒ zhǐ xiǎng dāi zàijiā, nǎ'er yě bùxiǎng qù”.)[Right, another example 我只想呆在家,哪儿也不想去.(Wǒ zhǐ xiǎng dāi zàijiā, nǎ'er yě bùxiǎng qù.)]
Becky:This means “I don’t want to go anywhere but home.”
Chloe:没错,下一个例子,“别这么为难他,他什么也不知道”。(Méi cuò, xià yīgè lìzi,“bié zhème wéinán tā, tā shénme yě bù zhīdào”.)
[Yes, and we have this one 别这么为难他,他什么也不知道(Bié zhème wéinán tā, tā shénme yě bù zhīdào).]
Becky:Don’t push him so hard for an answer, he knows nothing at all.
Chloe:好,最后一个例子,“他只是看着我,什么也没说“。(Hǎo, zuìhòu yīgè lìzi,“tā zhǐshì kànzhe wǒ, shénme yě méi shuō “.)
[And now for the last example, 他只是看着我,什么也没说.(Tā zhǐshì kànzhe wǒ, shénme yě méi shuō.)]
Becky: He stared at me without saying anything. I think that’s clear now. So remember, if you want to negate something completely, you can use this pattern.


Becky: That’s it for this lesson. Listeners, can you understand Chinese TV shows, movies or songs. How about friends and loved ones conversations in Chinese? If you want to know what’s going on, we have a tool to help. Line by line audio. Listen to the lesson conversations line by line and learn to understand natural Chinese fast.
Chloe: It’s simple really. With a click of a button, listen to each line of the conversation.
Becky: Listen again and again and tune your ear to natural Chinese.
Chloe: Rapidly understand natural Chinese with this powerful tool.
Becky: Find this feature on the lesson page in the lesson materials section at chineseclass101.com. Remember to check the lesson notes and we will see you next time. Bye everyone.
Chloe:今天的课就到这里,我们下节课见。拜拜!(Jīntiān de kè jiù dào zhèlǐ, wǒmen xià jié kè jiàn. Bàibài!)

