
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Intermediate, season 2, Lesson 19. What is Good Chinese Wedding Etiquette?
Chloe: 大家好。(Dàjiā hǎo.)I’m Chloe.
Becky: Hi everyone, I’m Becky, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Intermediate Season 2, Lesson 19 - What is Good Chinese Wedding Etiquette?
Chloe: 这节课我们来了解一下在中国参加婚礼时的一些注意事项。(Zhè jié kè wǒmen lái liǎo jiè yīxià zài zhōngguó cānjiā hūnlǐ shí de yīxiē zhùyì shìxiàng.)
Becky: The conversation takes place after work.
Chloe: 我们将会听到一段朋友间的对话。(Wǒmen jiāng huì tīng dào yīduàn péngyǒu jiān de duìhuà.)
Becky: The speakers are friends. So they will be using informal Chinese. Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
(A: Péngyǒu jiéhūn, wǒ suí fènzi yīnggāi suí duō​​shǎo qián a?)
(B: Kàn nǐmen guānxì de qīnmì chéngdùle, yàoshi hǎo péngyǒu suí liùbǎi ba.)
(A: Wǒ yīnggāi fàng zài hóngbāo li, hūnlǐ xiànchǎng gěi tā?)
(B: Duì, bié wàngle zài hóngbāo bèimiàn xiě shàng nǐ de míngzì. Yǒudeshì qiāndào shígěi, yǒudeshì jìngjiǔ shígěi. Dào shí kàn qíngkuàng.)
(A: Tài xièxièle, wǒ dì yī cì cānjiā hūnlǐ, zhèxiē lǐjié dōu bù dǒng.)
(B: Méishì, nǐ kàn biérén zěnme zuò, nǐ jiù zěnme zuò. Bù huì diūrén de.)
Becky: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
(A: Péngyǒu jiéhūn, wǒ suí fènzi yīnggāi suí duō​​shǎo qián a?)
(B: Kàn nǐmen guānxì de qīnmì chéngdùle, yàoshi hǎo péngyǒu suí liùbǎi ba.)
(A: Wǒ yīnggāi fàng zài hóngbāo li, hūnlǐ xiànchǎng gěi tā?)
(B: Duì, bié wàngle zài hóngbāo bèimiàn xiě shàng nǐ de míngzì. Yǒudeshì qiāndào shígěi, yǒudeshì jìngjiǔ shígěi. Dào shí kàn qíngkuàng.)
(A: Tài xièxièle, wǒ dì yī cì cānjiā hūnlǐ, zhèxiē lǐjié dōu bù dǒng.)
(B: Méishì, nǐ kàn biérén zěnme zuò, nǐ jiù zěnme zuò. Bù huì diūrén de.)
Becky: Now. Let’s hear with English translation.
(A: Péngyǒu jiéhūn, wǒ suí fènzi yīnggāi suí duō​​shǎo qián a?)
A: My friend is getting married, how much should I give as the gift money?
(B: Kàn nǐmen guānxì de qīnmì chéngdùle, yàoshi hǎo péngyǒu suí liùbǎi ba.)
B: Depending how close you are, if it's a good friend then 600.
(A: Wǒ yīnggāi fàng zài hóngbāo li, hūnlǐ xiànchǎng gěi tā?)
A: Should I put it in a red packet and give it to her on the wedding?
(B: Duì, bié wàngle zài hóngbāo bèimiàn xiě shàng nǐ de míngzì. Yǒudeshì qiāndào shígěi, yǒudeshì jìngjiǔ shígěi. Dào shí kàn qíngkuàng.)
B: Yes, and don't forget to put your name on the back of the red packet. Some people give it at the entrance, some during the toasts. You can decide when you get there.
(A: Tài xièxièle, wǒ dì yī cì cānjiā hūnlǐ, zhèxiē lǐjié dōu bù dǒng.)
A: Thank you so much, it is my first time attending a wedding, and I know nothing about this etiquette.
(B: Méishì, nǐ kàn biérén zěnme zuò, nǐ jiù zěnme zuò. Bù huì diūrén de.)
B: No problem, just see how others do it then follow. You will not act like a fool.
Becky: I am curious about Chinese weddings. What’s the most important part of them?
Chloe: 在中国结婚很多事情都特别讲究。大家最重视的应该要算婚宴。因为婚宴要宴请亲朋好友以及各路宾客,正式向大家宣布结婚这件事,同时向父母表示感谢之情。(Zài zhōngguó jiéhūn hěnduō shìqíng dōu tèbié jiǎngjiù. Dàjiā zuì zhòngshì de yīnggāi yào suàn hūnyàn. Yīn wéi hūnyàn yào yànqǐng qīnpéng hǎoyǒu yǐjí gè lù bīnkè, zhèngshì xiàng dàjiā xuānbù jiéhūn zhè jiàn shì, tóngshí xiàng fùmǔ biǎoshì gǎnxiè zhī qíng.)
Becky: A wedding banquet! There must be a lot of guests invited. So what's the banquet like?
Chloe: 婚宴一般选在中午举行,时间至少要2个小时。咱们的对话里提到了要随份子给红包,这件事是在进入宴会场地前。Becky,你知道为什么要在在给红包时写上名字和金额吗?(Hūnyàn yībān xuǎn zài zhōngwǔ jǔxíng, shíjiān zhìshǎo yào 2 gè xiǎoshí. Zánmen de duìhuà li tí dàole yào suí fènzi gěi hóngbāo, zhè jiàn shì shì zài jìnrù yànhuì chǎngdì qián.Becky, nǐ zhīdào wèishéme yào zài zài gěi hóngbāo shí xiě shàng míngzì hé jīn'é ma?)
Becky: Hmmm, let me guess...you write your name to tell the couple who gave them the red envelope. And the sum of gift money—I don’t know, but I think the more the better!
Chloe: 哈哈,的确是越多越好啊!是这样的,中国人讲究礼尚往来,今天你红包里送了我多少钱,下次我送给你的红包里就得给你更多,这样才不会失礼,也显得有面子。(Hāhā, díquè shì yuè duō yuè hǎo a! Shì zhèyàng de, zhōngguó rén jiǎngjiù lǐshàngwǎnglái, jīntiān nǐ hóngbāo lǐ sòngle wǒ duōshǎo qián, xià cì wǒ sòng gěi nǐ de hóngbāo lǐ jiù dé gěi nǐ gèng duō, zhèyàng cái bù huì shīlǐ, yě xiǎndé yǒu miànzi.)
Becky: So when the couple attends their guest weddings in the future, they are expected to give more money. That’s why they record how much money they received. Listeners, if you have the chance to attend a wedding in China, don’t forget to write down the sum because you will get more in return at your future wedding.
Becky: Okay now let’s move on to the vocab. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Chloe: 份子 (fènzi)
Becky: Share in group contributions to weddings gifts. Share the expense for a joint action.
Chloe: 份子 (fènzi)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 关系 (guānxì)
Becky: Relationship.
Chloe: 关系 (guānxì)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 亲密 (qīnmì)
Becky: Close.
Chloe: 亲密 (qīnmì)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 程度 (chéngdù)
Becky: Level.
Chloe: 程度 (chéngdù)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 红包 (hóngbāo)
Becky: Red packet.
Chloe: 红包 (hóngbāo)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 现场 (xiànchǎng)
Becky: Scene.
Chloe: 现场 (xiànchǎng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 签到 (qiāndào)
Becky: Sign in.
Chloe: 签到 (qiāndào)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 敬酒 (jìngjiǔ)
Becky: Toast.
Chloe: 敬酒 (jìngjiǔ)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 礼节 (lǐjié)
Becky: Etiquette.
Chloe: 礼节 (lǐjié)
Becky: And last.
Chloe: 丢人 (diūrén)
Becky: Disgraceful.
Chloe: 丢人 (diūrén)
Becky: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chloe: 我们今天要学习的第一个词是“关系”。(Wǒmen jīntiān yào xuéxí de dì yī gè cí shì “guānxì”.)
Becky: This word means “relation” or “relationship,” and it's a noun.
Chloe: 没错。关系这个词实在是太常见了,可以说我们的生活中到处都是各种关系。我们来用关系造句。比如说,他们决定结婚,正式确定关系。(Méi cuò. Guānxì zhège cí shízài shì tài chángjiànle, kěyǐ shuō wǒmen de shēnghuó zhōng dàochù dōu shì gè zhǒng guānxì. Wǒmen lái yòng guānxì zàojù. Bǐrú shuō, tāmen juédìng jiéhūn, zhèngshì quèdìng guānxì.)
Becky: "They decided to formalize their relationship by getting married."
Chloe: 他的论文探讨了经济发展与收入之间的关系。(Tā dì lùnwén tàntǎole jīngjì fāzhǎn yú shōurù zhī jiān de guānxì.)
Becky: "His thesis explored the link between economic development and income.":
Chloe: 关系这个词还可以和很多动词搭配,比如说,中断关系。 (Guānxì zhège cí hái kěyǐ hé hěnduō dòngcí dāpèi, bǐrú shuō, zhōngduàn guānxì.)
Becky: "to suspend relations with"
Chloe: 恢复关系 (Huīfù guānxì)
Becky: "to resume relations with"
Chloe: 断绝关系 (Duànjué guānxì)
Becky: "to break off relations with"
Chloe: 关系这个词还有一层意思,它可以表示影响力或者重要性。比如说,关系重大 (Guānxì zhège cí hái yǒuyī céng yìsi, tā kěyǐ biǎoshì yǐngxiǎng lì huòzhě zhòngyào xìng. Bǐrú shuō, guānxì zhòngdà)
Becky: This means “count for much.”
Chloe: 我们生活里最常用的一个短语,当别人跟你道歉的时候,你可以说没关系。(Wǒmen shēnghuó lǐ zuì chángyòng de yīgè duǎnyǔ, dāng biérén gēn nǐ dàoqiàn de shíhòu, nǐ kěyǐ shuō méiguānxì.)
Becky: "It doesn’t matter." Okay, let’s look at the second word.
Chloe: 下一个词是程度。这个词一般来说有两个意思,第一个意思表示文化、教育、知识、能力等方面的水平。(Xià yīgè cí shì chéngdù. Zhège cí yībān lái shuō yǒu liǎng gè yìsi, dì yī gè yìsi biǎoshì wénhuà, jiàoyù, zhīshì, nénglì děng fāngmiàn de shuǐpíng.)
Becky: In this case, it means “level” or “degree.”
Chloe: 没错。比如说, 受教育程度 (Méi cuò. Bǐrú shuō, shòu jiàoyù chéngdù)
Becky: "level of education"
Chloe: 政治觉悟程度 (Zhèngzhì juéwù chéngdù)
Becky: "level of political consciousness"
Chloe: 程度这个词还有个更常用的意思,它表示事物变化达到的状况。(Chéngdù zhège cí hái yǒu gè gèng chángyòng de yìsi, tā biǎoshì shìwù biànhuà dádào de zhuàngkuàng.)
Becky: In this situation, its meaning is “extent”, “degree,” or “level.” Let’s look at some examples.
Chloe: 在不同程度上 (Zài bùtóng chéngdù shàng)
Becky: "in varying degrees"
Chloe: 在一定程度上 (Zài yīdìng chéngdù shàng)
Becky: "to a certain degree"
Chloe: 水源污染已经达到危及居民健康的程度。(Shuǐyuán wūrǎn yǐjīng dádào wéijí jūmín jiànkāng de chéngdù.)
Becky: "Pollution of the water supply reached a level hazardous to the health of the population."
Chloe: 他也受到了影响,但程度较轻。(Tā yě shòudàole yǐngxiǎng, dàn chéngdù jiào qīng.)
Becky: He was also affected but to a lesser degree. Okay now on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Chloe: 今天我们要学习的语法是如何用连词就来表达条件。(Jīntiān wǒmen yào xuéxí de yǔfǎ shì rúhé yòng liáncí jiù lái biǎodá tiáojiàn.)
Becky: In this lesson, you’ll learn about conditional sentences in Chinese.
Chloe: 我们知道条件句表示如果发生某种情况,有可能会出现某种结果。(Wǒmen zhīdào tiáojiàn jù biǎoshì rúguǒ fāshēng mǒu zhǒng qíngkuàng, yǒu kěnéng huì chūxiàn mǒu zhǒng jiéguǒ.)
Becky: Yeah, a conditional sentence expresses factual implications, or hypothetical situations and their consequences.
Chloe:在我们听到的对话里,有这样一句话。你看别人怎么做,你就怎么做。(Zài wǒmen tīng dào de duìhuà li, yǒu zhèyàng yījù huà. Nǐ kàn biérén zěnme zuò, nǐ jiù zěnme zuò.)
Becky: "Just see how others do it, then follow."
Chloe: 这句话就是一个条件句。别人怎么做表示的是条件,发生了什么情况,而你怎么做表示的就是发生这种情况后的结果。连词“就”在这个条件和结果之间起到了连接的作用。(Zhè jù huà jiùshì yīgè tiáojiàn jù. Biérén zěnme zuò biǎoshì de shì tiáojiàn, fāshēngle shénme qíngkuàng, ér nǐ zěnme zuò biǎoshì de jiùshì fāshēng zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng hòu de jiéguǒ. Liáncí “jiù” zài zhège tiáojiàn hé jiéguǒ zhī jiān qǐ dàole liánjiē de zuòyòng.)
Becky: In this sentence, the first part expressed the condition “how others do,” and the last part gave us the result. Our conjunction connected these two parts.
Chloe: 没错,我们可以把它看成这样一个结构 , A 加上就加上B。A表示条件,B表示结果,A引导出B. (Méi cuò, wǒmen kěyǐ bǎ tā kàn chéng zhèyàng yīgè jiégòu, A jiā shàng jiù jiā shàng B.A biǎoshì tiáojiàn,B biǎoshì jiéguǒ,A yǐndǎo chū B.)
Becky: The structure can be seen as, ‘condition A plus the conjunction, plus result B.’ This structure means whenever A happens, B results.
Chloe: 对。我们来看几个例子。你开心我就开心。(Duì. Wǒmen lái kàn jǐ gè lìzi. Nǐ kāixīn wǒ jiù kāixīn.)
Becky: "As long as you're happy, I'm happy."
Chloe: 有你在我就放心了。(Yǒu nǐ zài wǒ jiù fàngxīnle.)
Becky: "As long as you're here, I won’t be worried."
Chloe: 想起那场事故我就浑身发抖。(Xiǎngqǐ nà chǎng shìgù wǒ jiù húnshēn fādǒu.)
Becky: "Just thinking about that accident makes me shudder."
Chloe: 好,最后一个例子。什么都别说,到那儿干你的活就行了。(Hǎo, zuìhòu yīgè lìzi. Shénme dōu bié shuō, dào nà'er gàn nǐ de huó jiùxíngle.)
Becky: "Don’t say anything, just go in there and do your job." Chloe, does this mean all sentences that contain this conjunction are conditional sentences?
Chloe: 不是这样的。不知道你有没有发现,刚才我给大家举的几个例子都可以用英文的 "as long as…then…" 这个句型解读。只有符合这样条件的句子才能被看做是条件句。(Bùshì zhèyàng de. Bù zhīdào nǐ yǒu méiyǒu fāxiàn, gāngcái wǒ gěi dàjiā jǔ de jǐ gè lìzi dōu kěyǐ yòng yīngwén de"as long as…then…" zhège jù xíng jiědú. Zhǐyǒu fúhé zhèyàng tiáojiàn de jùzi cáinéng bèi kàn zuò shì tiáojiàn jù.)
Becky: Cool, I get it. Listeners, remember to interpret with the pattern as long as, then. If it makes sense, you can say it’s a conditional sentence.


Becky: Okay that’s it for this lesson. Attention perfectionists, you are about to learn how to perfect your pronunciation.
Chloe: Lesson review audio tracks
Becky: Increase fluency and vocabulary fast with the short effective audio tracks.
Chloe: Super simple to use. Listen to the Chinese word or phrase.
Becky: Then repeat it out loud in a loud clear voice.
Chloe: You will speak with confidence knowing that you are speaking Chinese like the locals.
Becky: Go to chineseclass101.com and download the review audio tracks right on the lessons page today. Thanks for listening and we will see you next time. Bye everyone.
Chloe: 今天的课就到这里,我们下次见。拜拜!(Jīntiān de kè jiù dào zhèlǐ, wǒmen xià cì jiàn. Bàibài!)

