
Vocabulary (Review)

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Becky: Intermediate, season 2, Lesson 16. When is The Best Time to go to China?
Chloe:大家好。(Dàjiā hǎo.)I’m Chloe.
Becky:Hi everyone, I’m Becky, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Intermediate Season 2, Lesson 16 - When is the Best Time to go to China?
Chloe:这节课我们来了解一下什么时候适合去北京旅游。(Zhè jié kè wǒmen lái liǎo jiè yīxià shénme shíhòu shìhé qù běijīng lǚyóu.)
Becky:The conversation takes place at home.
Chloe:我们将会听到一对夫妻的对话。(Wǒmen jiāng huì tīng dào yī duì fūqī de duìhuà.)
Becky: They are couple. So they will be using informal Chinese. Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
(A: Nǐ shuō, zánmen shénme jìjié qù běijīng lǚyóu hǎo ne?)
(B: Chūntiān fēngshā tài dà, hái yǒu dàochūnhán, bù tài héshì.)
(A: Nà xiàtiān huì bù huì tài rèle?)
(B: Duì, xiàtiān tèbié mēnrè, yǒu shíhou liánzhe yīgè yuè dōu shì sāngná tiān, qiān wàn bùnéng qù.)
(A: Nà qiūtiān zěnme yàng? Wǒ tīng shuō běijīng de qiūtiān zuìměile.)
(B: Měi shì měi, kěshì yóukè yě zuìduō a, tīng shuō dàochù dōu shì rénshānrénhǎi.)
A:那冬天... 算了,冬天又冷又污染,更不能去了。
(A: Nà dōngtiān... Suànle, dōngtiān yòu lěng yòu wūrǎn, gèng bùnéng qùle.)
(B: Duì ya.)
(A: Duì shénme duì, wǒ kàn nǐ jiùshì xiǎng shěng qián!)
Becky: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
(A: Nǐ shuō, zánmen shénme jìjié qù běijīng lǚyóu hǎo ne?)
(B: Chūntiān fēngshā tài dà, hái yǒu dàochūnhán, bù tài héshì.)
(A: Nà xiàtiān huì bù huì tài rèle?)
(B: Duì, xiàtiān tèbié mēnrè, yǒu shíhou liánzhe yīgè yuè dōu shì sāngná tiān, qiān wàn bùnéng qù.)
(A: Nà qiūtiān zěnme yàng? Wǒ tīng shuō běijīng de qiūtiān zuìměile.)
(B: Měi shì měi, kěshì yóukè yě zuìduō a, tīng shuō dàochù dōu shì rénshānrénhǎi.)
A:那冬天... 算了,冬天又冷又污染,更不能去了。
(A: Nà dōngtiān... Suànle, dōngtiān yòu lěng yòu wūrǎn, gèng bùnéng qùle.)
(B: Duì ya.)
(A: Duì shénme duì, wǒ kàn nǐ jiùshì xiǎng shěng qián!)
Becky: Now. Let’s hear with English translation.
(A: Nǐ shuō, zánmen shénme jìjié qù běijīng lǚyóu hǎo ne?)
A: When do you think we should travel to Beijing?
(B: Chūntiān fēngshā tài dà, hái yǒu dàochūnhán, bù tài héshì.)
B: There're sandstorms and cold snaps in spring, so that's not suitable.
(A: Nà xiàtiān huì bù huì tài rèle?)
A: Will it be too hot in summer?
(B: Duì, xiàtiān tèbié mēnrè, yǒu shíhou liánzhe yīgè yuè dōu shì sāngná tiān, qiān wàn bùnéng qù.)
B: Yes, the summer is hot and stuffy, sometimes the sauna-like weather lasts for a whole month, don't go.
(A: Nà qiūtiān zěnme yàng? Wǒ tīng shuō běijīng de qiūtiān zuìměile.)
A: Then how about autumn? I've heard that autumn in Beijing is the most beautiful.
(B: Měi shì měi, kěshì yóukè yě zuìduō a, tīng shuō dàochù dōu shì rénshānrénhǎi.)
B: Yes it is beautiful, but there're also a lot of tourists, it's going to be packed everywhere.
A:那冬天... 算了,冬天又冷又污染,更不能去了。
(A: Nà dōngtiān... Suànle, dōngtiān yòu lěng yòu wūrǎn, gèng bùnéng qùle.)
A: Then winter...forget it, winter is cold and polluted, of course we can't go then.
(B: Duì ya.)
B: Yes.
(A: Duì shénme duì, wǒ kàn nǐ jiùshì xiǎng shěng qián!)
A: Of course you say yes, I think you just want to save money!
Becky: Sounds like it’s hard to decide when to visit Beijing. What are the four seasons like there?
Chloe:北京的特点是春天和秋天很短,而夏天和冬天很长。北京的春天,就跟咱们听到的对话里说的一样,风沙大,昼夜温差大,而且有倒春寒,又干燥又冷。夏天的北京特别热,最高气温可以达到40度。(Běijīng de tèdiǎn shì chūntiān hé qiūtiān hěn duǎn, ér xiàtiān hé dōngtiān hěn zhǎng. Běijīng de chūntiān, jiù gēn zánmen tīng dào de duìhuà li shuō de yīyàng, fēngshā dà, zhòuyè wēnchā dà, érqiě yǒu dàochūnhán, yòu gānzào yòu lěng. Xiàtiān de běijīng tèbié rè, zuìgāo qìwēn kěyǐ dádào 40 dù.)
Becky:40 degrees Celsius? I can’t imagine!
Chloe:对,所以说夏天热得跟蒸桑拿似的,让人受不了。很多人都会选择去承德避暑山庄之类的地方避暑。秋天的北京倒是很凉爽,而且可以去香山看红叶。(Duì, suǒyǐ shuō xiàtiān rè dé gēn zhēng sāngná shì de, ràng rén shòu bùliǎo. Hěnduō rén dūhuì xuǎnzé qù chéngdé bìshǔ shānzhuāng zhī lèi dì dìfāng bìshǔ. Qiūtiān de běijīng dǎoshì hěn liángshuǎng, érqiě kěyǐ qù xiāngshān kàn hóngyè.)
Becky:So the temperatures are much cooler. And you can enjoy red maples in Fragrant Hills Park. My friend told me that when autumn arrives, the hills are covered by a blaze of autumn leaves.
Chloe:是的,香山的红叶非常美。大家有机会的话一定要去看看。至于北京的冬天,真的是非常冷,最冷的时候气温可以达到零下20度。(Shì de, xiāngshān de hóngyè fēicháng měi. Dàjiā yǒu jīhuì dehuà yīdìng yào qù kàn kàn. Zhìyú běijīng de dōngtiān, zhēn de shì fēicháng lěng, zuì lěng de shíhòu qìwēn kěyǐ dádào língxià 20 dù.)
Becky: That’s too cold. Don’t forget to bring your down coat and sweaters if you go to Beijing in the winter. Okay now let’s move on to the vocab.
Becky: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Chloe: 季节 (jìjié)
Becky: Season.
Chloe: 季节 (jìjié)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 旅游 (lǚyóu)
Becky: Travel, tour.
Chloe: 旅游 (lǚyóu)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 风沙 (fēngshā)
Becky: Sandstorm
Chloe: 风沙 (fēngshā)
Becky: Next
Chloe:倒春寒 (dàochūnhán)
Becky: Cold snap in late spring.
Chloe: 倒春寒 (dàochūnhán)
Becky: Next
Chloe:合适 (héshì)
Becky: Suitable.
Chloe: 合适 (héshì)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 闷热 (mēnrè)
Becky: Stuffy, stuffiness.
Chloe: 闷热 (mēnrè)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 千万 (qiānwàn)
Becky: Be sure to, a word used to emphasize an action.
Chloe: 千万 (qiānwàn)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 污染 (wūrǎn)
Becky: Pollution, polluted, to pollute.
Chloe: 污染 (wūrǎn)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 省钱 (shěng qián)
Becky: To save money, economical.
Chloe: 省钱 (shěng qián)
Becky: And last.
Chloe: 人山人海 (rénshānrénhǎi)
Becky: A sea of people.
Chloe: 人山人海 (rénshānrénhǎi)
Becky: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chloe:今天我们学习的第一个词是“千万”。千万这个词有两种截然不同的用法,在这节课里,我们重点学习它作副词时的用法、(Jīntiān wǒmen xuéxí de dì yī gè cí shì “qiān wàn”. Qiān wàn zhège cí yǒu liǎng zhǒng jiérán bùtóng de yòngfǎ, zài zhè jié kè lǐ, wǒmen zhòngdiǎn xuéxí tā zuò fùcí shí de yòngfǎ,)
Becky:When it’s an adverb, this word means “be sure to” or “do” in English.
Chloe:是的。当你想要强调一个动作的时候,你可以在动词前面加上“千万”这个次。(Shì de. Dāng nǐ xiǎng yào qiángdiào yīgè dòngzuò de shíhòu, nǐ kěyǐ zài dòngcí qiánmiàn jiā shàng “qiān wàn” zhège cì.)
Becky:And it can be used with both affirmative and negative forms of a word.
Chloe:下面我给大家举一些例子,大家可以熟悉一下它的用法。千万要小心 (Xiàmiàn wǒ gěi dàjiā jǔ yīxiē lìzi, dàjiā kěyǐ shúxī yīxià tā de yòngfǎ. Qiān wàn yào xiǎoxīn)
Becky:"Do be careful!"
Chloe:千万要准时到机场 (Qiān wàn yào zhǔnshí dào jīchǎng)
Becky:"Do be at the airport on time."
Chloe:千万不要让别人知道你的密码 (Qiān wàn bùyào ràng biérén zhīdào nǐ de mìmǎ)
Becky:"Be sure not to let others know your password."
Chloe:我们只需说出事实,千万不要画蛇添足 (Wǒmen zhǐ xū shuō chū shìshí, qiān wàn bùyào huàshétiānzú)
Becky:"All we have to do is tell the truth and not embellish the story by any means." Okay, so what about the other usage?
Chloe:另外一种情况是“千万”这个词作名词,这个时候它的意思就完全不一样了,它是一个数词,表示数学上的十个一百万。(Lìngwài yī zhǒng qíngkuàng shì “qiān wàn” zhège cí zuò míngcí, zhège shíhòu tā de yìsi jiù wánquán bù yīyàngle, tā shì yīgè shù cí, biǎoshì shùxué shàng de shí gè yībǎi wàn.)
Becky:When it’s a noun, it means “ten million.”
Chloe:没错。比如说,这个城市有两千万人口 (Méi cuò. Bǐrú shuō, zhège chéngshì yǒu liǎng qiān wàn rénkǒu)
Becky:"The population of this city is twenty million."
Chloe:这栋别墅价值三千万美元 (Zhè dòng biéshù jiàzhí sānqiān wàn měiyuán)
Becky:"This villa is worth thirty million US dollars." I think it’s clear now. If this word is put before a verb, it means “be sure to” or “do”’; and if it’s with a number before it, then it refers to “ten million.”
Chloe:是的,这样我们可以很迅速地看出“千万”在句子中的意思。好,接下来我们来看今天的最后一个重点词汇,人山人海。(Shì de, zhèyàng wǒmen kěyǐ hěn xùnsù de kàn chū “qiān wàn” zài jùzi zhōng de yìsi. Hǎo, jiē xiàlái wǒmen lái kàn jīntiān de zuìhòu yīgè zhòngdiǎn cíhuì, rénshānrénhǎi.)
Becky:This word means "huge crowds of people" or "a sea of people."
Chloe:人山人海是一个常用的成语。它可以形容人群聚集得非常多,像组成了大山大海一样。(Rénshānrénhǎi shì yīgè chángyòng de chéngyǔ. Tā kěyǐ xíngróng rénqún jùjí dé fēicháng duō, xiàng zǔchéngle dàshān dàhǎi yīyàng.)
Becky:I see, this idiom uses a metaphor to describe a large amount of people.
Chloe:没错,这个成语使用了比喻的手法。在使用这个成语的时候要注意两点。第一,它只能形容人,不能形容动物、植物或其他东西。第二,这个词一般来说指的是公共场所的人,你就不能说家里人山人海。(Méi cuò, zhège chéngyǔ shǐyòngle bǐyù de shǒufǎ. Zài shǐyòng zhège chéngyǔ de shíhòu yào zhùyì liǎng diǎn. Dì yī, tā zhǐ néng xíngróng rén, bùnéng xíngróng dòngwù, zhíwù huò qítā dōngxī. Dì èr, zhège cí yībān lái shuō zhǐ de shì gōnggòng chǎngsuǒ de rén, nǐ jiù bùnéng shuō jiālǐ rénshānrénhǎi.)
Becky:So we should only use this word with people, and in public places. Can you give us some examples?
Chloe:没问题。每到国庆节,天安门广场上总是人山人海。(Méi wèntí. Měi dào guóqìng jié, tiān'ānmén guǎngchǎng shàng zǒng shì rénshānrénhǎi.)
Becky:"Every National Day, Tiananmen Square is a sea of people."
Chloe:周末的迪士尼乐园人山人海。(Zhōumò de díshìní lèyuán rénshānrénhǎi.)
Becky: On the weekends, there are huge crowds of people at Disney Land. Okay now on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Becky: In this lesson, we are going to learn about
Chloe:这节课我们要学习的是“又…又…”这个语法结构。(Zhè jié kè wǒmen yào xuéxí de shì “yòu…yòu…” zhège yǔfǎ jiégòu.)
Becky:It means “…and…” in English.
Chloe:对,它是一个并列结构,在中文里很常见。这个结构的用法非常简单,在“又”的后面加上形容词,动词或者动词短语就可以了。(Duì, tā shì yīgè bìngliè jiégòu, zài zhōngwén lǐ hěn chángjiàn. Zhège jiégòu de yòngfǎ fēicháng jiǎndān, zài “yòu” de hòumiàn jiā shàng xíngróngcí, dòngcí huòzhě dòngcí duǎnyǔ jiù kěyǐle.)
Becky:We can put adjectives, verbs, or verbal phrases in this structure.
Chloe:首先我们来看一下对话中的例句。在对话中,有一个人说了一句“冬天又冷又污染,更不能去了。”在这句话里,形容词“冷”和“污染”出现在了“又…又…”这个结构里,表示冬天冷,而且有污染。(Shǒuxiān wǒmen lái kàn yīxià duìhuà zhōng de lìjù. Zài duìhuà zhōng, yǒuyī gèrén shuōle yījù “dōngtiān yòu lěng yòu wūrǎn, gèng bùnéng qùle.” Zài zhè jù huà li, xíngróngcí “lěng” hé “wūrǎn” chūxiàn zàile “yòu…yòu…” zhège jiégòu lǐ, biǎoshì dōngtiān lěng, érqiě yǒu wūrǎn.)
Becky:This structure describes what winter is like.
Chloe:没错。我们来看整个句子的结构,我们可以看出,前半部分的主语是冬天,而后半部分则变成了我们,并且后半部分的句子结构是完整的。(Méi cuò. Wǒmen lái kàn zhěnggè jùzi de jiégòu, wǒmen kěyǐ kàn chū, qiánbàn bùfèn de zhǔyǔ shì dōngtiān, érhòu bàn bùfèn zé biàn chéngle wǒmen, bìngqiě hòu bàn bùfèn de jù zǐ jiégòu shì wánzhěng de.)
Becky:Yeah, the subject of the first part is "winter," and that of the last part is "we." “We can’t go,” the structure is complete.
Chloe:所以前半部分的句子结构也应该是完整的,我们已经有了主语冬天,还需要一个谓语来描述冬天怎么样,这个谓语就由“又冷又污染”来充当了。(Suǒyǐ qiánbàn bùfèn de jù zǐ jiégòu yě yīnggāi shì wánzhěng de, wǒmen yǐjīng yǒule zhǔyǔ dōngtiān, hái xūyào yīgè wèiyǔ lái miáoshù dōngtiān zěnme yàng, zhège wèiyǔ jiù yóu “yòu lěng yòu wūrǎn” lái chōngdāngle.)
Becky:So our coordinating structure acted as the predicate of the first part of the sentence.
Chloe:是的。 一般来说,“又…又…”这个结构在句子或者短语里起到的是谓语的作用。(Shì de. Yībān lái shuō,“yòu…yòu…” zhège jiégòu zài jùzi huòzhě duǎnyǔ lǐ qǐ dào de shì wèiyǔ de zuòyòng.)
Becky:Okay, let’s have a look at some examples.
Chloe:好的,来看几个例子。教室又明亮又通风。(Hǎo de, lái kàn jǐ gè lìzi. Jiàoshì yòu míngliàng yòu tōngfēng.)
Becky:"The classroom is bright and airy."
Chloe:他又高又壮。(Tā yòu gāo yòu zhuàng.)
Becky:"He's a tall, strong man."
Chloe:她又有钱又漂亮。(Tā yòu yǒu qián yòu piàoliang.)
Becky:"She's rich and pretty."
Chloe:他们又会说中文又会说日文。(Tāmen yòu huì shuō zhōngwén yòu huì shuō rìwén.)
Becky:"They can speak Chinese and Japanese."
Chloe:这个小姑娘又会唱歌又会跳舞。(Zhège xiǎo gūniáng yòu huì chànggē yòu huì tiàowǔ.)
Becky:"This little girl can sing and dance."
Chloe:这孩子不懂事,一不顺心就又哭又闹。(Zhè háizi bù dǒngshì, yī bù shùnxīn jiù yòu kū yòu nào.)
Becky: This child is naughty. He cries and kicks when things don’t go his way.


Becky: Listeners, remember our coordinating structure can be used as a predicate in a sentence or phrase. For more information and to reinforce what you’ve learned, check the lesson notes and that’s all for this lesson.
Becky: Get instant access to all of our language learning lessons.
Chloe: With any subscription, instantly access our entire library of audio and video lessons.
Becky: Download the lessons or listen or watch online.
Chloe: Put them on your phone or another mobile device and listen, watch and learn anywhere.
Becky: Lessons are organized by level. So progress in order one level at a time.
Chloe: Or skip around to different levels. It’s up to you. Instantly access them all right now.
Becky: Thanks for listening and we will see you next time. Bye everyone.
Chloe:今天的课就到这里,我们下次见。拜拜!(Jīntiān de kè jiù dào zhèlǐ, wǒmen xià cì jiàn. Bàibài!)

