
Vocabulary (Review)

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Becky: Intermediate season 2, Lesson 21. Planning a Honeymoon in Chinese.
Chloe: 大家好(Dàjiā hǎo) I am Chloe.
Becky: Hi everyone, I am Becky and welcome back to chineseclass101.com. This is intermediate, season 2, Lesson 21. Planning a Honeymoon in Chinese.
Chloe: 这节课我们来了解一下:蜜月 (Zhè jié kè wǒmen lái liǎo jiè yīxià: Mìyuè)
Becky: The conversation takes place outside a travel agency.
Chloe: 我们将会听到一对打算度蜜月的小夫妻之间的对话。(Wǒmen jiāng huì tīng dào yī duì dǎsuàn dù mìyuè de xiǎo fūqī zhī jiān de duìhuà.)
Becky: The speakers are a couple. So they will be using informal Chinese. Let’s listen to the conversation.
(A: Qīn'ài de, wǒmen qù mǎ'ěrdàifu dù mìyuè zěnme yàng?)
(B: Tài súle, rén rén dōu qù nà'er. Bùrú, wǒmen qù gè méishénme yóukè dì dìfāng?)
(A: Sāi shé ěr zěnme yàng? Yěyǒu qīngchè dì hǎishuǐ, xìnì de shātān.)
(B: Jiùshì tāle! Kěshì wǒmen zěnme qù a? Gēn tuán háishì zìyóu xíng?)
(A: Gēn tuán duō méiyìsi, háishì zìyóu xíng ba.)
(B: Wǒ pà rénshēng dì bù shú de, yǔyán yě bùtōng, zài bèi rén màile.)
(A: Fàngxīn ba, bāo zài nǐ lǎogōng shēnshang. Wǒ qù chá lǚxíng gōnglüè, bǎozhèng gěi nǐ yīgè wánměi de mìyuè xíng.)
Becky: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
(A: Qīn'ài de, wǒmen qù mǎ'ěrdàifu dù mìyuè zěnme yàng?)
(B: Tài súle, rén rén dōu qù nà'er. Bùrú, wǒmen qù gè méishénme yóukè dì dìfāng?)
(A: Sāi shé ěr zěnme yàng? Yěyǒu qīngchè dì hǎishuǐ, xìnì de shātān.)
(B: Jiùshì tāle! Kěshì wǒmen zěnme qù a? Gēn tuán háishì zìyóu xíng?)
(A: Gēn tuán duō méiyìsi, háishì zìyóu xíng ba.)
(B: Wǒ pà rénshēng dì bù shú de, yǔyán yě bùtōng, zài bèi rén màile.)
(A: Fàngxīn ba, bāo zài nǐ lǎogōng shēnshang. Wǒ qù chá lǚxíng gōnglüè, bǎozhèng gěi nǐ yīgè wánměi de mìyuè xíng.)
Becky: Now. Let’s hear with English translation.
(A: Qīn'ài de, wǒmen qù mǎ'ěrdàifu dù mìyuè zěnme yàng?)
A: Dear, what do you think of going to the Maldives for a honeymoon?
(B: Tài súle, rén rén dōu qù nà'er. Bùrú, wǒmen qù gè méishénme yóukè dì dìfāng?)
B: That is too common, everyone goes there. How about we go somewhere with fewer tourists?
(A: Sāi shé ěr zěnme yàng? Yěyǒu qīngchè dì hǎishuǐ, xìnì de shātān.)
A: How about the Seychelles? There are clear waters and fine sandy beaches there.
(B: Jiùshì tāle! Kěshì wǒmen zěnme qù a? Gēn tuán háishì zìyóu xíng?)
B: That's it! But how do we get there? With a tour or by ourselves?
(A: Gēn tuán duō méiyìsi, háishì zìyóu xíng ba.)
A: Going with a tour is so boring, let's just go by ourselves.
(B: Wǒ pà rénshēng dì bù shú de, yǔyán yě bùtōng, zài bèi rén màile.)
B: I'm afraid that we're unfamiliar with it, and we can't speak, so we could be deceived.
(A: Fàngxīn ba, bāo zài nǐ lǎogōng shēnshang. Wǒ qù chá lǚxíng gōnglüè, bǎozhèng gěi nǐ yīgè wánměi de mìyuè xíng.)
A: Don't worry, let me, your husband, do it. I'll check the travel guides and guarantee to give you a perfect honeymoon.
Becky: The young couple are excited about their honeymoon trip. You know, I was wondering why did Chinese call the holiday honeymoon. Is there a story about that?
Chloe: 哎,你说对了,我们把新人结婚后单独相处的日子叫蜜月,这是有典故的。(Āi, nǐ shuō duìle, wǒmen bǎ xīnrén jiéhūn hòu dāndú xiāngchǔ de rìzi jiào mìyuè, zhè shì yǒu diǎngù de.)
Becky: Oh great. What’s the story?
Chloe: 在黄帝时代,有一对小夫妻,他俩奉了父母之命结了婚,因为对对方没什么感情两个人很快就厌倦了对方,找了个机会分别跑到森林里,这两人在森林里迷了路,又遇到了对方,为了活命,决定和对方呆在一起。(Zài huángdì shídài, yǒuyī duì xiǎo fūqī, tā liǎ fèngle fùmǔ zhī mìng jiéle hūn, yīnwèi duì duìfāng méishénme gǎnqíng liǎng gèrén hěn kuài jiù yànjuànle duìfāng, zhǎole gè jīhuì fēnbié pǎo dào sēnlín lǐ, zhè liǎng rén zài sēnlín lǐ míle lù, yòu yù dàole duìfāng, wèile huómìng, juédìng hé duìfāng dāi zài yīqǐ.)
Becky: So they had to live with each other for survival. A great chance for them to fall in love.
Chloe: 没错,然后一天,这两人在一颗大树下休息时遇到了一群蜜蜂,他们想把蜜蜂赶走,结果反而被蛰得满头包,于是他俩点起了火,冲着树上烧,火烧毁了蜂窝,让蜂蜜流了出来。(Méi cuò, ránhòu yītiān, zhè liǎng rén zài yī kē dà shù xià xiūxí shí yù dàole yīqún mìfēng, tāmen xiǎng bǎ mìfēng gǎn zǒu, jiéguǒ fǎn'ér bèi zhé dé mǎn tóu bāo, yúshì tā liǎ diǎn qǐle huǒ, chōngzhe shù shàng shāo, huǒ shāohuǐle fēngwō, ràng fēngmì liúle chūlái.)
Becky: Let me guess. They tasted the honey and found it delicious.
Chloe: 对,他俩发现蜂蜜非常好吃,在森林里的日子全靠蜂蜜填肚子,一个月后被人从森林里救了出来,经过这段时间的相依为命,他们彼此都爱上了对方,从此幸福的生活在了一起。这就是蜜月的由来。 (Duì, tā liǎ fāxiàn fēngmì fēicháng hào chī, zài sēnlín lǐ de rìzi quán kào fēngmì tián dùzi, yīgè yuè hòu bèi rén cóng sēnlín lǐ jiùle chūlái, jīngguò zhè duàn shíjiān de xiāngyīwéimìng, tāmen bǐcǐ dōu ài shàngle duìfāng, cóngcǐ xìngfú de shēnghuó zàile yīqǐ. Zhè jiùshì mìyuè de yóulái.)
Becky: I see. So it should actually be called honey month. Listeners, do you agree? Okay now let’s move on to the vocab. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is.
Chloe: 游客 (yóukè)
Becky: Tourist.
Chloe: 游客 (yóukè)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 清澈 (qīngchè)
Becky: Clear, crisp.
Chloe: 清澈 (qīngchè)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 蜜月 (mìyuè)
Becky: Honeymoon.
Chloe: 蜜月 (mìyuè)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 俗 (sú)
Becky: Common, vulgar.
Chloe: 俗 (sú)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 人人 (rénrén)
Becky: Everyone.
Chloe: 人人 (rénrén)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 不如 (bùrú)
Becky: Not up to, inferior to.
Chloe: 不如 (bùrú)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 细腻 (xìnì)
Becky: Fine and smooth.
Chloe: 细腻 (xìnì)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 跟团 (gēn tuán)
Becky: Tour, group traveling.
Chloe: 跟团 (gēn tuán)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 自由行 (zìyóu xíng)
Becky: Self guided tour.
Chloe: 自由行 (zìyóu xíng)
Becky: Next
Chloe: 人生地不熟 (rén shēng dì bù shú)
Becky: Stranger.
Chloe: 人生地不熟 (rén shēng dì bù shú)
Becky: And last
Chloe: 攻略 (gōnglüè)
Becky: Tips.
Chloe: 攻略 (gōnglüè)
Becky: Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Chloe: 今天我们学习的第一个词是:不如。(Jīntiān wǒmen xuéxí de dì yī gè cí shì: Bùrú.
Becky: It’ an adverb and it means not as good as or inferior to.
Chloe: “不如”这个词跟“比不上”差不多,用法也差不多,但是它更加书面化一点。我们先来看两个由不如组成的常见短语:百闻不如一见。(“Bùrú” zhège cí gēn “bǐ bù shàng” chàbùduō, yòngfǎ yě chàbùduō, dànshì tā gèngjiā shūmiàn huà yīdiǎn. Wǒmen xiān lái kàn liǎng gè yóu bu rú zǔchéng de chángjiàn duǎnyǔ: Bǎi wén bùrú yī jiàn.)
Becky: It’s better to see once than hear a 100 times.
Chloe: 远亲不如近邻。(Yuǎnqīn bùrú jìnlín.)
Becky: Adjacent relative isn’t as good as a close neighbor.
Chloe: 作为歌手,我不如我姐姐。(Zuòwéi gēshǒu, wǒ bùrú wǒ jiějiě.)
Becky: As a singer, I am not in the same class as my older sister.
Chloe: 他的经验不如他的朋友。(Tā de jīngyàn bùrú tā de péngyǒu.)
Becky: He has less experience than his friend.
Chloe: “不如”还可以和“与其”搭配,组成“与其”怎么样,“不如”怎么样这个句型。(“Bùrú” hái kěyǐ hé “yǔqí” dāpèi, zǔchéng “yǔqí” zěnme yàng,“bùrú” zěnme yàng zhège jù xíng.)
Becky: This pattern is equal to its better to, than or would rather than in English. Let’s have a look at some examples.
Chloe: 与其做火车,不如坐船。(Yǔqí zuò huǒchē, bùrú zuò chuán.)
Becky: It’s better to go by boat than by train.
Chloe: 与其看电视,我还不如睡觉。(Yǔqí kàn diànshì, wǒ hái bùrú shuìjiào.)
Becky: I’d rather sleep than watch TV.
Chloe: 与其事后补救,不如防患于未然。(Yǔqí shìhòu bǔjiù, bùrú fáng huàn yú wèirán.)
Becky: To forestall is better than to amend.
Chloe: 这条裙子与其说是深蓝色的,不如说是黑色的。(Zhè tiáo qúnzi yǔqí shuō shì shēnlán sè de, bùrú shuō shì hēisè de.
Becky: This dress is more black in color than dark blue. All right, so what’s the next word?
Chloe: 下一词是:细腻。(Xià yī cí shì: Xìnì.)
Becky: It’s an adjective that means fine and smooth.
Chloe: 没错,比如说:她的皮肤很细腻。(Méi cuò, bǐrú shuō: Tā de pífū hěn xìnì.)
Becky: Her skin is fine and smooth.
Chloe: 这块玉的质地很细腻。(Zhè kuài yù de zhídì hěn xìnì.)
Becky: This jade has a fine texture.
Chloe: 我们刚才举的这两个例子里,“细腻”是跟具体存在的物体放在一起使用的。这时候它的意思就跟Becky讲的一样,是物体表面细致光滑的意思。细腻这个词还可以修饰一些抽象的名词,这个时候它的意思会有一些不同。(Wǒmen gāngcái jǔ de zhè liǎng gè lìzi lǐ,“xìnì” shì gēn jùtǐ cúnzài de wùtǐ fàng zài yīqǐ shǐyòng de. Zhè shíhòu tā de yìsi jiù gēn Becky jiǎng de yīyàng, shì wùtǐ biǎomiàn xìzhì guānghuá de yìsi. Xìnì zhège cí hái kěyǐ xiūshì yīxiē chōuxiàng de míngcí, zhège shíhòu tā de yìsi huì yǒu yīxiē bùtóng.)
Becky: In this case, it means minute or subtle.
Chloe: 对,没错,咱们来看第一个例子,男主人公的性格刻画的非常细腻。(Duì, méi cuò, zánmen lái kàn dì yī gè lìzi, nán zhǔréngōng dì xìnggé kèhuà de fēicháng xìnì.)
Becky: The character of the hero is depicted subtly.
Chloe: 这个幻境是以细腻的笔法描绘出来的。(Zhège huànjìng shì yǐ xìnì de bǐfǎ miáohuì chūlái de.)
Becky: This fantasy is embellished with minute detail.
Chloe: 即使是最细腻的情感也是可以表达的很清楚的。(Jíshǐ shì zuì xìnì de qínggǎn yěshì kěyǐ biǎodá de hěn qīngchǔ de.)
Becky: It’s possible to express with vicinity the most subtle affections. Okay now on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Becky: In this lesson, you will learn about
Chloe: 咱们今天要学习一个表示选择的句型叫:怎么怎么样,还是怎么怎么样。(Zánmen jīntiān yào xuéxí yīgè biǎoshì xuǎnzé de jù xíng jiào: Zěnme zěnme yàng, háishì zěnme zěnme yàng.)
Becky: In English, we have the conjunction or to offer options.
Chloe: 是的,我们今天要学的这个句型的用法就类似于英语里的 (Shì de, wǒmen jīntiān yào xué de zhège jù xíng de yòngfǎ jiù lèisì yú yīngyǔ lǐ de) or.
Becky: How do we use this pattern then?
Chloe: 很简单,只需要把“还是”这个词放在每一个选项的前面就可以了,不过在第一个选项的前面不可以用“还是”。(Hěn jiǎndān, zhǐ xūyào bǎ “háishì” zhège cí fàng zài měi yīgè xuǎnxiàng de qiánmiàn jiù kěyǐle, bùguò zài dì yī gè xuǎnxiàng de qiánmiàn bù kěyǐ yòng “háishì”.)
Becky: So we put the word before each option except the first one.
Chloe: 没错,要注意保持各个选项的词性一致,如果第一个选项是名词,那么后面的选项也得是名词,另外这个句型要用在问句里。好,我们来看一些例子:你上午去还是下午去?(Méi cuò, yào zhùyì bǎochí gège xuǎnxiàng de cíxìng yīzhì, rúguǒ dì yī gè xuǎnxiàng shì míngcí, nàme hòumiàn de xuǎnxiàng yě dé shì míngcí, lìngwài zhège jù xíng yào yòng zài wèn jù lǐ. Hǎo, wǒmen lái kàn yīxiē lìzi: Nǐ shàngwǔ qù háishì xiàwǔ qù?)
Becky: Are you going in the morning or in the afternoon.
Chloe: 你趴着睡还是仰着睡?(Nǐ pāzhe shuì háishì yǎngzhe shuì?)
Becky: Do you sleep on your back or on your front?
Chloe: 这些书你要看吗,还是要借给他?(Zhèxiē shū nǐ yào kàn ma, háishì yào jiè gěi tā?)
Becky: Do you need these books or will you lend them to him?
Chloe: 我们是走路呢还是打的呢?(Wǒmen shì zǒulù ne háishì dǎ di ne?)
Becky: Shall we walk or take a taxi?
Chloe: 你的咖啡要加糖还是牛奶?(Nǐ de kāfēi yào jiātáng háishì niúnǎi?)
Becky: Would you like sugar or milk in your coffee?
Chloe: 今天学习的句型很简单,但是很常用,大家要记得复习。(Jīntiān xuéxí de jù xíng hěn jiǎndān, dànshì hěn chángyòng, dàjiā yào jìdé fùxí.)


Becky: Okay. That’s it for this lesson.
Chloe: Get instant access to all of our language learning lessons.
Becky: With any subscription, instantly access our entire library of audio and video lessons.
Chloe: Download the lessons or listen or watch online.
Becky: Put them on your phone or another mobile device and listen, watch and learn anywhere.
Chloe: Lessons are organized by level. So progress in other one level at a time
Becky: Or skip around to different lessons. It’s up to you.
Chloe: Instantly access them all right now.
Becky: Thanks for listening and we will see you next time. Bye everyone.
Chloe: 今天的课就到这里,我们下次见。(Jīntiān de kè jiù dào zhèlǐ, wǒmen xià cì jiàn.) Bye bye.

