
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Intermediate season 2, Lesson 20. Do You Want to Have a Chinese Wedding?
Chloe:大家好。(Dàjiā hǎo.)I’m Chloe.
Becky:Hi everyone, I’m Becky, and welcome back to ChineseClass101.com. This is Intermediate Season 2, Lesson 20 - Do You Want to Have a Chinese Wedding?
Chloe:这节课我们来了解一下中式婚礼。(Zhè jié kè wǒmen lái liǎo jiè yīxià zhōngshì hūnlǐ.)
Becky:The conversation takes place at a wedding planner’s office.
Chloe:我们将会听到一对即将结婚的男女讨论他们的婚礼计划。(Wǒmen jiāng huì tīng dào yī duì jíjiāng jiéhūn de nánnǚ tǎolùn tāmen de hūnlǐ jìhuà.)
Becky: The speakers are getting married. So they will be using informal Chinese. Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
(A: Qīn'ài de, wǒmen bàn yīgè zhōngshì hūnlǐ ba.)
(B: Bù, wǒ hái xiǎng chuān hūnshā, zǒu huā mén, xuānshì, pāo huāshù ne.)
(A: Zhōngshì huángjiā hūnlǐ duō qìpài ya, bā tái dà jiào táizhe nǐ, xiàng qǔ huánghòu yīyàng bǎ nǐ qǔ jìnmén.)
(B: Nà wǒ shénme shíhou néng chuān hūnshā ya?)
(A: Pāi hūnshā zhào de shíhou chuān bei. Hūnlǐ de shíhou nǐ lái gè fèngguān xiápèi, wǒmen bàitáng chéngqīn, duō hǎo a.)
(B: Xíng ba, nà jiù tīng nǐ de ba.)
Becky: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
(A: Qīn'ài de, wǒmen bàn yīgè zhōngshì hūnlǐ ba.)
(B: Bù, wǒ hái xiǎng chuān hūnshā, zǒu huā mén, xuānshì, pāo huāshù ne.)
(A: Zhōngshì huángjiā hūnlǐ duō qìpài ya, bā tái dà jiào táizhe nǐ, xiàng qǔ huánghòu yīyàng bǎ nǐ qǔ jìnmén.)
(B: Nà wǒ shénme shíhou néng chuān hūnshā ya?)
(A: Pāi hūnshā zhào de shíhou chuān bei. Hūnlǐ de shíhou nǐ lái gè fèngguān xiápèi, wǒmen bàitáng chéngqīn, duō hǎo a.)
(B: Xíng ba, nà jiù tīng nǐ de ba.)
Becky: Now. Let’s hear with English translation.
(A: Qīn'ài de, wǒmen bàn yīgè zhōngshì hūnlǐ ba.)
A: Honey, let's have a Chinese wedding.
(B: Bù, wǒ hái xiǎng chuān hūnshā, zǒu huā mén, xuānshì, pāo huāshù ne.)
B: No, I want to wear a wedding dress, walk the flower aisle, say my vows, and throw the bouquet.
(A: Zhōngshì huángjiā hūnlǐ duō qìpài ya, bā tái dà jiào táizhe nǐ, xiàng qǔ huánghòu yīyàng bǎ nǐ qǔ jìnmén.)
A: Chinese royal weddings have more style, you'll be carried into the house by palanquin like a queen.
(B: Nà wǒ shénme shíhou néng chuān hūnshā ya?)
B: Then when can I wear a wedding dress?
(A: Pāi hūnshā zhào de shíhou chuān bei. Hūnlǐ de shíhou nǐ lái gè fèngguān xiápèi, wǒmen bàitáng chéngqīn, duō hǎo a.)
A: When we take our wedding photo. At the wedding you wear the traditional phoenix wedding gown and we wed the traditional way. How cool is that!
(B: Xíng ba, nà jiù tīng nǐ de ba.)
B: Okay, let's do it your way then.
Becky:Hey Chloe, the Chinese-style wedding ceremony sounds pretty interesting! Tell us more about it!
Chloe:大家都会觉得传统的中式婚礼很有意思,不过这是对看的人来说,结婚的人可累得够呛。因为中式婚礼的规矩特别多,得一一遵守。我给你讲讲中国古代的婚礼是怎么办的吧。(Dàjiā dūhuì juédé chuántǒng de zhōngshì hūnlǐ hěn yǒuyìsi, bùguò zhè shì duì kàn de rén lái shuō, jiéhūn de rén kě lèi dé gòuqiàng. Yīn wéi zhōngshì hūnlǐ de guījǔ tèbié duō, dé yīyī zūnshǒu. Wǒ gěi nǐ jiǎng jiǎng zhōngguó gǔdài de hūnlǐ shì zěnme bàn de ba.)
Chloe:古代结婚的时候,新郎要带着迎亲队伍去接新娘子。新郎到之前,新娘很早就要起床梳妆打扮,穿上红色的结婚礼服,盖上红盖头,等着新郎去迎接。新郎到了之后,新娘就要准备上轿。上轿之前,新娘会拉着她母亲哭,表达不舍得离家的心情。(Gǔdài jiéhūn de shíhòu, xīnláng yào dàizhe yíngqīn duìwǔ qù jiē xīnniáng zi. Xīnláng dào zhīqián, xīnniáng hěn zǎo jiù yào qǐchuáng shūzhuāng dǎbàn, chuān shàng hóngsè de jiéhūn lǐfú, gài shàng hóng gàitou, děngzhe xīnláng qù yíngjiē. Xīnláng dào liǎo zhīhòu, xīnniáng jiù yào zhǔnbèi shàng jiào. Shàng jiào zhīqián, xīnniáng huì lāzhe tā mǔqīn kū, biǎodá bù shědé lí jiā de xīnqíng.)
Becky:But why must the bride cry and show her reluctance to leave home?
Chloe:因为古代女子出嫁之后,是不能随意出门的,她们会有很长一段时间见不到自己的父母。(Yīnwèi gǔdài nǚzǐ chūjià zhīhòu, shì bùnéng suíyì chūmén de, tāmen huì yǒu hěn zhǎng yīduàn shíjiān jiàn bù dào zìjǐ de fùmǔ.)
Becky:I see.
Chloe:到了新郎家,就可以拜堂了。爱看古装剧的朋友可能知道,咱们的拜堂有三拜,一拜天地,二拜高堂,夫妻对拜。(Dàole xīnláng jiā, jiù kěyǐ bàitángle. Ài kàn gǔzhuāng jù de péngyǒu kěnéng zhīdào, zánmen de bàitáng yǒusān bài, yī bàitiāndì, èr bài gāotáng, fūqī duì bài.)
Becky:So the groom would kowtow three times to worship the heaven, parents, and spouse.
Chloe:没错,拜完堂就可以进洞房了。洞房也就是新房,是新人住的房间。进洞房后新郎就可以掀起新娘的盖头,喝交杯酒,这样就算完成仪式了。很多地方还有闹洞房的习俗,非常热闹。(Méi cuò, bài wán táng jiù kěyǐ jìn dòngfángle. Dòngfáng yě jiùshì xīnfáng, shì xīnrén zhù de fángjiān. Jìn dòngfáng hòu xīnláng jiù kěyǐ xiānqǐ xīnniáng de gàitou, hē jiāobēijiǔ, zhèyàng jiùsuàn wánchéng yíshìle. Hěnduō dìfāng hái yǒu nàodòngfáng de xísú, fēicháng rènào.)
Becky:You mean on the wedding night, we can tease the newlyweds?
Chloe:没错。大家有关系很好的中国朋友结婚的话,可以去闹一闹洞房!(Méi cuò. Dàjiā yǒu guānxì hěn hǎo de zhōngguó péngyǒu jiéhūn dehuà, kěyǐ qù nào yī nàodòngfáng!)
Becky: Great. Listeners, don’t miss the chance to tease the newlyweds. Okay now let’s move on to the vocab.
Becky: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Chloe: 中式 (zhōngshì)
Becky: Chinese style.
Chloe: 中式 (zhōngshì)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 办 (bàn)
Becky: To hold.
Chloe: 办 (bàn)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 宣誓 (xuānshì)
Becky: To make a vow.
Chloe: 宣誓 (xuānshì)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 抛 (pāo)
Becky: To throw.
Chloe: 抛 (pāo)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 气派 (qìpài)
Becky: Style, air.
Chloe: 气派 (qìpài)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 花束 (huāshù)
Becky: Bouquet.
Chloe: 花束 (huāshù)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 娶 (qǔ)
Becky: To marry a woman.
Chloe: 娶 (qǔ)
Becky: Next.
Chloe: 婚纱 (hūnshā)
Becky: Wedding dress.
Chloe: 婚纱 (hūnshā)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 拜堂成亲 (bàitáng chéngqīn)
Becky: To perform a formal wedding ceremony in the old customs.
Chloe: 拜堂成亲 (bàitáng chéngqīn)
Becky: And last
Chloe: 抬 (tái)
Becky: To carry.
Chloe: 抬 (tái)
Becky: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chloe:今天要学习的第一个词是办,办是一个很常用的动词。它比较常用的有两个意思。第一个意思是办理,处理。(Jīntiān yào xuéxí de dì yīgè cí shì bàn, bàn shì yī gè hěn chángyòng de dòngcí. Tā bǐjiào chángyòng de yǒu liǎng gè yìsi. Dì yī gè yìsi shì bànlǐ, chǔlǐ.)
Becky:“to do,” “to manage,” or “to handle”. Let’s look at some examples.
Chloe:办手续 (Bàn shǒuxù)
Becky:"to go through the formalities"
Chloe:你办得到吗?(Nǐ bàn dédào ma?)
Becky:"Can you do it?"
Chloe:他爱怎么办就怎么办。(Tā ài zěnme bàn jiù zěnme bàn.)
Becky:"Let him do as he likes."
Chloe:我有事情要办。(Wǒ yǒu shìqíng yào bàn.)
Becky:"I have something to handle."
Chloe:除此之外,办的另一个意思是创立,经营 (Chú cǐ zhī wài, bàn de lìng yīgè yìsi shì chuànglì, jīngyíng)
Becky:This word also means “to set up” or “to run.”
Chloe:比如说,办工厂 (Bǐrú shuō, bàn gōngchǎng)
Becky:"to set up a factory"
Chloe:办学校 (Bàn xuéxiào)
Becky:"to set up a school"
Chloe:办公司 (Bàn gōngsī)
Becky:"to run a company." Okay, so what’s our next word?
Chloe:下一个词是“娶”。(Xià yīgè cí shì “qǔ”.)
Becky:It's a verb, and the meaning is “to marry.”
Chloe:没错,不过在中文里marry这个词有两种说法,一个是娶,一个是嫁。(Méi cuò, bùguò zài zhōngwén lǐ marry zhège cí yǒu liǎng zhǒng shuōfǎ, yīgè shì qǔ, yīgè shì jià.)
Becky:Really? What’s the difference?
Chloe:娶表示男子结婚,也就是男方把女方接进门成亲。而嫁则表示女子结婚。中国有女子结婚后离开父母家,跟男方一起住的传统,因此也叫出嫁。先来看几个娶的例子。娶妻,娶媳妇儿 (Qǔ biǎoshì nánzǐ jiéhūn, yě jiùshì nánfāng bǎ nǚfāng jiē jìnmén chéngqīn. Ér jià zé biǎoshì nǚzǐ jiéhūn. Zhōngguó yǒu nǚzǐ jiéhūn hòu líkāi fùmǔ jiā, gēn nánfāng yīqǐ zhù de chuántǒng, yīncǐ yě jiào chūjià. Xiān lái kàn jǐ gè qǔ de lìzi. Qǔ qī, qǔ xí fu er)
Becky:"to marry a wife"
Chloe:娶个漂亮姑娘 (Qǔ gè piàoliang gūniáng)
Becky:"to marry a beautiful girl"
Chloe:李先生为了女方的财产娶了她。(Lǐ xiānshēng wèile nǚfāng de cáichǎn qǔle tā.)
Becky:"Mr Lee married the woman for the sake of her property."
Chloe:王子会娶谁?(Wángzǐ huì qǔ shéi?)
Becky:"Who will the prince marry?"
Chloe:好,再来看“嫁”的例句。嫁人 (Hǎo, zàilái kàn “jià” de lìjù. Jià rén)
Becky:"to get married"
Chloe:咱们男生求婚时会说, 请嫁给我 (Zánmen nánshēng qiúhūn shí huì shuō, qǐng jià gěi wǒ)
Becky:"Marry me please." Yeah, gentlemen, remember this word! It’s useful when you make a proposal to a Chinese woman.
Chloe:是的,大家可得记牢了。咱们接着来看例子,她从未结过婚,现在也嫁不出去了。(Shì de, dàjiā kě dé jì láole. Zánmen jiēzhe lái kàn lìzi, tā cóng wèi jiéguò hūn, xiànzài yě jià bù chūqùle.)
Becky:"She never married; she's been left on the shelf."
Chloe:Becky, 你知道这种女生在中国被称为什么吗?(Nǐ zhīdào zhè zhǒng nǚshēng zài zhōngguó bèi chēng wèishéme ma?)
Becky:"Leftover woman?"
Chloe:对,大家叫她们剩女。剩就是剩下,left。我个人不是很喜欢这种称呼,结不结婚是个人的自由,对吧?(Duì, dàjiā jiào tāmen shèngnǚ. Shèng jiùshì shèng xià,left. Wǒ gèrén bùshì hěn xǐhuān zhè zhǒng chēnghu, jié bù jiéhūn shì gèrén de zìyóu, duì ba?)
Becky:Yeah, I totally agree!
Chloe:言归正传,最后一个例子。他把女儿嫁给了一个有钱人。(Yánguīzhèngzhuàn, zuìhòu yīgè lìzi. Tā bǎ nǚ'ér jià gěile yīgè yǒu qián rén.)
Becky:"He married his daughter to a rich man." Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Becky: In this lesson, you will learn about how to express that one thing is like or similar to another thing.
Chloe:是的。我们在生活中经常会想要表达两种东西很类似,今天我们要学习的“像…一样”这个句型就可以表达这个意思。(Shì de. Wǒmen zài shēnghuó zhōng jīngcháng huì xiǎng yào biǎodá liǎng zhǒng dōngxī hěn lèisì, jīntiān wǒmen yào xuéxí de “xiàng…yīyàng” zhège jù xíng jiù kěyǐ biǎodá zhège yìsi.)
Becky:Is this pattern the same as “to be like” in English?
Chloe:对,这个句型一般来说有两种用法,其中一种是用来比喻某个人或者某样东西,也就是Becky讲到的“to be like”这种用法。(Duì, zhège jù xíng yībān lái shuō yǒu liǎng zhǒng yòngfǎ, qízhōng yī zhǒng shì yòng lái bǐyù mǒu gèrén huòzhě mǒu yàng dōngxī, yě jiùshì Becky jiǎng dào de “to be like” zhè zhǒng yòngfǎ.)
Becky:Then how do we use this pattern?
Chloe:非常简单,你只需要在像和一样这两个词前面填入你想要比喻的对象就可以了。这个对象可以是名词,动词或者短语。在我们今天的课文里,准新郎说了一句“像娶皇后一样把你娶进门。” (Fēicháng jiǎndān, nǐ zhǐ xūyào zài xiàng hé yīyàng zhè liǎng gè cí qiánmiàn tián rù nǐ xiǎng yào bǐyù de duìxiàng jiù kěyǐle. Zhège duìxiàng kěyǐ shì míngcí, dòngcí huòzhě duǎnyǔ. Zài wǒmen jīntiān de kèwén lǐ, zhǔn xīnláng shuōle yījù “xiàng qǔ huánghòu yīyàng bǎ nǐ qǔ jìnmén.”)
Becky:"Yeah, he said his fiancée would be married like a queen."
Chloe:在这句话里面,像…一样相当于 “like”, 娶皇后是 “marry a queen” , 娶进门是 “marry into the family”。准新郎不是真的要娶皇后,他只是把娶他的新娘这件事比喻成了娶皇后。大家清楚了吗? (Zài zhè jù huà li miàn, xiàng…yīyàng xiāngdāng yú “like”, qǔ huánghòu shì “marry a queen”, qǔ jìnmén shì “marry into the family”. Zhǔn xīnláng bùshì zhēn de yāo qǔ huánghòu, tā zhǐshì bǎ qǔ tā de xīnniáng zhè jiàn shì bǐyù chéngle qǔ huánghòu. Dàjiā qīngchǔle ma?)
Becky:Oh, it’s clearer now. Can you give us more examples?
Chloe:当然没问题。来看第一个例子,他像一头发怒的狮子一样向我咆哮。(Dāngrán méi wèntí. Lái kàn dì yī gè lìzi, tā xiàng yītóu fǎ nù de shīzi yīyàng xiàng wǒ páoxiāo.)
Becky:"He shouted at me like an angry lion."
Chloe:在这句话里,我们把他比喻成了一头发怒的狮子,他干了什么呢?(Zài zhè jù huà li, wǒmen bǎ tā bǐyù chéngle yītóu fǎ nù de shīzi, tā gànle shénme ne?)
Becky:"He shouted at me"
Chloe:他怎样向我咆哮的呢?(Tā zěnyàng xiàng wǒ páoxiāo de ne?)
Becky:"Like an angry lion."
Chloe:没错。下一个例子,那个女孩美得像天使一样。(Méi cuò. Xià yīgè lìzi, nàgè nǚhái měi dé xiàng tiānshǐ yīyàng.)
Becky:"The girl is beautiful like an angel."
Chloe:他的话像蜜一样甜。(Tā dehuà xiàng mì yīyàng tián.)
Becky:"His words are sweet like honey." Let me analyze this sentence. We made an analogy between his words and honey. Sweet is used to describe the common point the two share.
Chloe:非常正确,你分析得很好。我们刚刚提到“像…一样”这个句型有两种用法,接下来我们来看第二种。(Fēicháng zhèngquè, nǐ fēnxī dé hěn hǎo. Wǒmen gānggāng tí dào “xiàng…yīyàng” zhège jù xíng yǒu liǎng zhǒng yòngfǎ, jiē xiàlái wǒmen lái kàn dì èr zhǒng.)
Becky:This pattern can be used to make comparisons. It has the function of “as…as…” or “the same as…” in English.
Chloe:没错,是这样的。这个句型可以用来作比较,表示两者相同。我们来看三个例子。第一个,弟弟像哥哥一样聪明。(Méi cuò, shì zhèyàng de. Zhège jù xíng kěyǐ yòng lái zuò bǐjiào, biǎoshì liǎng zhě xiāngtóng. Wǒmen lái kàn sān gè lìzi. Dì yī gè, dìdì xiàng gēgē yīyàng cōngmíng.)
Becky:"The younger brother is as clever as the older brother."
Chloe:女儿像妈妈一样漂亮。(Nǚ'ér xiàng māmā yīyàng piàoliang.)
Becky:"The daughter is as beautiful as the mother."
Chloe:我工作像他一样认真。(Wǒ gōngzuò xiàng tā yīyàng rènzhēn.)
Becky:"I work as hard as he does."
Chloe:这两种用法都很简单,要提醒大家不论是用这个句型作比较还是打比喻,都要注意保持词性一致,名词和名词放在一起比,动词和动词放在一起比,不要把它们混在这个句型里。(Zhè liǎng zhǒng yòngfǎ dōu hěn jiǎndān, yào tíxǐng dàjiā bùlùn shì yòng zhège jù xíng zuò bǐjiào háishì dǎ bǐyù, dōu yào zhùyì bǎochí cíxìng yīzhì, míngcí hé míngcí fàng zài yīqǐ bǐ, dòngcí hé dòngcí fàng zài yīqǐ bǐ, bùyào bǎ tāmen hùnzài zhège jù xíng lǐ.)


Becky: Okay that’s it for this lesson. Be sure to check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned here.
Chloe: Listeners, do you know the powerful secret behind a rapid progress?
Becky: Using the entire system, lesson notes are an important part of the system. They include a transcript and translation of the conversation.
Chloe: Key lesson vocabulary.
Becky: And detailed grammar explanations.
Chloe: Lesson notes accompany every audio or video lesson.
Becky: Use them on the site or mobile device or print them out.
Chloe: Using the lesson notes with audio and video media will rapidly increase your learning speed.
Becky: Go to chineseclass101.com and download the lesson notes for this lesson right now. Thanks for listening and we will see you next time. Bye everyone.
Chloe:今天的课就到这里,我们下次见。拜拜!(Jīntiān de kè jiù dào zhèlǐ, wǒmen xià cì jiàn. Bàibài!)

